>"This is Sherry!"
>"Uh... um... okay???"
Was it autism?
>"This is Sherry!"
>"Uh... um... okay???"
Was it autism?
Other urls found in this thread:
Leon just isn't good with kids, he's like that with the little girl in the gun store too.
he just didn't give a damn anymore, he barely made it onto the train at all
Seriously, this. Fuck you to that monstrosity that wasn't even remotely close to human.
cute and funnypilled
so the no way fag doesn't apply to everyone huh, really makes you think
Uhhhh mods????
Leon aint no god damn pedophile
he's got a thing for pregnant young girls is all
claire is busted up and so is ashley
Thought I was the only one who thought this scene was hilarious.
Is there anywhere I can actually watch this?
snitch faggot
I wish we could see a scenario swap where Leon has to protect sherry and claire has to deal with ada.
>ada kissing claire
I was pretty disappointed with the B scenarios in this game. If they had just gone a little farther and changed up the sewers or lab a bit, it would've been a lot better. PD was great at least.
I dont think they originally intended to have B scenarios, but they caved to fan pressure and changed it up to include them at the last second. They probably originally just intended to have Leon's and Claire's A scenarios be more different
Claire would have straight up shot Ada dead. Leon wouldn't have survived with Sherry.
Guys I got the c+f Sherry model rite now, what do?
More like Ada would have shot Claire
have sex with it
Leon's a fag who didn't want a daughter and wife
But I don't have a model of an ugly fat bastard only chisled buff duders
Why would they shoot eachother? If Ada never finds Leon then she could use Claire just as much
Probably fell in love at first sight
What is this from? I keep seeing it
A recently released episode of To Catch a Predator
Bullshit, really? That's hilarious.
You see, Leon is no cuck. He doesn't know if she's her kid or what.
I love Claire.
They still make that show? Does it still have Chris Hansen? I've never even seen the show, I just loved the memery in the old days of there being a thumbnail that looked like loli but then you'd open it and it'd be Chris Hansen.
The full episode is taken down from youtube, so this is the best I can find youtube.com
hahaha she'd have to be like 9 max when she birthed her, if he was just guessing their ages
Based Hansen still out there bagging pedos.
not completely out of the question
He could've guessed wrong and she could have been in her mid 20s, you never know.
He saw Claire and wanted to have a "thank god we're still alive" fuck. Then he saw there was a kid there so it was 100% he couldn't fuck Clair on the floor of the train.
he could but he'd be nuts, she looks younger than she is if anything
Then go to /fit/ instead of Yea Forums for the next few months. Then you'll be a chiseled sperg with no gf instead of a fat sperg with no gf.
Yeah, but it's called crime watch daily. So his segments are the draw and they have other pieces to fill around it.
Does she smell of dick cheese by the end, user?
Intradasting, have some more Hansen.
Holy shit he looks so old, what happened?
she probably smells like pure shit but so does he so he's used to it
I only know Sherry from the SFM porn. Is she a good character?
They would have shot their fingers in each other pusy
think of the "innocent little girl" character type
thats what she is
That's what she is in the porn, so great.
He was flustered and failed at playing it cool
pls forgive Leon, his model is all fucked up and I'm too much of a dumb frogposter to fix it
you should play the game, it's pretty good
is leon a soiboi?
I want to cum on Sherrys pre teen bush
are these models open on your computer right now?
I can relate. I have no idea how to talk to kids at all. Am I supposed to dumb down my vocabulary?
Head back to /r/frenworld you fucking trans rights faggot.
what the fuck is that?
>I have no idea how to talk to kids at all. Am I supposed to dumb down my vocabulary?
Go watch Mrs. Doubtfire. You don't talk down to kids, you just talk to them. Y'know, unless they're being stupid, but don't mistake ignorance and curiosity for stupidity
people get older, maybe he was in his young 40s when he started out but that was like 15 years ago
That's confirmed by the devs. They originally wanted there to be just two stories. One for Leon and one for Claire. Word got out and fans got pissy about it and started sperging. And now we have the final product, regarding the different stories.
Classic Monkey Paw. Then again, it didn't seem like they had much up their sleeve regardless.
yeah I'm sure Leon and Claire would both still fight G1-G3 at least. Be nice if they gave more unique bosses to each character though
He wants the Ada and Helena puss.
I really wish they included a streets section for the B Scenario, and a separate area for a lab. Even if they only took 10 minutes to get through it would have made the whole package feel far more fleshed out.
It'd be nice but I guess they felt they didn't have to since the lab was never big in the first place. Claire's streets section takes pretty much the exact same amount of time to get through as the opening streets section in OG RE2: both around 5 minutes
You never get to go there as Leon though, and it’s also shit that he never gets a chance to meet Chief Irons. So many missed opportunities, the game really feels like it’s only 70% complete. Sad that we waited all this time and they even commissioned that gay little song for for a zapping system that was even more undercooked than it was in a fucking PS1 game. I’m upset because RE2R could have easily been perfect if they’d just given it a few more months, but nothing is allowed to get the time it needs anymore, and now we’ll always be stuck with an 8/10 that had the reasonable potential to be a 10/10. Fucking wasted.
Nah, I'm good.
it's unfortunate, but I blame Capcom suits. This game was made by the newer RE "B-team" that made Revelations 2, and they never got the time or budget for their project that like RE7 did, for example. Just look at the complete lack of DLC it has compared to RE7
To Catch A Predator was a Dateline thing. He does it on his own now with the Kickstarter money and the Crime Watch Daily YouTube channel.
They were originally including a streets section in the B-scenario. The B-scenario would have been Claire. If you look at the parts that were recreated in the remake, one scenario has the burning wreckage and the gun shop, in a completely different order than they originally were. Another scenario has the underpass, the basketball court and the bus, also in a different order. The areas are there, they were just never planning to have 4 scenarios.
Leon's character is very well acted in this game. You can tell he's trying really hard to be "a cop" and do everything as he was taught, since he's a rookie, and that it also makes him a bit nervous/awkward around some other people because he feels he has to live up to their expectations of him.
Then he gets to meet Ada, and none of that awkwardness is there because she clearly knows what she's doing, and then when she betrays him his cop mode justice instinct kicks in and he gets pissed.
I really didn't expect to care this much about characters in a fucking Capcom game, but the mocap actors and script writers really sold it.
Leon's actor is completely incapable of emoting anything he says though. Just listen to him say "Damn. Need a keycard." His delivery is flatter than Ada's hapa ass.
I liked when he yelled "FFFFUCK!"
bros is it just me or does sherry kinda look like chris chan somewhat
Didn't they catch a senator on this show and it got shut the fuck down?
Talking about Chris Chan as a child, in the top right a little bit yeah maybe
yeah because he killed himself with a pistol when they were trying to arrest him on the show. He was just a Texas assistant district attorney though
Care about Claire
For the incidental lines I don't know if they were really given any context to work with
That's not an incidental line. It's the start of a major cutscene.
Just use Chief Irons.
hol up whats going on here?
She is practicing chiropracty on someone's shoulder while they have their arm raised
Claire protects Sherry.
In all fairness, if I went through all the shit Leon did, I'd probably be so fucking exhausted I wouldn't have a good response either.
she looks like she fucks asian guys
oh wait...
Imagine if Sherry kissed Leon haha
There's a man goin' 'round takin' names
And he decides who to free and who to blame
Everybody won't be treated all the same
There'll be a golden ladder reachin' down
When the man comes around
That would be legal in most EU countries lmao
i need to fap to this agian
She's a 20 year old something, looking like a 15-16 year old pretending to be 12.
Man, how would YOU react if your first day at a new workplace you survived a zombie outbreak, found out CoverGirl was secretly working for the government developing bioweapons, fought off a massive muscle titan and just barely caught the last train out of an exploding underground lab only to meet up with that cute chick you met hours ago and find her with some kid that she introduces to you like she's her daughter?
>pretending to be 12
She looks 17/18, and this fucker thought she was really 12? lmao what a loser
Holy shit that girl is sexy.
no way, fag
RE protagonists don't shoot or kill humans unless they're mutated. The only time I can recall it happening was when Steve shot Alfred.
>If anyone is gonna impregnate my daughter, its going to be me!
She is, you're right
Or you know, when Jill blew Nikolai out of the fucking sky with an anti-tank rocket.
>expecting people on Yea Forums to know what 12 years old look like
>or anyone for that matter
don't try
God I wish that was me
Not canon.
Fuck I would like to stick my penis in her vagina if you know what I mean.
>says he has no motivation
>drives hours for underage pussy
Waste of fucking space, that absolute fucking unit
Holy finna based
>t. soon to be guest stars on Hanssen vs predator
he's not that based. I posted that same link 13 posts above his
Should've posted it with a cute anime girl pic so we would notice.
Relax. She's 19 years old. She just pretends to be a kid to get the guy through the door.
Dude she's has to be like in her 20's
THat would be very sad though
Ok, you're off the hook for now, but try any thing cute, or funny that matter
Bros... He's just like meexcept I'm not fat. maybe we should be more sympathetic we all could have turned out like him.
>meet cute girl
>spill spaghetti
Seems about right to me.
>... Okay????
Leon was exhausted after what went down, his line is perfectly reasonable.
Haha fuck no, hang him high and you get some fucking help ASAP.
What model is this?
What are you rendering in?
Did you even watch it he's exactly like us 4channers.
God-tier animator, I don't know how he does it. I want to see this one but I don't think it's out
No, not really. He's just a shit.
What are they gonna do on the couch, Yea Forums?