>the party member that hates your guts at first eventually comes around
The party member that hates your guts at first eventually comes around
why are cats so autistic?
solitary animals, usually uncomfortable in social situations.
Dr Autism
Nia from xc2
ironically she is a cat too
I'm not a cat bro
Meow kitty-kat :3
They're the animal form of Seto Kaiba.
both animals are playing fudgepacker.
>the party member that hates you has a romance route
>for both paragon and renegade
That's why cats are the best.
Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru
Literally me
Just goes to show how based dogs are that they can and should effortlessly kill and eat these autistic little things, but restrain themselves for the sake of their human buddies. My dog got attacked by a squirrel once. Have you ever seen a dog thrash a squirrel? Like, no holds barred, real deal animalistic instinct to kill? The spine is gone in seconds.
I need a dog.
Fuck /an/ posters
Domestic cats are really fucking dumb. Their brains have half the neurons of a domestic dog brain because they evolved to be solitary hunters and not for being social. Dogs are friendly and trusting because they are social creatures.
What the fuck did I just watch? This is something that wasn't even human intervention but nature in the works. Did it just lick that dog?
trips of cute. CUTE
I like cats better than dogs. I don't like having to live around an animal's retarded social games. *tips fedora*Same goes for humans
Wish there was a way to make him realize how dumb Henrietta was.
>cats are territorial as fuck
>dog comes around and cat gets aggressive
>dog takes subservient body posture and cat chills out and marks the dog as it's own
the cat was visibly annoyed but calmed down when the dog backed off and lied down, showing that it meant no harm, so the cat came in, investigated its smell and appreciated it enough to give him a lil bit of a lick
Don't cats rub their faces/bodies on things they want to mark? Licking is for grooming
cats are sweet
knowing that you've broken down the armor that keeps them being solitary and they become extremely affectionate towards you, there's no better feeling than making a friend like that
She looks just like my doggy when she was babe, but without the "panda" discoloration.
Based cat did nothing wrong, from its perspective that dog is fucking huge and unknown and it's probably freaking out.
One the dog backed off and showed submission it was willing to be friendly anyway.
it's normal cat behaviour yes
it would be abnormal for the cat to be instantly fine with the dog
Like I said. Tsunderes
My nigga. This guy had such potential for bromance but is clearly orbiting the duchess or whatever she is.
Dogs run up and hug everyone.
Cats, you need to earn their trust.
I can just imagine you telling this to anyone in person and them just staring at you dumbfounded, how could someone this sociopathic not be in jail by now
1st worlders can eat shit, they are always surprised and stunned by lots of things in real life which are quite normal everyday shit, pathetic degenerates, I tell you what
Look at the cat's tail and ears, it's only play-fighting.
So is the dog, for that matter.
Dogs evolved to get along with other animals on farms like cats, horses, sheep, pigs, cows and chickens
>1st worlders
Thanks for the insight. I think I understand these insane posts that pop up once in a while. Good english by the way
why are german shpards so based? They have the intensity and power of a pit yet the grace and friendliness of a retriver and a australian shpard.
Cute. Did they fuck after?
t. pitbull owner
fuck off tripfag
Unironically based.
He isn't wrong, though. Animals eat things and to think you find him a sociopath because he stated the fact makes you a whiney, sheltered bitch.
I've seen the family dog thrash an outsider cat, by order of the family house cat. Like, no joke, our cat was supervising the whole thing from a high spot
>the party member who keeps messing up
Shit like that's why I try to keep the dogs and cats separate. Divide and conquer.
>dogs are that they can and should effortlessly kill and eat these autistic little things
I'm well aware they're animals and that nature is full of death. Doesn't mean I think dogs should be killing cats. He said it to be inflammatory and it's just ridiculous. If this guy said any of that to people in his daily life, he'd have even less friends than he already does.
kek, I just pictured it like a roman Colosseum where the cat is doing the thumb thing
>the party member that leaves permanently if you reveal your homolust and buttfucking degeneracy to the group
I don't care about your thread, but that webm warms my heart. Thank you, OP.
I want to cuddle on both of them.
pretty sure he was talking about the dog killing a squirrel for hitting it and not a cat
There are people who are black?
lmao epic
You are beyond retarded. They're obviously playing. This is how animals play. The cat is casually sitting half the time and playfully wiggling its tail while the dog refrains from biting its fucking head off. The dog then lowers its body, another sign of playfulness, and the cat decides to quit and just chill out.
You're watching animal power play in two languages.
The dog's submitting to the cat, probably surprised by the cat's willingness to escalate to violence and his own inability to get in close during the mock-fight that followed. Note how he starts the video towering over and staring right at the cat, and ends it lying down and avoiding direct eye contact.
The cat starts off intimidated by the relative size difference, and is purely fighting defensively, complete with warning swats. When the dog suddenly lies down, the cat interprets it as a sign of passivity/contentment (an enemy cat would have fucked off after losing a fight), approaches reluctantly, and grooms him as a sign of bonding.
Roll over.
>playfully wiggling its tail
Cats also thrash their tails when they're agitated. Fuckers are hard to read.
Why are dog owners such dumb shits?
i understood that reference
He posted in the thread when all the posts before it were talking about cats. The topic at the time was cats
>should effortlessly kill and eat these autistic little things
>these autistic little things
Pretty sure "these" is in reference to cats. Cats aren't inherently special, they don't deserve life more than other animals, but with how their valued in society over other wild animals or agricultural animals, it's a pretty unhinged statement to make.
If you want to introduce them, do it indoors. They'll probably fight a bit like OP's video, but it's much safer for the cat inside.
Outside, the dog has more room to run and jump around, and is more likely to scare the cat into running away since all that movement freaks them out. Unfortunately, dogs don't run away from each other when they've had enough (they lie down, like the video), so they'll think that the running is just part of the game, and will probably give chase. This could lead to the cat seriously hurting the dog out of fear, or the dog seriously hurting the cat due to over-excitement. It's the same response that's triggered when a dog sees a fleeing squirrel.
Inside, the cat's more likely to be able to escape if he needs it, and the dog's less likely to frighten the cat with all the running and jumping.
from a dog's perspective yeah they should kill and eat cats but they don't because they're trained not to. that's possible food for them.
People like you are fucking creepy
the cat's body language is aggressive, idk what you're talking about
I wonder if the ice cream was good
>from a dog's perspective yeah they should kill and eat cats
You're either projecting your own violent tendencies into dogs, or you've only owned baby-eating shitbulls.
>Dogs literally look at small furry objects and see food
No they don't you fucking retard, dogs have an instinct to CHASE small things, not mindlessly devour them. Our dog used to love chasing wild rabbits out of our backyard, but when we got a pet rabbit he treated it like a puppy. The difference was that the wild rabbits ran and triggered the chasing instinct, while the pet rabbit didn't give a fuck and didn't mind hopping right up to the dog.
What's his wrestling name?
You're retarded, if the cat's body language was intended to be aggressive in any way its tail would be bushed.
It's not illegal to be a sociopath.
You're wrong. Bristling tail means the cat is pissed or agitated. The cat in op is flicking it's tail and keeps putting it's ears back, both signify aggressiveness.
>Look at the cat's tail and ears, it's only play-fighting.
>party members follow you in the overworld by repeating your keyboard inputs
this just in most mammals aren't random murders and only kill when hungry
taking care of an animal and feeding it is going to make it not kill for food. of course you'll have stuff like cats goin' for birds regardless but they do it at a much lower rate and generally aren't randomly murdering everything around
Serious question, why is it always dog (only) owners who are this autistic and have an unreasonable, abhorrent hatred for cats for no reason other than they're most like really shitty people and treat their pets poorly?
I have both and they're both amazing companions for different reasons, I rarely see cat only owners sperg out about wanting to kill all dogs etc, it's always autistic dog only owners.
Do you think... Love blooms... On the battlefield...?
Dogs = normies and niggers
Cats = old roasties and autistic social outcasts
doggos are autistic themselves
i own a dachshund and she's eaten several baby rabbits. not every breed is the same retard.
>I rarely see cat only owners sperg out about wanting to kill all dogs etc
el gato fuego
it's about even from both sides
On a sidenote, what is it about cats and horror authors? Seems like a vast majority of those who write fucked up fiction also prefer cats as their pet of choice.
t. redditor
Die newfag
>Look at the cat's tail and ears, it's only play-fighting.
You're retarded.
Cute cat.
>dogs = the first animal ever domesticated by humans in eurasia that has been with us for over 10,000 years, evolving to do literally anything we want them to
>cats = animal that came from north africa, shits in a box and kills local wildlife, stupid as hell
>play fighting
Cats don't wiggle their tail when having fun/excited like dogs, they do it in stressful situations or when in danger.
They also do it when playing because playing excites them and they literally get frustrated if the play does not continue, like in this case when the dog does not play along.
Cat owner here, would love to have a Huskie but my apartment is too tiny and I would have to leave it alone for 10 hours daily, the Cat can survive on its own for 2 days or more as long as it has water and food.
Cats don't attack children without provocation
shut up nigger
Cats also wiggle their tail when they're playing because they're ready to murder then
the dog is excited and wants to play. Generally when a dog is panting and ears are upwards that is a positive sign. Getting down while ears are up is an invitation tell which is when the cat started licking it
Your dog might win and and survive a fight against a cat, his muzzle and eyes won't, specially of there is more than one cat you can count on a dead dog unless you're talking about a big German Shepherd or something.
>taming failed
Bet his biychass was pitching rocks earlier real talk
>Licking is for grooming
Licking is also used to apply their scent. Ever touched a cat with something foreign in your hand or after touching something that smells differently? They'll immediately lick that spot to mask the new scent with their own.
It's amusing that cartoons have created the stereotype that cats are sly geniuses and dogs are dumb brutes, since in reality it's the complete opposite.
How do I get rid of 5 feral cats that are constantly fucking in my backyard. Every night I hear them screaming like retards.
>Dogs are better pets than cats because they are smarter and can do things that benefit me
I've never understood this mentality. Isn't the first and foremost purpose of a pet to be a buddy? Something to pet and coddle to get rid of stress? Anything else beyond that is not really a point towards being a pet, more like being a servant.
i hope that's just a wig
>catch them
>you can test yourself against your party members
>if they win they will taunt you
nah it's his scalp
clearly some stray nigger dog. it doesn't even have a collar.
eat some catfood so you get sick and want to sleep and then sleep through the cat noise.
Dogs are not just better pets. They are better in every way. Companionship. Working. Guardian animals. Pest killers. Military.
Get some cat deterrent spray and saturate your yard with it
A stray, eh? So would you say that it's a dog acting how a dog would act without human influence?
imagine being a manlet
This, pet owners are mentally ill
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Free roam cats are destroying species.
yes. it's an untrained animal.
This thread makes me sad because my dog who was my best friend for 16 years died 2 days ago. I've had other fogs before but this one I really loved like a family member. How the fuck do I cope with this?
Pic related last picture I took of him when he was still healthy
Actually, cats would be much better drug/bomb sniffers than dogs. The problem is that trainers cannot figure out what motivates cats, since the whole clicker + treat shebang that works almost universally with dogs works only on a handful of cats.
Cat poison
They are not autistic. In that video, both animals were playing the whole way through, you can tell by their ears. Cats, particularly, tuck their ears back and hiss a lot when they actually fight, and keep their ears up and are quiet and alert when they are just playing.
In the end when animals "play" all they really do is simulate and practice hunting.
it just takes time.
He's a cute one man. I am sorry for your loss, people on the outside really undervalue exactly how hard losing a pet can be. The best way to deal with it is to just heal over time and do so knowing that you gave him the best possible life a dog can have; one where he's with his family that he loves, and that genuinely loves him too.
My cat died on my hands a week ago. You can't really cope this that. This shit will be with you forever. Maybe not that painful. My grandma's cat died like 20 years ago and she still sad from time to time.
Thank them for making your yard clear of any critter or serious bug.
Dogs are sociable but you're autistic if you think that means you've won their loyalty.
There's no real way to handle a loss like that easily. Alway remember that 16 years is basically like 85 years for a human, and that's a really long life. I'm sure your dog was happy for 99.5% of that time, and the 0.5% were the moments where he thought you left but a second later realised that you just went to another room.
holy fucking based
>Pest killers.
Imagine being this ignorant.
Also cats would be better at most of those if they gave a fuck, which they don't.
>that party member that's incredibly racist and sexist and will eventually snap and cause problems unless you bully him from day one
guess the game
No, they're actually very easy to read you're just not looking in the right place. Cat's main tool is their ears, you can tell if a cat is afraid or going to attack if they tuck away their ears. Hell they often will only turn their ears your way but not look over with their eyes, when you call out to them.
>cannot figure out what motivates cats
cats have half the neurons of dogs
they're just too stupid for that kind of work
Fuck you moron there is an article about it. It was some neighbors dog. Maybe take 5 seconds before typing faggot.
Oh no no look at the top of his head heheehahaha
>Dogs are not just better pets. They are better in every way.
Depends. Do you want an animal that is dirty (because taking them outside is basically mandatory for normal sized dogs), jumps on you, licks you, barks, and is annoying in general?
Drug dogs can be tricked, just like the dogs the Nazis used to sniff out Jews.
>Guardian animals.
Every time I've entered someone's house that has a dog that's never met me, it's either super friendly and thinks I'm automatically it's friend or just barks at me. An alarm system would do the same thing but better.
>Pest killers.
I've never seen a dog kill an animal that wasn't a rabbit, kitten, other dog, or human.
Dogs blow up just like humans.
>pest killers
replace those dogs with a bunch of cats and it would be a joke
you've got no argument no need for a massive wall of text
it's the other way around, retard
>you've got no argument
Only if you're too retarded to understand it
Dog owners have some weird god animal companion complex going on for sure
It's a scientific fact
Nah, they can be trained for simple tasks like identifying different kind of scents and acting in a certain way when a certain scent is identified. It's when you get to stuff that requires several steps (like rescue operations) when you go over their intellectual capacity.
Those videos are very satisfying
>they evolved to be solitary hunters and not for being social
what a load of retarded bullshit lmao
He's letting her win. Even if it's not sexual the physical intimacy he's feeling right now must be fucking surreal. Feeling her skin, her bosom, her thighs. God I wish that were me.
It's clear that the cat wanted to approach the dog but its reflexes kicked in.
Cats are animals that aren't physically strong, they'd much rather conserve energy, laze around and avoid struggle than to actively pursue tasks. This is why wildcats literally domesticated themselves eons ago.
They cannot be trained because the reason they're in your care instinctively is to be fed without having to hunt or work at all.
You must be confusing neurons with toxoplasma parasites
domestic cats are descended from solitary north african wildcats you fuckhead
No it wouldn't, in fact that's the only scenario where dogs can actually deal with pests, cats aren't famous for getting rid of every pest in their vicinity for no reason.
And dogs are descendant from wolves, your point?
Cat have been the same and evolved by themselves while the dogs you have right now are cross bred wolves that became retarded slaves.
>cat too dumb to fetch the stick
>dude it's totally just not interested that's so cool
what an autist
>cats aren't famous for getting rid of every pest in their vicinity for no reason
cats are really good at obliterating local wildlife because stupid toxo infected owners let them roam free though
>anthropormphizing an animal
Indoor cats literally don't get toxoplasmosis unless you have rodents living in your house that have it and your cat eats one. And even if they do ingest it, it only stays in their body for up to two weeks.
wrong word sweaty
you're the one projecting human traits onto a fucking cat like a sperg
t. Pitbull owner
How many kids have he chew today?
Hope you never find out what happens when a cougar is pissed with your big dog around
it's called personification you dumb faggot
I completely disagree. Dogs are annoying, rowdy, training them is a gamble, and require too much attention often some you're not able to provide with a 8am -> 6~8 pm job.
Cats are excellent companions even if they don't play all the time it's great to have them just laze around with you on your lap or just nearby. They're very fluffy and excellent hugging pillows when they allow it so.
Cats are legit de-facto pest killers. The whole reason the Ancient Man during the early days of human history allowes wildcats to live with them is so they would ear and kill the rats and rodents that wanted to pillage the fruit and seeds they foraged/harvested
>And dogs are descendant from wolves, your point?
Wolves are social animals with hierarchy. North African cats are not...
writers are all weirdo loners who post on Yea Forums
its the only reason you'd sit down in the first place and crank out a made up story
>it's great to have them just laze around with you on your lap or just nearby
sounds just like my dog. she's not very active.
Lol catfag npcs getting triggered.
Really activates my brain parasites.
where my guinea pig bros at
Lovecraft and his fedora neckbeard cultists. Pot meets kettle.
Literally everything about them is annoying
Don't do shit whatsoever
based and neetpilled
>stays laying down to hide his boner
He think he slick
They're from outer space
Nigger, have you seen what it's like when a cat is actually mad and fighting with the intent to wound/kill? Sure, a big dog is able to kill a cat if push comes to shove, but I have seen big dog breeds run away from regular housecats after receiving deep lacerations in their muzzle from the first clawing with intent behind it.
A cat will most likely die in a serious fight between a cat and a dog of any decent size, but the dog is not going to come out of it looking pretty either.
Come on, lad, a dog running to grabbing something you throw and giving it back for a treat.
A cat hiding inside a hard paper bag and making it so the bag stands in a way it conceal its silhouette to its prey is pretty smart.
A large aggressive dog breed will destroy a domestic cat with ease. The majority of dogs are not aggressive towards cats because they dont want to hurt them.
Based cat bro saving the kid.
> get dunked nerd
>cat decides it doesn't like you
>climbs all over you, tears you open with its claws and teeth
>dog decides it doesn't like you
>bites you in one spot and moves its head around
>game has elusive collectible animals
>game no longer sparks joy in you
Who taught this cat about grappling?
Did that cat just fucking wall run
>NPC's hit you back if you bother them too much
holy shit youre stupid
Me and HP Lovecraft both picked the same name for our cats and I didn’t know till after :)
Cat fights are ridiculous to behold. Two cats just clash and tumble for a second or so, then they separate again and suddenly they have wounds all over, then they do it again until one of them flees or fucking dies. It's some saturday morning cartoon shit, I tell you hwat.
Cats have maxed dex, my dude. A 1 month old cat can go up and down the stairs and run around the entire vertical space of your room, provided there's enough footing for it to jump and climb.
You can do amazing things when you weigh less than 5 kg
These are my favorite threads on Yea Forums
Dogs are noble, good spirited. They represent the sun, the clear daylight
Cats on the other hand are represented by the night, by what's occult and might hide something
>game has inescapable traps
Based kot
Based cat putting a console peasant in his place
>attacking a soiboi
>A large aggressive dog breed will destroy a domestic cat with ease
And a large agressive cat will destroy any kind of dog with ease, doesn't matter if you count a wolf
The difference is that owning large cats is illegal for some reason but large dogs who can chomp your fucking arm off not
>dog decides it doesn't like you
>bites you in one leg and tears it off
>game lets you skip all the enemies
It's hard to fight when all your blood goes to your penis.
>tearing your leg off
She grew up with all brothers
>Cats don't attack children without provocation
I beg to differ
did he sexual harass her?
oh boy this lion is in for some big ass lawsuit
Cats are among the only animals in the wild who form friendships within their species' family like a lion befriending a cheetah, then betraying each other brutally. Cats can only ever be solo which is why cats attack their owners viciously. The only reason it's not a problem is because housecats are weak and you'll just get fucked up scars rather than a bite wound.
I'd consider being excited about a PS4 provocation enough
The cat clearly felt threatened by the autistic manchild spazzing out.
>He just wanted to play
>Pot meets kettle.
>Didn't end with him getting hit by a car
shitty webm
Woah, his wig just flew off
Large dogs can do similar nasty shit but for some reason you're allowed to have one, I don't get it
This. It's pretty easy to tell because the cat lands more than a few good hits that would have caused the dog to bleed (or would have at least caught the dog's skin) had his claws actually been out. They're just playing. I've got a cat and two dogs and they play fight like this all the time.
They are beautiful dogs.
He said children.
That's a fully grown man.
ITT: antisocial ignorant retards who know jack shit about dogs or cats
both are great, phenomenal companions, but dogs will always be objectively better all around.
inb4 spergs
I have both and despise cats. They fucking suck. Don't listen, they're assholes, and they chimp out randomly as fuck. I love my cat cause he's a bro, I saved him from death on the streets so he seems cool because of it. But I've had like 5 cats before from family members and they were all assholes. My dog is the fucking man. Love him. He'd die for me in a heartbeat. I'm gonna be devastated when he dies.
dogs are shit because they smell and have too much muscle so they aren't comfy to cuddle,(not to mention dogbreath and drool) the males also view cuddling as a sign of dominance and dislike it. Kitty you can cuddle and will pur.
>have a water bowl outside underneath the carport for the dogs when I'm outside
>refresh it every day so it doesn't get nasty
>they drink out of a watering can most of the time anyway
absolutely fucking based
I don't know shit about your dog but I love him
>Soiboi getting told
The cat did us all a solid by trying to get rid of those wasted genes.
We don't care about your homeland faggot
Imagine not liking both dogs and cats. What a sad existence.
put out a bowl of cat food and lace it with rat poison.
Only if they're actually feral strays, though.
Cat body language is different from dogs/humans, so often we ignore its attempts at "fuck off" communications. The cat chills out after the dog lies down, which cats interpret as a display of submission.
Domestic cats are social animals, but engage in status fights, defend territory, etc...
Fox is the perfect animal, half dog half cat
He is a good thirsty boy.
Poor guy. Lose and he's "the pussy that lost to a girl" win and he's "the asshole who beat a girl"... He should have never let it get that far
>I've never had a healthy relationship with a dog
I sincerely pity you because a good relationship with a dog can feel so uplifting. "Man's best friend" for a reason user. Here's one of my bois
Nothing catlike about them though. It's just a small canid.
Based Tara
my dogs would grab a cat, one from one side and another from another and they would rip it apart, they have done it to like 3 cat.
And that is a good thing how exactly?
Soft boy
Yeah the dog can "play" with you, but they aren't comfortable to cuddle, and always want to be on top of you when they want to cuddle.
ugly dog btw
He big
It should be. The mentally ill should be rounded up and hidden away for society's sake.
He looks like a good boy
Literally my attention span
Out fucking skilled
My fucking dude.
t. Ramsay Bolton
This is just a puppy and you can literally see how much more intelligent it is than a cat just from its eyes.
he is, usually lol. thanks senpai
we must secure the existence of golden retrievers and a future for their golden retriever puppies.
No that's a Dalmatian, and those fuckers are just plain crazy pieces of shit.
>but they aren't comfortable to cuddle
How would you know? You said you don't like dogs, Besides cats are tiny and claw into you, You can't actually hug one
>wow it's holding a ball in his mouth, so smart!
dog owners truly are retarded
Nothing wrong here, he was carrying on like a retard. The entire family thanked the cat afterwards.
I think what you think about yourself is leaking into this post.
They always end up doing illegal or reprehensible things. Always. It's how society made them and what society secretly likes about them. The world worships evil, but will tell you it only loves good.
I was hoping it ended like that. Wild Dogs are fucking plagues.
>posting a pitbull, the niggers of dogs
they literally have lizard brains they dont count
At this point you're both shitflinging. Neither of you know anything about the pet you don't own. Cease your shitposting. Dogs can be cuddly and cats don't claw you when you hug them.
t. I own 2 dogs and 3 cats.
>says to look at they eyes
>catfag looks at its mouth
Catfags really do mirror the intelligencegence of their sub-standard animal, dont they?
Tell that to the big fluffy Samoyed I met at a pizza delivery the other day. He was so adorable.
>Oh shit this kid got his leg almost torn apart by a dog who's nearby
>Uh better leave just a second, stay there kid!
The fucking cat was smarter than the woman
Domestic dogs can do fuck all without people around. We bred the wild out of them, most can't even survive without human assistance.
Cats on the other hand have barely been domesticated. They don't need humans to survive.
Unless you're a piece of shit, owning a good-sized dog will make you friendly and outgoing, there is just no way to avoid it.
>How would you know? You said you don't like dogs
>this somehow means I've never had dogs
i like dogs as working tools, i've had a newfoundland used for getting stuff that falls off the boat and and a retriever for catching birds i shot. Dogs just aren't enjoyable to love like cats are, they are obnoxious and excited all the time and not comfortable to cuddle with for the reasons I listed.
For the record all my cats are obese for optimal cuddling. I like the fur found on russian breeds, an in between of long and short hair.
>Domestic dogs can do fuck all without people around
In third world countries dogs form packs and do pretty well. It's the shitty little genetic dead end breeds made for city dwellers that would die off. Dingoes are descended from domestic dogs.
Cat people consider cats their equal, and to be honest, so do I.
I wonder who is filming this and why. Did they pick up a stray dog to have it killed by the tiger for entertainment or is it their dog and they thought this would be a good idea?
He tolerated it and thought you were playing. Dog is uncomfortable with man on top, and body is too hard under the fur, which most dogs don't have like Samoyed. Cat belly is like a marshmellow, dog is like a coconut.
>The difference is that owning large cats is illegal for some reason
Probably because large cats are infinitly more dangerous than large dogs.
A woman made this post.
>Spell that only triggers when you're brought down to 0 HP
Fuck off Russkie.
I didn't make any moral judgement if it was good o bad, I'm just saying. one of my dogs was very aggressive to other animals, now she died another one is completely fine with cats on his own
sure thing fren
same desu
i love dogs more and always had a family dog but my current lifestyle just wouldnt work with one
you need to meet more crazy cat ladies
Really makes you think
I think user meant "intelligent" tasks when he said that dogs cannot do jack shit without humans, not survival. Almost any animal can adapt to a life in the wild, but if dogs really were as intelligent as they are touted to be, they would display that intelligence in the wild as well.
Usually scavaging human waste, though, rather than behaving like actual packs. There's a reason that stray packs are almost always in cities, not in forrests or whatever.
They're almost always emaciated too.
I thought this was a late night animal thread where we post silly greentext things to relate it to video games.
Cat people are also retarded, so it checks out.
>Dogs just aren't enjoyable to love like cats are
That's entirely subjective, None of my dogs ever destroyed my furniture or chewed wires, But the only cat i ever had did. Useless creatures.
No, domestic dogs don't do great at survival without people. They can just about get by by scavaging human leftovers but they can't return to the wild.
>australian shpard
I live in Australia and I am not familiar with this type of dog.
Dog intelligence varies alot. most dogs are dumb, cats are smarter than people notice because cats ignore a persons commands more often than dogs and aren't as obsessed with food. Average dog is still smarter than average cat, but dog is also more dependent on humans.
I think they are feeding it a stray or attempting to. Who knows if it ate it but it definitely killed it after the webm cut off
I love them but they are such an annoyance. I have a dog with behavioural problems towards other dogs that I'm currently correcting. Most dogs I encounter in the street just walk away or ignore him as soon as they see him get so aggressive but golden retrievers just don't fucking get it. They're so fucking oblivious and naive they see a dog showing his teeth and barking furiously and just run towards them to play. They're fucking idiots, but in an adorable way.
>it's a dog fucker thread
stop fucking dogs you mentally ill freaks
>b-but he's so smart!
Sorry to hear she died. Yeah I read it the wrong way then, like it was something of an accomplishment.
>when the toxoplasmosis kicks in
>the cat cost me money!! I can't love it!!
peak boomer. I'm talking about comfy love, as it you cuddle with kitty and she purrs. Dog love is always mixed with play or dominance.
this is a zoophilia thread
Someone post the raccoon.
Hope your dog dies tomorrow. I have such contempt for this sentimental devotion to a dumb, goofy-looking bite/bark-mongrel.
Why do nips love cats so much?
Exactly. Imagine not considering your animal your inferior lmao. Catfuckers are pathetic.
Muslim detected
they have tiny little houses and cant keep large pets
It always ends with dogniggers and catniggers fighting.
Might just be a practical thing since space is very limited over there.
There is nothing wrong with fucking animals, but on the other hand most animal fuckers groom their pets into doing so from a young age, and that's where it's wrong since it removes their agency in the matter
yeah but the dog people are the only ones posting facts while catsfags sperg out as usual
/an/ posters know this all too well
Instead, I thought you were talking about these. Australian Cattle Dogs, aka Blue Heelers. An iconic animal. I guess you could call them graceful and friendly, but mostly they're really fuckin good at herding sheep and cattle.
Border Collie x Dingo, I think.
Good guard dogs, good working dogs, playful, loyal, intelligent. A bit iffy with kids tho, they tend to try to herd them.
They don't have time to walk the dog when their job is takes 16 hours a day
It's really strange to me how anti-cat fore chayene has become. Nothing wrong dogs, except for a few things and pitts in general, but same can be applied to cats.
>m-muh toxo
I bet this bullshit is spread by anti-vaccine fags.
>enemy explodes on death
>no friendly fire, so other enemies are unscathed
>it deals damage to enemies, but you don't get any XP or loot because it doesn't count as you killing them
>It destroyed my personal belonging's, But it's ok because it's cute!
Absolute beta, And you're talking about dominance, The irony. Do you scold your dog if it shits on the floor?
/an/ will scream muh toxo and the thread will inevitably end up in meatfags vs vegetarians vs vegans
Short hair cats and dogs are fucking disgusting.
>it's another threads where retards think their extra mouth to feed gives a shit about them and is intelligent
I swear, owning a cat or dog is guaranteed to make people fucking stupid.
he just wants to play!
Nips are based but also pretty feminine.
Cats are for girls and dogs are for men, that's objective fact.
>Dog people
Wow. And since you are saying it is like that, we totally have to believe you, right? Go back to /an/ then and jerk it to whatever animal gets you off.
You always see/hear about dog owners, sticking their dicks in their pets or something something peanut butter. Never hear of that crap with cats if ever. Both you bastards weird me out, but overly passionate dog owners are suspicious. Women especially.
>Absolute beta
I declaw my cats and make them obese so i don't have to deal with animals damaging my property. I've never had a dog shit on the floor because those vermin aren't allowed in the house.
Make sure to remind your pets that you're the only reason they're alive, because you allow them to be, because you have ultmate power, just like the dog does to that cat, it decides to be nice and not kill it.
>cats kill little birdies
>cats have toxoplasmosis
Oh god, it's one of those guys, do you have something against eating coockie dough and drinking bottle water too?
Why are you guys so fucking obnoxious, you don't see cat lovers being so fucking annoying about goddamned stray dogs, you know, the ones who kill cattle, maul people and have rabies.
I've usually seen the opposite but okay
What the fuck. Are his claws really THAT sharp naturally? Or is it simply the force at which he swings the claws that turns them into knives?
>screenshake: on
Dogs are too noisy and smelly, and unbelievably greedy and disrespectful when it comes to food. I also get aggravated by their pathetic attempts to hide or "sneak" as much of their bodies as they can into rooms they are banned from entering. There is something infantile about even the smartest of them. I can't abide by dogs unless they are healthy, polite terriers or a similar size.
yes I used the term people because cat obsessed autists are subhuman and not people
>I declaw my cats and make them obese
>I've never had a dog shit on the floor because those vermin aren't allowed in the house.
You would make a good muslim
>hehe look guys the thing I feed and shelter really loves me it considers me a true friend and will do anything for me once I stop feeding it and giving it shelter
They are razor-sharp, user. That's not a comparison. They are actually, truly as sharp as razors. There's a pic of the guy afterwards as well. Walked it off like a champ.
Here is your super masculine dog bro.
Holy FUCK why are people allowed to be like this?!
>imagine actually liking dogs the biggest pests in the world
It should be legal to shoot leashless dogs on site.
this but with parents
To all you faggots discussing who would win in a fight between cats and dogs. Yes, the dog would probably win most of the time and he would also be mauled pretty badly most of the times. Depending on size and strength of each animal ofcourse.
The reason dogs typically do not want to fuck with cats is that most animals do not wanna fight each other at all. Imagine you're a some sort of animal in the wild, you have the option to fight this othr animal but the result will leave you blind and/or infected. You would only fight this other animal if there was literally no other option.
Animals that are not fucked in the head typically do not want to fight unless they deem it necessary.
And cats are very scary to fight, even for big strong dogs.
Because were not good for nothing Communists, You swine.
You are part of the problem, you double nigger. Get the fuck out.
>my love is conditional
dogtards are sub-human materialists.
cats are pissed when they move their tails like that, not like dogs
Hmm, now what is the breed of said dogs...?
Good post.
>My property and money are more important than the love I get from a pet
Just come out and say it. You don't want love, you just want property
I bet you wouldn't want to get children either because they might damage your furniture when they're playing
The most common sign of an insane dog owner is when they scream about how cats will eat your corpse if you die.
Yeah so fucking what. I'm dead. My pet can chomp away all it wants. I fucking despise Americans' obsession with open caskets and plastic surgery for corpses.
Dogs do way more home destruction than any cat could ever conceive, just the difference of not having a tendency to chew cables is enough.
>Loyalty based
>Pragmatic (bred for purpose)
>No concept of loyalty, relationship is purely resource based
>Borderline useless
You're porbably low test is why tbqh. Dogs are a MAN'S best friend. You have crazy cat LADIES. You're not a man lmao.
How can claws be sharp as razors? Do they fucking use a sharpening stone?
Dogs are notorious for chewing up things, what fantasy world do you live in?
God damn, you are so irrational and moronic.
Dogs are the actual useless creatures, they've lost their purpose in a modern world and absolutely terrible in any location that isn't rural, all they are now are dangerous liabilities to everyone around them.
But you don't give a shit about reason.
What the fuck is the point of this thread? It's just people bickering over their choice in pets. No one's ever gonna convince anyone of anything. Don't you have anything better to do?
I don't want a dog to be my friend, I have human friends. I want a dog to be my pet, and a cat is superior in this purpose.
Crazy dog ladies don't exist because a dog costs 1000% more money to sustain you mong.
Why is that cat in the previous webm saving the child then? The child is certainly not feeding it. If you can't see loyalty in that, then you are not even trying.
cats keep the rats away
>cats are useless therefore dogs are useless too
how will c*t fags ever recover
Forgot pic.
>I like this animal
>therefore other animal bad
companionship is a good enough reason to exist, your edgy, clan-like behavior is just sad
We know dogs would make great nazis and communists.
>Loyalty based
You mean you can indoctrinate them into killing intruders on your precious property.
Needy. Fake-wolves.
>Pragmatic (bred for purpose)
Get a slave then you fucking cracker. Oh wait you can't which is why you play golf (caddies and a vroom-vroom for your boomer ass) and get dog-slaves instead.
He just wants to play :)
You can actually see the feminity ooze from this post lmao.
Cats need to scratch things to keep their claws from being too sharp. It's evolution, baby.
based arabposter
>randomly as fuck
It's not that random. They just have a lot of associative memories that trigger flight or fight, and have territorial instincts too. If they're chimping out there's a reason, even if it might not be clear to you. For example when someone is blocking their exit. We usually have the instinct of talking to them, which leads us to having a stare contest with them, but that's actually not helpful cause it's what cats do when having a dispute for territory, so it only makes them more aggressive towards you in the future. What worked for me is to just act fast and maybe even ignore the cat, which if they notice it allows them a window for escape. If they're on your PC chair and get mad when you approach, just shake the chair and they'll leave.
You might think "why wouldn't I want to have a territorial dispute with my cat to showem who's the boss", but that's only going to lead to more and more disputes, unless you just want to kick the cat out.
If you have two cats that fight each other, don't follow the stupid advice of letting them decide who's the boss. It doesn't work like that, cause the fighting won't stop either way. All you can do is clap really loudly or divert their attention from each other, not by grabbing them of course like some idiots use as strawman. Sorry just wanted to rant.
I wonder if he has a toy to chew?
If you have a daughter, dont have a male dog
How new are you?
Tip of the day: Did you know arguing with strangers online is absolutely fucking pointless?
>DOGS are nazis now
This is normal. I had for 15 years german shepherd and a cat, picked up same fucking day. They only playing and this kind of situation is normal and daily. Cat always embrace dogs neck when she returned from walk. When I threw ball for the dog cat was always running with the dog. Shit was cash but now they're dead F
Not true, if you're willing to learn something new.
>>No concept of loyalty, relationship is purely resource based
Anyone who has owned a cat knows that this is a lie. Yeah, they like to be fed, no shit, but they also enjoy just being around humans. They've done studies on cats and shown that when people they are familiar with are around they get raised endorphins just like dogs do.
It's a misconception that cats don't like people, one I can assume is only perpetuated by people who don't have cats, or or too autistic to understand that cats are not dogs and show effection in different ways.
>clan-like behavior
Typical catfag. No concept of masculine ideals. Probably a fan of democracy, open borders and other communistic anti heirarchal feminine concepts.
Here's a FACT for you, men with high test are more likely to support heirarchal social structure EVEN if that does not place them at the top.
>be cat person my whole life
>many cats died because of old age
>be sad and even cry when they die
>2-3 years pass
>barely remember how they look and no longer sad anymore
>even having hard time remembering names of my first cats that i had 15 years ago
Is this normal? I'm scared.
I don't want to forget.
There is a lot of bitter people here, probably with no friends.
Where are the mods?
Just read through this thread desu.
Catards are way more vapid in their hatred.
>having a daughter
>Not getting a dog exaclty for that reason
You are doing it wrong.
Think about it logically
I've had dogs, rabbits, cats, hamsters and even fucking caterpillars, they're all great in their own different ways. Fuck you all that try to pick fights with others, you're unworthy of living with these wonderful creatures.
can't just appreciate cats, huh
have to villify and separate people into groups based on nonsensical bullshit like pet ownership
edgy child
there's arguing and there's debating
I love my daughter
Your German Shepherd will too.
Wrong on so many levels, Can your cat serve in the police or military? Can it help the blind and detect sickness? Can It even guard your home? No. An untrained dog might chew stuff, but at least you can teach it to know better, unlike cats.
Dogfags have fragile egos and need something like a dog to be adoring them and boosting their egos constantly.
Cats don't automatically do that so they hate them because they feel slighted.
you're just a human user, relatively not so far from an animal. sometimes we forget that we aren't gods because compared to critters we basically are gods.
t.man with no soul
Smaller, less dangerous pets are the better choice for companionship in densely populated areas.
Dogs are a danger to everyone, people shouldn't have to tolerate such threats to them brought on by their neighbors.
Just look up dog attacks in any search engine to see the horrific shit 'man's best friend' is responsible for.
Large dangerous animals should be banned from being pets, it's obvious when wolves, lions or pythons are restricted but so should larger dog breeds.
Fucking dog fags just don't respond to reason.
>Science : Dogs are actually much smarter than cats
>Onions boys and women: BUT MUH FEELINGS
Yikes, this is the kind of people that spend all their free time laughing at creationists and climate change deniers in reddiit btw
I only have a cat, and she doesn't seem to care for animals too much. I tried to get her to play with my brothers dog but she said but she said she wanted to play with me instead.
>t. citizen of EARTH
Lmao on the rag?
>think of the children! let me clutch my pearls like a cat lady!
Science is onions as fuck
so what if they're smarter, they're still dumb in different ways. they're all just stupid children that specialized their build into different things.
I want guinea pigs, hedgehogs and capybaras
I just need to get rich, quit both my jobs and move to somewhere they have capybaras first.
>player misses every QTE
>Appeal to toxic masculinity
Lmao how can catfags ever recover?
not even a tumblr faggot, I own both cats and a dog
they get along well enough and never fight
Dogs are a pack animal they won't attack an alpha unless they feel superior, Man domesticated them by being the alpha, so if a dog attacks you it knows you are weak, Point is wouldn't be a problem if you assert dominance
By God that cat has a family!
Just like different cultures should am I right lmao
Look up dog attacks in a search engine you dumbass, millions of people get attacked by dogs every year just in the US.
Tell me any other animal that is that dangerous to humans that isn't treated like a pest and exterminated.
There are none, because when it comes to any other animal people will see reason but when it comes to dogs they become emotionally blind faggots like yourself where reality no longer matters.
My sister has a son and 2 cats and they get along nicely. My mother has 3 dogs, from a small Chihuahua or whatever they are called to a German Shepherd and so far, my nephew is nearly 4, he is not too fond of any of them. He is of course used to cats as he grew up with them around.
Pack animals like wolves don't attack each other with killing intent or with true aggression, even if they feel superior. If a dog attacks you it's because it is mentally no longer in your pack.
My dog looked exactly like this but had a white chest and paws. He died of heart failure :(
wanna fight?
Single mother? Tragic.
no it's because it's a crazy shitbull with a skull too small for it's brain.
>this thread again
I hate all of you.
You don't talk about animals. You talk about yourself.
Egoistical faggots.
>nazi dogs
nah, fuck muslims, fuck indians and fuck china
t. australian
if you act like a paki you're still a paki regardless of your piss test you fucking mong
I'm the rightest winger you'll find, I would exterminate all non whites if given the opportunity, yet I love both cats and dogs, and you're retarded.
Dogs only last for like 10 years, what a joke. You either get one when you are a kid or they die by the time you have any memory. You can be born with a cat already in the family and he can stick around until you are an adult and leave the house.
I just love my cats and my dog
people flaunting their animals around like it represents who they are (they do not) are cancer
No, she has been married for some years now. Not sure what made you think she is a single mother. If it is because of the cats then that is quite the sorry attempt at a dig, friend.
>Tell me any other animal that is that dangerous to humans that isn't treated like a pest and exterminated.
Humans, you retarded catfag
Some of the smarter dogs may still attack you, and again it doesn't matter if you're alpha if the dog doesn't see itself as part of your pack anymore.
lol mutt cope
>i'm white because I "act white!!" fuck you!!!! let me in the white club!!
not the reason i have dogs
i have them because we have always had then
its nice to have a dogo
i dont like cats because i cant have cats where i live
Forgot about the holocaust have we?
would you kill yourself if you found out you weren't actually white?
Based and aussiepilled
>right winger
No, you're an autistic extremist, probably 17 or 16
pls stop calling yourself right-wing, you're the reason we have a bad name
>Literally uses cat men as a synonym for soiboi
Based, how can catfags even cope?
If you remember everything that made you suffer you'd go insane.
never reproduce
not like you would get the opportunity but hey...
>jews are humans now
Doesn't that kinda make you a cat-incel? I mean disliking something because you can't have it. That is a weird logic.
>party member that really liked you becomes the final boss
> but they aren't comfortable to cuddle
What? dogs will cry their throats out when you don't let them sleep in the same bed as you when they are puppies
>How do I get rid of 5 feral cats that are constantly fucking in my backyard. Every night I hear them screaming like retards.
in Australia you just shoot them. That is a valid reason for owning a firearm.
lmao whats the point of being white if you're ugly ?
I always wonder why you NIGGERS get all worked up about being pale and having blue eyes, if you're ugly you're still an incel LMAO
I may not be white but I am pretty and that means I get bitches breh
>dark souls speedrun
Nah, it's been building up its speed and already had a QPU route set up
Good job not answering the question and trying to skirt the answer by being a cheeky cunt.
Once again you jump on me being a catfag, when I'm no such thing, when did I promote cats? Not once, I don't need to love any animal in order to understand the real problem that dogs cause to people.
This is exactly what I'm talking, you are an emotional faggot that won't listen to reason, can't and won't answer a question, because there is no other example of such an animal that is tolerated for being so dangerous.
Go get a tampon, I think you are on your period.
nice larp
So which one are you?
Leave a shit ton of lemons, spray coyote urine or your own urine
Get off this website, this is one of the worst things you can do to a cat.
But we try to get rid of the Jews from time to time!
Also you could've just said mosquitoes
>villain gets betrayed by his minion
All a meme, the cat doesn't give a shit. Don't have an "outdoor" cat like a savage and it doesn't need claws.
>cats attack their owners viciously.
T. never owned a cat
Ok kid
They were considered vermin here in Ireland not too long ago
True to a point however I'd argue most dogfags don't have an animal bred for purpose, and most catfags have some loyalty from their cat over time. I at least actively play with my gf's cat.
>Dogs are notorious for chewing up things, what fantasy world do you live in?
We had a dog who destroyed 3 couches.
Do you take her on walks? Cos if not she's waiting for you to, even if she's not coming up leash in mouth
Ok nigger.
>yfw I'm actually Anglo Irish and Danish and I live comfortably with my conscience knowing I don't live like a streetshitting moron
nice inbred pinkeye though moron
because cats
>slashing up a consolfag
dont see how the cat was in the wrong here
and effort, and time, and are harder to maintain.
Yea Forums will argue over anything
it's just skub vs non-skun again.
most dogs can't either.
>muh inbred
swarthy amerimutt detected.
You know when someone posts their eye picture you're beholding the fattest person in the room.
dogs are prideless, ugly, subservient and violent.
literally niggers of the animal world
So were the Irish.
cats are based
the cat is clearly not trying to be serious, it would go nuts on the dog instead of waiting between hits like that. My dogs both appear to be aggressive/growl at eachother when they play fight but you clearly see they're not trying to hurt eachother. You really see it when the older dog has had enough and gets pissed at the younger one. Animals are obviously going to emulate what they would do in a real fight when they're play fighting because that's how they do it.
>The manlet gets to live in the world of amazons
>The lanklet gets to live in the world of midgets
Welcome to Yea Forums, we've doing this for 14 years, get used to it.
still a nigger
>projecting human aspects onto an animal
mental illness
In the land of the ignorant, confidence is King.
>Cats attack their owners
Do you pussies consider the petting induced aggression to be a full-fledged attack or something?
You're not wrong
>takes a shit and pisses on the floor
>"ok bros my doggo is FRICKEN BASED!"
cat people do this more
Now imagine this at 3 am in a dark hallway when you're getting up to pee.
Made me chuckle. Have some booty.
look at all those games
That webm reminds me of
Yeah I have never seen a dog owner that huffs their own farts like pic related
Pathetic* it says it right there cattard.
You would if they were big enough, Don't lie.
the latter. I just have monkey consciousness and only pretend to find other humans relatable. you're all batshit crazy and can't tell the difference between feeling like shit because you're not meeting all your dietary needs and feeling like shit because you're not meeting all your social needs
catfag and dogfag arguments are exactly like consolewars
including the part where idorts are better than both
stop posting these stupid reddit meme animals
>win the fight
"okay bro you can sto-"
>break her arm
>get swarmed by everyone in the room
>get the shit beat out of you
"took 5 of you to kill me"
Because if you're ugly, white, and autistic, being superior to niggers is the only thing preventing suicide. Never seen a good-looking, socially afept Chad obsessed with niggers ever. EVER.
Some say he's still running to this day...
hnnngg my heart
a courgarfucker posted on /an/ though I am not making this up
Did the kiddo die?
are you serious?
there are plenty of perople in this thread saying retarded shit about their dogs.
figures braindead dog owners dont read
ayoo jannies
check dis shit out
Even worse.
>look I changed the filename! I don't need a timestamp!
okay i won't post any more dogs
It is standing next to the cat right of the parent or whatever afterwards so clearly, no.
as in he fucked a cougar? holy shit
>Open webm
>Instantly get dabbed on multiple times in succession
I don't know what I was expecting. You win this round, user.
>Jannies getting dabbed on.
What a time to be alive.
That's a small camel
>When you turn the horror video game brightness up to maximum
Is he a giga chad? Takes balls to do that
Yes he made a thread about it. There's a greentext somewhere.
Dabbird, the Michelangelo.
I have a webm of a dude fucking an anaconda or some shit but Yea Forums prevents the upload and bans be for trying to post it
You can't a fucking thread on Yea Forums without insecure incels shitting on each other
I have seen lots of idiots who are retarded with dogs and shit
I have also seen lots of crazy cat ladies that refer to their 8+cats as their "babies" and they never have kids and feel bad about it.
why are anglos so retarded? hilarious he called the other guy inbred, obvious projection.
God I wish that was me
She also l
Pretty much this.
>I-I'm t-totally not samefagging!
White Girls Fuck Dogs
For some reason, that is absolutely hilarious.
>The way the bird just folds in on itself like it was a scene from a fucking cartoon
just change the video resolution
And black girls fuck apes
I just know it's a really big snake and he's fucking the shit of it with his penis in it's assvagina.
>Happy Dog
>Son and best friend across the way die within a year
>Sad Dog.Exe
>Get Pupper friend
>Now Dog treat pupper as her baby
I'm glad she's out of this funk
Can you put it on some other webm hosting site and then link it here?
because mixtape.moe is gone forever.
Some (fat, obese, unattractive, 4/10 or lower) white women also fuck apes!
>rekt thread
>Horse Fags
Get the fuck out
Did it break it's own neck?
why would he do this?
what a rat of unusual size
damn I sure love video games
That kot deserves to get a reward
He only fingerbanged her if I recall
Cat pussy is pretty small
i've tried many times and she hates it. she'll walk for a bit but as soon as the house is out of view she turns around. sometimes she runs around out back though.
Based and Yea Forums-pilled
no it just shows a complete lack of social awareness.
only oldfags know about this
zoo fags too. There's even a vid of a crocodile.
Why though
>reverse image search
>possible result: tree
thanks google.
cats need to scratch
cats need to jump
you fucked it lol
He was told to have sex
do you remember the guy from /k/ that fucked a deer while hunting?
they can jump without grappling onto shit, even obease cat can jump up into my bed which is all it needs. it can scratch with it's hind legs. ob obviously you only declaw the front
Because man is king of the animal kingdom.
Does she masturbate?
That should be a rite of passage for all hunters desu
>u mad snake boi
"A cat is fine too."
Cat tried to lick my dick once but I stopped it because cat tongues are too rough and painful. Also because it's wrong.
baldurs gate?