Play Magical Drop III.
Play Magical Drop III
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Is this like puzzle bobble or something?
not really
I love this game but I'm pretty bad at it.
How do I git gud?
Also, I have the steam version, if anyone wants to play so you can wipe the floor with me just say it
>Also, I have the steam version
It's been 7 years since I bought that and I'm still fucking mad. What a broken piece of shit.
Too bad that Magical drop V sucked ass. The game came okay in the first patch, then they fucked it even more with bugs, non functional rank system, unplayable online and no way to change controls.
Also good taste although I think I like all characters in the game
Not that I played it that long, but how was it broken exactly? I remember playing a couple of online matches and it worked just fine.
Not them but when I played an online match with my friend the game stopped working.
You mean like, forever?
I haven't touched it since the first week or so of launch, so I can't remember the exact specifics. But I do recall multiple instances of text garbling up like when you see glitched save files in corrupted games, during regular gameplay alongside at least a few crashes.
If you've got a modern console buy MD3 on there and if you don't or you just wanna be cheap emulate it the old fashioned way.
>If you've got a modern console
I don't.
>emulate it the old fashioned way.
this is cute
Post your mains
The sega saturn version is superior for having the hard mode and japanese voices
Kind of disappointed how they cut like half of the cast for magical drop V so we couldnt be able to see the characters in the new style. The old one had "more soul" but the new ones also look very cute.
The PS1 title sucked so much.
I always thought that my pic was a superior version of magical drop.
That game is a pretty bad knock off
not only the characters and animations are ugly but also the movement feels slow and stuck
I don't know what to say user. I immensely disagree with everything you just said. I'm also 90% sure it moves a little bit faster than magical drop 3.
I bought this when I saw it on switch's eshop and thought it was kinda lame, maybe I'll give it another shot one of these days
I do like the game but I wouldn't buy it. Just get MAME and download the rom. It'll run on a literal windows 98 computer.
I played this game a lot on NeoRageX back in the day, I bought it day one on E-shop and even made a YouTube video about it, I still play it occasionally. It's a great game and I just wish it had online.
well I mean, it's already been paid for.