Pick your main Yea Forums
Pick your main Yea Forums
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not picking the elephant would be stupid
komodo dragons are nastY creatures
Hippo op in water and still strong af on land
Chimp for that aesthetic character tile.
Hippo>Bear>Elephant>Lion>the rest.
But for me it's the Honey Badger. Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a Wicked sense of humor.
everything on the list gets fucking annihilated by the elephant, hows is it even a choice
who /hippo/ here?
Bear, Tiger, Hippo, and Elephant are the only correct choices (and Hippo is only good on water stages)
Eagle can bomb them all.
>picking anything but the reptile class
Shiggy diggy
>elephant has tusks
the fight was over before it even began
Do they have anti air defence?
>that one gator who gets his arm pulled off and doesnt even react
You think a swooping bird is really going to be an issue? To do any damage it has to directly engage, at which point it gets owned by the heavy weights
Hippo (water stage)
Alligator (water stage)
Grizzly Bear
Alligator (land stage)
Hippo (land stage)
Boa Constrictor
>Playing the game on EZ mode
Why even bother?
Anyone who doesn't get wasted and wreck fools as a kangaroo isn't doing it right.
>S: Hippo, Eagle
>A: Tiger, Gorilla, Wolf (if in a pack)
>B: Bear, Lion, Elephant, Crocodile, Rhino
>C: Chimp, Wolf (if alone), Kangaroo
>D: Snake, Monitor Lizard
>F: Goose
Fight me
Elephant destroys all of that
when are they gonna nerf elephants command grab im tired of that shit hitting from midrange
Why is Eagle so high? In an actual fight he'd lose to most of these except the snake and goose or MAYBE the badger. Are you picturing an eagle swooping down for easy hits and then dancing up in the air where nothing can reach him? All it takes is one good hit and he can't fly for shit anymore and is the worst combatant on the roster. I'd call him a glass cannon, but really-- his damage output would be nothing impressive either.
Elephants dumped too many points into DEF and INT that they forgot about ATK, DEX, RES. Elephant is only great if you just want to be left alone or play with other Elephant mains, it's not great for PvE or PvP.
>why is Eagle so high
Because they don't have to deal with anything else but Snakes, Goats, Deer. Their access into the air renders them immune from dealing with anything else. Eagle mains will interact with Bears assuming you're playing the Golden Eagle Subclass, but your taunt is so great if you're that subclass that you scare them way, especially if they have cubs nearby.
goose has cancerous moveset and high functioning spergs are going to master it and dab on anyone that plays elephant or hippo.
Eagle is just a meme, anyone who has actually played the game competitively knows that.
Nah kangaroo is so shit that forgot to put it on his list
>roll elephant
>looking for easy snakes to stomp on for an ego boost
>goose main flock crowds me out of nowhere and laughs in public chat while I lumber around and fall over like a dipshit
>they splatter me with white gooey feces and honk loudly as they fly away towards the next target
Why are specific class only guilds allowed, again?
their tusks and the ability to break a few bones sneezing at a beast in front of them don't say the same
I don't think people realize how busted elephants really are. Besides just their shear size, their trunk is also composed of almost 1000 muscles all working in tandem, what an elephant is capable of in reality is a mere fraction of what could be done with it. We are talking being to easily able lift about a ton or even more in an optimal situation, none of them train for this though because its not necessary in their living situations. They could constrict kill nearly every animal on this list except the hippo
Eagle hunts on wolves and lions if didn't know. Also they can throw rocks. hehe
*inputs cheat code*
Pshh... nothin' personnel... pelts...
I'm gonna pick Kangaroo Jack, he looks fucking pissed
Eagle having a SINGLE ranged attack (that only does fucking chip damage, mind you) is hardly an argument for it being viable. It's pretty much the equivalent of Pyro in Team Fortress 2: shitters can flail around and pretend they're doing well, but in ANY remotely serious setting they may as well not even exist.
Yeah if you can land a hit. Glass Cannon builds aren't S tier. Doesn't help that they don't have good STAM.
Actually human better stay out of this without, full armor and guns.
Elephant, easy.
Where would a human being rank? Assume he's a modern guy, nude and in peak physical prime. Maybe a single spear or something. He'd probably be up there at least with wolves, right?
Eagle is very fast. But I think snake actually can catch Eagle somehow.
just landing anywhere counts as a hit, their AoE is huge, and they don't even need to move
Just accept Elephant is kino
Are you fucking retarded?
>Eagles can swoop in and cause bleed damage with sharp talons
>high SPD allows them to remove limbs on single attacks
>have one of the best command grabs and combine it with their fly ability to drop animals ranging from small deer to large rams off of cliffs
You're talking about a class that is able to go in and out of stealth with no counter. Doesn't matter if you're in the water, on the ground, or even in the air, Eagles are absolute S tier and have no counters. They're pretty OP if you ask me.
Human better stay out of this or burn everything and make traps.
>Pick Eagle
>Can't lose if everyone's main combos are on the ground
The only problem is Goose, people who main that fucker just don't back off even if it's a shit matchup.
>fighting game
just above the badger and below the kangaroo
an arctic wolf would destroy a human male
Snakes can counter eagles in nature. Snakes has superior reflexes.
>AoE that only effects smaller mammals and rodents
The only reason Tiger/Lion mains don't fuck with them is because their DEF is too high and not worth the time it'll take to try and proc bleed. However they do get harassed by other mains especially early on. It's once they reach adolescence they're DEF is too high it's just not worth it. You get more loot per action from Water Buffalo mains despite how they spread their points out across SPD and ATK.
Elephants are just the epitome of Min/Max.
Not if human have guns.
Elephant is banned fron tournament play because of obvious reasons, but even if he werent, i ll pick Rhino anyway, he is designed like a tank, best design, strong but doesnt want to fight unless provoked, and canonically the second strongest land animal I think (Along with Hippo).
Talking about Hippo, even in land he can win against anyone except Elephant, he is like the Ken to Ryu s Rhino. In real life they are very aggresive so it fits very well.
>an arctic wolf would destroy a human male
Inuits hunted them with sharpened rocks
In what server? Literally every server Snake mains are under constant fear of being attacked by Eagle AND Hawk mains and looted for the beginners.
>bald eagle
>spam swoop infinite
>red eagle scream sound effect clips each time
>thinking EARTH is a 2D fighting game
They catch eagles in fly literally.
It says choose your fighter, it's a fighting game not a MMORPG. Elephant destroys all the other fighters.
In moment of attack.
you kidding me dude? ima pick the fuckin eagle and whoop your dumb elephant ass
fuckin casual
Honeybadger can wreck them all.
>known ultimate cheese build wins against a high skill build
Go talk to Tiger mains and mention Humans, see how that goes.
Dude, you're just retarded... They have tons of mass, which means they could literally insta-kill most threats around them. No one fucks with elephants because they are dangerous.
No shit
Yeah, in a group, and also with weapons
a wolf would destroy a human bare-fisted, anytime
Tier List
S tier
A+ Tier
Hippo (water/land)
A tier
Croc (Water)
B tier
Croc (Land)
Shitcunt tier
Geese (fuck those fuckign shitty shitty birds fucking hell)
F tier,
The rest
This. They're my favorite sidewalk/mall parking lot terrorizers.
What kind of retard would fight with animals without armor and guns?
In open fight human is no match to animals
>snake builds rely on getting a low chance venom proc before getting eaten
Wow congrats you went 1:1 against someone who was probably on their 200th kill.
Goose Howard.
Some old ass indian fuck killed a bear whit his walking stick after his son got mauled it's not unarmed but for a 60+ years old reservation nigger it's pretty fucking good.
Why do you think snake doesn't get eaten by birds especially cobras?
Well done, I think everything is correct.
10 Gorillas vs 100 Brock Lesnars, who wins?
What kind of retard would attempt to discuss the power of an armed human in a thread about animal fights?
Bears are dumb, you need stick to kill them or tree.
I forgot tiger in A tier and lion in B, but big cats are pussies anyway
Eagle mains prey on Snake mains all the time.
Brock Lesnar is a fucking freak of nature, you wouldn't need 100 of him to beat 10 gorillas.
Becouse human can wreck them all. But also cannot.
The brocks would suffer a high amount of loss but they would likely win by attrition.
Still not cobra.
man those bastards are mean
>Decide to pick up this game
>Want to main alligator, get online to practice
>Get stuck playing Goose mains who spend all fucking match just spamming that dumb HONK! attack constantly
>If you dare approach, they just run in, bite and then keep honking all match again so
Goddamn it, I hate Goose players so much!
I really believe that despite a gorilla's intense strength, 5 Brocks could handle one. 3 or 4 pin it down, 1 or 2 just fucking cave its skull and/or ribcage in with strikes. 50 Brocks could take 10 gorillas. If there were only 25-30 Lesnars, then it would be an interesting fight.
Gorillas can't even wrestle? Brock every time.
Gorrila doesn't need wrestle. They need one punch.
>that arm rip off and stare afterwards
>I mean, really dude?
>Cobra's are literally just any kind of poisonous snake
>b-b-but that wasn't a cobra
Ok fine here's an Eagle killing a hooded cobra on it's own turf
>Pick Harpy Eagle sub-class
>Nobody can touch me because of my flying ability
>If Goosefags try to attack me i instantly rip there heads off
>Same goes for Eaglefags
>Just sit back and watch the groundies duke it out like mush brain mutants
Warrior, tank spec
Druid, feral tank spec
Warrior, pvp arms spec
Warrior, dual wield fury spec
Druid, feral cat spec
Rogue, combat dagger spec
Warrior, tank spec
Warriors, pvp slam spec
Paladin, ret
Rogue, subtlety
>Komodo dragon
Rogue, assassination
Hunter, survival
>honey badger
Warlock, soul link pvp spec
Shaman, enhancement
Paladin, prot
Priest, shadow
The elephant can kill every animal there and can't be harmed at all.
goose are all bark and no bite
>he doesn't pick the capybara
Came here to post this.
Gecko was best girl
Based webm
Oh shit, pick your aquatic fighter Yea Forums
that orca is some nasty thing
Sea snake
Why do hippos all have such fucked up teeth?
>there are people who dont main chadaroo
>He doesn't main the snek
Mantis shrimp.