Are you fags ready for the Pokemon Go killer?

Are you fags ready for the Pokemon Go killer?

Attached: DQ Walk.png (1322x745, 1.5M)

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Pokemon GO already killed herself.

>only in Japan

Pokemon GO wasn't just killed... was put to Sleep!

Pokemon Go is already dead everywhere but Japan, though it makes sense that Squeenix would try out a Dragon Quest version of it for Japan only. It'll definitely get players.


>Killed itself
What? It went from being more popular than air to being slightly less popular than bread.
Sure, that makes it look bad in comparison too when it released, but it is still one of the most popular if not the most popular mobile game outside of china.

And we're home having sex!

That isn’t Garfield GO.

>food analogy

>Pokemon Go killer
You mean time?

did pokemon go did good in japan?

Remember when everyone said Yokai Watch would kill Pokemon?

After they got rid of the tracker it killed a lot of peoples drive to play.

They made up a lame excuse as to why they removed it but the real reason was because retards were falling off hills/cliffs and walking into traffic and private properties.

Is Yea Forums really out of touch that they think PGo is dead, especially in Japan? With that said I don't think DQW will go big outside Japan.

>no pails of water
dropped, looks crummy.


They don't go outside
They are streaming a demo now. It seems to have turn based combat, exp, and levels like DQ.

Dragon Quest is literally completely and utterly irrelevant

only nippon gives a shit about DQ

Not in Japan, where most of the real video games are made :)

>Got tid of the tracker
No they didn't. Two of my coworkers Still play the game daily and since I ride shotgun I'm always forced to sit in the car while one of them drives halfway around town too catch a fucking snorlax or something. They just made the range smaller and have less Pokémon show up on it.

It might have been disabled in countries with an avarage iq lower than 80, like the USA or LONDON, but it still works fine here in swe... I mean cuckistan.

Pokemon Go is still raking in millions a day

Yes and?

To fetch a crummy pail of water? They should've been sucking on Jade's titties!


Yes and it would be fundamentally retarded to call it a dead game when several people still spend their money on it and still go outside to play it.

It’s quite the phenomenon in Japan.

That’s like saying FGO is a good game, because some whales spend thousands of dollars on it.

I wish I could buy Jade's DLC

Attached: tumblr_pf0twzIqIz1u377s9o2_500.jpg (500x625, 79K)

>dead game lol
>the game actually isnt dead lots of people still play and buy microtransactions from it

Attached: 1532825797139.png (400x300, 72K)

When people say the game "got rid of the tracker" what does that mean? I played the game for 1 day, btw

No one said it was good you cuck, just that it's not dead

Nowhere in my post did I say “good”, that opinion is up to you, but for the “whales” that spend their hard earned shekels, it certainly must mean something to them.

The whole walking concept was cool, then summer ended and people went back to school/work and realized it was a stupid gimmick that they didn't have time for anymore.