How come Yea Forums likes pic related so much? It's a walking simulator that strictly follows the Sony exclusive template
How come Yea Forums likes pic related so much...
worst horse controls of all time. riding the horse means you have to tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap every fucking second.
Vee haets it, bumblefunt
I don't mind cinematic games so I didn't have too much of an issue with it. With that being said they definitely wasted time on shit like horse balls shrinking and horses pooping. Also the gameplay felt too close to the first RDR.
Half walking simulator + half open world outdoors simulator
Yea Forums is okay with movie games as long as they aren't sony exclusive.
red dead revolver is still the only actual game in this series.
>It's a walking simulator that strictly follows the R* template
You're mom's a fucking simulator that follows my dick's exclusive template.
Because it's an immersive game with a very good narrative and story. Other than the linear missions and clunky cover system, everything else about the game is phenomenal.
Honestly, I have trouble recalling a game where exploration has been this fun and rewarding. You always stumble over something or find a hint towards something else. Not to mention despite their size, the areas are quite distinctive. All the work went into the environments and it clearly shows.
I like Sony exclusives
t. redditor
go back there fag
hv sx
No man, don't you understand, BOTWs empty, bland world with nothing in it but repetitive shrines is what exploration is all about
How come when japan makes a game, Yea Forums fucking worships it
But when any country else does, Yea Forums thinks its garbage
>Sony exclusive
braindead as always, Yea Forums
t. Seething contrarian
Just because a game is acclaimed for being good and popular doesn't mean it's bad, tard.
Arthur is the best character that Rockstar has written
dont you just have to hold the button? then it maintains your current speed if i remember right
No, it'll go back to the normal running speed for a horse. To make it sprint you have to tap repeatedly.