me see sexy anime girl video game
me buy
Me see sexy anime girl video game
Bump because those fags need to be called out.
>me see sexy anime girl video game
>me buy
Based, keep it up.
>sexy anime girl video game
No she isn't, that bitch is from a cartoon not a video game, you fucking cunt
Literally me. Why cant i stop masturbating to fucking cartoons? Theyre not even fucking naked. God I need to just have sex already.
have sex (with an anime girl to get it out your system)
>calling us out
I don't feel very "called out" if you don't throw an insult or reason to feel bad into the post.
Step it up, all you've done is state what some people do. At least try to make me feel bad.
This but unironically. Love anime cuties.
me see sexy anime girl video game
me get angry and post on Yea Forums
Still nowhere near as bad as being homosexual.
>me see the acronym "gta" and energy drink
>me buy
This, but unironically.
>PC and switch are filled with weeaboo garbage now
Why cant they just keep that shit on ps4...
Weebs are no different than furries at this point.
heres the truth. Anime fandom needs to go back to the weirdos.
Its too mainstream now and normies destroy everything they touch.
>getting mad at "weebs"
>while gays exist
Why waste your energy on people who like anime when you could be trying to legalize killing gay people and trannies?
I played some JRPGs.
That makes me a weeb, a furry, right?
You have a point also cucks, pornographers niggers, woketards, communists and feminists.
Why not go after something actually possible like denying gays of health care? Murder is never going to legal.
Most fags are into anime so it's two birds.
and a gay nigger faggot
Does Yea Forums consider it to be anime / weebshit if the characters have the usual Japanese sprites? Or are you speicifically hating on shit like Kill la Kill, Girls und Panzer and Yea Forums-themed gacha games?
gays get into everything.
>two birds
is FF a weeb game?
>caring what /v thinks when they like gay shit like doom or mordhau
This but unironically
weeb genocide when??
With images like this, hopefully never.
Summer normalfags, everyone
me see gay black muslim character
me buy
You're going to make me genocide my dick.
This but unironically.
At what point weren't they?
Anime and moeshit literally make you into a crossdressing trapfag, then eventually a tranny. Fuck off subhuman weebs.
Full image.