What games have the best ice/snow physics?
What games have the best ice/snow physics?
what's happening here
lost planet for its time
days gone
This is how the Chinese keep dogs fresh
Hot dog.
The Chinese preparing for dinner
Those Doggos love the cold
a dog cooling off
they're making a pupsicle
When subhumans see a noble creature they react with fear and hatred.
best one
It's the prep for a chinese meat lover's snow cone.
dark messiah of might and magic
huskies love the cold
cute doggo
Huskies can die if not kept at around freezing temperatures.
That is funny. My dog only does that perpetual licking when we brush his teeth.
Up dog.
Huskies love cold by default, they aren't really comfortable in hot areas so you have to manually cool them down before they blow up, comrade
Xenoblade ice physics are a god send.
Husky on ice.
hope he stays nice and cool, like the rest you nerds
What's Up dog?
What is up dog?
nothing much what about you :)
Dirt Rally 2.0
Ice is an excellent insulator, as is Husky fur. That dog is actually going to be more warm by getting ice on him.
Why so many dognigger posters lately?. 4channel is a cat website.
If anyone else here enjoys Cobra Kai, I actually fell for the "Snakedu" joke in the first episode. Felt like a certified retard.
God I love video games.
what the fuck answer my question
ligma balls
I miss my husky. Damn paralysis.
Lost Planet
dude what
Cats are the official trans pet. Resetera is a cat website. Let’s go there and talk about cats together!
LL Cool Doogy Dog
thats what I thought it was at first, boiling water.
Fucking Chinese need to stop eating pets
what was your question again?
tfw brother's husky died after only being alive for a few months because she ate too fast and suffocated himself somehow
I used to love pistachios until I found a bug larva in one of them.
Grinding social credits I see.
fuck I meant herself*
What’s Up dog?
oh, not much. and you?
I said answer my fucking question. What the fuck is Up dog?
nah, I keeps it tight
and out of sight
seething chink
not fuckin' much bro just bored, wbu
t. brainbug victim
what's the joke?
all these replies and not a single real answer
huskies and other ice-type dogs overheat super quickly in summer months with all that fur so sometimes people give them ice baths to keep them cool
Cats have been here since 2005 more or less.
Ligma balls
>tfw been through so many layers of irony that I unironically laugh at this
I actually answered the same so maybe read the thread first
What are some role playing games with very large parties?
I'm going to make a webm, and risk a copyright-related ding dong bannu, just for you, user. BRB.
¿How do I get a psychic type dog?
*3 Yuan has been deposited into your People's Republic of China Social Credit Account*
>used to love and play with uncle's husky as a kid
>he used to let it drink beer
>tfw it died
>ice-type dogs
RL isn't Pokemon
why do people even get huskies if they live in the phillipines, which im guessing OP's webm is due to the environment, the person's skin color, the person's shoes, and the state of the equipment
Ever thought that people just got tired of cat memes?
Make szhure to put thee dogg into thee ice wahterr, so eet will stahp cookeeng.
I really liked Red Dead 2's snow
Haha woah watch out guys, we got some comedians in this thread
people are dumb or sometimes end up with them through pure circumstance
what games force you to accept unhappy endings?
Hello subhuman
Don't you have an iPhone to make me, Huang?
>went to a buffet
>paid for their food
What's the problem here?
June 4th 1989
how long until the chinese are fatter than the average american.
Xi jinping winnie the pooh
Omfg whoever eats like this needs to be thrown into a chinese work camp. You either take what you know you're going to eat or come back for more later, fuck.