Why is this still $60?

Why is this still $60?

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supply and demand

why not lol

It's a port of a 5 year old game

when it has Team Sonic Racing and Crash Racing as its competition, its literally the only good Kart Racer in the market

>Team Sonic Racing can barely run 60FPS on anything other than PC
>Crash Racing is literally just 30FPS
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is consistently 60FPS

>Mario Kart 8 is a consistent 60fps
Yeah because it looks like a PS2 title

i'm surprised it's only $60. they could price all their games at $1000 and bingtendies would still buy them and praise them for it.

this your first nintendo game

Would you lower the price of YOUR game if it was still selling at full price?

Just go to Walmart bro.

I wish ps2 games looked like mk8.

They do.
Why? It's still $60

Double dash was on gamecube and 8 looks better than that

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They sell all games 10 bucks less, even new releases.

leave the poor OP alone
he's already dilating as is because he cant accept the fact its the only good kart game game in the market

Please, user, show us a PS2 game that looks like Mario Kart 8.

Nintendo games barely go on sale. What a surprise.

Nintendo tax

yeah but you can pick up a rotisserie chicken to snack on while you play

because people keep buying it

>people keep 'buying' it
>servers are dead and just have Japanese kids

Or Nintendo overvalues their garbage

Just wait until Nintendo does their Player's Choice and then you can get it at a lower price.

it's literally the highest selling switch game

Because it's their highest selling game and every person who buys a new Switch buys it at full price Most people who buy a new PS4 don't buy Uncharted 4, hence the reason it's $20. Why is this so hard for you fucking anti-capitalist libtards to understand?

Because the weebs and NEETS who shit this board up with Nintendoshit will pay it without question.

Nintendo would rather games rot on the shelf then drop in price.

It looks better than a lot of PS4 games. They really nailed the visuals for this game somehow.

Nintendo tax, they know the drones will buy anything at any price

How does age or being a port have anything to do with price?

The "drones" bought a Switch a year ago. It's only normies buying it now.
The game is still regularly in the top 20 selling games you fucking idiot. Sorry that Snoy games don't have legs like that, but Nintendo doesn't need to lower the price of Mario Kart.

Tax for stupid people

because Nintendo games are price-fixed and there's no Mario Kart 9 yet

Did you see how many fucking copies it sold. There's no reason to lower the price.

Lmao "servers are dead" lookin ass, most people play with their friends n shit my guy

you tell um, marie

Agree. It should cost 120$

This is true to some extent, but this port of a Wii U game is still the fucking best selling game on the Switch, so that means nothing.

Most Nintendo games never drop price
I'm bored as fuck of Mario Kart 8 after having played it for years, and welcome Sonic and Crash with open arms. Always up for some variety in my gaming life

We're waiting, user.

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Eat a fucking dick kid

If you were Nintendo would you rather be selling your top selling game for $40 or $60?

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You're just straight up lying. It's one of Nintendo's best looking games period.

>It looks better than a lot of PS4 games.

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The Nintendo tax is real and not just a meme. Nintendo prices never go down, and they only get worse as the games become considered retro and you have the hoarders who are willing to pay fistfuls of sweaty cash for them.

>pure mastapiece #1
>pure mastapiece #2
No wonder it sells well

CRT is on significantly more powerful hardware and runs at 30 fps yet it barely looks better than Mario Kart 8 at 60 fps. You're retarded.

dont start this shit again.

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dude you might actually be blind lol

Because people will still pay 60$ for it. Simple as that.

Mario kart is trash

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>sell game for $50
>port it to new system
>lol now it's $60

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Why was it ever 50 to begin with?

Because Nintendo price fixes.

they know that people will want the game for the whole generation.
its not a throwaway title like FIFA or whatever new shit asscreed game is out.

It was on the Wii U

>no competition
>no sequel to compromise the community, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the definitive Mario Kart on the only currently relevant Nintendo platform
>still sells reliably well as Mario Karts traditionally do as one of the must-own items for a Switch, and Switch is still selling really well

What incentive does Nintendo have to ever drop the price outside of traditional sales periods like the E3 summer sale?

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Because fuck you and people keep buying it
GTA V has been 60$ for years and it’s literally made more money than any book movie or video game ever

Because people are still willing to buy it for 60

PS2 games wished they looked 1/2 as good as MK 8DX in handheld mode

Because why can’t based Sony’s games achieve the praise love and sales of Mario?
No lie MK 8 is up almost 40 million units sold

I swear Mario is less a character than he is a seal of quality

Nintendo never fucking cuts prices on their first party games

>mario kart 8 dx is at nearly 40 mil
I'm calling bullshit here. I want a source. That's basically a 1:1 switch owner to mk8dx owner ratio. I refuse to believe this.
t. switch owner from day one.

Its still 60$, but it goes on sale fairly often.
Be on the lookout.

As opposed to PS4/Xbox games dropping to half price a month after they're released.

The $ goes before the number you fucking retard

nobody cares, mutt.

Nintendo games never drop in price.

Not american but keep being obsessed retard

Fucking kek I was going to rage until she got knocked off the edge.

Because nincels are used to getting shit on. They will eat up anything up with bing bing wahoo man on the cover.

alright cletus


because it's literally one of the best selling games this generation and shows no signs of slowing down

I'm including any PS4/Xbone games in that as well.

Actually your rent is due. Pay now.

>because it's literally one of the best selling games this generation
>a game that came out last generation is the best selling game of this generation
the absolute state of gaming

Well, I mean, there is a funky mode now. That's a totally fine explanation, right?

its also on a console that people actually own

Wait you’re right
It’s closer to 25 million so far

Nintendo games hold their value
this is common knowledge

And people are still buying it, and it sells well, so why would they lower it

Only shit that doesn't sell or stops selling gets a price drop. Look at Let's Go Pikachu, it sold a burst at first but the legs completely gave up after that. The sales slowed down massively and the game got price cuts