How could Microsoft convince you to buy a new Xbox?
How could Microsoft convince you to buy a new Xbox?
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At gunpoint
ori is on steam so halo is the literal only thing id have an xbox for and even thats coming to pc
Sell Rare's components for scrap money and disown the trademark
New Banjo by Gears for Breakfast
Finish Scalebound
Every studio Microsoft bought has to put out one good game every two years
Literally ALL of these things
>Japanese games
>perfect dark
>for halo infinite to have dual wielding
>either reboot ninety nine nights, make a 3rd one or add it to the backwards compatability list
>New Banjo by Gears for Breakfast
Holy shit that's genius
Do a complete 180 and have a ton of good exclusives.
>New Banjo by Gears for Breakfast
Looked that up, it's the makers of that faggot jontron game.
No, here's a better idea, a Gear of War Banjo Kazooie Crossover game. Gears of Banjo.
Here's a better idea, take your own life.
Given that Microsoft is now planning on releasing all of their games on PC on places like Steam and not requiring Windows 10, there's really nothing they can do to get me to buy an Xbox console of any sort
Bayonetta 3
Oh wait
>Gears for Breakfast
Yeah fuck off with your tranny shit. I would honestly prefer it go to the yooka yaylie guys.
Are you mentally challenged
>99 Knights
Consoles are just more convenient and probably always will be. Would you rather play NieR Automata on PC or Xbox One X?
Would you rather play any given Bethesda game on PC or console?
Let's not cherrypick now.
Sony was bigly successful with their Spider-Man game, so get Ninja Theory to do a Superman game
>Would you rather play NieR Automata on PC or Xbox One X?
On my PC obviously. I can use the controller of my choice, have better performance and visuals, and mods for improvements are possible
>Ninja Theory
Superman deserves better than that.
Does Microsoft own a better action studio?
Free online service and Rare making game. Good games.
Merge with Nintendo
Microsoft is the eye of sauron of gaming. I'd put EA above them simply for their lack of incopentance. I was swayed initially when the original xbox came put when a friend told me "think of the pc ports on the xbox. The xbox will essentially bridge pc gaming and console gaming."
I thought about it for a few seconds and said "will it be the good qualities of both or the atrocious qualities of both?" History proved me right. Microsoft, rockstar and EA turned an entire decade of gaming into a cringey debacle akin to watching fred durst crotch-chop for 365 days straight cause he's so hardcore. It was so bad, im positive our pozzed climate of Marxist betaboys is a overreacting responce to it.
Fuck microsoft. They didn't just fuck console gaming but pc gaming and probably had something to do with mobile gaming.
Cheaper prices than ps4/switch
Make actual good games.
New Killer Instinct
Killer Instinct (2013) 2
Shit can Gears 5 and start over with a male protagonist and never do the strongk womyn thing ever again in Gears.
Also make a new Banjo Kazooie and Perfect Dark game.
Also also make the next system backwards compatible with everything that the One is.
I'll get whatever it is, I can blow a few hundred every three months or so on something useless, and if it really does suck then great, I'll trade it at a Finish Line for new shoes.
by dropping out of the console market and selling the xbox brand to sega.
Thanks for contributing, dillhole.
A bold opinion and probably the only one I care for in this thread.
You probably drink skim milk.
That shit almost made me preorder Xbone back in the day, the only deal breaker was Kinect and the price
You, sir, need a xanax.
Release Cortana sexbot
>Halo 5 and Halo Infinite
They already did.
full backwards compatibility so i can play Kingdom under fire on my xbone
Literally nothing. I've owned a 360 for close to a decade and I just never fell in love with Halo or Gears.
They had a window of opportunity where I kinda picked a console at random as a child and they completely failed to instill in me any sort of positive branding or fondness for the IPs. It was always just a stupid Street Fighter box to me
There's nothing they could realistically do besides become a whole new company completely revamping the lineup
if they pay me to take one