Post your
Childhood vidya waifu
current vidya waifu
Your ex vidya waifu
and your fetish and rate other people taste
Post your
>Childhood vidya waifu
>current vidya waifu
soraka SG
>Your ex vidya waifu
>and your fetish
monster girls
Coco Bandicoot
Ashe (Overwatch)
Laughing Octopus
female on male rape
>Childhood vidya waifu
None, I'm not an incel
>current vidya waifu
None, I'm not an incel
>Your ex vidya waifu
None, I'm not an incel
>and your fetish and rate other people taste
I dont have any waifu right now
The giant cloud that kiss you in paper mario
Its ok user,just tell us your vidya waifu,bee yourself
>I'm not an incel
Saying that doesn't prove shit. And incel hate woman, not obsessed over them. Nice fetish though
Waifu is an autosage right?
>Childhood vidya waifu
Didn’t have one
>current vidya waifu
Alkaid/Rita Mordio
>Your ex vidya waifu
Kasumi (doa)
>and your fetish and rate other people taste
>Childhood vidya waifu
>current vidya waifu
>Your ex vidya waifu
>and your fetish
Not anymore.
Based fetish that use to be more prevalent on Yea Forums
Samus or Zelda
Fat asses and facesitting
>is green
Ever play "feel the flash hardcore" aka Kasumi Rebirth?
Never heard of 'em
>Childhood vidya waifu
Pic related, she's been number 1 in my heart ever since
still is my whole inspiration to go to work everyday
dun have one
i like to see happy endings, like if there is a couple i Want to see them either happy and married or with some kids and the "good ending" of their respective game
Soul Calibur 2 Taki
SOTN Maria Renard
FF13 Vanille
I love Japanese women!
Lola pop (arms)
Peacock (skull girls)
Pic related (jet force Gemini)
Uuhh.. showerhead orgasm contractions? Is that a fetish?
>Childhood vidya waifu
Bomberman because I thought he was a girl and his name was just ironic
>current vidya waifu
Lili from Tekken
>Your ex vidya waifu
King from KoF
Urethral play
>Childhood vidya waifu
>current vidya waifu
Opera Kranz
>Your ex vidya waifu
>and your fetish
Vore I guess.
>Childhood vidya crush
>Current vidya waifu
That would be cheating on my anime waifu. Having a waifu means that you only have one.
>Ex vidya crush
Azura, however ex implies the level of love has changed. I don't like the idea of that because the real love is directed towards the perfect ideal that is embodied behind varying levels of nearness in facsimile by girls both 2D and 3D. The true target of love is something that is beyond meaning.
Barefoot girls
always and forever
Fuck off crumps
>nobody rating
have sex
That’s not how a waifu works redditor, you pick 1 and that’s it forever
>White boy
>Skin is green
>Childhood vidya waifu
Jenny the Bat from Bloody Roar 2
>current vidya waifu
Pic related
>Your ex vidya waifu
Mad Moxxi, Juri, Cortana, Mei
>your fetish
Futa, Naga, general ass, bimbo tits, anal play, penis, biggest one is probably cleavage. Idk I'm just a horny guy all around
Rion Kugayama (Tokyo Xanadu)
SS Zelda
IDK I'm mostly into vanilla shit.
The word waifu has lost all meaning.
Why does /pol/ think they're sexy and self insert as a nazi frog?
I am not a nazi frog,I love to fuck black women,I just love their chocolate ass,I love to do anal with them
>current vidya waifu
>hex maniax
your waifu is shit. she doesn't even exist in true form. she's a shitty headcanon for a POKEMON NPC that was just created for tumblr artists to draw to be eaten up by neckbeards. "haha bro this generic hot anime women is making my boaner so horny bro shes my waifu" fuck off
ive been looking for the sauce to the op image forever but cant find it
Ryu from Street Fighter
Dante from Devil May Cry
PRINCE Sabin Rene Figaro from Final Fantasy
and pedo- oops I mean shota
Childhood: Katt from BOF
Current: my skyrim char
Ex: my oblivion character
Fetish: high impact sexual violence
>he doesn't recognize John's art
hint: Being a fan of powerpuff girl R34 helps ;^)
Monokia, i don't wanna talk about it
das rite wh*Te boi
These are husbandos. Not waifus.
Fucking based.
You never Will be woman
Pepe is the whitest of the whites
he cute