Time Waste: The Game
Time Waste: The Game
perhaps the same could be said of all video games
Story-based games are less time wasting than other games. "Gameplay" is usually just repeating the same thing for hours like a trained monkey.
I love it but it is a huge time sink
It was ok, I played on hard trying to collect as much as I could along the way without looking for the 100%, and I doubt I invested more than 40 hours
I am talking about the 'fast' travel.
I am talking about being slowed to a crawl to pick up a rock.
I am talking about constantly having to open and close doors.
I am talking about the climbing sections.
All the obvious padding
the very game-y 'spot these things in the environment to unlock chest'
Having two paths and them not being clearly defined which is the way forward
The shallow 'RPG' numbers to get you to spend time in inventory.
Carrying a boar slows the God of War to a crawl.
Your words are as empty as your soul
This but unironically. Just a huge fucking cock tease for all of the cooler shit that'll be in the sequel
So like any other Video game
Back then I thought we would see the sequel by 2020
Only if you have severe ADHD.
I liked the story, the relationship between Atreus and Kratos’s was surprisingly well done. And also surprisingly, I liked the combat. But the environmental and enemy design left something to be desired.
gonna need the PS5 to come out first so it can be the next "big thing" release for it
But enough talk! have at you!
It's impressive how they could make norse mythology so fucking boring
I liked it overall, but the absolute BALLS on these people to put a literal trailer for the second game in the first game.
>Carrying a boar slows the God of War to a crawl.
The fact that you mention this is comical, and just shows you hardly played the game.
I know, especially with the enemies. You’ve got enough crazy legends and lack of actual narrative structure (I.e. no Norse bible or gay shit like that) to create basically anything you want. And what do they do? Blue guys. And yellow guys. And cat-salamanders.
They should have outsourced all design to FromSoftware or something.
How so?
I just got to Mimir.
You reminded me; clearing that black fog. Hold forward for a minute. Great game.
and undead, revnants, trolls, dragons, gods, valkyries. it needs more boss variety, but it was fine with regular enemies.
I'm not really sure what you mean, did you even get past the elf part which is literally the beginning?
i cant beat the valkyries on easy what kind of bullshit is this
>complaining about exposition and dialogue during loading segments
>Literally not even half way
>i cant beat the valkyries on easy
You are actually shit.
the game is shit
You seem to be having issues Switchlet, it won GOTY for a reason.
yes, paid journo shills
>It's a "Climb around on these rocks so we can have our characters interact in real time because we're pretentious hacks who feel we're too good for a cutscene, thus leaving these parts unskippable and a complete unbearable nightmare on replays/backtracks" episode
holy fuck are you that much of a scrub? even classic GOW gave you trouble in the challenges kf the gods/titans/whatever
just do literally everything else so you can get endgame gear, upgrade the shit out of it and use runic attacks when they get pissed and jump on you
also some valkyries are weaker than others. beat the easier ones and equip/upgrade the gear you get so the next fights get even easier
So BOTW has paid reviews as well?
Actually, god of war user scores MATCH its ratings on meta. That's not the case for BOTW.
So was BOTW even more paid off?
>it won GOTY for a reason
LOL, 'GOTY' isn't some all encompassing thing. Literally anyone cay call something GOTY.
I suppose the regular enemies just felt a bit bland to me. That’s one of my only criticisms of the game, but it’s the most important one. The revenants and worms were more annoying than anything, and the blue and yellow guys were literal reskins of each other. Environment was a bit off too, once you got passed the witch’s home. It had no... mood. No atmosphere. Nothing close to what the concept art suggested at least (pic related).
>thus leaving these parts unskippable and a complete unbearable nightmare on replays/backtracks"
You can literally fast travel, and usually longer dialogue is for loading new areas.
this reminds me;
>kick down chain
>automatically go down it
Actually, its more of an agreement of most outlets having that same conclusion, so no.
also, the enemy’s level is the only thing you actually need to pay attention in this game. bosses that one-hit you suddenly become shit as soon as you hit the same gear level as them
"exploring" the shitty "map" gives me a headache, i dont want to spend 12 hours solving shit puzzles for shit gear so im kinda underpowered
The writing was pretty unpretentious in this game
>complete unbearable nightmare
Do you have ADHD?
>on replays
It’s not a requirement for a game to be played over and over to make it good, at least imo. That’s like the bonus question on a test; it can’t hurt you to get it wrong, but it can help. I thought GOW had decent replay value for a story-driven game, there’s enough going on with the combat to merit a second go around.
>I suppose the regular enemies just felt a bit bland to me.
Everything was from Norse mythos
What was bland about it and how would you correct it?
>Environment was a bit off too, once you got passed the witch’s home.
How is an environment "off" when its literally based on fictional shit. That's a really dumb sentence.
>No atmosphere.
This seems like a personal issue. I had plenty, on the bridge, riding the boat, the dead giant area, the caves, the vaults, the other realms. You are suggesting they alter "atmosphere" to be what exactly? One single idea you have based on concept art?
They clearly felt pressured to include an open world mechanic. Unfortunately that can screw with the plot in a story game (as in, there can’t be much of a plot).
>I don’t want to play the game to get better gear
tough luck pal, this game is not for low-level runs. also it runs completely against the notion of going after the valkyries, optional content, but not wanting to do the other optional content to reach it in the first place. you know this game has RPG shit in it so expect to grind in some way, you don’t get to beat everything that fast.
>Unfortunately that can screw with the plot in a story game
I disagree. Having an open area with actiual content and awards is a good idea instaead of basic level design. It has the player have discovery and reward as opposed to levels.
As long as they add content, which they did. Armor, health upgrades, secret bosses, magic upgrades, and runes. I think it added to the game.
>one of the literally best games ever made is a waste of time
Uhm lmao much?
not him but all the colorswapped midboss trolls felt rushed as fuck, they show up literally everywhere both in the story and in sidequests. there are so many creatures available in norse myth to choose yet they’d rather model a bunch of new costumes and moves for the exact same boss over and over.
and yet, they decided to have only one dragon boss despite meeting 3 in the game. go figure
>change it
I suppose make the Draugr look more menacing than just tree zombies, make the Dark Elves a bit more disturbing in aspect, rather than just bug-men, make the Hel-Walkers look like actual frozen, blank-eyed corpses.
>dumb sentence
I meant that it never feels like an actual world that anything ever inhabited. It’s all too narrowly designed around our needs as the player. The central travel hub (temple) just happens to be in the center of a lake, which just happens to be in the middle of Midgard. Hell, it basically is Midgard! If you’re gonna do semi open world, you should just be more creative than that.
>alter atmosphere
Yeah, to be more in keeping with what the concept art portrayed. A dark, kinda grim and mysterious world that our heroes must learn to navigate, and bond strongly along the way. Their mutual love and trust would feel more earned if they were fighting their way through shit like pic related.
the game is packed with high octane combat encounters. the smaller walking segments in between are the perfect respite to flesh out characters and lore. you tards need to get on aderall for your adhd
Kill Yourself: The Thread
its a-okay when nioh does it
My god you're such a pussy
Do you people on Yea Forums will care? They’ll just parrot the same shit ad infinitum
It definitely added to the combat, but I think it may have detracted from the momentum of the plot a bit. Still, the game does a good job of directing the player along the major arcs, like the sickness and journey to Helheim, which was superbly done.
I liked all the lore scrolls you could find, since none of them didn’t relate to something already discussed. Like all the ravenkeeper shit that revealed Odin’s plans and whatnot.
>it's a "time to walk slowly and deliver exposition" episode
the only thing that comes to mind when I see that game’s name now is Marobashi
holy shit it will take me a long while to ever pick it up again, fuck this game’s way of this, way of that, doing everything over and over, tatenashi set, divine tier shit, fuuuuck
I only survived through this wild ride thanks to transformations so I could enjoy Fuku’s thicc t&a
but this game doesn't even have a unique story
guess so. idk i definitely dont think GOW was anything the media makes it out to be, but it was a great 8/10 action game. All the Yea Forums shitters who call it walking simulator or a movie are exaggerating the fuck out of it. the valkyries were also pretty fuckin fun to fight
Xbots still crying. Get over it
What games have a similar story?
Its sad when people pretend the new god of war isnt objectively more complex combat wise than the trilogy ever as. I played them back to back too.
cherrypicking like its your mothers asshair
not video games specifically but
>old badass guy raises son
is nothing new
This game was hard to platinum. Not because of difficulty but having the willpower to make it through the same reskinned enemies, snow zones and forgettable music. I will say the interactions between Kratos, Atreus and Mimir are fine, but it wasnt enough.
>R1 Square R1 Square R1 Square R1 Square
>I frame through enemy attack
>R1 Square R1 Square R1 Square R1 Square
breaking down any video game to its most rudimentary element will make it simple.
R1 R1 roll roll R1 use estus R1 guess the game!
seriously, people mock the old games but this one’s only difference is that you gotta take cate of a whiny kid for some cheap “feels”
old games
>villain fucks kratos
>kratos gets pissed
>hulk smash
new game
>kratos is old
>villain fucks kratos
>too old to get pissed
>villain fucks his son
All video games are time wasters, but it's okay since that's what they are for.
I beat the fire valkyrie on gmgow and quit from boredom
nigga you must be 14 years old.
>he believes there's a soul
>let alone that he has one
god of war: the movie: the game
What happened to the original creator of this game? I remember back when the first one was released he was considered a genius and gave opinion on everything. god, I'm old.
it was a fun time IMO
I greatly enjoyed replaying all the combat in it for many autistic hours. I love how it feels. I made manual saves spaced out across the game so I could skip all the boring shit like when Atreus gets sick, and I have a few different save-scum backups of the game with a different set of saves (from like NG instead of NG+).
David Jaffe? Faded into irrelevancy.
nah it's a slog. you're being purposefully obtuse. it's tedium, it's padding and you know it, faggot. playing this game twice is pure tedium even so that the only thing that changes in harder difficulties is that the enemies take more hits to kill.
his last game was god of war 2. then he killed himself.
he was also the creator of Twisted Metal, a series that faded into embarrassing obscurity
thank god they didnt call it gow4. i hope a real gow4 comes out someday
Oops wrong pic
>unique story
>i.e. things are only unique if I like them
no its actually not unique
Let's reboot a series based on greek mythology about a guy who kill fucking ares and becomes the new greek god of war into snow and cold norse mythology where he's just a cuck basedboy raising his bull's son. :)
the game surely targets this audience with such a shallow premise, despite what all the media shilling implies with the “relatable father-son relationship” antics
playing for 100% is the time waste
>the final battle against Zeus at the end of a game
>vs a break in the action to build character relationships
the game became too slow for my tastes. I loved the series because it was brainless fun. You just rammed the buttons and did all those cool and infinite combos while drinking a beer, smoking a joint and having fun with friends. The reboot takes itself too seriously with a "serious" narrative based on (lmao) father-son relationship and it's just so retarded. It's a fucking videogame, faggots.
>leisure is a waste of time
if you do stuff for the sake of skipping a chunk of your life away, why bother coming back home, just sell yourself as a slave so someone can keep you busy forever
>retard doesn't understand the reference
feepy beepy
Jaffe didn’t make God of War 2, it was Cory Barlog, same director of the new one
>taking the bait
>Jafe didn't make God of War 2
not him but wikipedia says he and Barlog were both directors of the game. and I would rather believe wikipedia than an anonymous faggot like you.
there are plenty of interviews and documentaries you can watch, dummy, Jaffe dropped out at the beginning of production on GoWII
>unproductive time is wasted time
Entschuldigung, mein fuhrer
lol. dude there's a entire section about the development of the game in the wiki article about gow 2. didn't you learn that's useless lying on the internet?
>wikipedia says it
how about reading the article that elaborates how much he contributed to it instead of just seeing his name up there and automatically assuming he got 50/50 on the project, smartass
>muh (you)s
yeah he worked on it for like a month
post it if you have it, faggot. The wiki article have all it's sources. Where's yours?
Jaffe's platforming bullshit ruins GOW1
just read it, or better yet, make your case by pointing out where does it say he was that much responsible for it because I can’t find that part
I've read two or three random sources from that section of the article and not one of them mentions Jaffe abandoning the project. You're full of shit. Post proof or shut up.
In another interview with IGN, BOTH Jaffe and Barlog said that they did not view God of War II as a sequel, but rather a continuation of the previous game. Jaffe said that they did not want to include the Roman numeral number two (II) in the title for this reason, but they did not want the title to convey the impression it was an expansion pack
>Time Waste: The Movie
Fixed that for ya
Okay, but which are some video games in which this isn't true?
BOTH Jaffe and Barlog said that the reason God of War II appeared on the PlayStation 2 instead of the PlayStation 3—which was released four months prior to God of War II—was because "there's a 100 million people out there that will be able to play God of War II as soon as it launches
it’s literally the first sentence if the Development section, I’m not the guy who used the word “abandoned” since it implies he left the studio altogether, but it’s right there saying how he stepped down and became creative director instead. at no point the article mentions Jaffe actively working as director for the game.
Game Director David Jaffe stepped down and became the CREATIVE DIRECTOR of its sequel. God of War's lead animator Cory Barlog assumed the role of Game Director.
>he made a joint decision with the director so he definitely worked on the rest of the game
nice assumption user, got anything else?
fuck off faggot. you don't know what you're talking about. That other guy literally said Barlog was the sole responsible for gow 2 and it clearly wasn't.
God of War (2018)
Yes and those loading segments fucking suck. I’d rather just get a load screen. Not everyone gets tricked into thinking they are still playing the game.
at no point I said he was working as director, faggot.
You realize this is a loading screen right
>both commented on a decision therefore both took the decision
wrong assumption
Literally none. Nothing is gained or learned while playing a video game. You don't improve as a person either. Nobody will fuck you because you made the highlight play in Overwatch or whatever. And if you claim to have learned something about the human condition or politics through videogames, my friend, you might be an uneducated fuck.
But then again, it's okay. Videogames are designed as time wasters. Arguing otherwise only makes you look like an insecure assclown.
ok, but if it's an wrong assumption then why the other assumption (that only one of the took the decion) is the right one? What in the text or its sources makes you think your assumption is the right one? do you see how your own logic just raped your own ass?
>all that cool shit they talk about in game but you never actually get to see.
Wow thanks it took them five years only to leave out all the cool shit in the sequel.
but he was, if Jaffe stepped down right at the beginning to become creative director instead, it means he wasn’t the game’s overall director anymore, otherwise it wouldn’t be a step down and the game would list both as main directors in the credits. open up youtube, it’s right there.
It's a game made for casuals not REAL gamers so what did you expect?
>at no point the article mentions Jaffe actively working as director for the game.
this is what actually matters
GOW2 was Cory Barlog's game
GOW1 was David Jaffe's
agreed. stepping down from game director to creative director for a game that's a "continuation of his previous game" basically means he got tired and stressed and wanted a break.
nintendie BTFO
the point of the discussion is about the wikipedia article listing both as directors despite Jaffe stepping down and leaving the work to Barlog.
backpedaling out of this point, all you’re doing is saying “uh, he was still responsible for the game in some other way” which is just just a cop out since by that logic everyone else in the dev team is responsible too
being a creative director MAY basically mean he oversaw and gave inputs to the project. he was a consultant. It doesn't mean that he didn't nothing, you obtuse retarded faggot.
God bless the autistic user who makes threads with this image every day.
nah. in no point this is mentioned. in all the sources referred by the article or the article itself lists both as directors of the game. And since gow II is basicaly gow 1 expanded I don't see why you faggots are trying to make it the work of only one person.
because the game only has one game director in its own credits.
only one getting his ass raped is you by being hasty to pull a fast one without even thinking. try harder now and do your homework elaborating how the creative director got as much power as the game director, and if so, why the hell does his occupation have a different name then
Books and movies, too, huh?
at no point I said he did nothing, only that he wasn’t a director like Barlog too, as if the game had two directors all the way through.
of course he did stuff, as a creative one. he did stuff just like the animators, coders and everyone else in the dev team. doesn’t mean they are all directors though
For the most part, yup.
yet none of them establish what Jaffe actually did as director, so it’s an unfounded claim. meanwhile, the game has Barlog listed as sole director. is the article about the game worth more than the game itself?
who was it
he is listed as creative director on the credits and stop trying to put words or intentions on me, faggot
but he was a director. creative director is actually a very important, probably he was only bellow the game director.
I thought what they gave us was still pretty cool. I couldn't have guessed how this game was going to even work based on the short combat from the original teasers. I thought you would only be able to fight like 3 enemies at a time max due to the camera
lmao. all the lore, characters and story were created by him, you absolute retard. Why are you trying so hard to take off his credit?
>creative director is still a director anyway
not gonna pull that off on me, jimmy.
a spade is a spade. if he was a game director he wouldn’t have “stepped down” and wouldn’t be a creative director instead
am I now? or are you the one taking off Barlog’s credit?
Looks like an easy game to play. Just mash to win lol.
>kratos whiffing attacks
b-but Matt said every attack auto-slides you into the enemy so it always connects!
I'm not trying to take his credit. I'm just saying that there are no evidence whatsoever that GOW II was made by a single person: Balrog and this started as a reply to someone who said just that. In the wikipedia article and its sources all said that the game was co-directed (they are the only ones listed as directors) by them both.
It was Baldur. He literally spends the entire game hounding them for information.
Your broken english drives me crazy. just kill yourselves and stop this retarded and pointless argument.
But only mimir and atreus know the serpent's language, iirc. I admit it could be him, but what would baldur do if not speak to it? However he does beat the crap out of it but that's later in the game
There is an art to mashing though, just like the old games. You have to keep cycling between the different clusters of those enemies, keeping them all juggled, or they will all start hitting you one after another in a chain (starting with a back hit). You can roll and parry your way out of it if you face them but their jump has super long reach and sometimes randomly has a lot of poise if you try to interrupt
Every enemy shows up on the reversable cover. It's comical really.
>no evidence whatsoever that it was made by a single person
that’s an outrageous claim, of course it was made by several people. the point is that only one person was the game director overseeing the project. if that wasn’t the case, the game would have presented both as directors like the article on wikipedia lists (without elaborating how Jaffe worked as director).
wikipedia, and all of its sources, can’t be any more right than the game itself. specially when none of them have the necessary information to disprove the game.
it doesn't work since Yea Forums barely talks about gow
That's the joke.
Rant at it for information? Try to pick a fight with the thing if it doesnt tell him why he lowered the water level or ate the statue of Thor? Baldurs intro has him looking for trouble due to his own mental instability and quest. The serpent would just ignore him after the fact and im sure Baldur knows hed just get tossed aside by him since it stalemated Thor.
I usually see one thread about it at least this big every day
why did Mimir have a scottish accent
lol no. gow threads get 20 replies at most
His true identiy is Puck.
OP here, surprised this thread is still up.
I never said I disliked the game, I just wanted to bring the padding to attention.
And I've yet to see an argument against it.
I'm about to play some more.
>Riding in a boat:the game
>get to the part where you fight a bunch of human bandits
>"oh, I see. So there's gonna be an ongoing conflict for Atreus when fighting humans vs faceless Draugr"
>no human ever shows up after that
>get to the part where atreus gets mad enough to start sparking red before fainting
>"oh, that's neat, he inherited spartan rage, I wonder how this will play out"
>never comes up again
Also the atreus gets fucked by a horse and births an eight-legged horse according to norse mythology.
And the poise / hyper armor damage is different for every attack you're doing vs every attack the enemy is doing, calculating in what level differences you are, what statuses they have inflicted on them, buffs you have etc
When the head joined up I was reminded of Berserk what with the grumpy guy gathering much more laidback party members and all.
Also, I forgot how bad 30fps looks. I didn't mind it in Bloodborne or Persona 5 that much, but it's REALLY noticeable in this game. Maybe something to do with how close the camera is, so there's bigger 'jumps' between frames?
>"oh, that's neat, he inherited spartan rage, I wonder how this will play out"
>never comes up again
Tune in a few years from now when the God of War cinematic universe is expanded on in the sequel.
>Also, I forgot how bad 30fps looks. I didn't mind it in Bloodborne or Persona 5 that much
>in Bloodborne
There is no way the performance is shittier than Bloodborne.
if you have a PS4 pro you can play it at variable 40-60fps at 1080p
I never said that
Variable feels worse.
that’s because there is no excuse, really
this is still god of war (angry bald man ripping and tearing shit to solve problems, closed arenas, linear story) but with Ubisoft padding (blindly traverse large area till you find map and first fast travel point, go ahead to the very obvious main path to advance the plot or wander around aimlessly to find the other fast travel points and collectibles)
I like that they fixed Kratos
Both his gameplay got improved (from mindless button mashing to intelligent smart combat) and so did his story (giving him a family as opposed to being an angry killing machine was a great improvement from the old games)
You'll just get used to it, I guess. Especially if you could stomach Bloodborne.
I expected the game to elaborate further on that by means of facing more humans, but all you get is killing gods instead and Kratos scolding Atreus till he grows up.
>Atreus Rage
Dad of Boi 2: Boi Becomes Man
Why didn't Kratos just doublejump up there?
I know he could do that since the first game, but now he’s old, his arthritis prevents him from exerting that much strength on his knees in midair to push him up
Kratos was never the same after he underwent knee surgery.
It's not even 5 minutes of game time, stop being a bitch. Naughty Dog's games are padded, GoW is not.
if you didn't think traveling to the other worlds was cool as fuck you're probably retarded and/or didn't play it
You can learn a foreign language by playing videogames.
it wasn’t such a big deal comsidering the other games also too you to places with forests, ice and fire environments, hazardous labyrinths and so on. the difference was having a big portal room instead of just going there through a cutscene.
also, it’s an overstatement to call some of these areas “worlds” considering their are little more than a straight corridor with arenas
Entire game consists of fighting the same boss over and over. You fight the troll boss in Tyrs Vault, in the underworld, in the dwarf place. So fucking lazy yet the sheep still eat it up.
in fact, I’d say the game would have been “cool as fuck” if all of the “worlds” it offers were as large as Alfheim
they only have those climbing sections because consoles are so weak.
Wouldn't happen on pC
Those arent real bosses, they are just like big minibosses, especially since they fight you with enemy adds half the time. Real bosses are like Baldur 1, Magni and Modi, Baldur 2 and all the Valkyries. The Valks are the best because they don't have all those damn checkpoints needlessly splitting up the fights, but the other fights are still pretty good. Baldur 2's AI suddenly becomes way harder on the max difficulty, and the Valkyries all change on NG+ max difficulty.
The games biggest flaw is its lack of enemy / boss variety, no one is denying that. The trolls would be alright if they didn't try to overuse them so much that the fucking bridgekeeper was one of them
oh and the dragon. That fight in particular would be so much better without the checkpoints
there is absolutely nothing videogames don’t have in comparison to films, fiction books or music.
anything you can learn with one of them, you can learn with videogames too. the only thing so far games haven’t been able to perform well is to teach real life stuff because edutainment is cancer, as for the consequential benefits derived from reading, listening to music or watching a film in your leisure time, absolutely nothing there will inherently have a better improvement in your life that videogames won’t also have (aside from the pop culture knowledge in case you want to show off to normies how you totally dig Lady Gaga’s latest single or is totally looking forward to the Twilight dude being the next Batman)
Should have activated spartan rage right there. That's why there is a slowdown when you get your guard broke
Can't wait for it to get even worse!
unless you plan on working in the film industry or want to create a youtube channel focused in classic films, spending a few hours watching Citizen Kane won’t make you a better person for watching it. it won’t give you any crucial information to get a better job outside if the areas I mentioned and even so, you’d only take advantage of it if you did a lot of homework research about the film, not by merely watching it once.
ever listened to Beethoven? just pull up a track on youtube. are you feeling smart yet? see if anyone will care if you brag about knowing about it.
in the end it’s just a big snobbish dick-measuring contest to attribute value to what others consider a “better” way of having fun while using pseudo-scientific arguments to back it up, despite fully knowing no one seeking mere enjoyment from these other forms of media is also going to make some deep study about what they are consuming and make a documentary or academic thesis about it.
But enough talk.
I quit maybe 3 hours after getting the boat, I started on GMGOW for my first playthrough as I enjoy a challenge and thought it'd be something akin to Devil May Cry's hardest difficulties but it ended up with the effective method to deal with enemies just being spam axe throw and wait for runics to recharge. I thought I was playing wrong till I saw most YouTube walkthroughs of GMGOW for NG doing the same run tactics for certain bullshit encounters. Might just revisit it later if I am bothered on a lower difficulty
GoW 2018 doesn't even deserve to be called an "Action Game".
>Nobody will fuck you because you made the highlight play in Overwatch or whatever.
What's gained or learned by fucking
Peepee goes wheeeeeee.
does variable have really bad frame pacing issues? From all the gameplay I see it looks better than 30fps