What games does IRL Chad play?
What games does IRL Chad play?
die for israel goy
certainly not the die for israel simulator
Chads don't get shot by their own men
Are there any games that feature friendly fire?
One copy of Rape Day, please.
RIP in peace
He was intentionally killed, user. It's a betrayal. Chads can be betrayed, even Ceasar was stabbed in the back.
>America sends their most brave men to die on the other side of the world
It's like they want their people to become weak.
Literally no one who joins the US military is a chad. Everyone I went to school with who joined the military was a closeted gay sperg.
dad im football
Since when was Ceasar a chad?
Is this jaw line achievable for anyone?
why did they shoot him?
some kind of drama?
>SEALS arent Chads
Chew gum 24/7 and wash your penis
seals are liars
Friendly Fire: The Video Game.
>For the zoomers: Brad Tillman
where did you get this picture of me
Beta uprising.
lookit this dood
you never did joined the military you larper.
SEALs are not chads, correct. They're navy retards with no combat experience that hit the gym all day
MARSOC and Army SF, on the other hand...
Fifa and/or NHL
Fuck if I know why. But go read about it, it's clear he was murdered. All evidence contradicts the story, soldiers burned his body armor and uniform. Ballistic analysis goes against the witness' story.
The general that oversaw it is unironically pretending to be retarded and says he can't remember what really happened.
I currently play Rage 2 and Baba is You.
army chad becomes biggest beta bitch from ptsd shit when they come back, so much for all that toughness conditioning, they end up total pussies alot of times and nobody helps them properly, "try this, try that" programs for "reintegration", its all overrated anons dont doit
Why do americans love friendly fire so much? Is it their DNA from the civil war kicking back in?