How is this game? I keep being told mixed things about it? Apparently its made by a small studio so there are a bunch of bugs and gameplay issues? How good is it? I was considering picking it up. I also hear its very annoying to play. Like extremely annoying apparently?
Underrail: How is it?
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Its not bad combat can be a pain if you don't put everything into on type of skill and because (as far I can tell) your alone so all of your fights will be you trying to handle stuff like that via fallout 1. I think there is still a demo around
It's a great game. It was made by a small studio, but that doesn't mean it has a bug problem.
>I also hear its very annoying to play. Like extremely annoying apparently?
Nah. What did you hear?
apparently because you have no party members, encounters that have a shit ton of enemies will shit on you? also, the recent steam reviews are mixed? I don't usually look very closely at steam reviews though because some people can be super bias in some way I guess.
it's not that buggy. it's quite difficult for a modern rpg. the final dungeon plebfilters people hard.
From what I've read in other threads, it's all about the difficulty of the combat. No one mentions the story, or any character by name. It seems like it's a Fallout-inspired game with a focus on combat, and way fewer role-playing elements.
It's not like the game just scrapped party members and told you to deal with it. It was always balanced around you being alone against groups. You are given countless of ways to deal with them.
Steam reviews plummet after every big sale, it's because many people pick it up because it's dirt cheap without really knowing what they are getting into.
>Fallout-inspired game with a focus on combat, and way fewer role-playing elements
But the story is pretty good actually, and there are plenty of memorable characters and good quests.
is the game not really open ended then? Would you say its pretty linear?
it has a linear tutorial and then it opens up.
It is a Casual Filter - The Game.
Make a build and stick with it, trying to multiclass does not really work. It can be hard but only if you make it hard.
There are no party members and thus early on some encounters can be tough. But with little thinking ahead and fair use of all options available and you'll be fine.
Regarding that, there are LOT of consumables and equipment: throwing knives (with various poisons), caltrops (with various poisons), nets, many kind of grenades EMP, HE, shrapnel, gas grenades of few type, molotovs to napalm grenades etc, shield generators, tasers, drugs and meds and so on.
One handy tip is to fucking USE THEM, don't hoard.
Crafting is VERY important from boots, to helmets, from armor to knives, from guns to gloves. All the best equipment is from crafting but dont worry it is simple really.
The main quest is pretty linear. There's some branching here and there when you need to get the help of one of several factions, and sometimes several different ways to progress it, but as far as the story goes it doesn't really branch.
However after the first 10 or so hours exploration opens up, and there are many optional locations, mutually exclusive optional faction questlines, secrets, all sorts of stuff. Some quests can get pretty damn complex with different ways to complete them, and the game often expects you to figure things out on your own if you want to find the best outcome for situations, some that have visible consequences in the game, and some that only effect the ending slides similarly to Fallout.
You're pretty free to go where you want. The game's default XP system actually incentivizes exploration by only giving you XP for collecting specific items that are scattered all over the place.
hmm, I think I am interested in the game then. I saw there was a mechanic skill? I usually like those types of skills. I like big machine guns too. So when you say keep the build simple, what would constitute as stretching yourself too thin? For example, I would not want to do stealth at all. I do know I want to shoot stuff or possibly clobber stuff if there are good melee weapons in the game.
Wearing heavy armor and using big assault rifles is one of the most beginner friendly builds, you'll be fine.
its a casual filter game, it's not the hardest rpg or anything but it doesn't handhold you in any way and expects you to know what the fuck you are doing, you don't need to min-max for hard or normal difficulties but its better if you do, just focus on a single offensive skill and build around it, don't try to branch out like going melee/guns which although possible you need to really know what you are doing or the game will shit on you pretty hard
it has really good build diversity and almost all skills are viable to build around them (social skills being the only exception), the main quest is pretty linear but it has tons of side quest chains that are excellent and the story is pretty good, but only if you bother exploring since most of the lore is hidden behind sidequests and secrets and not in the main quest
The point of stretching yourself too thin pretty much depends on how good you are and how well you know the game. But generally if you are a new player and you have your main weapon's attribute high, and stick with somewhere between 8-10 skills, you won't be spreading yourself too thin.
Just remember that there are a lot of ways of solving encounters and that you should be playing oddity or you will ruin the game for yourself
DOMINATING is extra fun once you understand how the game works and have beaten it on hard at least once
It's fantastic, i'll write a long summary if anyone is interested.
t.300 hours in
Go for it.
To put it simply:
Do you like knives? Then you use knives only
Do you want to punch stuff? Then you use gloves to supplement your melee only.
Do you want to use crossbows? Then you use crossbows only.
Throwing (knives, grenades, caltrops etc) is a supplementary skill that all builds benefit, some more some bit less.
Reason why people hammer the specialisation is because of the feats( perks) which are quite specific, there is no "do +10% damage with all firearns" feat there's stuff like "killing an enemy with a burst from your SMG gives one extra burst" or "gives your damage dealing grenades 10% chance to critically hit, this chance is increased 1,5% for each 10 points in throwing skill above 50"
Ok well first off it plays like a classic turn based crpg and it plays extremely well. Obviously if you couldn't tell it emulates fallout 1&2 and the gameplay itself is almost 1:1 so if you liked the older fallout games you'l inherently enjoy this since it's more of the same. On normal it's still not a forgiving game if you don't know what you're doing and waste stat points and perks and such, if you don't utilize everything you are given you're fucked. There's absolutely nothing wrong with playing on normal, only play on hard if you're a minmaxing autist (like me) and don't touch dominating unless you know every gameplay exploit and cheese in the book. The name of the game is learning every encounter, dying multiple times and experimenting. Should i kill the adds? Should i debuff? Should i throw a grenade to initiate? Should i stealth through? All viable, the great thing about this game is that it's well balanced and almost every build if not all, work. However some things are a lot stronger than others like molotovs. If this is your first run through don't look up guides but be careful what you invest points into, starting 6 agility for an ability called sprint is an example, you won't know everything on your first run but discovery and exploration is part of the fun. The start is slow but after about the third main quest it picks up, after the second area it REALLY opens up. Also crafting plays a huge part in the game, everything you can buy you can craft but the item will be stronger if you craft it, don't scoff at investing points into 2-3 crafting stats namely mechanics and electronics
Like i said this is pretty much the fallout 3 we wanted, but this has post apoc magic. The magic skills are insane but don't bother taking the redpill if you're not going almost full blown mage as it takes away from max health. Back tracking a bit, you can play with two different systems to level up. Oddity which rewards you for exploration, you level up after you pick up so many unique items and the classic way. It's mainly preference but oddity is fun because it's different. The map is fuckhuge and things don't scale so if you feel like you shouldn't be in an area yet, you're not suppose to (unless it's junkyard, the second area which is bullshit and a casual filter). Melee is extremely fun but limited to three weapons, sledge hammer, fist and knife weapons which can be a turn off but you get more abilities to play with. Thrown weapons are almost too good to pass up ie grenades and such. The writing is fantastic and all the side quests are enjoyable, it has humor not unlike fallout again but without memes. The main story is a little weak but it all wraps up nicely. I think that about covers it, let me know if i missed something.
Wasted potential: the game
Difficulty balancing sucks, and not in the "casual filter" way that autists lead you to believe
Theme, music, and dialogue are all good, but the game is one of the most clunky, awkward to play experiences you will ever find
It quickly devolves into an infinite quicksave and quickload fest, which is exactly what """""experienced""""" people who think the difficulty is fine are doing as well
This could have been another Fallout 1 or 2, but it sadly misses the mark by a lot
git gud
I was told I could be an awesome psychic punch man, but after putting all my points into the relevant skills at character creation I got my ass kicked by some rats the moment I went into the caves
Did you at least learn psychic punching before going to the rats?
Fist wizard takes awhile to get rolling but it's well worth it.
Yeah of course. Stunning one rat for a turn while the other eats my face didn't seem to be working out for me
>use a knife until you get a good fist weapon
>Choose whether to go all dodge or all health and armor and stick to it
>Actually play a crpg like a crpg and realize you're a scrub if you can't get past the extended tutorial area and learn from your mistakes
>Buy molotovs from the agriculture guy if you still can't win
Fixed it
It's definitely got some mix-max balancing issues. And the last 3rd of the game is atrocious. If anyone says that Deep Caverns is anything but bad, you can safely discard their opinion it's really that awful.
>Actually play a crpg like a crpg and realize you're a scrub if you can't get past the extended tutorial area and learn from your mistakes
I've done it easily enough with a gun-oriented build, asshole. I was talking specifically about punch wizard being a pain in the ass at the start.
Come on, you have to have almost impossibly low maximum health for a single rat to drop you. Use your speed, use you stuns, use doors and fences, keep the starting gun to blow up explosive barrels, and if all else fails throw a flare/molotov.
I'm guessing you invested in dodge and yeah, dodge is complete horseshit and not fun to play around, trying going CON and higher armor the next time and reroll.
Ok cool, that is actually good to know. Low armour meaning better dodge is one of the feats I picked up at the start
This is what casual filter means, here you have a turbo casual that fails and proceeds to savescum his way without learning anything and then complains the game is not well balanced
the game can literally be played ironman with almost every build on hard if you know what you are doing, dominating is another completely different thing
Not that user. but just randomly clicked this thread. This post makes the game sound pretty cool, thanks user. Gonna pick this up.
that's just the psy punch, when people tell you that you can be a muscle wizzard they mean the skill that imbues your punches with psi to deal more damage its called force emission
Weather the start in whatever way you can. Psi monks are hardly late bloomers, but you don't even get the true punch wizard ability before level 5.
it has just one flaw: no voice acting
you can literally craft anything in this game. every piece of ingredient has an item level, every optional component slot gives a different bonus.
for crafting one combat vest you can have so many different combinations. i've never seen an RPG give you that many options.
Kys urself
>It's another scrubs pretending the game needs savescumming thread
why are people so bad at vidya?
Is it worth investing in crafting? My first playthrough I put my points into one combat specialization and then the persuasion shit, but I keep running across mats everywhere that I'll otherwise probably just have to sell
invest in mechanics are electronics and maybe tailoring, the rest aren't really worth it.
If the entire last third of the game is garbage, then this game is definitely a hard pass. That's what killed Pathfinder: Kingmaker for me.
crafting is not necessary in any way for any build, but it's definitely worth it for almost every single build since it gets you the best items in the game and considerably earlier than you would get something comparable otherwise, all builds benefit from it and it can make completely ridiculously good items
Deep Caverns is only maybe the final 10%, 5 or so hours. It's a love it or hate it place, but it's not because it was rushed or not given enough thought. It's simply different from the rest of the game.
Guys how far into the game am I? I'm at the quest where you gas those people for the Protectorate. Can I explore now?
he has no idea what he's talking about, the last area is 1/10th of the game at most and it's not that bad, its just that the infinitely respawning enemies in some areas are considerably annoying and some of the "puzzles" don't have the proper amount of hints in how to solve them leading forcing you to spend more time than you actually should on it
it wasn't a bad area but i would definitely not consider it a good one either, the lore and secrets where great though
who knows, that's not part of the main quest, you could be anywhere from 1/10th of the game to 8/10th of it, once you get past depot A you can do whatever you want
Underrail apologists will conveniently forget to mention it or try to downplay just how fucking terrible it is. It's not 1/3rd but it's also not 10% either. Probably about 20% since you will have to savescum, you will get lost and the game will waste your time. I'm talking about time spent there mind you. Content-wise it's actually not that big since it's a bunch of outposts and repeating caverns with largely unenjoyable combat and exploration. The final boss is actually just as every bit as bad as the guy says though. You can reduce the time wasting the game will force on you by doing an optional quest so that's... something.
Any news on when the upcoming expansion is coming out?
Oh okay so what's the next main quest after Depot A? Also have I fucked myself by going psi plus rifles?
How the fuck can you get lost when you have a map.
I played back when there wasn't a map. And the online map was out of date due to the game still being in EA. So I guess the being lost point is moot now? I don't know how it works.
if its your first playthrough, then probably yes, although psi rifles can be done you do need to know what you are doing and why, psi has some decent skills to support other things but that makes you very short on skill points so you need to know how many points is worth placing in each skill, but if you where able to get past depot A you should be fine, atleast until the last area of the game
you should have the main quest in the log, its divided into 3 quests, helping rail crossing, finding the traders that went missing or going to core city to help gorsky, both the rail crossing quest and finding the traders will lead you to the rest of the main quest
it wasn't that complex anyway, you could have made a point of the whole game getting you lost since there was no map (even though if you werent retarded you couldn't possibly get lost)
but DC is not even half as complex as the rest of the whole fucking map, hell the only fucking complex thing about it is the stupid worm caverns because the worms are annoying as fuck
Yes. A map was added that automatically fills up as you explore. It shows where you are, gives a brief description of the location, lists things like plants or creatures, merchants, whatever. And you can add as many custom notes as you want.
Mind you I wouldn't be against getting lost normally if it wasn't for the fact that DC just sucks to be in. And actively punishes you for sticking around due to constantly spawning enemies and the debuff.
Last I played, and this was a few years ago, I did a scientist build with acid and flame guns. Shit was fun.
but thats literally just one third of the areas, the rest of the areas don't have respawning enemies, unless you pissed off the faceless which you should consider a result of your choices rather than anything else, and the areas that have respawning enemies aren't complex either, it just sucks because you can't look for secrets without being constantly assblasted by tchorlings unless you took stealth
The constantly spawning enemies is easy to get around, just a little annoying. By the way, since you have played it respawns were tweaked, some of the backtracking was cut, you get clearer instructions at the start, the solution to the mushroom puzzle was made much more blatant, and some resources were made easier to get.
>some of the backtracking was cut
i don't remember anything being cut and the last time i played was when dominating came out, what did they remove?
Okay thanks. Hopefully I'll be ok since I only invested in 2/3 psi skills
I just hated getting stunlocked by death crawlers and psi until I learned how to build a character better.
It's fun, but you'll get fucked over unless you know what you're doing with your build, also the limited carry weight is annoying.
No, my bad, I misremembered something. I thought they removed one Arke trip.
if you wanted to go guns it depends on how you distributed your attributes and what perks you chose, losing some skill points isn't going to ruin you but losing perks or too many attributes might
the thing about psi/guns is that psi needs to be only for CC and utility, you can't use both for damage since you don't have enough attribute/perk points to do so
to complement guns with psi the important spells are forcefield (the most broken skill in the game if used properly) and spells that provide CC or utility without needing to pass resistance checks on your target (since that would require high psi skill and decent willpower, which you shouldn't have if you went for guns)
great game, not the most engaging writing but I found the setting immersive enough. It can be rather hard for casual RPG shitters, but with any sort of brain I think you will be fine. Also ignore any faggots telling you that you can easily build a shitty character, because I feel you have to go out of your way to make a shitty build.
The dumbest thing is how the tchortling spawn rate speeds up as the difficulty gets higher. If you're on dominating they start spawning nearly instantly and in huge numbers so fighting them is impossible, so you pretty much have to have stealth. Running through doesn't work anymore, so it's just a case of have stealth or you lose. The game shouldn't be like that.
Fighting them is possible with some builds if you don't stand rooted and move towards the exit, but you can still get fucked over if you left too many and they gang up on you when you return. Though yeah, stealth is now the only easy way out.
Buy this, ATOM RPG and Kenshi and you've basically bought the best isometric games steam has to offer.
they sell Geneforge on steam as well
Buy the skorpion and blaze him out bro it ain't complex.
Hmmm. Good point.
I actually haven't played geneforge since like middle school, which ones are worth picking up?
They added a map now? I guess that's nifty, but half of the immersion from this game to me was remembering the landmarks.
The combat is too hands off and at the same time unforgiving for me to get into. It's the only game i can say confidently iv'e been casual filtered by, everything is so unintuitive.
in kenshi i mean.
yeah, but thats because dominating isn't supposed to be balanced, but i do agree that is something they should change about dominating, i don't mind if they make them a little bit stronger but having them spawn so fast is crippling to builds that depend on any kind of cooldown and can't blow up the highest threat tchortlings fast enough
but well that just really means that you kinda need stealth for dominating which is kind of a necessity anyway i can't really think of a build that would do well in dominating without stealth (without copious amounts of savescumming obviously)
Kenshi isn't isometric, it's not a good game either.
I don't know of any skorpion. Although if it's in the town I guess I should spend some of my 5k buying entrance so I can actually spend that money since traders thus far have been pretty useless.
great taste user
I ended up quitting Atom RPG in the dead city since the radiation was so brutal that the game stopped being fun. Also, the combat felt very boring and repetitive after awhile. It has been awhile since I played it, though. I'm sure the game has changed since then.
Ah a smooth brain enters into the den of multifolds....
Your supposed to get your ass beat early on. Because of your beatings your skin becomes like armor.
>so there are a bunch of bugs and gameplay issues?
>How good is it?
Pretty decent, although not for everybody
>I also hear its very annoying to play.
What did you hear exacly?
It's not -wrong- but people can be whiny babies sometimes
Combat still kinda boring, but its fallout 2 combat so I knew what I was getting into. I played a full merchant character so I had more meds then the red cross.
Cool. Does the game do a good job of explaining its lore or is there a mini bible I should look up.
all the lore is explained perfectly inside the games, no sort of supplements exist. But it might take a while for you to get the whole picture. Don't make faction decisions before you met all of them in their respectable games.
I actually enjoyed combat in Fallout 2 quite a bit, but for some reason, it feels a bit worse in Atom. I think it's because the companions have even worse AI; they just full machine gun auto into each other over and over. The companions were bad about that in Fallout 2 but it's somehow worse in Atom since in the late game, one burst at close range will gib your teammate 10/10 times regardless of armor.
Daily reminder that the best build is Heavy Armor Psychokinesis Sledgehammer tank
>There are people who actually can't beat depot A
i really REALLY hope the expansion dlc buffs these niggas, like a AP cost reduction belt or new feat or something
I've beaten it easily, but now I'm getting raped doing Railroad Crossing's train quest. Maybe it's just too early yet tho
Because it's utter horseshit, you aggro EVERYTHING in whatever area you're in the second you fart in their direction. The big guys hit like trucks and their slime blast is pretty much a one shot kill on hard. I love the game and have beat it several time but it's by far one of the hardest areas in the game.
the fuck was his problem?
It's very good. Whoever told you is a dumb fuck.
If you liked Fallout 1 and 2, you will like this game.
Casual filter, scrub
That is nothing compared to high level, late game missions like you will have to fight on Protectorade/Free Drones, Institute and Deep Caverns
While do I agree is kind of brutal for the begining, it's a must pass test if you want to realistically continue the game
how about you ask that doppelganger of his?
Doppelganger? More like doppelnigger! HAHAHA
Droppin' some screenshots
>you aggro EVERYTHING
only if you make noise, there are plenty of ways to avoid aggroing everything and separating groups, even in dominating where the fucking aggro range becomes so ridiculous that shooting a single rat from the boat at silent isle triggers the entire island to come rape your shit
It's still pretty brutal for so early in the game but thats great since it makes it the actual tutorial to see if you can handle the rest of the game and avoid people to get super frustrated when they reach some shit like the lunatic mall or DC and get their shit stomped
>you can sail back to junkyard yourself now
FINALLY STYG YOU DOUBLE NIGGER, the fucking amount of reloads i had to do to be able to beat this shit without stealth on dominating because the fucker dies was buttdevastating
Such a shame the game wasn't that popular with drawfags, so much material wasted
My only complaint is they keep changing and rebalancing stuff. Which greatly impacted my max level guy
The story and side quests are pretty good imo. Writer has a talent for fantastical science mumbo jumbo
It wasnt as hard as it looks
Reminds me of what I did tothe faceless gaunts in deep caverns. Whole warehouse area on fire and littered with corpses
My crowning achievemens are killing off the hunter camp settlement. And beating that bandit leader woth the big hammer and his posse... while over encumbered.
Traps and psionics are so much fun
That, and Tele Proxy
Proxy is so good at mowing down crowds
Reminder that if you play in DOMINATING difficulty, having the minimum Traps skills is a must have.
The beast fight on dominating was the first time in the game and in pretty much every rpg i ever played where i had to use pretty much everything i had at my disposal, i was full psi but started it on a considerably low level, bless gas grenades and bear traps
Also Gas Grenades
Them too
My character is not very well optimized so I got that perk late. But yep
And still useful in the last Free Drone mission
I do not care for higher difficulties which reduce your skill points desu
That doesn't really look like enough traps to me.
I always picked protectorate. And by always I mean the one time
It's okay laddie, we all make mistakes, and learn from them.
As far as I know, higher difficulties dont lower your skill points, but rather makes the game and enemies all round harder
It's a fun game, but it's hard enough that you need to minmax to beat certain difficulty spikes. If you look things up beforehand or enjoy tweaking builds and restarting occasionally you'll have fun. It's solid.
Underrail doesn't do that though. You always get the same amount of skill points and the requirements on items never change.
It doesn't matter anyway since normal bear traps/caltrops don't require any skills at all. Poison bear traps do but you can always use the standard ones.
Yeah I do too side with the tin cans, prefer them over the droens
Most of my traps were used on the fight, so whatever
This game made me realize how much I want to have a superpower that allows to punch people with your mind
kek at the portrait
The problem is that there isn't much of a choice, the protectorate is well made as a choice and it gives you decent amount of reasons to like it and to hate it, but the drones are just plain retarded like, the only redeeming quality is that you might like some of the characters there but as a faction there is no way you can justify siding with them
Yes actually you're right, Free Droens storyline is actuall oddly awfully written compared to the rest of the game
Also I fucking love sledgehammers in this game
i got that negro. beat the fuck out of me real good.
>Be the fatties of heaviest armor on the entire motherfucking game
>Huge DT and DR
>>>Crippling strike still applies
>You didn't bring EMP grenades as psi?
>Well sucks to be you then
Zap zap powers are a blessing in that fight tho
And Psychokinesis in general against automatons
Besides single use poisoning, they're useless.
Fun fact: You can still apply 'Fear' on him by setting him on fire with incendiary grenades
Also spamming Cryokinesis + Chill trivializes his boss fight
Shit, I mean Hypothermia
once you survive the first turn or somehow get the first turn yourself there is a ton of ways to make the fight trivial
Yeah, which is why Root Soda consumable exists
i just raped that room today as psychosis psi on hard without any EMP's, i just imprinted the front of a room and got them all to pile on eachother then popped psionic mania + trance on electrokinesis and watched everything die
on the experimental branch, and 5 initiative is not nearly enough to ensure a first turn for most builds
dominating obviously
When will Expedition come out so I can play full psi builds again? I want to be a psionic god but I can't roll another one without that new based as fuck time manipulation psi power.
Better than nothing tho
>Chad psychokinesis user
>Virgin though control user
porque no los dos?
It started out strong and with a lot of potential, and I really wanted to like it, but once I finally worked out a build that was viable it became extremely repetitive and the exploration was all very samey after the first couple hours.
GIGAchad thought control + psychokinesis + metathermics
Have fun getting stun killed because your dumbass has no Locus of Control.
I've always wondered if it's even possible to save him on dominating without skipping the fight, it was impossible for me on my full wizzard build but some other build might be able to manage it
I refuse to believe you niggers aren't savescumming without knowing every encounter inside and out
Psi monk or Boxer?
Savescumming isn't just reloading a save after you die, retard. Savescumming is reloading over and over again until you get the best possible result
I didn't have any problems saving him last time I played. That was with energy pistols crit build and those are absolute monsters lategame though.
dominating ?
spoonfeed me a pure psi build, do I need to max out all 3 psi schools?
What are some of the best builds with synergy between weapons and support skills? Been playing a crit gunslinger and damn am I a beast long-rage, mid-range, and close-range thanks to sniper rifles. Haven't even gotten sharpshooter or critical power yet.
Actual guy named 'Wizard', full pure psi
Yes, you gonna need all psi schools constantly maxed
You gonna try it out?
you can't really go only thought control or only methatermics because some enemies are flat out immune to some spells, PSI's whole strength is that it has answers to everything
>Got shitloads of goodies and parts to tinker and make some stuff with
>Wait to get to my private quarters and then only start working there
It is autism?
I dunno man, should you?
Yeah, I just got to upper underrail with my current brainless smg build, when I finish that I want to try psi.
What difficulty tho?
Yeah. Energy pistols shit on robots hard since they have 0 energy or electrical resistance. And if you're energy pistols then of course you have high electronics and enough dexterity for grenadier, so you can spam mk3 EMP grenades too.
Dominating for extra fun
Steam reviews are mixed because
a) fucking retards think it's UNDERTALE and buy it
b) retarded casuals who can't tie their shoes buy it during a sale, then preach how they've been playing RPGs for 20 years and how they're some hard core veterans but get filtered out by the first few rats you encounter and blame it on the game
It's a reoccuring problem for this game, it literally happens every time the game is on sale
I don't think it's garbage, but "share your horrible DC experience with us" was definitely a thing in these threads at some point.
Boxer entails getting heavy punch, crippling, strike, and all the other unarmed abilities. I'm currently trying to perfect a pure puncher build I like to call the Ravager with Expose weakness as his only special melee blow.
Feats would be Expertise, Opportunist, Nimble, Lightning Punches, Fancy Footwork, Expose Weakness, Blitz, Combo, Taste for Blood, Vile Weaponry, Bone Breaker, Wrestling, Cheap Shots, and Critical power
Main weapon would be his bare blood-drawing-bone-breaking-god-like hands. Truly op mode would be the Claw for even more damage multiplier stacks.
multiclassing means the game is casual, hmm I didnt get the retard memo of having only one strength
in real life if you only had one strength you would be useless, obviously
but obtuse developers like to make games that dont reward creativity, and it's praised for being hardcore
nah it's fucking braindead, pick one skill put all the points in done, fucking idiot
Yea Forums is notoriously shit at videogames, it's normal when the board is filled with dumb casual tourists
Also, Infused Ancient Rathound armor + boots for the around 40% mechanical resistance and the 20% crit bonus to compliment cheap shots and Critical power.
the game developer was too lazy to make combat balanced so the solution is, hey put all your points here because I failed to balance the game and make anything useful
I also failed to give the player the tools to create something unique, here use one of 3 builds and never deviate from it
I fucking love gas grenades so much.
>Find good loot from enemies
>It's all heavily damaged
>Repair item to max durability
>Sell the item for twice it's price
How to be a Jew in Underrail 101
>roleplay as a nigger character
>pickpocket from everyone I see
>start with 3 int
>get into gang wars
>fuck over half the people I take quests from
Kinda comfy desu
There are no classes, thanks for showing you are a retard, and you can mix the skills however you want and still have a good build, that you where too retarded to figure out how to do it is not the games problem
this game rewards creativity a lot, you are crying because it also punishes being retarded
Yes, and it's really fucking good. You really feel like a special snowflake big dick wizard
>big dick wizard
>Group of thoughs wants me dead
>Run to the closest bunker and Force Field me in
>Let them bunch together
>Force Field wears out
>Locus Control
It never gets old
>Underrail apologists
this is your brain on low iq
Is the fucking expac in limbo or something? Feels like ages since it was announced.
I kind of lost interest about midway, which is a shame. Had a really fun sniper build that was pretty effective outside of a few parts with 8 million enemies or stealthy enemies I couldn't get the drop on.
Any fun builds I should try out if I want to start a new game?
>in-game vendors only refresh once every hour REAL TIME.
>no way to pass time in-game
How fun are grenadier builds? Not pure throwing builds, those are shit, but builds with supporting grenade feats? Been thinking of running a spec-ops SMG stealth build with a variety of grenades to use and abuse, specifically gas and napalm molotovs.
Go explore and questing and shiet matey
it's always great to see casuals outing themselves trying to blame a game because they are bad
Pass it with cheat engine
I had the Grenaider feat once
I set the world on fire
Was pretty fun desu
no thanks, I'm going to play atom instead
Stop trying to be a turbojew and just keep exploring/finishing your quests, you don't need all those charons, they end up being useless by the end and you will be drowning on them
That's my build rn and I'm unstoppable
There are a lot of vendors out there you know, good luck trying to save up for super steel
>he didn't unlock the super secret vendor
>he didn't use super steel
>'Do you call throwing Grenades a martial art?'
'As long it works'
i did, and i was still drowning in charons after crafting several plates to get the best quality results to craft my armor and boots, like literally having over 20k charons, 5k credits and hundreds of dollars after buying every single thing for the house in core city and crafting the best gear for my char with super steel
Get fucking GOOD NIGGER, you can literaly beat the game with a single acid shooting pistol or a goddamn tommygun, learn to use your damn tools.
there are 3 builds admittedly on forums
commonly people cant progress through the game if they dont pick one of 3 builds that actually work
Do you carry a secondary sniper rifle? In the build creator, I have more than a few spare feats and I'm wondering if I should carry one for long-range coverage.
>No story
>No partymembers
>No romance
What makes the game satisfying? Not trying to troll.
Nope, just SMGs with some points in stealth, throwing and traps
The gameplay and exploration.
Also the story/setting is good.
i never played it
people on forums say you cant progress through the game unless you pick one of 3 builds
thats bad game design
if that isnt true I didnt have the patience to find out
not exactly a ringing endorsement for me to try it
what the fuck are you talking about lol
I never played it so I would know
but why should I if only 3 builds can actually play the game
seems less like an rpg that involves choices and more like an action adventure game with dice rolls
Sorry your 1000 hours in Skyrim didn't prepare you for a game designed around build focus.
>No romance
faggot. baldur's gate 2 is one of the worst things to happen to rpgs.
on forums people say that only 3 builds have a chance to beat the game, or make any progress, that youll get stuck if you dont specifically build exactly how the dev wanted you to
that isnt a role playing game
Please tell me what the 3 builds supposedly are.
You cannot possibly be this retarded, did your parents drop you when you where born?
skyrim was a piece of shit
nice try
shitty games that dont allow any choice yet claim to be role playing games are also shit
you should have to calculate how youll beat something 40 hours in at the title screen
it's called bad game design by an idiot
people on the underrail forum say you cant progress through the game unless you pick one of 3 builds
sounds like a piece of shit, and not a role playing game that rewards player choice
I think I'll steer clear of that
>>No story
t. retard
Underrail has a lot of backstory
>No partymembers
t. scrub
Pull your own dead weight
>No romance
t. weeabo
Go back to your hentai games
this is the new generation of children, no wonder the world is shit
>I never played it so I would know
Then you have no right to opinion on this game
those people claiming that there is only 3 builds are braindead retards and you are following their footsteps, there are literally dozens of builds capable of beating the game on hard with no problems
Better slow down on your shitposting there Redditor.
so you have no argument
why would I waste time on a roleplaying game in which only 3 potential choices are viable
and allow you to progress
it sounds less like playing a game, and more like doing exactly what the dev wanted you to do
might as well buy a strategy guide and do exactly what it says
that isnt a game you fucking retard
and it certainly isnt a role playing game
I read what people on the actual underrail forums say
who have played it, and they basically confirm it's a piece of shit in which only 3 builds are viable
I dont need to play shitty games to see how clearly shit they are
BAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAAAA, HOLY FUCKING SHIT, THATS AMAZING. Alright nigger, I was about to roast your ass like a fucking communal barbecue but you made me laugh way, way too fucking much for me to actually be able to form an argument. My fucking sides hurt, thanks ya bumbling retard.
What feats?
better slow down
actually thinking being forced to do something is roleplaying
the sheer idiocy of so many people
Beyond retarded
Maybe I should replay this in hard
>burst is no longer boosted by smart goggles or smart module
Aw come on
why would I waste my time on something that could potentially be a piece of shit, and many people confirm is a piece of shit
until I have contrary evidence it's a piece of shit, and not worth my time
I dunno I wasn't forced to do anything in this game. In fact I was overwhelmed with how many overpowered build paths there were.
follow the strategy guide for the good ending
fucking braindead idiot
see something like that would make me interested to play it
but unless people on the forums were literally completely inept, many people said only 3 builds were viable
I can't imagine what forums you're referring to that would be so pathetic but you're really embarrassing yourself here by parroting their ineptitude.
off the top of my head, expertise, sprint, nimble, gun nut, commando, quick tinkering, spec ops, whatever that one is that reduces grenade cd, those are the most important ones
I never understood how the psi proxy thing works
Who in this game is waifu material? I need muh virtual bagnia.
You aren't expected to win in Kenshi, at least not at the start. Play like some drunk shitbag; pick fights with people that you can maybe beat, but also won't kill or enslave you in the event that you lose. An easy'n'cheesy way around this is to always have one dude chilling in the back who can pick you up and scoot you to safety when someone splatters your brains across the sands.
armor assault rifles
I don't understand how to do this, all iv'e found are bandits that want to nibble on my inards, how the fuck do you get your ass beat and survive?
Because most people are fucking casuals who cant endure a single game over screen, cant use their tools to their advantage, cant think tacticaly, cant enjoy a challenge, cant enjoy actual freedom of exploration, cant enjoy tinkering with builds, never enjoy the satisfaction of having a good build, never will find the thrill of beating a hard encounter and never, and I do mean never, will be able to feel the utter acomplishment of fighting through the Deep Caverns and then beating the game.
Its a rush, my underage redditor, that few get. Its a fucking amazing feeling, to crack the game, to be able to see its lore, to feel its atmosphere, to master its combat, know the enemies, to PREPARE for the enemies.
Knowing who does what, where, when, ambushing them, outsmarting them, destroying them? A satisfaction you cant have anywhere else. You can ACTUALLY pickpocket the fucking ammo off a rifle guy and make him useless. You can lay down so many traps and then atract people into them and have them be sitting ducks. You can use psionic shit to utterly demolish people or enrage them from afar and cause such mayhem its borderline broken, alongside napalm bombs and everything else.
Yknow why people dont ever fucking mention that? Because they get dunked once by rats and then quit. Because you listen to scrubs who never learnt to play the game. Because you are acting like a gay ass baby who cant even fucking read what we tell you. Prove us fucking wrong and play the game like a goddamn man if you aint no pusssyfaggot underage redditor and make us goddamn proud nigger.
pretty sure it was the underrail forums
it was a point of view
if i'm wrong i'm fine with that
but that was the initial impression I got from reading there
Oh the newbie builds. Yeah I could see how scrubs could confuse those being the only viable paths.
Yeah, kinda restrains you to crit goggles.
Speaking of crits, should I even get aimed shot as an smg-er? Kind of a waste considering I'm going to be bursting all day erry day.
where the fuck are you getting this from lol
high dex SMG's
heavy armored AR guy
high PER sniper guy
crossbow user with points in traps/nades/crafting
DEX focused punching build
STR focused punching build
knife build
sledgehammer tank
psychosis (crit, high damage) PSI
tranquility (crowd control, bigger psi pool) PSI
psi monk (psi + punching)
energy/chemical pistols
these are a bunch of stereotypical/cookie cutter builds that dozens of people have used to beat the game each all with different starting stats and that's not even geting into the autistic variants and mixes of them that people swear by (you don't necessarily need heavy armor to do an AR run, for example, and theres a few different approachs to psi monk)
From what I've read, you literally only burst, no full auto or anything else.
>sprint and gun nut
Completely unnecessary when you've got grenades to control the field and smgs have such low base damage gun nut does nothing.
FACT: Lighting things on fire is awesome
Starving Bandits are good to start off on, they're weak, numerous, and only use blunt weaponry. Causing trouble in town by stealing and getting the shit kicked out of you by the guards is also good, they'll never kill you (at least not intentionally), and will bandage you up while you recover in jail (waiting can get a bit boring though). Don't be afraid to keep a back up save in case you get extra unlucky, but you can mitigate that by keeping a medic in the back like I mentioned. There's also the forbidden cheese technique of choosing the slave start and letting the game run over the night while your guy accumulates retarded amounts of stats on autopilot. Kenshi is a tough nut to crack but it's very unique and very worth it.
FACT: enraging everyone so you all tear each other apart while i grab popcorn is better.
I like sprint for re-positioning but yeah it's not mandatory. The extra damage from gun nut is huge when you're relying on burst.
I just did this on the horde of mutants past Institution
It's so amazing watching them crit eachother
underrail info tm/build/?GQMPBwMIAwfChy0AAEjCh8KHUzQAAFp0TCJrAAAAAAAADk85HRY3JDtJJg9TKTE
Here's the build I made. Feel free to drop int if you don't plan on crafting with gun nut or power management. Even then, power management wasn't really super needed.
Really? I've never really noticed it. More insane on .44s
>3 strength
Hahaha, go away, pleb.
Yeah that's basically it, I didn't put any points in dodge and instead put it in traps, also skipped power management and doctor and got skinner and pack rathound,
When you're shooting 5 shots per burst (7 with muzzle break) 2 to 3 times per turn that extra 15% on the top end can add up quick
What is the best newb build for someone totally new to the game?
+10 Strenght sledgehammer heavy armor superslam psychokinesis only
Heavy armor machine gun build
throwing knives and evasion but not dodge
Heavy armor + Assault rifle
Assault rifle*
I remember doing that once: it was amazing.
you fucking monster
WHat is a well optimized psionic build? Since you’ve played on Hard
release expedition
Imagine playing Online Underrail with Yea Forums
What would you do?
This dude has a lot of good starter builds that are mostly still relevant
Get an assault rifle and metal armor. Burst everything and throw grenades. You can craft if you want, with the crafting benches you can craft any quality level 160 item, though you probably won't get items with that quality normally. You can craft all meds and grenades with the benches. Max persuasion and mercantile gets a big bonus from it.
Drop int lower if you don't want to craft.
>Since you’ve played on Hard
That's -and still am-, playing in Dominating difficulty
Not sure about 'optimized', I don't really care for metabuilds, but be damm sure it's a viable build.
It has a slow start but it ramps so good holy shit
Having 3 psi schools at your disposal is so fucking broken
Anyone else who played a crossbow build here?
Went full crossbow + traps/stealth and loved it
i was thinking on going wizard next but i heard the dlc is coming out soon so i'm waiting
So big guns + heavy armor. Thanks.
>i heard the dlc is coming out soon so i'm waiting
Dont get your hopes up
Styg loves to take his sweet time
Aight you guys convinced to give this a try, any beginner tips or recommended builds? And I don't mean builds that are necessarily easy or good for beginners like what was mentioned earlier, just whats F U N.
its an amazing game. had some great memorable encounters and I have yet to beat it sadly. Its just one of those things you would expect to sink a good 70+ hours into, most likely hundreds.
pic related was one of my favorite moments so far. took a reload iirc but when I beat the encounter I had to use just about everything at my disposal. Then immediately afterward I found some armor that soaks acid like nothing, I believe as a random drop but I'm not sure
How do you deal with anything that's actually armored?
played stealth, crossbow, traps, throwing, chemical pistols on hard. had a ball but abandoned run in upper metro to wait for expansion. was a young man then and my eyes are getting FUCKING RHEUMY EXPEDITION
>walking out of the depot covered in blood, acid, and loot
good feel
6 Agility (Get Sprint as one of your starting perks)
Use Sledgehammers
Use Heavy Armor
Specialize in Psychokinesis build
Become an unstopable wall of a man and hammer the everloving shit outta of your opponents
And to anything that you can't hammer to oblivion, mind punch them
Why are you fags recommending heavy armor when stealth makes for a significantly easier time?
Many things can fuck up Stealthfags easily
For example, Automatons and robots get 'True Sight', means they can still see you even if you have 99999999999 stealth
Because heavy armor requires no more thought than USE BURST ON BAD GUY.
daaaamn, baby girl, watcha packin?
'Get lost, Jack'
It's just turrets and most of the time and having a higher initiative is going to let you duck behind a corner real quick.
Same for stealth except you have the guarantee of going first.
Other than having a lower skill investment there's no reason to suggest heavy armor for beginners.
You'll learn to love me.
Is it worth sacrificing one point in perception later on to get 7 int for crafting, since food doesn't increase int anymore?
depends on how bad your build needs crafting
Eh, there's better games I could be playing that are far more complex.
Can I become so powerful in this game that I can bully cities/outposts/guilds whatever? Or are you a normie in this game that has to be super careful or a random roach will kill you
Only if you want one of the feats that requires 7 int.
max level chars of certain builds (on non-dominating difficulties) can definitely solo entire cities
Why do these threads get so many replies on Yea Forums when it has a sub ~1k player peak on Steam? I've never heard anyone talk about this game outside of Yea Forums either.
Peak players is irrelevant.
What do I do first after Hathor and Railroad, Core City or Foundry?
Its a singleplayer rpg user, highest peak players dont really mean jack shit, does it? Besides, its a great game and a underrated hidden gem.
Generaly, you can do foundry easily, you can get a unique gun from it easily, you can do a quest there for easy exp, you can also usualy handle the beast over there too. Core city is also a good choice for general exploration and whatnot so just knock yourself out really, both are good choices.
it was quite popular on Yea Forums when it came out, even had a general for a few days (which failed, but you know)
foundry, kill that beast
>tfw you realise literally everything The Dude says is true
i usually go foundry before core city but i notice the arena is typically way too easy sans carnifex on every playthrough and the muggers are jokes so i should probably start doing core first
>tfw expect everything he says to be true later on because he's a reference to the Deus Ex guy
dont open spoilers if you dont wanna be spoiled kids
>tfw you realize he is actually a fucking GENIUS
Dude is the best fucking character in the goddamn game, besides Old Jonas. Nobody can prove me fucking wrong.
>tfw you realise hes an extremely powerful psyker and gets psionic visions randomly
>he drinks mushroom brew (which lowers your psi) to weaken his own psi and block out the visions
also are you sure he's a biocorp scientist? I can't remember reading things that point to that anywhere, but with how many plot threads are scattered around the place i'm assuming i missing something small
Just what the fuck happened to Biocorp? The protectorate is basically them but their DC lab got fucking wrecked.
He is. It's how he knows the Faceless ones true nature. They made them
Stone God niggas went full dindu on their ass, the dumbass shits.
historically, there are three different biocorp "phases" that are important to make distinction between;
>old biocorp
the original BC and by far the most powerful and interesting. they were researching pretty much everything imaginable, including alien artifacts (the pillars). they created the Hollow Earth project in Deep caverns, which lead (directly or indirectly) to the creation of the Faceless. The Faceless were treated as a slave race, but one Faceless who was particularly intelligent managed to gain the trust of one of the biocorp elite scientists, and basically served as his assistant. This same Faceless betrayed biocorp and freed his brothers, leading to an overthrow of the Deep caverns. To punish the scientists, the Faceless threw as many of them as they could find into the main Mutagen tanks, and turned them all on. The idea was that the scientists would die painfully in retribution, but instead the scientists merged into one concious being, creating Tchort. Tchort proceeded to mind fuck any nearby faceless, and forced all of them out of his lair. This was basically the end of old biocorp.
There were two more biocorps that popped up eventually after the disasterous hollow earth project wiped out much of old biocorp, but neither of them are as interesting as old biocorp so i've forgotten what their deal is. I think the second biocorp merged primarily into what became the Institute of Tchort, and the third biocorp is basically a protectorate puppet in North Underrail.
>Cube gets stolen
>Faceless scour and destroy the South Underrail for it instead of just asking around.
>expect you to hand it over after you kill a god for it while they sat on their asses
Did not regret capping every one of those fuckers, not even the caged one. Fucking Six letting them off easy just because they're his bastard half-brothers. Wish I could've killed that alien fuck too.
He is mentioned several times in the scientist papers in the Deep Caverns and people straight up call him Dude user. Its actually fucking insane, and I got fucking nerves flairing and the biggest shit eating smile on my face when I read the mush paper logs. Fucking amazing shit.
he is one of the smartest people to ever exist and he essentialy shitposted about random trash in reports and heavily researched fungal matter. Why do you think he loves mushroom brew so much, besides him being a psychic?
God willing, I do not fuck up any spoilers.
Unless I am seriously misremembering, Tchort might have happened. Some people just fucked around way, way too much with eldritch fucking entity from space thats being hunted by the PLOT ARMOR dudes like Six and as is to be expected, some people just went fucking crazy from the eldritch abomination and inevitably, shit went fucking south. You also had some SERIOUSLY FUCKING RUTHELESS PEOPLE AROUND and the whole mutagen obsession was naturaly created from the whole mutational ability of Tchort. Its fucking amazing shit what he could do, but in the end, it still died to my fucking powerfist.
Also people were slowly realizing that the talent was fucking dying, leaving or going to be forgotten and that the HARDCORE people, aka, the plebs would inevitably outweight the scientists and that it wasnt worth saving anyone at all. The dying scientist says this himself and he is 100% right, smart people then built Core City and herded all the sub 130 iq retards into being retarded and spending cash.
The lore is fucking great really.
>tfw fucked myself because I got the .44
I thought the protectorate was the third biocorp. As for the Institute, isn't that still a mystery?
Dumbass, you sell that for a 7.62.
>As for the Institute, isn't that still a mystery?
Nah, not really. we know as a certainty that Eidein (the leader of the institute) was a guy called Aiden Travers (or something like that) who was a former phase two biocorp scientist, who found Tchort in deep caverns after old biocorp got dabbed on. He convinced a bunch of his colleagues to basically start a cult around big T, they took over an abandoned old Biocorp base (the actual institute base) and the rest is history.
The thing I really hope gets some resolution is that after the end of the game, the end credits sequence makes specific mention that the Faceless stole the body of Eideine after the raid on the institute. What are they gunna do with it?? fuckkk
I have only one thing to say to you. The shroom forest
Reminder that the faceless deserve fucking death and that these niggers act like total cunts to you 24/7 after raiding and pilagging all of the rail just for a fucking polyhedron. Reminder they constantly fuck up everything they can like sociopathic fucks and that they refuse to act like anyone that is normal. Reminder they were only a slave race and only stopped being one by backstabbing their one true friend and then attempted genocide on their masters. Reminder they mercilessly killed every single person they could even remotely tie in to the cube.
The faceless are fucking scum. Never relax around that band of fucking cunts. Id rather help Tchort than to be their friend.
user, Eidein is one of the FEW FUCKERS TO EVER BE GENETICALY ALTERED BY Tchort HIMSELF. He is the apex of mutational knowledge that good old fucking abomination can do, he is the ultimate genetic human that has lived for fucking CENTURIES.
Of course the faceless want, not only to fuck with the corpse of the 2nd hand Tchort, but to know what the hell it does without getting utterly mind raped.
Same user. Same. Expedition never tho.
Right on! Fuck those cube worshiping shits.
What did Tanner want with the cube again? Man didn't seem to have much of a plan.
>Release date 2019
>2019 is halfway done.
What did he mean by this?
I don't think we ever find out. As far as we can tell though, its a Xeno artifact capable of putting out absurd amounts of power, so its very possibly Godman tech that he'd be able to use as a weapon against Rahm Umbra.
Why can't we kill that six fingered fuck?
>only the first half of 2019 counts as 2019
Absurdly strong alien technology
Oh, we can. Its called acid pistol builds.
Really, how?
Acid pistol build, retard, he literally said it right there
>reddit wojack
Fall asleep on a bus headed to Detroit you dumb cracker.
Acid does some disgusting shit. Add in the unstable catalyst belt, a good dose of RNG, some luck to get him stuck in place and you can stack some serious damage while bypassing a lot of armor. Not easy but you can kill his ass.
I meant how the acid fucking kills him when his resistances are so goddamn high.
a bug
I'm not a retarded burger tho, also I hate niggers
Uhh, question folks. Is it just me or is the wiki just borked? All I see is plaintext, the usual style is gone.
Nah it's fucked
unsafe loading scripts
>wojack poster
>not a retard
Does not compute.
Huh. Thanks user, didnt even notice it.
Lil bitch gonna get filtered by the junkyard.
is it possible to play some kind of sniper crit-oriented build that oneshots bitches akin to f2 gauss rifle eyeshot crits?
Yeah, go stealth, sniper, and thermo. Get all the obvious sniper perks, and the thermo skill that instakills frozen targets if you deal half their health in one shot. Getting more psi skills that focus on CC is a smart idea, as you'll only have 1 or 2 shots a turn unless you use a lower caliber sniper rifle, which means you can get overwhelmed quickly in combat
yeah but you'll need a side arm. you only get 1-2 shots with your sniper rifle per turn and accuracy (for snipers) falls off the closer the target gets.
Like you wouldn't fucking believe. You can one-shot the final boss with the right set-up.
Yea Forums may praise it, but i didn't like it. it's basic, dull and combat is pure shit. and i'm not a zoom zoom, i have played all old school rpgs, but this one is just isn't working for me. combat is pure no fun allowed munchkin shit.
all that doesn't matter because combat itself is pure garbage
brainlet who got filtered by junky
I dropped the game twice already - first at reaching Core City, second while doing the main quest lines inside of it and Foundry.
It just went a bit boring now. Especially since while I could play Fallout semi-blind, here I have to follow somebody build to survive since author hated non-specialized people and I have to either load all point or nothing into skills. Which is why I will never taste crafting because I already load points into psi, hacking and lockpocking, plus persuasion. Cant recall the rest.
Overall game would be good if authors remembered that old games were created with fun in mind and just had limitations back then instead of "it must be as hard and as clunky and as punishing as possible" attitude.
>jack-of-all-trades fag
Listen here you fucking Jack, this is a game that focuses primarily on combat first and foremost and is meant to be something where you do have variety and variation, you need to use it however.
Does this mean be proficient in both crossbows and melee? Fuck no, this means being really good at one is the best and utilizing the TOOLS at your disposal is the ultimate goal, since being a bloody jack is really just dumb as a whole. Let me give you an example.
You are a melee dude. Naturaly high con, high str, so on, and yet there is this one guy who gives you trouble. Instead of being a dumbass and just throwing yourself to a wall repeatedly, getting damaged needlessly and so on, the game incentivizes and expects you to be smart, exemplified with the very first enemies it gives you, rat hounds and psi beetles.
It warns you that rathounds fear fire, you get flares and molotovs, it triggers their fear and buys you some time. You see them and know they rush in quick, so you use some caltrops to reduce the rush and damage them to boot, maybe even poisoned ones. You see they swarm up and maul your ass so you force them in one at a time. Psi beetles usualy deny your damage but they are criticaly slow and always meander an area, and that makes them perfet bait for molotovs, as they burn very well and take a turn or more to just escape the fire, with you being able to pull one at a time.
If you go mechanics? You get armor, guns, add ons, ton of shit. Electronics? You can use tasers, make your own emp grenades, fabricate the ultimate psi headband that gives you a inate 30% crit chance by default and 250% crit damage. Chemistry? Brother you make some fucking bitching grenades, napalm molotovs are only the beginning.
The game is fun. You need to learn it to be fun however and if you refuse to adapt and use its tools, playing only "hurr, I click human with pistol", you will not go far.
Except that in Fallout it was not a problem for me to focus on one or two types of weapon AND handle selected utility skills since I didn't had to put skill points into pickpocket every level to be able to actually steal something quest important or lockpicking to actually use it.
Don't get so pissed off George, just accept the fact that while Fallout was balanced game, Underrail is not.
What kind of sidearm can you actually get good use out of? I have trouble finding points for everything.
name a point in the game when using a utility skill was the only way to progress
>doesnt even recognise Jack posting
Bre, I didnt even need the evidence you didnt get to Core city, but thats just embarasing.
This is a more dificult game than fallout. Its a tactical rpg first and foremost, where you are meant to not fuck around and be effective at your job. You are solo, you are undergoing the Rail, which is neutral at best, inhospitable at worst, plagued with shit like Death Stalkers, rabbid madmen and sub 80 iq jocks. Its an unbalanced game that finds balance in the fact it isnt balanced and bases itself on being a skilled, resourcefull person. If you cant handle that, and couldnt get past junkyard, you really aint shit at all you ratter.
A .44 since you're already rocking a crit build. I once managed a 1000+ damage Execution with one.
is ATOM as combat focused as this is?
Fallout 1 wasn't balanced, it was just easy as shit. You are a walking god of death of that 2 shots Deathclaws and can solo the BoS bunker by mid-game and theres no real fight that should ever pose a threat to you if you specced even semi-reasonably because it throws retarded amounts of skill points at you with each level even on 1 INT runs and you're allowed to pump combat skills as much as you want, and that's without mentioning the fact that books break the need to level up anything besides combat skills and speech regardless. Skills like doctor, outdoorsman and gambling are objectively awful and worthless but you're able to take them regardless for role playing purposes because it doesn't matter if you handicap yourself, you'll be able to beat the game anyway. That's not "balanced", that's just "easy".
Bought the game, should I use oddity of classic for exp gain?
Oddity if you're investing points into lockpicking, hacking, or pickpocketing.
Classic if you plan on just rip and tearing through the game.
Most people recommend Oddity because it's more unique and the game was designed around it but I honestly find the pacing of Classic fine for what it is.
>mfw GMS compund
Have I been filtered? How the fuck do you deal with their stunlocking asses?
what build
I don't have one
Mainly guns though, I have a 44 with aimed shot and an SMG, I can hack and lockpick too
regardless you have lockpicking so shooting the cameras and using the the vents to get past them should be fine. I think there might be a terminal to turn them off but I'm not sure. I just remember I couldn't kill them on my SMG playthrough either.
if you're intent on killing them you either need w2c bullets (which you most likely don't at this point of the game) or EMP's
wait just so we're clear you're talking about the sentry bots right
Is playing a speedy melee character possible and fun?
dex unarmed is probably one of the best builds in the game
Your loss faggot. Underrail is the best RPG in years.
nvm fixed it
Managed to take one down and hide in the vents to recuperate, the remaining 2 grouped together and got EMP'd
good job and god speed user
Amazing game, my only gripe is that it takes fucking forever to walk from destination to destination if you can't use the train
How does unarmed work in this game? Do you get like special gloves or learn special moves or something? Can someone suggest a decent stat spread for an unarmed character? I'm also looking to pick locks and stuff.
>trying to multiclass does not really work
I dunno, my metathermics/sniper rifle guy is doing all right.