Attached: political-cartoon-about-video-games-and-school-shootings-picture.gif (400x292, 52K)
The comic is 100% right. Don't fuck with gamers.
>Buy child game not intended for them
>Wonder why they're retarded
Boomers are fucking stupid.
at least he's not playing spyro
>tfw you lose one of the artillery shell addons and the whole peripheral becomes useless
Is this from the 80s?
>Is this from the 80s?
No. It's Millennials/Zoomers that are the sick fucks who shoot up their schools, not Xers.
>think comics and video games turn kids violent
>completely terrified of their children killing or hurting people
>are absolutely hyped for their son to go Marine infantry when he turns 17
t. Americans
Boomers still think that games like doom2 and gta3 are still culturally relevant. They don't even update their PowerPoint slides when they get speaking gigs at schools to spook other boomers.
It's seriously telling that these are the same assholes that scoffed at their "devil music" like the beach boys and Beatles being blamed for all the evils of Western society.
post more boomer comics
What is Columbine?
Pretty sure Columbine was xgen.
>cop killer
>not cop killer 3
top pleb
Is dad fucking the maid or something? How removed from reality is this "artist"?
is there a collection somewhere of all water edits?
Damn right
>he's only a bit older than me
The pokemon creatures taught your son to be violent.
School shootings are the symptoms of a diseased society. Alienation and depression and disillusionment are at an all time high thanks to third fave feminism, the ubiquity of the internet and smart phones, and the slow but steady realization across the globe that things are going to get worse before they get better. These baby boomers can preach all they want from their high horse, but they're just as culpable as the greatest generation in creating where we are right now.
I also fucking scoff at the notion that video games are making people violent serial killers, but forcing young boys into stupid, pointless wars like Korea and Vietnam and Iraqs is somehow a good thing, and they're brave for "ensuring our freedom."
Fuck both baby boomers and the generation preceding it. Hypocrites, the lot of them.
the artist thinks videogames are the problem when his own work reveals it's the boomers who did the absolute bare minimum raising their kids that fuck everything up
I 100% want to play a game called "cop killer" with an absurd peripheral turret
It's from 1982 when Pac-Man fever was in full swing.
Oh baby
I know, don't let your kids watch the news
reminder that Yea Forums is trans
Yeah, because defending your Homeland from bloodthirsty terrorists and gunning down your classmates are totally the same.
>beard fur chin
brings shame to the deer-type kemono qts/10
I pretty much agree with you but blaming third-wave feminism alone for all that shit is pretty myopic, it, too, is a symptom of the diseased society.
my neck
my back
God I love water but I hate having to go up a hill every day to get it. Kids these days dont know how easy they got it.
>my neck
>my back
my bussy and my crack
>come on guys, third wave feminism is just a symptom too, it gets entirely too much flak when there are bigger problems to be worried about
I'm onto you low key SJW
Well this just got interesting
>fighting bloodthirsty terrorists
Most of my time was just dealing with street kids trying to bum cigarettes off me and being paranoid 24/7 because last week an IED went off three miles out.
Why is the only couch in the living room facing away from the TV?
>defending your homeland
>thousands of miles away
go on...
I'm so fucking lonely and this is not helping.
they fuck at the end
it has a dick
The only difference is the school shooter realized his enemies were right next to him not some sand nigger on the other side of the world. The Iraq war was not about defense. Cheney used the twin towers as an excuse to trump up bullshit about WMD,s when he realized Afghanistan wasnt going to make him and his buddies enough money.
This was really confusing to read.
>the west designs a furry
>it looks like a deformed human
>japan designs a furry
>it looks cute
Every fucking time
if youre going to trap us in this thread with a doujin then at least post faster so we can fap properly.
Hey, I remember you from last Christmas. It was a pretty cute read.
based, fuck cops