Thoughts on people who use this?
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Mostly memers, still have a decent amount of skill. As long as you're on guard they're not a problem.
neutral, i guess? it's very easy to dodge a rocket jumping soldier
It's how I know they're gonna be completely useless to the team. There's no reason to use it since you can roll random crits 60% of the time on even a stock shovel if you're doing your job as Soldier. Picking a melee on Soldier that can't do random crits is retarded.
>he relies on melee crits instead of crockets
I remember people spawning camping with this on a tryhard mariokart server. Good times
heavy is the best class
>eat dalokohs bar
>use fists of steel
>hide behind payload
>push it a decent amount, punch anyone who comes close enough
Heavy is the 200 IQ pick
Useless, but whatever, let them be retarded.
could not care less provided they're not using 3/3 trolldier loadout
I was the guy with the full trolldier loadout
Rocket jumper
market gardener
just chilling on the app 24/7 hightower server chatting with the other regulars and going for the dank market gardens
good times.
I respect whoever manages to be consistent with it. I can barely snag a couple of kills with it, and most of the time also get fucked by TF2's awful melee hitreg.
>Strafe in literally any direction
>Soldier hits the ground with a *CRRAACK*
>Burn him as he tries to run away
they're not tryharding, that's for sure
Who even uses the mantreads
>that awful trolldier player that carries a shotgun because he can't get kills with the market gardener
>still fails to get kills with the shotgun
Do they still have that glitch where if you keep jumping after landing, you retain the crit on your swing?
is this the prolander grand finals thread
No, but I am watching them as well
>Sniper gets 4 headshots in a row
>2 dudes falling to their deaths
This is gonna be good.
>no based uncle dane
no wonder froyo are getting fucked
Hey Yea Forums! I unboxed a strange homewrecker today! :)
Why is b4nny the only famous TF2 pro when he's always getting dabbed on by cat noises?
>fagkike dane
cringe and unbased
heres your medic gf bro
LMAO B4nny just falls off the cart
>gets dominated by pyro then next life he falls off the map and dies as scout
bruh look at this dood
>not using rocket jumper exclusively for shotgunning
People that use it when they see an opportunity are based. People that use it with the rocket jumper are cringe.
Watching this match makes me hate the fact that Casual doesn't have Stopwatch mode for A/D and Payload.
How many of you encounter cheaters when playing? it seems like every night im put into matches with those assholes.
once you see them they become even less of a threat than people who use pic related
Played a borneo match that had 2 bots, one of which was a medic constantly pocketing a heavy
People even do shit like have 2 medic bots pocket a revolver spy. They dont even hide it but people let it happen.
They get a 'Yikes' from me, dog.
>join 2fort match
>see market garden fags picking on our snipers
>decide to teach those cunts a lesson
>go tomislav heavy
>wait for them to rj towards our battlements
>jump out
>shoot them while they're in mid-air
>laugh while they fall to their death
>mfw suddenly become proud owner of a salt factory