Not cool, Tifa.
Not cool, Tifa
honestly, ff7 was trumpist, sexist, garbage. i seriously hope the remake flops, or atleast gives the finger to nazis and makes the characters less attractive.
My pee pee feels funny when Tifa insults me.
Why? Stop being a retard and climb, you faggot.
suck a cock
Based Tifa telling it how it is.
Am I missing an element of the combat that makes it entertaining? I’m like 5 hours in and it’s so boring. It’s just IV and VI’s system except slower and less interesting decisions like moving party position. Limit break being out of your control is pretty stupid too.
shut the fuck up you homophobic piece of shit. christ, this site has gone to shit because of /pol/tards. just fucking leave.
ok ok gay man come here and suck my cock, you love cocks :)
you will never be a real woman
But user faggots aren't people.
kys kill yourself tranny
They think the site was good before /pol/ existed.
Was replaying this a bit back, and I didn't remember this at all. It's so strange and out of place
Why do they limit your party to just 3? Especially in the remake. I want to play as everyone except cait sith
nah im not the tranny but you though i was due to the amount of people i quote right? haha
tranny faggot suck a dick haha
Technical limitations and balancing
Just saved this shit thread from baiting retards, you're welcome OP.
>It’s just IV and VI’s system
What? What are you talking about? There's nothing like a class system in VII.
>Limit break being out of your control is pretty stupid too
No one liked that even in 1997, that's why they changed it with FF VIII. But if you don't like the game by now, you likely won't get into it later.
nobody liked you before either
neck yourself
Ok for ps1 but why for remake?
That's because the translator changed the line. In Japanese Tifa just says "Don't say that!" because Barret talking like they're all going to die felt like a bad omen to her.
Balancing, the game was easy enough with only three characters
Just roll cloud, sid and red13
Do people who think like this really exist? or are you guys so far up your own irony that think that writing like this is funny?
Caith Sith is wasy cooler ever since I actually played the game and found it's just a robot being controled by a dude in a comfy office. They should have played that more for jokes.
fuck you faggot
>not Cloud, Cid, and Yuffie (with the Conformer)
they exist yes, but that one is meming.
Man we had such a comfy thread this morning. Now its all you faggots.
But how am I supposed to decide who to pick?
americans still up.
This desu
Why do they never show the dude?
I bought FF7 on switch because of earlier comfy thread. Just at bit where you crash through church roof and meet Aerith
Pick who you like (except for Cait Sith, he's trash)
this site gets so slow and shitty when americans go to bed though.
It was really fun actually. Now I don't know why I come here. I waited four years to post, now the kids don't even lurk for a day before posting
They do, it's Reeve, the guy who is responsible for managing the power plants. They should have more fun with the dude. He's just roleplaying as a cat fortune teller while sitting in a office.
But I like everyone except cat sith
>not Cloud, Tifa, Barret
You just know there is some fag out there whose goto party was cait sith and red xiii
I stopped coming here for a while after 2012, but then I came back when I got into Dragon Quest and wanted to talk about it. Boy that sucked, DQ threads were rare until close to DQ XI's English release, and even then they were constant complaining.
Is Vincent shit?
>t. seething tranny
Dragon quest threads were amazing. How did you get away? Did you get a gf?
Post tier list of all characters
>allowing women into your party
Cloud, Barret, Cid
When Trump wins in 2020 please stream your suicide.
There's an easy way you can get me off.
Oh hey, that's interesting. Thanks for sharing.
>allowing black man in your party
Nah, I can just drop things if I really don't like them, including Yea Forums despite being around since 2006. I still come by sometimes because I can't find any decent internet communities anymore. Yes, this place sucks too and it's full of people who like to follow hiveminds, even if it's usually the inverse of most other places, but I don't know, I still like the anonymity and lack of comment voting, that shit was always bad.
Based. FUCK ableism. FUCK sexism. And most of all... FUCK TRANSPHOBIA.
>I masturbate to people committing suicide but you are the depraved one
Barret is cool though.
Is it retard hour on Yea Forums or something?
Do you really have to go so low for (yous)
Shut the fuck up you degenerate Tranny and go back to Resetera.
This fucking thread is what's wrong with Yea Forums in 2019
stop replying to bait you fucking retards
FF VII's a pretty interesting game to play in the original language, there's so many inconsistencies and mistranslations in the English localization. Some things that bugged me for years suddenly made sense when I played in Nip (nothing big, but certain things stuck out to me). I'm not sure about the remake, it's probably not going to be great, but I'm still looking forward to the new localization. If it's good, I'll buy it and play it to compare things myself, that way I can autistically speak to every NPC and compare anything that catches my attention between languages. Otherwise I'll just Youtube it.
I'm not sure how many layers of irony you and the people who are replying to you are on.
this. i'm so sick and tired of nazi /pol/tards derailing threads just to push their stupid agenda. like why is it so hard for them not to say the n word or degrade homosexuals/transgenders for 5 minutes?
Why do you have to be this way
Based Tifa, dabbing on all the mongoloids
Why? Cait Sith was...
...uh, never mind.
They were here for the cp, so of course they thought it was good before.
How IQ deficient do you have to be to fall for this extremely obvious and ironic bait?
It's ok, he's one of the good ones
I was here for the video game threads. I went to Yea Forums for Caturday. Always hated that you basically had to trip over CP threads to find them back then.
I'm a little surprised kids still pretend to be racist to be edgy these days. I figured they'd have gone down a different route.
>second reel is a miss
Stay mad white boi
I've been watching a friend blind play FF7 for the first time and the writing is much better than I remember. The banter between party members, particularly the writing involving Aeris, is well done. She was a lot more of a character than my memory gives her credit for. It's also wackier than I remember - I don't just mean the cross-dressing meme, but stuff like when they disguise themselves as Shinra sailors and such. I hope they preserve those moments of levity in the remake
>retard sets the bait on the first post
>even more retarded retards take it and give him a million replies
how can anyone be so fucking stupid
implying cloud wouldn't rip your dick off like a celery stick
Great. Here come all the >shadman memers.
how do i get a cute girlfriend like this?>
Aeris really did have more personality in FF VII than any of her incarnations in later games indicated. She seemed even more playful in the Japanese version, she even had a nickname for Cloud (nandemoya-san, mean "Mr. Everything", which came from him telling her that he did a bit of everything), but yeah even in the translation it was still easy to see she had personality. Hopefully she doesn't lose it in the remake.
Back alley behind your towns gay club.
Be a Don of the slums
Rwminder that ARABS, SPICS, CHINKS, and KIKES are subhuman. Oh, JANNIES and NIGGERS are too.
>She seemed even more playful in the Japanese version, she even had a nickname for Cloud (nandemoya-san, mean "Mr. Everything", which came from him telling her that he did a bit of everything)
God that's kawaii as fuck
It's easy to forget how ballsy it was of Square to make the healer waifu a teaser
And then to fucking murder her in front of the player
Holy based.
It's bait.
Yep Aeris was a well rounded character despite how dark her origins were and considering that she worked as a hooker it's neat that she remained so cheery and kind.
10/10 bait, worked like a charm
She wasn't a hooker. Stop falling for shitposts.
Isn't the hooker thing just a meme >implication
Because she sells flowers?
I was only pretending
I have a bad feeling that the remake will remove all the wacky and fun and make the game hyper serious.
>new localization
It's going to have a new script dude. I doubt anything will be comparable to the old game directly besides in a very general sense
Yeah, but it really got out of control after Mizuryu Kei made a Crisis Core doujin where her flower selling was a front for prostitution. People have treated it as basically canon for years because their dicks like it.
>tfw cp has finally been eradicated
Yeah I know it's going to have a new script. I'll play/watch through it in both Japanese and English. I'm sure there'll be some things to compare to the old localization though. If Tifa's panties make it into this new version of the game (which I kind of doubt), I wonder if they'll translate them correctly for once. They failed both in the original and in Dissidia.
What did he mean by this?
So basically the same as everyone thinking Tifa's tits are retardedly huge cowtits rather than the large tits they actually were. All the more proof that porn rots people's minds.
It's even easier to bait the /pol/tards than it is the libs.
Retards shouldn't be playing games rated higher than E.
>It's even easier to bait the /pol/tards than it is the libs.
It's because /pol/tards are thin skinned, fragile and easily triggered white cucks who see this place as their safe space. Hence why they sperg out when someone proposes ideas that conflict with the norm.
Well, Tifa's tits are somewhat understandable. They were just big tits in battle, but pretty big on her field model and enormous balloons on her FMV model.
I've always thought it was more of a Brainbuster than a Suplex.
I wish Tifa would do this but with my dick and balls
It really bothers me that Yea Forums has transformed into babby's first alt-right hugbox for angsty white teenage boys. This place used to be just about anime and Japanese culture. No wonder moot abandoned ship
The game overall gets better once you get out of midgard, though the combat does not get much better
90% of it is just shitposting to be edgy, like how Yea Forums used to post guro and cp
>i've been here since 2015, that means Yea Forums was always like this
Adjust the battle and text speed in the config in your menu.
>and in Dissidia
stfu incel tranny
based user shining light on the boomer newfag /pol/ redditors with such easy bait
I think it was one of the Dissidias. Tifa can get an item called Stretch Boxers. In Japanese it's ちょっと背伸び ("kinda sexy underwear", basically), same as the ones you can find in FF VII which got mistranslated as "orthopedic underwear."
Has nothing to do with my dick (in fact it might be a slight detriment), I just like the depth it gives Aerith's character and that it makes her fit the gritty setting of VII better.
Just play with the Reunion/Beacause translation. It's pretty damn good.
Is it? I haven't played it but I've seen bits and pieces and it looked rough in places, and I noticed that they somehow didn't catch the "techno freak" mistake.
this guy are based
crank the speed up. this game is fairly fast. if you are playing the latest additions you can even speed the game 3x i i remember right.
have your /you/
combat gets more interesting later on when you get more materia variety and when you start filling out your enemy skill materias
I always miss the comfy threads. Link?
I think he means this one?
It was pretty comfy
game is less about the combat, and more about the customization of material to prepare for combat
It's good, yeah. They did let some things slip/made some of the same mistakes the OG translation for 7 did, etc. (Like 'guy in a black cape' referring to Sephiroth, etc.) But overall it's just a much better package.
yep thats the one. It was nice.
Man, I miss the 90s. Everyone's just so pissy and sensitive faggots nowadays
It's only normal for people to jump ship to opposite side of something they hate. Blame the cancerous SJWs snd leftists who encroached vidya. Enemy of my enemy is a friend, they say.
This is nothing new you fucking nigger. The only thing new here is you.
but this is legitimately what made the game good. the characters actually had quirks and flaws and interesting lines.
now every character in modern games talks like a newscaster reading a script that was scrubbed by 3 different editors to remove any life at all.
You know nothing and should probably go away. Stop pretending to be an oldfag.
Fuck niggers.