Does anyone still actively play this game?
Does anyone still actively play this game?
Yeah. It's not great but there's no cheaters.
I'm playing with a four-man as we speak
geeze literally 95% of the posts are waifu posting
As opposed to passively playing? Why can't people on this board write proper sentences?
Less than before since straighy men cant handle their daddy stand-in being gay
It's the same for FGO but people actually play that one.
>expecting anything else from /vg/
Pick one.
As opposed to not playing at all or more than just once a week or so.
I'd still be playing if my bootcamp windows didn't fuck itself up
No different than OW lootboxes.
I'm in love with Mei I even bought 40 loot boxes just to get her new skin.
No and I'm glad I'm not playing it.
Playing qp/comp with buddies or doing shits in custom games is worth for me
Yes it is, you delusional weeaboo.
Nah, waiting for OWL to be disband and then I may return.
I just recently picked it back up. I'm finding my groove again with it, I never touch ranked or QP only play mystery heroes.
i still play, not as often as i used to, i find the match making to be god awful/totally random luck, i solo Q, sometimes i get partied with amazing players, who all communicate and know how to play their roles/choose the correct heroes for the situation,etc, and other times i get partied with 5 people who all instalock DPS and can't land a single shot, and scream at each other over mic, it's pretty frustrating..
I do but I got banned after I muted everyone and kept playing.
My standard procedure was to play Lucio and just listen to music but after people noticed I muted they they threatened to ban me in the text chat.
i got her new skin after my first 3 arcade games ^o^ and divas in my last one~
no, I got sick of the forced tank/heal/dps shit
The fact that the report system is just based on how many reports you get with no verification of breaking rules is beyond retarded. Another great reason to never play.