“They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in New Vegas Thread s. They said welcome aboard.”
“They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in New Vegas Thread s...
Is it bad I'm using my playthrough to practice writing a book?
make sure it isn't too obvious that you are writing a fallout rip-off
There's absolutely no reason for a female courier to side with Caesar's legion, change my mind
What's your book about?
I can't. You'll have to RP that you're brainwashed or they have someone you love hostage.
there is no reason for the courier to side with anyone so it doesn't really make any difference.
There's no reason to side with the Legion anyway unless you're an evil dick
>ranger combat helmets as classed as eyewear so you can still wear hats with them
Why didn't I know this before?
Reminder easy pete is a legion sleeping agent
I wouldn't but Caesar or Vulpes fangirls do it. I've seen it.
>women are attracted to killers and want to be dominated
I guess i forgot about this before making my post
>not RPing as a self loathing with penis that uses only javelins and other phallic weapons
It's like you know nothing about women
b a s t a r d
Good news: If you're RPing a woman you don't have to make rational decisions. The only unbelievable part is Caesar and the Legion even wanting a Female Courier's help in the first place, but it would be pretty stupid to lock you out of an entire faction just based on gender.
Do the Legionaries react differently to you if the courier is female?
Vulpes is hot tho
and he looked /fa/ as fuck in that suit when he finds you in the strip
Maybe Caesar is for those with a daddy kink
You think legion soldiers buttfuck eachother? They say they hate degenerates but they're also larping as romans so i'm getting mixed signals
a side character mentions some of the soldiers want to rape you
>You think legion soldiers buttfuck eachother?
they do
Veronica talks about that
she says that they hump each other just as much as their women if not more
Do the legionaries ever talk about homosexuality?
to them degeneracy is gambling, prostitution and consuming drugs and/or alcohol
but i've never seen them talk about homosexuality
how polite of them
New Vegas 2 never
i joined the legion as a female character. that character was pretty much an evil monster though. everything she did was for the sake of killing everyone in the wasteland except for the junkies and mentally ill. INT 3 CHA 1 STR 10 END 10, etc. she blew caesar up on the operating table and got away with it. she's gonna side with lanius cause he kills people then kill him in her next save file
the main reason is cause i don't have the win with legion achievement though honestly
One of the most underrated pieces of armor.
>Bethesda will never allow Obsidian to make another Fallout game because of Todd's fragile ego
>wanting modern Obsidian to make another Fallout game
fallout: Dog Town a possibility if Todd would stop being a pussy
>working undercover as a spy for the legion
>be ranked as a messiah for my reputation
>get to nelson while traveling around
>NCR wants me to kill hostages so that legion has no leverage
Wew that and the OP make it so they just sabotage themselves.
The NCR are really great guys but at the end of the day girls are into Chads.
I just use FO4 to roleplay as a lost Enclave member since it has the best power armor system. Everything else, I just use F:NV
anything will be better than fallout 4
Fallout 76 says hello.
i dont acknowledge its existence
/our faction/
>no women would ever join the Legion
I don't know how completely out of touch with reality you have to be to suggest things like this, even ironically.
What you're suggesting is that women, magical creatures that they are, share some kind of wonderful bond of sisterhood that transcends cultural and social boundaries. That no woman could ever stand to see another harmed or made to suffer. That women are wholly incapable of greed, malic or amorality.
Women have some weird magic cult, it's something about some magic self traveling pants or some shit like that
cringe and bluepilled
>can't Black Widow him and sexually bully guys like him
The real flaw of NV.
A low-INT tribal character from an incredibly patriarchal society would look at the Legion and think "these guys are my people, but better" and try to further their aims and be, due to her luck and skill, "one of the boys."
A domineering, amoral high-INT savant (femCaesar, basically) would look at the Legion and think "Caesar has done good, but he needs me to see this through" and give the Legion that "feminine touch" it needs to really get the job done.
>tfw doing a drunk lesbian cowboy drifter playthrough
having a blast desu. Legion fucked me over back in Nipton so i've been taking revenge, and the NCR can't make heads or tails of what i do. Help them when i get the caps for it and fuck them if they can't give me shit
i've played this exact character, good time. if you really want to play up the drifter angle, get Salt Lake Stories; lets you wander around the Great Salt Lake after Honest Hearts with a lot of nods to the isometric titles. production values are a bit rough, but it's a really creative and ambitious project that adds a nice interlude to the game (assuming you do HH at the correct time, after you kill Benny/he flees the Strip)
>tfw you can beat the final boss of the game with barter
too bad she got BLASTED
>how to spot an intentionally shit playthrough
>gimp yourself out of free stuff over a shit companion
if she kept her fucking business to herself, I would have never handed her ass in
>free stuff
What's stopping you from blasting them away anyway? You can handle a few dindus with laser guns, right? You didn't actually spec into laser guns yourself and have a reason to not sell everything, right?
Stealing the stuff would lead to bad karma, which leads to Cass leaving you
>not slaughtering them all as part of Heartache by the Number
Or does that still mark their store goods as stolen if you take them in an unmodded game? I don't even remember.
How can you have a negative karma in NV. Just walking the mojave will set you at very good because of the fiends. Did you kill every good person?
You have to have negative Karma before Cass will leave you and she has to bitch about it three times before she'll fuck off by herself
Unless you've been playing a borderline cunt up to then, stealing the VanGraff's inventory isn't going to do it
Nah I stole everything and wiped out everyone at the Tops cause fuck Benny
>All weapons and ammunition in the store can be stolen without Karma loss, but the guards will turn hostile if the player is caught, making it impossible to start the Birds of a Feather quest, or leading the quest to fail if the player already started it.
But the Chairmen also hate Benny... Swank is a bro
Either way, my choice was to stop stealing or kill Cass and get a Hunting shotgun early.
Also, Boone is better cause auto-aim sniping lmao
You are a terrible person. No wonder you'd be okay with the Nig Graffs being around.
>kill Cass and get a Hunting shotgun early.
What do these have to do with each other? There's a hunting shotgun sitting in the middle of an empty farm just north of Vegas
I am not REALLY a big fan of Cass but van Graff's rewards are too Shiity
so I killed them
literally nothing, considering she doesn't even drop her shotgun upon death (as it's a companion weapon)
>tfw actually putting points into guns and shooting everything on sight
It plays surprisingly well as a shooter with a few mods, live dismemberment is probably the most fun I've ever had in a Fallout game
I worked with the Van Graff's because I was secretly working for the Legion. Boy was my face red when we turned on the Legion and my dog just ran into battle against my allies.
niggers this is not spam
Just finished Dead Money. My only regret is not being able to keep any of the followers, everything that DLC put me through was worth it just to learn as much as I could about each of them.
>a fucking hunting shotgun
you dumb nigger
One of the slave girls that makes healing powder says "I overheard some of the legionaries saying they were thinking about 'trying you out'." Take it as you will
You did take the gold, right?
user... The gold wasn't the point.
still i took just one to display in my shack
All these legioncels piss me off
Olay, but what if the female courier agrees with the caesars legion? Surely that's a reason to side with them.
>taking only one
Never let go. Never give up. Never compromise.
You'd be roleplaying a braindead female then
Why's that?
You'd be living as a legion slave, you must really have an extreme domination fetish and hate yourself to do that
What kind of dumb ass reply is that? The Courier is a free agent. She can go where she wants. She gets her coin and can fuck off to Utah or Mexico or anywhere else in the goddamn States if she wants to.
Huh, I guess you're right but she still has no honor if she likes to hang out with people like that.
How NCR didn't just wipe the Legion camp with vertibird airstrikes?
They didn't have THAT many vertibirds
Also it's a very costly risk
Loosing even one is a huge loss since they don't build it anymore
Why would she have no honor if she hung out with "people like that"?
Been playing for 5 hours now and I'm bored out of my mind, when does this game get interesting?
Never. It's not for you.
Sorry, you failed the INT check.
This: Or you have too high of expectations for a decade old game.
>being rational
Just RP that your character thought Caesar was cute. That's it.
I like the departure from coming out of vaults in FNV. I wouldnt have a problem with this setup if it wasn't always find your family member or something. I dont know its just more interesting to me finding Benny and the chip.
It's just so brown and boring. Feels like a fan made expansion with even less content than fallout 3
And why the hell is my movement speed so low? Is that their way of padding the play time?
>even less content than fallout 3
Same here. How do I make it not obvious?
Don’t write a book based in a videogame play through for starters.
When you find Benny
>movement speed so low
wear lighter armor and holster your gun when you aren't shooting
>with even less content than fallout 3
At least the way I interpret it, the other games tend to have the 'big goal' of something relating to survival, family, etc, given in the first five minutes of the game, by both Interplay and Bethesda: find the water chip so your vault doesn't die, find the GECK so your tribe doesn't die, find your dad so the Capital Wasteland doesn't die, find your son so fuck it, no one was paying attention to this part of the plot. NV's setup is instead leaning towards plain revenge- find the guy who shot you in the fucking head. Not specifically why he shot you, or even specifically to kill him, that only comes later- just 'find the guy who shot you in the head.'
Pretty sure survival has a perk for movement speed increase as well.
goddamn... can you imagine a multiplayer rouge-like new vegas game?
you spawn at a random settlement, with a random starting build, using a game who's skill and leveling system isn't shit?
>play through vegas survival mode focusing on heavy weapons and explosives
>sell off everything I get so i can buy up/craft all minigun/grenade launcher ammo I can
>mowing people down with my minigun while tossing dynamite everywhere
>its fun as fuck
>try the same thing in Fallout 4 survival mode
>doesnt work at all and get rekt by damage sponge enemies that kill me in only a few hits
Will the crazy mix of art deco and Gothic flying heads ever make a return to Fallout, or is it 100% stuck in "The 1980s as seen by the 1960s but FOREVER" with no end in sight?
Because they degrade women including her, and she would have no amount of self respect left if she let them do that
It still amazes me how well Fallout 3 reviewed, I just have to assume none of the reviewers played the main quest-line at all since its absolutely terrible and barely manages to last 7 hours
She wants to show off that women can do more than just be slaves and breeding cows and fix the legion from the inside.
Oof, that must be one of the cringiest guys I've ever seen
>Hardcore, JSawyer, no fast travel
>Play New Vegas Bounties because people keep recommending it
>It's a fucking slog going back and forth from Primm to Vegas to Primm to Vegas to Primm to FUCK to turn in and receive bounties one at a time
>Most of the targets aren't even that tough and you get paid lodse caps for each one anyway
>Finally finish it, decide to see if NVB2 is any better
>Each bounty is its own quest, you can pursue lots of them at once
>The main storyline has you assault a military bunker full of soldiers, sentry bots, and a few miniboss guys before an actually tough final fight against the base's commander
Holy shit this is a MASSIVE fuckin' improvement
The fucking skills on that game are tied to the S.P.E.C.I.A.L then in what do you invest in explosives?
It was a ton of people's first exposure to the Fallout series
For explosives*
IIRC there's a quest about a whorehouse and the male whore was involved with a Centurion, and when word got out that the Centurion was a faggot, he made his little gay princess run away
>I just have to assume none of the reviewers played the main quest-line at all since its absolutely terrible and barely manages to last 7 hours
The opposite is probably what happened. They were too dumb to notice how bad the quest was and were happy they could get through the whole thing in 1-2 play sessions so they could write their review. There also weren't really many games to compared FO3 to at the time, and most reviewers sure as hell wouldn't have played the original games, so it coasted off being something new and novel.
Pretty sure the skill for incresing explosive damage is under perception.
Its a fucking retarded system, because you cant even increase the damage of certain weapon types unless your stats are high enough. Tons of fun skills all locked behind having 6-9 in certain SPECIAL stats.
Yea but the new vegas map is smaller, so it must have less content
Every time you make a post you make assumptions and use loaded words I'm not sure you understand the meaning of. What is degrading and self respectful is highly dependent on where you're from. For the women in the caesars legion, it may be highly degrading to do something that's a norm in the NCR. Please put some thought into your posts.
did you even play the game or are you here to bait?
Perception is tied to explosives rank for some god awful reason
>There are people who unironically think like this
Fallout 3 was surprisingly boring after I replayed it recently, there’s just barely any shit to do. It’s more like an open-world dungeon crawler than an RPG
>another obsidiot circlejerk
Wake me up when one of their games is actually entertaining to play
some of his videos are some of the funniest things ive seen in a while
Ill be honest and say that even though I loved the shit out of Fallout 1 and 2 back in the day, Fallout 3 was pretty rad when I walked out of the vault for the first time and had no idea what the fuck to do so I just picked a direction and wandered off like I was playing Fallout 1 for the first time all over again.
After a few hours I started noticing lots of weird shit and bugs like getting stuck in floors or debris on the ground, but it was a fun time till I started the main quest and saw how dumb most of it was.
iirc being gay in general wasnt an issue with the romans
the problem was being the one taking the dick up your ass
Woah Todd, looks like you peaked with skyrim this system is fucking retarded makes no sense
a shame that you dont get a lot of quest with legion
especially when compared to ncr
>dead money > honest hearts > old world blues >lonesome road
is that supposed to be the order of the dlc stuff?
How many years from now do you think people will still be discussing/arguing about NV?
yes. That's the recommended order and the order they came out.
>have a craptop but know I can run F:NV without dips as long as I install the fixes and no large retextures
>install every single retexture, gameplay, sound overhaul, weapon mesh improvement, reanimations, weapon mods, and 1000s of patches
>run it
>runs fucking fine at buttery 60 fps
>textures are fine, sounds are fine, HUD is fine
>all systems nominal
People still discuss about FALLOUT 1, 2
so think NV will be around for a while
the first zone between goodsprings and novac is basically all tutorial content. the enemies are the easiest in the game (not counting the nuclear test site). novac is where it starts picking up speed, the Nelson questline opens up, the first available companion, shitloads of Legionaries to hunt if you're into that.
good thing cuz i was going to start lonesome road first
If you got the WRP textures chances are one or two will have installed wrong. You just need to find the standalone texture and overwrite the old one.
>Old Fallout games
>Cool prototype, what-if, and modern-ish weapons like the Jackhammer, Bozar, etc.
>Clunky garbage made by people that don't know how guns work and think ejecting hot brass right back into your face is cinematic
>The 'assault rifle' is a fuckhuge waterjacketed steampunk monstrocity because American gun technology somehow went BACKWARDS during the war
its the fallout thats most discussed in this place for its content instead of bugs or dumbed down features
and I don't like that Boone is too hunky
the guy has a normal fit physique, but i guess its stylised at the end of the day
>Game crash on start up
>uninstall some mods to see how it works
>crash on startup
>uninstall all mods
>crash on startup
>uninstall enb
>crash on startup
>install enb
>game works
Bethesda games are a crazy mystery.
Howdy folks it's mister new vegas and I have a good feelin' about all of you listening
gonna play one of my very favourite song for ya
I did it. Still happens. Fuck its my favorite
This seems like the best place to ask so I may as well. Lads, what good TC mods are there for any of these games? I'm currently dicking around in Fallout: Nevada but that won't last forever.
i need to insteal some music mods because hearing the same 5 songs over and over again is starting to mess with my head and ears
I don't think there are any good complete TC mods for FALLOUT 1 /2/TACTICS
thanks for the spoonfeed user
really apreaciate it
I don't think Veronica has triple-D cups, either, but that's what the artist drew so more power to them.
No problem boyo
>combat rifle and combat shotgun are the same fucking gun
Shame, but I'm open to any of the Bethesda published games as well.
Holy shit, the problem started here
I have no idea why the Fallout 4 team didn’t just go out and shoot some guns and pick up some manuals on them. That’s what the NV team did
how different would things have been if the game wasn't rushed and was made in a functional engine?
The management at Bethesoy are probably scared of firearms.
>modern weapons in Fallout 2
>a good thing
fuck off homo
too busy adding 16 times the extra detail on things
There are weapons currently in service across the world that have been around for fifty years or longer because despite so many advancements in firearms tech, there's no reason to replace them because they do their job exactly as well as required. The M2 in particular is going on a full century. We'll have those shits on the fucking Moon. What makes you think they won't be in use in another however many years?
You fuck off, and take your shitty pipe guns with you if that's what you prefer
Well, you got me with pipe guns. Still, fuck you, fuck Fallout 2 and fuck Fallout 2 fans.
>Still, fuck you, fuck Fallout 2 and fuck Fallout 2 fans.
>tfw no Ghost companion
I haven't even played the original Fallouts, I just like having cool guns instead of the bastardized crap Bethesda replaced them with
You're right. They should've given you the option to become a legion concubine or wife of a legionare who bears them many children and becomes a functioning wife. Otherwise being a woman in the Legion is pretty pointless.
Damn, thinking of reinstalling and doing a new run with mods been playing vanilla since release
Even FALLOUT TACTICS had a few unique fun weapons
So you can wear a cowboy hat with one on?
>tfw no Kings companion
You're a pleb
I honestly wish every fallout game offered a companion for every faction in the game.
Reminder that if you don't believe the NCR is the best faction for the future of the wastelands, then you're WRONG and DUMB and probably a SMELLY LEGION BUTTSLUT.
House is the best
>stretches troops thin and wastes resources by the tons
>only existed for power
>doesn't give a shit about people
>best faction
how are the sexmods for this game
asking for a friend
>this with legion courier vest and an unarmed weapon
Pure kino
rolling is considered spam now?
I remember when 4 was released and for a whole two days everyone was hyped that there were finally in-game sliders to give your waifu character a gigantic ass and then everyone realized the ass was just hiding the shit of how awful a game could actually be.
Stick with skyrim.
If that's the kind of thing you're into then I'd stick with Skyrim
what about fallout 4
gimme something good
why would you play fallout 4?
Waste of time.
All the effort in the sex mod scene has gone into Skyrim.
Skyrim is still better.
damn I guess it makes sense but the slaves harem make more sense in the fallout universe desu
rollin g
Caesar = House > NCR >>>>>> Independent
this thing looks like a Roblox hat but I love it
I wish the companions in FNV had interactions with each other, that's one thing I liked about Fallout 4 (pretty much the only thing) is companions have small interactions like lines when you swap one for another.
>no line where Cass hits on Boone and he just responds in a dead cold way like "My wife is dead"
>no granny supermutant doting on the companions
>no Arcade and Veronica sperging about some cool tech weapon or power armor together
>companions will never all call Rex a good boy
House is a selfish cunt and a Jew
the NCR are like any government but with time they could eventually rebuild what is left habitable in the country into Pre-war society levels
Yes-man is a meme
The Legion are edgy retards only a step up from fucking bandits and whatever good intentions Caesar has is overshadowed by his garbage hierarchy and edgelord followers
The NCR's problem is they shouldn't try to force conformity, it has to happen gradually considering how many downright tribal retards there are out there now
>companions will never look at Ed-d with confusion while Arcade is sweating every time it plays an Enclave tape
Forever. The best thing about it is the factions are incredibly flawed that everyone will argue about them even outside of the game itself.