What do you think about video games?
Video Games?
I think they're great.
I don't think they're great.
They're cool
Just wish more games that fit my taste exist
I think they would be better without niggers.
>Just wish more games that fit my taste exist
This. I also wish everything was available on one platform. I'm primarily a PC gamer.
I agree
This too
Just use lube, more "games" will fit your "taste" then
Interesting if true or false.
Only roman catholic straight white people should be represented in them
What the fuck are video games user? This is a Taiwanese sperm bank.
They are fun!
How do you think the Taiwanese produce the sperm samples? Porn? No. Video games.
I like video game mascot, though. I dont think he is a Christian.
Yes! Very good!
>Literally the most on topic thread on Yea Forums in years
>barely gets replies
Never change
They're cool.
I don't enjoy them as much as I used to but I think I'm just kinda burnt out. Need to find another hobby to go along with them.
Try lifting, otherwise, try making a game you'd like to play.
I like video games
recently just started playing Tibia
a bit outdated and clunky looking but I'm having fun so far
I dont know anymore.
>have a PC and a bunch of games on it, barely touch it.
>have a PS4 with Persona 5, havent finished it and only play BFV when my Navy and Marine buddy get online.
>have a Switch and only ever play it when I got to my japanese girlfriends house on the weekends, we usually play Mario Deluxe or Gungeon.
>barely ever play video games because I really want to.
I like some video games, they're fun.
Try doing another hobby for a little while like other user, friend.
I lift and I run. Im not swole by any means but it keeps me busy, since my job pays me to travel i try different restaurants around the world, probably why im not totally in shape. I just wish i had the same fun with video games i had in highschool, i also stopped watching anime in 2011, save for Jojo.
Not the user in that post, but I started lifting and it's fucking great. In some 3 months, I made noticeable gainz in my arms. Feels great. And, I experience the feeling of: finishing work, then working out, then showering, then sitting out to play vidya. THAT's a damn good feel.
I'm like this too. PC and PS4. I have a shitton of games on Steam that I've owned for literal years and never once played them. I tried to play Persona 4 and 5 and couldn't get into them (not a JRPG guy I guess). Also, my patient for playing 20+ hour games has dwindled significantly. I really should play the new Spiderman game though.
The only thing I'm excited for is the new Pokemon, and maybe the remake of Link's Awakening on the Switch. I do not own a Switch and will most likely end up getting one then.
Maybe read a good book or manga? I tend to enjoy that more than anime, aside from really well animated ones. Could also try romhacks. Are you depressed maybe?
I like them.
I don't like the people that play them, though.
I just want the magic of playing handheld games again. I want to get into a video game and enjoy it. Think about it when I'm not playing it. Love it once it's over. I want to hop into that. I want to be excited again about doing so.
I feel you, user. Some can be hard to deal with, or downright shameful, but at least they play vidya.
You'll find your way, I'm sure. Just try and let yourself enjoy the games, it's a weird concept I know. Could try also playing some older games you may have missed, rather than the garbage that is taking up the larger part of the market right now.
>old good new bad
You know it's true, there are few passion projects out there now as opposed to money making schemes.
Nah im not depressed. I just noticed i have no hobbies as an adult, all the normie movies and shows i end up catching up on planes, whenever i do go to work i just do my job, do an hour in the gym and then i basically do nothing all evening, at best maybe i’ll clean my apartment and do laundry till its bed time. I just dont think its normal to just go to work, sleep and go to work without something in between
Dude seriously. Are you me? Same way. I can be enthralled with work and think "oh i cant wait to go home and play vidya!" and then I get home and don't. I don't watch any TV shows. I don't watch any movies. I just... do nothing/browse the internet. Fuck man, I really should learn how to play an instrument and write music. I swear I think things are impossible and then I also think "oh bloo bloo it takes too much of my time". FUCK. I hate it. I justify not doing shit "because it takes to much time", so then, I don't fucking do anything!
Learn an instrument maybe? Birches love instruments.
bump for vidya
Video games are pretty gay desu senpai
I cant be the only person who thinks black people are legitimately disgusting