Thoughts on this game?
Thoughts on this game?
best jrpg of 2019
I don't know, what ware my thoughts?
Post his autistic rants
Even if you manage to ignore the terrible story in an RPG. This fails as a game due to the core gameplay loop being tedious and boring. I feel sorry for the person who worked on the assets because they have a unique style to them.
>I sighed as the elevator began to shake, vibrating with motion
I like the story and Alex’s character arc but the ending is really unsatisfying and gameplay is painfully unbalanced.
Reminder that this game somehow managed to have a cameo from Jill from VA-11 HALL-A and a track composed by Toby Fox himself.
I don't know nothing about the game, but at least they could have tried to make differents games for the arcade.
>toby fox has a twitter post to advertise the game early on
>deletes it
They wanted to support fellow indie developers. Little did they know that the game was created by someone who hates video games and the people who play them.
he should have hired zun instead
the game was literally advertised inside valhalla, if you don't remember.
tempted to edit the onions wojack face on that image
It was apparently because they triggered trannies by having a character ask you your birth name and he didn’t want to be associated with that drama.
>Thousand Slashes
>18 damage
Games that do this?
based lemonade
Mediocre with long load times
I member
It also got a t-shirt in the newest No More Heroes game
you already know our thoughts you just want another shitposting thread because you find it cathartic for whatever reason
oof I didn't know
same publisher
they cross promote the titles they publish hence the inclusion of va-11 hall-a, read only memories, and yuk
Yiik more like Yiikes
yiik is destined to be a bigger game than skyrim
I think I want to fuck vella
>tfw soulless ginger
>devs usually don't include you in games and if they do it's terrible
I just want to be represented damnit.
Are there games with good gingers anywhere?
>it's pronounced y2k and not yikes
you are being represented accurately
only the GOAT fampai
We'll always have Chrono Trigger
you're a ginger irl why would you want to be a ginger in the digital world too?
Most realistic depiction of a filthy G word in years desu
yiik more like yuuk
A Literary "Tour de Force" ranking right up there with GAME OF THRONES by GEORGE RR MARTIN.
I actually liked the visuals, and weird theme of people trying to discuss and solve supernatural phenomenon over shitty oldschool internet forums.
Just fix some of the tonal inconsistencies and the incredibly slow pacing of the combat and it would have been fine.
And the ending. I don't get the ending. People shit on the protagonist all the time, but he clearly had a character arc regarding how shit he was. It just doesn't have real payoff with the way the whole story wrapped up. Or didn't wrap up.
The level design and graphical style have potential.
If they completely redid the battle system, pretty much all of the writing and at least half of the soundtrack it could be a good game
Well on the plus side ginger girls tend to be pretty cool.
Like Lina Inverse and Summer Smith.
Hmm... drawing a blank on cool ginger males though.
There are plenty of cute redheads.
the best part of game of thrones was when neoliberals lost their minds because the murderous entitled woman they identified with for years did a bad
>3.5 million shipped on its launch day
>a character arc on how shit you are
Maybe we need less depression worship in this world. Like, maybe Bojack Horseman can just have one character page instead of a thesaurus on the various ways he's sad, self sabotaging, and selfish.
I don't mean we have to be like Trannies and demand that others worship us for simply existing.
But, like... I dunno. Maybe a bit more love is needed
Adol from Ys
Amazingly, they made a game that pissed off everyone. SJW's hate it, Yea Forums hates it, youtubers hate it, normies hate it, literally everyone hates it.
The ending is the main character doing something selfless in complete defiance of how he exists in every other reality, but it still comes off as a bad ending so it feels unsatisfying.
Acknowledging that a character is flawed and/or needs to grow as a person doesn't have to be depression worship.
Post the elevator
>Gingers in japanese media
>they're always associated with fire or fire magic
it's fucking eliminate
what platforms is this game even on?
thought it was pronounced 'yeek', like leak with a y in the front
No it's definitely Lemonade, there is another enemy that says eliminate but the Alpaca is supposed to be absurd and is saying lemonade.
the overwhelming majority of entertainment is pandering power of friendship good triumps over evil garbage because people like you can't deal with being challenged and when there's any fad that deviates from this it gets negged by you whiny bitches for being harmful or edgy
I think the weirdest part about the ending tonally is that every character just simply disappears. Not just Alex, making some big heroic sacrifice to atone for his mistakes or to protect his friends. Everyone that the story revolved around just dies in-combat and is never brought up again.
Jesus Christ, that's a dystopian future if I ever saw one.
I know right, it even still has physical copies
red / blue oni color coding is the most common theme
The chaddest vidya protagonist.
someone post that one shitty boss theme
>final boss is a forced loss battle you never get to actually win
Why would a golden llama say eliminate?
It's lemonade.
he has a point though
Yeah also Michael forma completa not gaining any new powers in combat was dumb as shit. But the reason the ending is so weird is they changed it in the last period of development, you can actually find pieces of it in the files.
ROM doesn't has the same publisher than Vallhalla.
>if my game were a book people would like my deliberately unlikeable character
Actually no. Sorry.
The best characters are Vella, The Exposition Bot 2000, and the creepy librarian that can only speak to you through a crow.
And none of them make it to the ending.
He has a point that he made something unlikable.
The point isn't that people would dislike him or like him but that people want to only self insert. It's like when people feel that Spec Ops is directly attacking them
This is why self-inserts do not work in media like video games. You can have yourself or a self-insert as a minor or extra and they could help just a bit, but making them a main character makes you sound very unoriginal.
yeah, but videogames aren't art, and gamers want to self-insert
what does me wanting to insert into myself have to do with plagiarizing wikipedia?
y2k should have been the actual name. How dumb.
it has to do with you being an inveterate manbaby
you would insert into an evil person if it made you feel cool and you were never confronted with it, but the moment it makes you think about your actions the water works turn on
I don't know, I haven't played the game, but if a story driven game isn't some sort of Joseph Campbell hero archetype shit it's going to bomb
Self-inserts can also work as an otherwise unimportant punchline.
big YIIK from me
Amusing game title that lended itself perfectly to shitposting, almost feel bad for the creator because literally everyone was shitting on him. Western Persona/Earthbound is a decent concept but indie studios are definitely not capable of making it work.
if it was named y2k, I would've expected the story to be about the y2k bug actually going wrong given it's what that way of saying year 2000 been most associated to
the black haired girl looks nice desu
why did twitter get mad at the game again?
Uh, that's gonna be a YIIKes from me, dawg
Unironically something to do with pronouns, I forget the specifics.
Yeah but at least it wouldn't be called YIIKES everywhere
So in short YIIK is a dumb name? And if it is, what would an actual good name be?
Why did Toby delete the tweet? I don't really think it was because the game was bad, but if it was then holy crap at least Toby has a brain cell more than the average Twitter user.
why are you here
for asking for your birth name and having a voice actor that people accused of being a sex pervert
the strategic timing of the latter was probably intentionally done to sandbag the game
the guy who made val-halla is an insufferable cunt who will badmouth people he dislikes on his tranny discord server while fellating anyone who agrees with him politically
i.e. an american
I'm not surprised he would support this project considering the director for yIIk is just as insufferable and basically behaves in the same exact way
just wanted to take distance from twitter drama because the game asks for the name your received at birth and not your current name (aka trannies being mad)
This faggot is confusing likable with relatable.
I expect the protagonist of anything , video game , book whatever , to be RELATE-ABLE not LIKABLE.
did you think Yea Forums was manbabies anonymous
is that why you ruined this website
Oh yeah, that's a really hot topic you do not wanna screw up with such a large playerbase. Good on Toby for the initiative.
>it has to do with you being an inveterate manbaby
lol wut
and just to throw examples into this mix, Lester the Unlikely and LISA are two wildly different games, who either start shitty and grow at the end of the game, or who you think is good in the beginning but then becomes increasingly retarded and completely wrong by the end, and are both better games than this train wreck.
i like vella
>tfw you see your games reviews
That’s just sad, man.
Yeah no shit. Videogames are a form of escapism, especially RPGs. Some people like to self-insert, just like some people like to self-insert into the MC of a book or movie. There's nothing wrong with that.
Based and TWEWYpilled.
Huh... The cut ending still seems to leave most of the characters unaccounted for, but it still makes a lot more sense for Alex and Essentia's character arcs then having the entire conflict over Sammy being a lie.
That's really odd that they got far enough with it to have it be fully voiced and mostly animated, just to ditch it for the sake of a twist and an obligatory bad ending.
and before you jump up my asshole about LISA, murdering everyone in your way out of petty rage, thinking you could try and shelter someone from the world forever is a pretty fucked thing to do.
Seen this game shilled here for the last two months lmao.
I guess when your release is that underwhelming you have to scrape the bottom of the barrel for sales.
For real. From a visual standpoint, this game has a fairly unique style.
Way to expose yourself as a fucking retard.
well, dont trans people get "reborn" once they transition?
why not go with that name instead?
also, is it really that terrible to admit you were once the opposite sex? and that effectively, you transitioned with a surgery etc since it was the least damaging alternative to end it? because sure theres always drugs but many of those consist of basically making you stop thinking
honest question, if anyone sees it
also vella deserves to be in another game
It turns out their named it YIIK on purpose hoping people would pronounce it Yeek so they could be pretentious and correct them on purpose.
>Reminder that this game somehow managed to have a cameo from Jill from VA-11 HALL-A
wow how'd they possibly get such a famous guy???
Ending was an asspull where he tried to symbolize his dysphoria, located at the center of his own universe.
>Normal skintone
>no freckles
>Dark red hair
i'm sure they expected people to be smart enough to understand roman numerals but that was a big ask
I mentioned japanese media, not this garbage. Don't (You) me.
who gives a fuck?
Offensively awful.
That seems like a better ending.
He's from Venezuela
shantae was busy that day so jill stepped in
They probably run in the same circles in the "pretentious ironic weeb" crowd. Same publisher too, I think.
ashley, but she was a terrible person.
the game makes u think emily is worst girl, but in reality its ash
Emily's only redeeming moment was literally cut for preorder DLC.
>Depression worship
>Bojack Horseman
Bojack doesn't enjoy being depressed, the show doesn't show it as a good thing. Just because some of the retards that watch it think that being depressed makes you an interesting person.
What was the other alternate ending they kept in meant to be about?
Like you find Sammy, hug it out, and it just ends. That felt less finished then the ending that was literally cut from the game.
Knowing the two brothers who made this as acquaintances, I will say that the older brother(the one that did the actual work ) is a quiet, and possibly autistic ,guy, but really cool and probably not unlike your typical Yea Forums poster. He's the one who actually knows how to program and just wanted to make a fun game with a retro style. His brother, however, is an insufferable cunt, incredibly pretentious and the main reason I'm sure this thing went down in flames. He can't actually program or model or anything, just compose music, but he's the more domineering of the two despite being younger and I think he just about took over the project. any interview you read its generally just him. Its a shame because the older one is a pretty cool dude who I wish the best for, but I'm glad this wasn't' the big breakout the other one really wanted. Hopefully he'll stick to just music in the future.
Also all of them were homeschooled which could explain why a lot of the interaction feels weird. They're a little off in that way.
vibrating very violently wouldve sounded better
wait did it really come out in 2016
That’s not the whole ending and it’s pretty blatantly unfinished, there is a second part in the files where the alt reality versions of your friends and Alex’s friends say goodbye to each other. But the boss fight doesn’t entirely work correctly.
There is also dialogue for the Crow telling Alex he can take his post modern ending where everyone dies and shove it up his ass.
I think showing the elevator shaking and hearing Alex sigh would be better than having him read it to us.
no it's from early 2019, but recall 2016 is around when people first started talking about it so references may come from back then
It's going to have a physical copy release.
Exactly. This guy completely misunderstands meaningful character development. He uses Dr. House as an example of a jerk who everyone just puts up with but House is dealing with constant pain due to disability plus having to deal with a team of people who often go against what he wants because a lot of what he does tends to be unethical or they think he's just plain crazy.
It's not that I don't believe you but I also don't want to spread hearsay, do you have literally any evidence
Game would have sold ironman numbers if it had furry characters instead
>There is also dialogue for the Crow telling Alex he can take his post modern ending where everyone dies and shove it up his ass.
I can't tell if you're joking, but if true that's a better ending for the crow character as well. He and the people in the mind dungeon don't get much of a payoff either.
Well, the PROBLEM is that he is trying to force a BOOK story into a video game. They are different mediums. You can't write your video game story the same way you'd write your novel. You have to use the medium and what it provides. Acting like the players of your game should just un-self-insert themselves into the game inherently goes against the story-telling opportunities that video games provide.
His whole point is that Dr. House IS likable. Not necessarily to the characters in universe, but to the audience. He's smart and serves as a form of wish fulfillment, "god I wish I could be a dick and nobody could talk shit about me because I'm the best at what I do". It's the same archetype of character that Rick is in Rick and Morty as an autistically smart douchenozzle except that show tries to be self-aware that it's doing that. Yiik guy is saying "I should be able to tell a story about a dick without those audience insert wish fulfillment redeeming factors trying to fix himself without people dropping it as soon as they see the protagonist."
Just because you're controlling the character doesn't mean it's supposed to be you.
Nothing that won't dox me in some way, but I was fairly close to their family for a few years. I was in the same artist circle as their sister and went to some small house parties they used to throw for Christmas and other things. To be honest I think the thing about one being a pretty cool guy and the other(the bearded one being very pretentious and annoying from here ) comes of as pretty clear to anyone who'd just casually look at one of their interviews.
The thing is, he isn't entitled to people just accepting what the story provides. Sure, write a story where the main character is a piece of shit, but you have to establish why I should care. People don't follow stories for the sake of following them to the end. If they don't like it or don't have a reason to get invested, they're gonna drop it.
Anyway, though, the only dialouge I've see from the main character has been him yelling "WHAT, SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHAT'S GOING ON," so I can't say firsthand how he attempts to make the character unlikeable. But my point is that your story is not entitled to readers/players/whatever just accepting the world at face value for the sake of it.
No, thats true. But ignoring the fact that I am controlling the character ignores one of the potential opportunities that telling a story through a video game provides. If you're not going to use that to its advantage, then just write a book or film a movie.
i want to say you're wrong, but i also remember nitw is a thing
Not for nothing, but I don't think a character has to necessarily be relatable or likable depending on what you're doing with them. They just need to be interesting and/or entertaining to watch.
Granted, it's still very possible to make a character too unlikable in that regard, to the point where you don't care what they do or where they end up.
I'm not joking, the game seems to pretty heavily imply there's something else if you go autistically far into the mind dungeon but nobody wants to level stupidly far just to check and save editing to those levels doesn't work because the game somehow tracks which levels you actually did, even in the save file stuff relating to the mind dungeon seems encrypted or something.
That's the exact point of reference I was thinking of
>there is a second part in the files where the alt reality versions of your friends and Alex’s friends say goodbye to each other
They explain what the Hell was up with Michael psychically ascending beyond the need for a shirt?
You're telling me there might be a whole other ending hidden at the max level, but not one person on the planet has bothered to get that far?
I don't know how to respond to that.
Reminder that this only happened because both games have the same publisher, who was probably forcing them to.
Why'd they have to put Jill in such an awful game? She doesn't deserve this.
I'm tempted to be a pioneer here. For reasons I don't quite understand.
reminder that the guy who makes these threads every week is literally the creator of this steaming pile of shit and genuinely believes people like are serious
List ten JRPGs released within 2019 that are better than YIIK.
It's always about the trannies. What's their deal?
post the scenes that are plagiarized word for word
they are malignant narcissists
pharmacy business lobbyist pumped unreal amounts of money to bring them to the mainstream
Am I allowed to include remasters/rereleases
it's just a coincidence
Its boring
Pure S O Y
Speaking of, what is the appeal of NITW aside from the furry characters?
I've seen a good 3 hours of the game from the start and well... nothing was happening other than the group finding a random arm on the street would may have lead to some kind of murder mystery theme? It didn't really go anywhere.
Keep shilling i won't buy it.watching it burn and crash is more entertaining
Tales of vesperia
Another eden
Mage init.
God eater 3
Etrian Odyssey X
Some fucking atelier game x2
Wizardry lost souls
death end;
suck my dick josh
She should be thankful she's not getting the rope.
What's the point of Jrpgs if they don't have an anime artstyle.Literally shit.
why have you played this?
He may as well go around in whiteface then because he acts exactly like a waspy american college kid
Jesus fucking christ.
what did he mean by this
everything in this game is specifically made to get on my nerves. literally everything involving the battle system pisses me off, the lolrandumb shit is irritating, the prose gives me a headache, and the references and the way they handle them is very telling of how the writers think. Very much a "oh, yaknow what would work here? A reference! What are some references I can put here... hmm. How about Iwata's TOMBSTONE"
Incorrect: they both sound like garbage, and using "very" is just lazy writing
That's not Rance though
Except the story is garbage, the characters are garbage, the tone and themes are garbage, and the meanings and the philosophies are garbage.
The dude talks about his series like its flawless and ground breaking. He doesn't fucking understand that if you're making a character unlikable, you at least have to make them relatable.
Sorry that mommy and daddy's money doesn't automatically give you talent.
fuck off, you absolute child.
>the only dialouge I've see from the main character has been him yelling "WHAT, SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHAT'S GOING ON," so I can't say firsthand how he attempts to make the character unlikeable
No no, that's literally how he does it. Alex either screams what's going, is a cold heartless asshole to his friends or just complains about stupid shit like how his mom has the nerve to ask him to get a part time job to help her pay the bills after she loses her job.
Plenty of people can understand Roman numerals just fine, but it's unreasonable to expect them to be inserted between two non-numerals.
I fully agree with the theory that they made it obtuse just to act pretentious toward those who don't "get" their layers of sophisticated irony.
i also believe dumb things and don't understand the playfulness (unfunny gay) of pomo writing even though it requires me to ignore years of interviews and promotion of the game done in which they refer to the game by name
>i believe dumb things
Good to know.
I just fucking realised Rory is voiced by YuriOfWind
Just bot it.
fucking based
>made by a white guy
what do you think the "J" stands for? I'm glad he didn't try to do the ironic weeb "am I Japanese yet" approach like his contemporaries.
How did you not notice instantly? I heard him for a fucking second and I recognized that. Part of the reason this game feels like a fucking mid-late 2000s to early 2010s animation project is because of all of the voice work.
LOLLL do it that would be so funnyy! XD
Has the portraits been ripped yet?
The crowd is booing it's not supposed to sound good in her own head, that's the whole point.
Main character would look better without the beard
The portraits and their eyes are saved separately so it's no good for shitposting.
I can barely hear it wtf
I'm mostly just interested in the mom.
>9 results
Can you sit through all 6 minutes of this user?
Last time I tried watching it, it made me feel genuinely ill
Its very hard for me to put into words how I feel about this game. Its like the same feeling I get when I see an amateur painting; I see what the person was going for but I don't understand what the fuck happened along the way to lead to the end result and all I want to do is grab my own canvas and show that retard how you really draw a sunset
>Character gives a 2-minutes explanation on what the thing is
who wrote this shit
Then draw it faggot
it's his shtick, he does it a lot for a reason we'll never know
>original Mother devs make Mother games
>actually have stories to tell, homages or deconstructions of other big series like Dragon Quest just influence the game style
>Zoomer that played Earthbound grows up
>all he remembers is that WEIRD GAME GOOD
>he makes a weird game with the worst writing imaginable and botches the story utterly
>they usually can't even get the style right and just throw in tons of so wacky
I know everybody either hates Earthbound to be a contrarian or sucks the dick of the infamous "I made the Giygas fight because I saw a rape vid" quote from the dev but there's so much good design in it like the entire intro. There's more gravitas in everything that happens from the meteor impact to Buzz Buzz dying than in all of these indie shit games put together and it's just an exposition guide NPC and a generic Starbot.
Earthbound had a lot of so wacky. It also was smart enough to hit you with heaviness like the dramatic boss encounter screen transitions, the various tense boss themes and the times when enemies were more weird and threatening than just evil and antagonistic(Threed, Master Barf, etc.) Stuff like the Sanctuary Guardians little oath they tell you every time ending with "Take it from me, if you dare" and the dramatic horn swirl never seems to be replicated properly with these devs that suck EB's dick.
I'm pretty sure its supposed to imply Alex is not paying attention to their conversation because he's more worried about getting his shit smacked by an entity again and them rambling about all that stuff is confusing his caveman brain.
It probably helps that Itoi did a lot of stuff before working on video games and has experience in writing stories.
Man, when will a game be an homage to MOTHER or MOTHER 3.
And why does literally no game except maybe Undertale and LISA have Itoi's sense of comedic timing. Like everything "Earthbound-inspired" just relies on "lol so wacky" humor.
The point of the scene is that Alex's reality is breaking down, so when he is having a mental breakdown over what he perceives as a threat to his life it opens up his reality to nonsensical emotions and outside threats. The entire point of the scene is to make you ask why the fuck a nonsensical Gold Alpaca showed up at the exact moment things were getting serious, and if you never play the game of course you never get the answer.
>mother had random encounters that got skipped if you were overleveled
>yiikes has midgame random encounters take 10+ minutes every time due to minigames
Is there anything more hacky than:
There's a great indie game called "Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass" that nails Mother comedy like Undertale and LISA did. I think it's criminally underplayed
This is still my favorite mechanic of any turn-based RPG, and I have no idea why nobody's done it ever since. If I'm going to crush every enemy on my first turn, don't waste my time.
I think the funniest time was when the janni deleted it because they couldn't tell whether it was shilling or anons laughing at it.
>tries to namedrop chuck palahniuk and haruki murakami to sound smart
didn't he also plagiarize from one of murakami's books
Suck My Dick Josh was a fucking awesome game. Super underrated.
He did and claimed he was taking inspiration
Why are his words not matching his expression?
Toby has always made it a point to stay the fuck away from any twitter politics drama, which makes him smarter than 90% of the current games industry
There are episodes in Bojack where the characters call each other out for fetishizing their depression and character flaws. Coming to terms with those flaws feeds into their character arcs, and gives us a more well rounded picture of their struggles. Except for Tod. This might seem like a show worshiping sadness, but it's actually just a platform to start a discussion on it, while being lighthearted in its visual presentation of jokes and gags.
However, I do think that what Bojack seemingly does is commodify cynicism, while selling it back as a form of catharsis to its viewership. This might also seem like worship, but what the show is trying to do is exploit something lucrative that already exists in the struggles people face today. It's not trying to put these in a pedestal, they just happen to generate a profit when talked about, and if that's the case, can you fault the show? We currently live in a society that highly values capital, and if exploiting these struggles and emotions generates income, then why would it stop? It also commodifies ideas of happiness and tries to sell them to you, so chances are that love is also there, you just have to look.
What do transgender people and other online communities have to do with worship anyway? We're all subject to the information thrown at us, so how would they have any agency on the mass commodification and worship of sadness? Wouldn't they be victims of it just as much as we are? Pussy pussy love love, hehe.
So, what is the game actually about?
trying to find missing girl and then reality crumbles slowly because of dumb robot ho
some subhuman streamer must've shilled it recently because you niggers keep making threads about it again instead of leaving it in the dumpster where it belongs
also the problem is that not only is he unaware of previous games like Ico or Majora's mask, but he doesn't care about video games or doesn't even make an attempt to understand it and how it works.
I used to be frustrated with these types of people who aren't self-aware, but now I just pity them.
In context he's being sarcastic.