Big Bird fights for your Lobotomy corp
Big Bird fights for your Lobotomy corp
I find myself restarting from day 1 a lot at around day 15-20 because of ab choices and noon ordeals being too difficult for my guys. Should I just keep doing that until I get decent gear or just try to savescum my way to day 21?
>entire base goes to shit in a second
>first Nothing There breaks out, then Orchestra, then Melty, Rudolta, Red Shoes and Red Hood
>what the fuck
>realize I forgot someone in the bunker
Why is the scarecrow such a fucking cunt?
noons can be sorta hard early on, but really you should be ending the days before you reach them, you need like qliphoth level 4-6 to trigger noon and thats more than enough work time to reach the quota early on.
how much time can I play before I have to restart the game? 4gb ram btw
if you feel ANY lag, finish your day and restart the game ASAP
He doesn't like when smart people work on him. Looks like you're a smart guy, user!
This just makes me crave an actual SCP managing game. If only my programming skills was unshit and I have real autism.
Fuck bunker
For me, it's the Big Bird.
For me, it's the Judgement Bird.
>memory leaks get so bad I cant even finish the days
I guess Im going back to Fallout 2
For me, it's the Punishing Bird.
when are the gooks gonna fix the memory leak
oh fuck. get the giga chads
who is the saddest abo?
Child of galaxy
>be clerk
>working hard to bring my wife and daughter to the nest
>hear some baby crying in the distance, pay no attention to it since one gets used to hearing weird shit in the facility
>suddenly, manager calls everyone to the main room
>it's the special promotion event
>a pair of agents bring a big roulette with everyone's name on it and spin it
>an old timer from the command team is selected, everyone congratulates him on his new job at central headquarters
>but he just stands there shocked, as if something horrible happened
>he makes his way through the people, on his way to the door, he looks at me and says:
>"if only you knew how bad things really are"
>he leaves with the other agents and everyone goes back to their jobs
what the fuck was that guys problem? are jobs at central that bad?
child of galaxy
Are there any cute pictures of Apocobird?
who gave the clerk an agent ID code
why is this filth posting here
>censored can breed with humans, but kills them in the process
why did reading this make my dick hard
Did you say you were a clerk?
Why dont you stay still in front of some other clerk? I got a special Manager Surprise for you :)
Almost all the ones that are the bad ends of stories
apocobird is a nightmare monstrosity and should rightly always be drawn as such
Fucking clerks get off my board!
He only wants to save the forest! Don't be mean!
This is still my first playthrough and the last time I tried this day, the murderer got out and wiped my squad. I reorganized so my best agent with the best gear is in the control team, but then this happened.
Do I just push into the next day or should I contend with the ordeal? Is there a prize that isn't death and tears and bloodshed?
>manager,everyone is here
>someone like you
>dying to the likes of someone like him
You should do the mission if you can. Its still really early and days shouldn't pose much of a problem, plus retries should be fast.
Almost based. Birds are cute.
Is there a downside to just letting Woodsman meltdown over and over?
Since he's not a use-type it shouldn't decrease energy on meltdown and he can't breach by himself so it's fine, right?
based and shrimppilled
How long until the sneed edit?
So what exactly does Sephira Core Suppress do?
I know it's gonna start a boss fight of some sorts, but it removes all the staff from that team
What's gonna happen to the SCPs on it? Do they still need to be maintained? Do I just shove the staff into other teams and have them run the distance?
These threads always put a smile on face.
Letting him melt down will still decrease your energy. If you can live with that even during core supressions, go ahead.
big modifiers are applied to everything, no meltdownns on abos in affected department
you need to fulfill your energy quota and reach meltdown 6
fuck her indeed
the Sephirah gets extremely triggered and fucks up your facility big time with different effects. Abnos on that department still have to be taken care of and neither clerks nor agents can stay in. To beat it you must collect the energy for the day and reach a certain meltdown level. Good luck user.
Is this game legit good? Or another one of those anime girl bait games?
Havent watched any gameplay yet.
stay back heathen
Okay, I continued the work, but what the fuck are these clown things and why are there two of them
Just you try
They wanna hang out with your abnormalities bro
Just kick their asses and don't let them do their thing on things that can escape
They're your friends that are here to collect your PE boxes and give your abnormalities walks.
they're fairies bro
let them into the containment rooms
The niggers of Lobotomy Corporation
I wish I was good at art, otherwise I would draw A as The Nameless One from Planescape Torment, behind him is One Sin. With him saying "Updated my tips"
>all three birds in one place
it's ok she locked the door to the dark forest
draw it poorly, content is content, everyone will like it anyways
It is good, but it is not for everyone.
Holy shit is that JEVIL from the hit indie gotyay of the decade innovative game undertale Yea Forums is always praising?
Okay, killed 'em. Almost felt like overkill. Am I good to just grind out the mission for now, or am I going to get them again?
Melting Love did nothing wrong
>Holy shit is that JEVIL from the hit indie gotyay of the decade innovative game undertale Yea Forums is always praising?
No way... We gotta do it man...
If you look at the deployment phase, you can see which ordeal is the maximum you'll get. This early on you're only going to get a Dawn, so don't worry.
Forsaken Murderer, imagine having immortality but getting the some of the worst possible rolls in life. Forever impaled, poisoned, executed, but never seeing the end.
Fuck now i gotta model an agent after Jerma
Each ordeal happens only once a day
You can see how many can happen in deployment screen
How do I make a stat swap to Justice V with the mirror of adjustment?
Sweet, thanks. I'm just gonna grind out the mission now, since I think the most dangerous thing I've got now is someone's brain frying by grandma.
daily reminder jullikas, housderloop, merapsco, and nigmode and the /scp/ cuck discord club are infesting these threads
Definitely get her weapon if possible. It'll be really good for you.
>posts a steam group pic
Threadly reminder not to reply to shitposters and /vg/cucks. Give your (You)s to me instead.
Daily reminder that you should stop shitting up threads screaming about literal whos.
Based Hod
Hod is cute and a traitor!
Molesting Hod!
delet this
talk about cheating and mods for the game
i wanna add more hair and face options, wat do
that's a plan i can get behind
Have a free (You).
why would you do this
Hod seems like such a good girl
but still
you've earned it
Ultra cute image dude
Reminder to never respond to Binahfags and instead devote your time to Hokma
I hate old people. They work less efficiently.
Everyone is cute.
t. granny
Put Hokma outside the fella needs some air
It seems odd that some critical info for the little helper was lost from the legacy one.
The final observation heavily implies that it's not actually just a defect, it was intentionally made differently for a specific person the creator wished to kill.
Google custom employees, theres an easy guide that lets you add hairstyles, eyes and mouths.
Lurk moar
Fuck off back to your basement, grandpa. I'm going to fuck Angela and put her moans on the PA
That is inappropriate, Manager and you should be ashamed.
I need advice for Queen of Hatred
I need advice for Melting Love
Please help me
Execution bullets. Der Shootman also works.
Naked Nest is a fate worse than death.
If you've got execution bullets use those
If not then too bad, Melting Love is basically impossible to deal with
Only work with Melting Love when it has a meltdown
Keep the infected agent away from the rest, kill any infected clerk to calm down QoH bitchfit
I don't. I get those from security right? I guess if I beat up Queen of Hatred a few times I'll get them.
is there something that'd made a legit copy of the game better than a pirated one?
regular updates, steam workshop, the likes
Later on duuude
But I know I've seen them offered before, I just grabbed something else. I'm up to the third floor, old dude.
Disciplinary gives them
If you can get any sort of easy way to kill employees early on, kill 3 of them and you'll be alright. Also, if you HAVE to work on ML do REPRESSION, you'll take a lot of damage and wont get many boxes but she won't give a
Choke on my pillar, old fart.
So I'm on 23, safely made some good choices and finally gotta pick some real fucking memesters. I've already been spoiled, so they're Nothing There and Censored. Which one do I need less lube for?
Better start suppressing ALEPHs Manager
What are these stickers from/for?
If you really want to get Melting Love's E.G.O but has no execution bullets, just work on her when the day ends and finish it right before employees start to become infected.
Nothing There is easier to deal with.
Def Nothing There, and all of his EGO stuff is top tier.
Nothing there loves you like a gentle lover and will only fuck you over in the slowest, most oppressive way possible.
CENSORED is gonna go in raw and use the blood from your broken intestines as an impromptu vagina until it turns you into ground beef from the inside out.
I'm on day 38, should I have done an ordeal of dusk yet? My game is high maintenance as fuck.
>stupid parasyte tree
>stupid eye tree
>army man + monk
Are there any abnormalities you think should be a different class?
E.g. A WAW that should be an HE? No Army in ZAYIN or WhiteNight.
>Day 38
>Still has missions on the upper level sephirah
Just get the gear you need and Day 1 repo out, brah.
Nameless Fetus should be WAW. Make it do more damage and require a ton of boxes to make it :D
Should have done it like day 20 bro so you'd be ready to start suppressing cores when they open up. Honestly with no core suppressions i'd be fuckin shocked if you actually made it to finish.
LINE chat, korean chat app
they're official
>he hasn't done a single suppression yet
I want to ____ judgment bird!
I'm still on my first run. Is this normal?
How many suppressions have you done and have you cheated i.e. got spoiled/used the wiki?
I don't want to give up on my bois
Console him, and let him realize who the monster was.
Fuck I wish the final observations were still there in some way.
How much LOB do you even have saved up at this point?
Dont worry user Im in day 36 with the same problem doing 5 core suppression back to back now because I was a pussy and Im trying to slowly farm Melting Love gear
I'm done the full top layer of suppressions. My best run at Tipheret got reamed by a midnight on meltdown 8 or so.
I went into the game after like a week of reading the wiki unsure if I even wanted to try playing it, so I was basically minmaxing the shit out of everything from the start.
I doubt you can get a single good ending with the run you have now since you seem to not have done a single suppression.
I think about 50 or so.
Then it's nothing special, this game is a cakewalk if you use the wiki unless you get bad rolls on CENSORED or forget to manage time sensitive abnos.
Twice now the Punishing Bird has killed the same guy on this day's attempts. Is there something that makes him aggressive towards the bird who then counterattacks him? He has (had) 3 Fortitude, 5 Prudence, 5 Temperance and 2 Justice, as well as the Black Swan weapon and outfit.
Also worth noting I've never had anyone else get killed by the Punishing Bird, so I'm inclined to think there's something else going on here besides a potential misclick. Especially because it happened offscreen.
Don't ever attack the bird, dood. He goes back into his room after having a little peck'n'stroll
Yeah, I thought it was odd. Was kind of hoping that these suppression things would happen later. Didn't want to read up on it and spoiler myself too much.
>Black Swan weapon
Do you know what it does?
Black Swan weapon has a chance to reflect damage, so its probably that.
Fair enough then.
Midnights still seem completely absurd, especially since the wiki claims amber is "the easiest" and it completely brutalized me.
>day 23
>didn't do Dusk Ordeal mission yet
>get Mountain of Smiling Corpses
>can't get to dusk without it running a train on my entire base from the deaths during dawn and noon
>big bird is free too, of course, but thats nothing of note compared to this smiley boi
I've got black bullets that let my character with smiley armor survive fighting it for quite some time, but its not nearly enough to suppress it, and bringing other characters nearby is just a recipe for chain mental-break.
What do?
Some weapons have special abilities. Read Black Swans.
Melting love is for gently suppressing.
>black swan weapon
I see your problem my man
Time to pack that shit up and never take it out ever again. RIP Delaney, the fashion police got to him.
Camp your best agents right outside his containment - smiley isn't that big a problem if you catch him before he eats anybody.
>doing Binah suppression
>at the very start, shit ton of clerks die, Zayin in Pink, Big Bird, and Mountain begin doing their thing and haven't even touched the new suppressions
Ah, so this is when the game begins, huh.
Replaying what happened in my head, I think I left an amber robot down on smiley's level for too long and it killed a lot of little guys, creating food for him right outside his cell. I'll see if I can prevent that and catch him the second he pops out.
is it even possible to do a 0 death run
I tried
No. Without spoiling anything you're guaranteed to lose 5 dudes at least before the end.
So I've gotten to day 8, have a sniper dude as my new abno, and I've had those fucking clown things show up again and wreck havoc. And also a tree ate my best employee before I had a chance to do anything. Once I thought I had everything suppressed and ready, the control team in their little bedroom blew the fuck up and everyone died.
Now I have to reset the day. If I could understand why the fuck Control Team blew up, I'd be happy.
Are you guaranteed to get a Midnight before Meltdown 10 or is Tiphereth Suppression basically a huge coinflip as a result
What abnos do you have?
There are several things that could have done it, the most likely of which is probably schutzbro
Motherfucker, was it really Der Funman's fault? I didn't even get to do much with him yet, I had to suppress the ordeal first.
Its most likely gonna happen at 9, so when you're 1 bar away from 9th, just get all of your guys working at once to bypass the ordeal entirely
That's a sick strat lmao.
Did you let the clows get to his room? What agent did you send to him? Post his stats
Considering I never had an issue with my entire team blowing up, gonna say it's probably gunman.
one sin, fairies, forsaken murderer, the heart, old lady, grave of cherries and the sniper. I got to interact with him twice maybe, so I wasn't able to get those manager tips.
Fuck, maybe a clown did get to him. I was still looking to see if I had missed one. I already reset anyway.
so i just started this game and im on day 8 or so and a day ago I got the button?
is there any way to do actual work with it or is it literally just a giant do not click area
>paying for a shitty mobile auto-play garbage
no thank you
Click him a couple times on the deployment screen
Past that just don't fucking touch it
I'd love to see the god that could beat some of this shit on a mobile phone
go to the team management/deployment menu by retrying and spam click on it there
then never touch it again
>implying this would be playable on mobile
>implying this plays itself
at least play the game first, user
you certainly don't know enough about the game to make very wild accusations like that
I almost got him letting a dawn robot run wild in the top levels and make him breach, but the robot decided to walk down and make some corpses in central which he eventually reached before I suppressed him. I'll try again in a few days perhaps after I pull these 2 red weapons off Naked Nest which might let me get 4-6 employees on it instead of just using the only 2 that can tank/almost-tank him (1 with smiles armor, 1 with lamp). He just keeps inching towards the corpses though even while fighting so I need more dps or less corpses in central.
>the heart
What heart user? But yeah, sounds like Fritz got angry
>Hokma suppression with touch controls
>Anything past Day 46 with touch controls
I'm terrified just thinking of it.
You can clean up corpses with Mountain's armor
Touching the button was a biblical mistake
Touch the button user
>even got Dedede's mouth shape in that one panel
very nice
Borb is SMELLY and UGLY.
I didn't see it in the last thread in time to reply, but if the guy who called BANTI posting "general factioning" as if it's even from these fucking threads is here, I want you to know that the fact that you're this much of a fucking newfag and think you're in any position to be talking about what does and doesn't belong in different boards on Yea Forums is disgusting.
P.S. Birds are not that important
Hey anons, I've been playing lob corp with you guys for a bit, but I'm no oldfag.
Yall are fun in the threads from some responses i've gotten and since I'm doing other threads at the same time, i wanted to invite anyone wanting to play a game with Yea Forums here for when this thread gets slow
I'm taking a small break from Lob Corp because Day 36 slowed me to a crawl
Get your phones and join at
dont worry about following or even creating an account, just use the code on the screen
this isn't to advertise, lord knows everyone calls your threads shillery unjustly. we just wanna get cozy like you.
Is red dusk really just waiting in a big pile while these fucks roll around until they roll over my guns enough?
Tipereth is an absolute cunny
Should I turn backer abnos off?
Are they just awful shit like that Kaiju combat backer thing or are they thematically fitting and I wouldn't know the difference otherwise?
my employees keep dying plz help
i actually did that before I came into the thread, i just hadn't reopened the game since then. I thought id check if i was doing something wrong but it sounds like i was stumbling in the right direction. thanks guys.
did you take a picture of your monitor
what the fuck are you doing
One of them is pretty bad(The dog) and the rest vary from average to great
jesus christ purple midnight was insane. first time I've ever seen the third trumpet and survived
Honestly if I didn't know about the backer ones I never would have suspected they were donation incentives
>6% survival rate
Yea you sure "survived" that one user
How much harder do you think the game would've been if the Backwards Clock backer abnormality did not exist?
>day 40
you can turn them off?
i mean, i didn't got any problem with them, i've got monk, ppodae and melting love and monk is slightly annoying like any other abno, ppodae is kinda shit but at least has a cute gift and i love melting love
i never thought they looked out of place and didn't knew they were from backers until later
>day 40
>only 18 employees
why? You should have more than that at all EX stats
I've never used that thing, though.
Alright, cheers, I'll leave it on.
Right in the menu settings, I don't know which ones they are (other than what you mentioned) because I'm just starting but I figured I'd check since they were courteous enough to offer the option of removing them.
just let them on, they aren't off in the slightest
also just noticed backward clock is a backer's too
>15 dead, 14 panicking
Or to be more exact it's the circles
I really don't need that many. this run has been fucked for a while now, I'm going back to day one after this anyway. pretty great compared to my last try anyway. also I find grinding out their stats to be pretty boring, so I usually just have 4 or 5 chads
someone post the webm where there's like a million containment breaches going on with the train at the end
i'm gonna bully this bitch for mommy gebura
Well, that worked. Thanks man!
>Day 20
>Still haven't completed the 'suppress 4 abs' mission
>Exactly 4/15 of my abs can breach
>Including mountain and KoD
I feel like this is possible if you did a Day 1 reset after doing all of the suppressions but I haven't survived the last 5 days yet so who knows.
How much of this game's soundtrack is open license?
I know I've heard
lmao no
t. beat the game
Now I see why people like the rabbit team vs. Binah, do I just call them on her ASAP? It would lock away Mountain and Big Bird if I timed it properly. The third phase fucked me though because I didn't expect being unable to pause even though the gimmick for all of these harder supps is to prevent pausing.
By the later days you wouldnt care about such things
i've been playing this shit for the first time and i have no idea what the fuck just happened.
plague doctor made out with a bunch of my employees then all hell broke loose.
>early doctor
Well at least you won't have to worry about picking him up as his ZAYIN self anymore.
you fucking hod
wrong pic
i just noticed that SO has lips and a nose
i thought it had no face, was looking up and the nose was a sort of chin
Am I not supposed to skip ahead after I get enough energy? I feel like I wasted a lot of potential level ups by immediately skipping for 20 days.
you seem to have forgotten something user
>what is the print screen button
you forgot the spoiler
At first I thought I was forgetting something... and then it hit me!
This thread made me buy this game, im going in mostly clueless.
>im going in mostly clueless.
As you should, keep us posted user
Oh manager...
Better grind on your last safe day before hell decides to come and visit your facility
Oh god
Talk about terrible prognosis
Protip: Laetitia is great for ginding
He needs lips to kiss his sexy backup singers.
>I wasted a lot of potential level ups by immediately skipping for 20 days.
You definitely have wasted a lot of super easy days especially with those nice TETHs/Laetitia and two of the easiest WAWs in Security team.
>Yin and Yang next to each other
Oh boy
oh sorry i'm new to these threads, this happened pretty early so i assumed it didn't warrant one.
Eh, sometimes it happens sooner for others
Hold on. You can grind stats?
Threadly reminder to read the manual.
Yes, and you should be, so you aren't wasting the LOB you could have used for fresh meat or for buffing your best men in times of need.
What are the shrimpmen even supposed to be? Costumes? They're not mentioned anywhere in the story
What do you mean user? It's been really tough already.
What things would you have loved to see in the game?
Employees will become more attached to each other the longer they work together or fight as a unit. This will make them more efficient and give them decent buffs when working as a team, but it will also work the other way around. If one of them were to die, the other surviving BFF will take a massive hit to all stats and be frozen in place or panic. Through training some of them could go berzerk for a little while before being hit with depression or taught to avoid getting so close, thus missing the highest buffs but also debuffs.
Same thing will happen with a few abnormalities. If a person who has been working on them for weeks dies at their hands, they will immediately lose it and breach.
>Upgrading facilities
Purchasing items for the main rooms, exclusive for each department. Small stress relief items like a sofa, vending machine or a TV would grant a minimal boost to work effiiciency or a specified defense stat. Otherwise stuff like safety protocols on the walls and speakers would make them just a bit more prepared for breaches.
Hallways could be enchanced with better lighting, medkits, defensive positions, traps to slow or slighty harm abnos. Basically bullets minus the flexibility of point and click, which also need to be manually replenished/repaired at a cost.
Cell doors could be upgraded from ZAYIN to ALEPH, making them more resistant. Worthless against teleporting monsters and strong ones can still cut through them like butter, but they can give you some very precious seconds.
Layout customization could also be an option if it was carefully balanced, as in "cells cannot be placed more than X doors away from the main room". Swapping above HE could only be done with adjacent rooms and it would be costly, ridiculously so for ALEPH.
The player now being able to "fix it" opens the door for even more dangerous, facility-altering abnormalities.
>Fully expanded dating sim aspects
As long as you keep sending employes to the abnormalities at the end of the day, so they can jump from II to like IV
Hell yeah.
I'm retarded, maybe I should restart from day 1 and get a bunch of good employees.
That's what I do
Focus on 3 Chads, then hire some more employees later on to become future Chads.
Shit gets hard fast, a Day 1 reset keeps all research, weapons, and armor, and you can make things much more easier for yourself by grinding. Ending the day right as you get quota in the early days means less buff people to deal with the tricky abnormalities.
Fixed heroic monk
Fixed translation
Fixed memory leak
Level up your employees m8
If they are still at fucking I
They are gonna make it past day 20
I want a mode where I FUCK melting love
Good luck user.
Yeah, my best employee is a IV right now and I buffed the shit out of him. I thought the dawn limit was a time limit
>playing gatchashit
no thank you
does clerks being executed counts to prevent QoH's bitching?
I thought WN was a cyclops pill shaped thing until I saw that the portrait shows it's actually seen from the side and it's shaped like a little worm/fetus.
I think we have different definitions for what a gatcha game is
No, you can grind forever in 1 day if you really wanted to.
What on earth are you talking about user
Added the "A" armband to identify him and the Torment Tattoo
the gacha hate thread is 2 blocks down you jabroni
Is this triple nigger dumb?
Birds are cool.
They're shrimp wearing clothes. They're members of "Wearenotprawnsreallyiswear Inc." if the ad is to be believed.
If a customer comes close and decides not to take a soda, they'll manually hand it to them according to the old final observation.
Opinions on this video?
>tfw no Aleph from my latest 10-pull
damn, it really does
i wish i knew it before
A small Hod I can keep in a kennel/cage on my desk.
So cute!
Also, empowered justitia!
This but in my pants.
user no
>rerolling until Control is 4 Alephs
suffering bros
>save up 200 lobs for the next event
>still havent pulled Blue Star
if the dating sim aspects included abnormalities i'd be all over that
not that guy, but i'm having the same issue. I can't seem to find the right balance between upgrading my dudes vs buying more dudes
I have a feeling the choice will probably to just save lob points and see what my skips are and distribute as i need them
Drowning chibi Hod in milk
so ugh.. what do i do with this thing now.
Every employee that enters the room to work with it instantly panics, And if i leave it alone it escapes and all hells breaks loose.
is my run fucked?
I want the nametags of each employee to come with buffs like in Legacy
I also want the scrapped employee banter lines to come back
Also, direct control of employees, but that may be cheating? Sometimes I want people to stand right in front of the door and shit
Wew lad
That’s new for me
Unless you have any pale armor or the portrait tool, yeah you're probably fucked.
Was not expecting the normal looking guy with censored stickers all over him, made me chuckle.
Its time to accept WhiteNight into your heart user
>the right balance between upgrading my dudes vs buying more dudes
3 per department is the usual fare until you have enough LOB and have completed Hod Suppression then you can pump your departments full of chads
Yeah i figured the confessing part on my own but by the time it's done all my employees are dead anyway so i have to retry regardless. i'm stuck on a loop.
Why would it be cheating? They should stand where you tell them to even if for just a little while, not being able to do it only makes it tedious to control them.
Memory rep that faggot
Man this is super convenient. Picked them blind too.
It happens when a level 3 or less interacts with white night, it's an autopanic
If you command someone to stand in the space between doors they're basically invincible and/or invisible, you notice this when you ask people to suppress a monster, and when it slowly walks into a new hallway, everyone turns back but then runs forward once the monster finishes entering that hallway
So in theory you can make people hide and be invincible
>Gee Georgia, the manager has you babysit two abnormalities?
What's the stat gain per completed job based in anons?
The number of green boxes obtained? difficulty level of the abno? what is it.
Then just make the inside of the rooms clickeable like they are now. Invincibility door frames can already be abused and are a different problem.
yeah this works i guess.
Higher difficulty means usually more boxes anyway.
Difficulty level of the abno
Work type
Not work success, unless my grinding on Child of the Galaxy was randomly lucky, that stupid thing never gives good results but has boosted my agents Justice crazy high
Hell yea keep making more shit dude, all content is good for games like this
Good to know, thanks.
while I like the idea she's just a little hod you can't be doing this user
>Not work success
He didn't say work success, though but green boxes.
Thanks dude, drawing in paint is a bitch but I've enjoyed the game so far so it was fun to do.
Don't like that idea. It just leads to resetting the day in case of death even more.
Employees are supposed to be expendable. That's part of the story.
So you're sacrificing the person to melting love regardless? I thought only the secondary infections had a timer. I can't even make it to dusk without her killing everyone
I enjoyed the different effects based on employee gender in legacy.
E.g. Red Shoes immediately disables females, Spider Bud only kills males and merely deals white damage to females.
I have still yet to get big bird, on day 40 of my 4th restart and am trying to get all the birbs at once, but I have never seen the cuddly bastard in any of my runs. Same with the monk, those 2 are the only ones missing from 100% completion. Are there requirements or am I just unlucky?
The first dude only dies when she breaches.
Her husbando is patient zero and does not transform unless she breaches or her other conditions are met which I think is 25% facility infected. So if you keep him in an elevator and execute all clerks in the department and keep him away from everyone, you're fine.
What causes her to breach? Because I read all the tips and we were just standing there, nothing was happening. In fact all my guys were gathered in an elevator not doing anything as I prepped for the possible release of Queen of Hatred. All my guys but the infected one I mean, she was alone and no one else was infected.
Did you execute all clerks? Because clerks use elevators and could have caught the slime kiss.
There is no incentive to keep the player from retrying if they even slighty like a worker. Story can push what it wants but it's the actual gameplay and events what dictate how the player feels about stuff.
Bonds would be a high risk-high reward mechanic and yet another way a situation you thought under control could go catastrophically wrong.
There were no clerks left alive. I let green noon run around for way longer than I should have to make sure since 5 WAWs refuse to breach in a single day so I don't have execute bullets
A productive day.
>tfw all of my ALEPHs are roaming now
You know you can supress the same WAW 5 times, right?
I can't think of why else she escaped unless
>forgot to kill a clown
>did repression work on her 3 times
>got neutral/bad results on her
>forgot about clerks
Did she breach with minions? Or was it just her and the "blessed" employee
Oh shit, the legendary chosen one. Quick, I need someone to work on my Scarecrow.
just start over bruh. starting over is part of the experience.
I thought the QoH would be hard, but shes really weak.
Backwards Clock. A noble employee has to do it. Needs of the many and all that jazz
Just her and patient zero. I usually assume I forgot something but the fact that it was just those two and I hadn't just triggered something is weird to me. I hadn't done any repression work since it's a gamble if the employee survives. I'm just going to keep a level 1 in that department now. All departments really.
fuck you schandenfreude
i agree
Ya I'm trying to farm queen of hate because she's really easy to take down safely but she's refusing to breach a lot. This is my third retry of the day, I'll end the day if I get her to breach 5 times or dusk and neither has happened.
>I'm just going to keep a level 1 in that department now. All departments really.
What benefit would this serve, the best thing to do is kill all clerks and keep a V chad to make her happy
So what IS Censored anyway? Is the mystery the joke or do people actually know?
>doing white midnight
>have no idea what his gimmick is
>default to the trusty "hit him with every employee in the fucking facility" strat
>it actually works and I get him to near death in a couple of seconds
>suddenly, Third Trumpet out of fucking nowhere
>all my employees are either dead or panicking
>even the Chad with capped stats and Twilight gear somehow died when I wasn't looking
Very funny guys, so what's the trick to not triggering his allahu ackbar move?
So I can throw it at her to eat. She has 2 Q counts doesn't she? So worst comes to worst she wouldn't breach
>refusing to breach
How do you even manage that
First off, she has 3, second off, it decreases if you get a Normal or Bad success rate, having her eat a lvl 1 will make it decrease silly Manager, it's the first tip.
Some high levels probably received a headpat or two, which clearly made the situation better
the clowns can do anything user.
why does lob corp let people keep EGO gifts
you should be able to redistribute them as you want
Ya but I'm saying if the timing on getting her in a meltdown is bad I can throw a level 1 at her and as long as I don't keep doing that I'm no worse for ware, since her other breach condition has nothing to do with qoh, right? I can get execution bullets if I can make this day last just a bit longer but she's making it really hard.
Fuck you Manager !
I ain’t giving away the hat Laetita gave to me
What Alephs am I supposed to not go full unga chunga on when they get out?
What the fuck, man? Those nice abnormalities decided to reward those employees for their hard work with those gifts. You can't just take them away, you'll hurt the feeling of not only the employees, but the abnormalities!
If the UI was better Orchestra, but it isn't so not Orchestra. Just highlight everyone and right click once Orchestra finishes part 1
>monster likes someone enough to cough up a gift for them that has no harmful consequences, just an expression of liking them (with a few exceptions like Snow Queen)
>they come back without the present on
what do you think will happen?
Interesting way of keeping her happy. You can always memory repository her away unless you got her on Day 1, 6, 11 ,16, 21, and so on
My prudence isn't high enough to understand this
Nope, she's two sections ago. I've barely touched her and the few times I did usually resulted in a death. I had to repository that flesh dog thing that just escapes whenever it wants and kills everyone but I figured I could handle her. Maybe I can bully yin and yang faster than I can QoH
Thatta boy, godspeed.
All I can offer now is good luck on the RNG and hope she doesn't get hit by meltdowns.
>Queen of Hatred blowing a kiss to the camera after every work
>You are a level 3 Employee
>you're close to your day off
>manager is panicking and sends you to go work on Wellcheers for some reason while Alephs decimate your colleagues and you watch a man painfully melt into a gooey pile of paint beside you, screaming in agony behind you as you run down the hall to the vending machine's room
Do you take the sleep-risk soda and get swept away? Or do you just perform normal Instinct work and get back out there, strapping on your shitty ZAYIN gear and hoping the giant red skinwalker holding the severed head of the cute girl from Research looming outside of the containment room doesn't see you?
>Do you take the sleep-risk soda and get swept away?
I'd probably assume that's the reason the manager sent me there, since I only have ZAYIN gear I wouldn't be very helpful anyway.
When the Manager says the day is over and hits that day end button, THEY come and take care of the escaped abnormalities and piles of dead bodies. Who are THEY? We just don't know. I'd do my instinct work as requested, get a sip of Wellcheers, and head back into my cryrosleep chamber for the night to be ready for the next day's monstrosities and atrocities. I would also question why the fuck am I still wearing ZAYIN fatigues.
He's hiding in that fortified box for a reason
Why you looking at him bro?
>tfw manager sends you to wellcheers because he knows you aren't making it out alive and he wants you to get that "day off"
manager is a good person
because manager is a cheap bastard as well
She kisses any Chad who work on her user, and fully heal him, what a whore.
At least I'll get to buy the vacation package soon.........
more like central chadmand. Only the best can cut it there.
>Rip Nothing There's eyes out of Employee's face
Yeah i'm sure no one involved wouldn't like that.
worst box and worst department, double whammy
>TFW get Melting love and Mountain in Central my first run
The day I learned it was okay to day 1 and just try again.
Speaking of which should I just dedicate everything to snagging their stuff then Day 1 again or just Day 1 right away if it's too hard to kill them off when they get out?
Only the best get a taste of that cunny huh
this is why you're in ZAYIN fatigues
>won't get in time to work on Teddy Bear and Big Wolf, but Little Red is his neighbor and I almost met the quota so it isn't so bad
>clocks reach zero
>all my employees in the other departments' main rooms get smited out of nowhere
>most die and the few level V have half their HP and SP
Fucking what?
>Console him, and let him realize who the monster was.
>Starts helping in suppressions on a path to redemption.
Try as best you can to get their gear before you reset. If it's just not possible (You have all Teth gear and the employee just eats shit before they can finish) then just reset and hope you have good enough gear next time you get them.
>As you step out of containment, refreshed from your sippy, you hear "Goodbye" as a large, sharp shadow raises behind you
Why not memory repo instead? Should take 1-2 days tops to get all their gear
I think he'd just settle down and find peace in rest like Big Bird does. He knows what he did and he no longer has to dwell on what happened or judge the people around him with the scale.
Finally, took way too many tries. I really hope the amount of autism-tier micro I needed was worth it
Okay so just got the game, have a couple of questions
No idea what the red bar does.
How does grinding work in this game? Can employees win 1 level of a stat per day or they can gain all four in a day? Can they go from level 1 to 5?
Also I dont understand how the fairies work, whats a different management work? Another room?
So just gun it to the max, try and snag n bag them all before I go? I'll try but this hasn't gone well before.
Too late for one of them and the train is incredibly fucking irritating.
It's definitely worth it. If I were you I'd memrepo and finish ALL suppressions before day 46...
Something I initially thought was in the game after seeing screenshots with central command for the first time was that certain abnormalities would change how your facility was shaped in certain ways, be that for their containment or their specific effects.
No monoliths, no ordeals. Everyone just spontaneously died and I don't think I have any abnos capable of doing anything like that.
I see a lot less art of Tiphs than the other characters, even Hokma. Idk why.
But user.
What if he judged WhiteNight
Doing some modding art requests for faces, post requests.
bruh, look at this dude
He can't. He gave you his broken Judgement scale once you settled his burden, and he knows now that it's not a fair scale.
Fuck Binah suppression, I have all the bad boy alephs that break out on clerk deaths plus big birb and its absolute horseshit that I can burn all my execution bullets immediately and she kills enough clerks to let out army in black and mountain asap
Never mind when those fucker waves come out
Red bar is the meltdown bar, that's how long you have to go do work on that room again or the thing inside will go apeshit/You lose energy. You'll notice top left each time you do anything you get a tick, when the ticks fill up you hit the next meltdown phase with the number on the right being how many dudes are gonna meltdown.
When you send dudes into rooms there's a chance their stats will improve based on whatever work they're doing.
Yeh, you got it.
I need more angry faces for my warriors. Also, brighter colored hairstyles if that's possible. And more hairstyles with bangs.
What's that on the bottom left?
anime girl white night
>No idea what the red bar does.
If work isn't done on it before the red bar depleetes, it lowers the counter for the abnormality in question. Some of them break out and fuck shit up when that counter reaches 0.
>How does grinding work in this game? Can employees win 1 level of a stat per day or they can gain all four in a day? Can they go from level 1 to 5?
Each type of work increases the specific stat by some amount, but the gains don't take effect until the day ends, Yes, if you're patient/autistic enough
>Also I dont understand how the fairies work, whats a different management work? Another room?
That's for you to figure out, did you unlock all their info yet?
>little red and big bad wolf in the same hallway
PFF as if! Knowing him, then they will
1 go into an unimaginable rage go into denial and become an even bigger monster
2 just go I know what must be done then and they kill themselves.
There is not redemption in this world.
The cells or the text? My monitor is potato resolution.
Volunteer some dudes to babysit both of them? 1-2 lv V dudes should suffice (although Big Bird requires attention)
The two escaped cells
>go into denial
He never was in denial.
He had probably realized what the prophecy had meant long ago, but by then it was too late.
It wants to forget the sins of the past.
Actually, he simply waits, sitting there contemplating now that he knows that he was the monster all along and he can never return life to the forest.
Thats cause theyre the least popular sephiras
amount of energy you have/amount of energy you need to end the day
what level of qlipoth meltdown you are on, 2 means you have pushed the bar to the end twice
>red squares
1 square for 1 work(management) done on an abnormality, some abnormalities are tools and do not generate a tick on the meter, some abnormalities generate a tick but no energy gained
>sun icon and the word dawn
ordeal. you will see these later on. it is a fixed amount of monsters that spawn that you must defeat. usually in place of that dawn icon is a number. let's say the number was 5, when you fill the bar up, 5 abnormalities will be picked at random to melt down, an alarm will sound, and you have about 60 seconds to work on them or else the qlipoth meter of the abnormality decreases which usually means they escape. if it is a non escapable abnormality, you lose a little bit of energy. not a big deal.
These two.
Red died but left him just a hit away so my employee finished him off.
gimme a smarmy k11
Did Red do a bunch of drive-by shootings perhaps? Employees can get caught in her crossfire with the wolf. Wolf also teleports if you haven't seen it yet and could have quickly killed employees.
Well I can tell that much.
Every single dude one is popular especially with Fujos (although to be honest I like most of them anyway) and Gebura, Malkuth and Angela are the most popular girls, with Hod's popularity dropping depending on where people are at, Binah getting a good chunk of fanart, and even Myo getting more art than those Tiphs.
I have noticed a considerable increase in Hod abuse after these threads started to pop up though. Don't do that.
huh, weird. No Train, No parasyte tree, no Yin/Yang? They just kinda blew up?
these abnormalities need good end kinda things after you get all their gear and keep going with them
>Don't do that
I will drop Hod requests in the odabaikos/request boxes of all the Twitter artists and you can't stop me
happy nice hod requests where she gets head pats and good things
>just watched a guy do legit Red Mist fight
>5 survivors and like 4 retries
I can see why people cheese it
Problem is if you don't zerg mountain he'll yeet off into central, chowing down on Clerk bodies. It's annoying that he will randomly just fuck off. Then army goes off- which that big of a deal- but monk goes for a walk too. Big birb might not join the party until a little later, but he's still a fuckass.
Didnt help that she kept meltdowning silent orchestra either.
Don't worry, give it about 2 weeks when the Setth vid goes up with a grand in porn commissions linked for free.
Damn that bonus is excellent. Wouldn't want to do this fight again though without all of my employees grinded up, right now just have an elite few scattered with a couple agents being good enough to be lv V but at HP III or something.
Somehow my guy with Apocalypse Bird's gear died and his gear's gone for good, so I'll have to try that event again.
Only if it's nice Hod art where she's living a peaceful life as an office worker.
It feels like a chicken-and-egg deal. If you can't git gud then you need more Aleph gear to deal with her, but you have to deal with her first to get the gear
How do you cheese it?
>If you can't git gud then you need more Aleph gear to deal with her,
I think he had ALL the Alpeh gear except for Whitenight's weapon.
I want Hod art where she's a strung out junkie sucking dick for enkephalin!
How can he even make a video without spoiling literally everything? Why would anyone want to play after seeing all the worst that could happen, you'd just go Oh no when you see a box with MANAGER or We will meet as stars and already know what to do. One of the biggest draws of this game is the surprise element/WTF factor in my opinion.
SO's new quote is sorta lame, they had much better material and quotes to draw on.
thats what final observations were in legacy.
Pic very related friendo
fucking delet this
You mean Chesed it.
>How do you cheese it?
you use the shelter so EVERYTHING breaches and fights her.
couldn't that backfire horribly?
Exactly, he had all that gear and still had trouble
I imagine it'll be his usual style. Try not to spoil any story beats, meme a little bit about the jewish shit, then spend 8-10 minutes giving examples of insane stories that happened to him/others. Worst case scenario he spoils about 5 Abo's manager tips which might just work to get people interested. I do totally agree though I hope he doesn't go overboard, this kind of game is way better blind.
that seems hard to contain afterwards with all the alephs here
so as I was working on a request for a new angry face this happened, considering it seems like the face absolutely doesn't give a shit about boundaries I'm wondering if by using clever sprite manipulation I can create full riot control helmets for the characters as well as animate them by defaulting employees to bald and hairless.
I tried cheesing it but the game crashed before she would die, so I did it legit and it was both easier and faster. The secret to my victory was elevator
No. It's extremely cowardly, though.
check the suppression condition
forgot my image.
>couldn't that backfire horribly?
just deploy the minimal amount of people needed with no gear.
There is no way to backfire.
>that seems hard to contain afterwards with all the alephs here
with Gebura's Suppression (Red Mist), you just beat the Red Mist and the day ends.
You don't need to finish the day, just kill her. So just deploy some new hire shitters with no equipment in the spots you need, then sit a dude in the bunker for 30 minutes until you win.
>everyone is a box
>except for binah and geburah and angela
I have no idea who that is but I rather like how this is now, I hope it doesn't turn into the next YT meme sensation like DDLC, FNAF, UT, etc. did (even though I only touched one of those).
Go away familyfag
>he doesn't know
>his prudence is 1
What are you talking about? Gebura and Binah are boxes too.
>realize I can mod my husbando into the game as an employee.
>realize a second later "wait why the fuck would I ever do that to him."
You're right, you really seemed to have fucked yourself over with abo choices. It's doable but it'd be an uphill battle. I guess you can just restart if it's too much as long as you've done Hokma's thing
play the game some more
Setth is known for shit like DF, SS13, HOMM3, Kenshi etc. More people will play but he's not some pewdiepie/markiplier level shitter sub wise so it'll probably stay pretty comfy.
Angela doesn't count because she's superior, of course she gets the best.
No idea why Gebura gets a perfectly functional humanoid body that literally just looks like her wearing a mask and some armor though.
Binah looks like she's wearing a halloween costume.
Why does blue star spam dubstep when he breaches?
I just bought your garbage mobile auto-playing gatchashit, you literal paid shills.
What am I in for?
I got someone to purchase the game? Sweet! Thanks for the free E boxes bro, you're on your own.
Their sexy robo bods are their meltdown forms, in the same way everyone else becomes a tentacle blob monster. Not sure why only they are coherent enough to get actual bodies
A difficult management simulator without any gachashit.
Good luck passing a day after 5 without paying full attention to it.
Because followers get only the coolest music to listen to.
I'm pretty sure he's referring to the form that's inside the box that busts out when they go nuclear.
Their backstories reflect why they have attack modes while the top level sephiras are trees
the tree of life is inverted in LC, the top level are the 'roots' of the tree
no no INSIDE the box.
Where in the world do you think the meltdown forms come from?
>Good luck passing a day after 5 without paying
I fucking knew it was p2w crap.
So for a run that hopes to beat the game, would I want to avoid abnorms that breach if too many shitters die? My current run has Army, Big, and Mountain, and tougher events are fucking brutal with these fucks running around ruining everything.
Angela gave them new bodies to fuck with X because she is so, so mad.
Paying attention user, not paying money
don't fuck with me I have the power of angela and blue star on my side
No, I saw them escape before. My employees (except the ones working) imploded in every other department as if it was Violet Noon but it wasn't.
I have none of those yet, and the only other two WAWs I have are QoH and Bird of Judgement. Yeah, the second the clock reached zero everyone not strong enough died.
Think I figured it out, though, it was this piece of fucking shit I got today and completely forgot about in a new corner of Central. His bullet went through Security Team > Information Team > Training Team from left to right, it fits with the order of deaths in the log. The damage being dark is also why my survivors had half their HP and SP, how is he just HE?
First day and I already hate him more than anyone else.
That clerk looks like they're deeply regretting their choice of entering the foot fetish zone.
Stop whatever you are doing right now and get the person out of the bunker. Also execute three clerks and get that ticket
Experiment 1 complete failure, seems like it only stretches the eyes at approx scale width and height.
Hair, maybe?
I meant what these anons clearly immediately picked up. Goddamn clerks
So why exactly do they have humanoid forms during suppression. I call malversation of funds
>how is he just HE?
Because he's easy to placate even with low level employees, but deals a ton of damage and possible mass casualties when melted down.
Don't know if this has been translated and the meaning is pretty clear from the picture but here you go
YO, okay he's actually great. Grab his weapon and armor asap. Definitely be careful with him though.
>not being HE
He's HE because everything in WAW is worse, the only HE I can see being WAW level irritating is the Nameless Fetus. He's actually useful because he can function as an execution bullet if you run out/don't have them. He takes paid jobs so you can pay him to shoot whatever you want.
Gebura won the attractiveness contest due to strangling all the judges who disliked her with her gigantic thighs so she got the best robody
>counter of 3
>fairly lax requirements for work/not decreasing the counter
>bullet has the chance to completely miss everything
>can still survive the bullet, only shitters will get killed by it.
Why wouldn't it be HE?
Der is really good to have. His weapon is great (friendly fires though so watch out) AND he likes repression work (and unlike certain repression favoring HE's wont autistically screech when you look at them or just flat out kill you if you send in someone with the wrong stats)
You need better employees, manager
Fuck the first thing I did was eye Burrowing Heaven on instinct.
>theres a functioning body within binah and gebura box
Brb managers, gonna do some suppression work on both of them privately. Nobody is allowed into their respective rooms while I suppress them myself.
Experiment with front hair concluded, great success!
Now to polish assets and fix the placement and I can start rolling out the first set of modded armored helmets and balaclavas for operator agents.
>got scarecrow before I had any black weps.
Worst experience of my life.
You can't even kite him that effectively early on cause he just leeches back to full off of clerks.
>no one sin
Yesod's story is fucked up, now I'm worried about the rest of the characters. He truly dindu nuffin wrong. I'm sure some white damage could have patched him up.
Also, can I make them go back to their human portraits?
Gotta accept them for what they are
I have learned I'm a retard and I can beat down smiley mountain in moments by just dumping the entire facility on him. I didn't notice he wasn't doing the purple damage spew at first form.
Also the guns from Naked Nest seem to hit the ceiling or something and do nothing?
Yesod was a bitch that only became a sephira out of fear of death
Get off lobotomychan yesod. We know its you
That comparison is stupid. Sseth is a reviewer. Not a let's player.
>not accepting the sephs for who they are
very nice, keep up the good work user
>we now have modders and more oc
Actually playing the game really does wonders huh
But didn't he get taken out behind the shed and put down Old Yeller style for being crazy? Or did I miss something crucial
>big and might be bad wolf just wants to be friendly but can't ultimately can't shake off his destiny and role in tales to be the bad guy
Maybe you should play the game or at least lurk the thread enough to know what the gameplay is actually like, you will refrain from embarrasing yourself this badly by accusing the game of simply being "shitty mobile auto-play garbage".
What is everyone's drink of preference when playing some good ol' Lobo Corp?
I don't usually drink, but today someone left a red can of Wellcheers nearby so I might as well indulge, right?
ok who let der shooty get to 0
big and might be bad wolf will never be your friend as he rightfully despises weebs
water because hod is my favorite and she's too young to drink
So I can research until I get enough boxes, make a weapon+armor, Memory Repo before the day is done and still keep the weapons+armor right?
blessed image
>every time Der hits 0, he fires a bullet into the void
I appreciate him not killing my dudes
Test 2, chin keeps popping out worse than expected, will probably need to make custom mouth piece to go alongside each helmet if I'm guessing but otherwise looks pretty solid. Linework needs trimming and colors need touch up but otherwise I think I figured out the optimal proportions.
Forgot my image again.
I'm like halfway through the game and I think I've finally discovered the true mastermind behind this so-called "Lobotomy Corp"
To all employees and clerks, we will be holding a concert in Central Command
Assistance is mandatory
Cheer up, crew cut
pretty tame honestly user
Not like they've been hiding it, given the classifications and Sephirah names.
>no silent orchestra/blue star duet
why lives bros.
Nigga has all the meaningless hebrew kaballah shit just flown right past you this whole time?
No they ran tests on him thinking he was infected but he was clean so they let him go and he proceeded to continue scratching himself to death
hey that looks pretty cool, too bad the game doesn't feature any weapons to go along with it aside from the rabbit's assault rifles which are unobtanium unfortunately
Alright you win, where do I become a star
Right here user
Don't worry, you can jump right in.
Yes actually, I am vaguely familiar with the kaballah/sefirot shit but I didn't know the names of the "nodes" individually, I just thought they were mistranslated gook names