What's holding back video games graphics?

What's holding back video games graphics?

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Get your fucking feet out of my face before I knock you, Whore.



Not enough fetishists in the field doing shit like this.

"rugged feet" bumpmap + alpha channel value tied to feet animation

Only Switch. Other consoles are monsters.


Attached: gaysnot.jpg (329x399, 20K)

How ironic.

Fucking gross.

shitty programmers, aka: trannies and niggers

Attached: Gooeet.webm (1280x720, 1.38M)

>we'll never get good foot graphics

Nothing, it's developing at fast rate. Sure it can be better optimized, but that's not a demand, so it's not done.

Consoles. If every game was developed for PC they would have a lot more to work with and could push the bar even higher.

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Digital distribution, it lowered the barrier of entry to make money from games thus allowing poor graphic games to gain more market share.
Optimization isn't done because there is no longer a financial incentive to optimize and compress to get the game to fit on the least amount of physical media possible.

yo guys i fucking love feet

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>top tier
anime feet

>shit tier
3dpd feet

>tfw I don't give a shit about feet
>just genuinely impressed that we can do this kind of shit now
I don't even know if this is impressive in any way by today's standards since I stopped paying attention a few years back but damn

I wanted to just tell you that simply higher quantities doesn't make better videogames.
Having restrictions placed on developers makes them have to get crafty and smart about their games, to find work-arounds and methods to really optimize the shit out of things. The same is true about a lot of things. The more restrictions put in place, the more you have to evolve and you come out of it a smarter person. This SLOWS graphical fidelity but in the end it improves everything as a whole because game developers wind up wiser.

Ding ding ding ding. Digital distribution is the progenitor of everything wrong with games today.

i hate gabe newell now

Imagine liking feet

It's the most well accepted fetish. If you don't like it you're a minority.

One could say that these graphics are quite the impressive feet, no?

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alright listen Carlos you're getting the fuck out of here right now you spic piece of shit

It's not that impressive from a technical standpoint, this sort of thing is used all the time for faces

Essentially it's morphing between two (or more) separately tweaked models instead of trying to stretch one base model

Attached: mario morphs.png (1274x596, 770K)

imagine licking feet

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Imagine smelling them.

It's a fetish because a minority of people like it. If the majority of people liked feet it wouldn't be a fetish.

You're not turning this punny victory of mine into a defeet, not today.

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Imagine imagining.

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Yeah and look how that's working out

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feet is literally the most normalfag fetish you dumb nigger monkey

You stupid fucking generates ruined my favorite thing.

Footfags are fucking disgusting

49% of people admit to liking feet. We can assume there is about another 49% of people who were just too embarrassed to admit it.

That leaves weirdos who don't like feet like you in the 2%.

Allow for a 1% margin of error, of course.

lol what

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Attached: footsies.webm (360x640, 2.56M)

fuck off

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