FFXIV: Shadowbringers

26 days bros

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I'm going to marry Y'shtola!

Ishgard... Home...

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is there a cutoff date to get into the early access? like a date i have to preorder by


I'm going to impregnate Tataru!

You mean 12 days until Liveletter.

July 2

Do we know what they'll talk about?

We're getting the hype launch trailer for sure.

Probably everything that isn't battle system changes. So NG+, glamour, Ishgard restortation, Trust, etc.

Leaving best girl for me, how considerate of you user

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>tfw you drop your panties for another foreign visitor from a different world server
cats just wanna have fun

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>likes to gossip about fat Roegadyn cocks
Yikes... have fun bro...

best girl is actually pic related but I'm waiting on impregnating her for obvious reasons

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>Have alt
>Haven't played on them in a while, but part of some newbie FC.
>Decide to level up a profession, craft the mats on my main and transfer them over.
>Spring up from level 20 weaver to level 70 in the span of a few hours.
>FC leader accuses me of hacking.

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only thing they confirmed so far is info for crafters and gatherers

13 is prime breeding age though

Can't wait until GNB bro's.

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This except I'm an Au Ra

Q: So those are the only members who can be used.

Yoshida: Yes, please think of it as something that progresses alongside the story. This is a bit of a spoiler, but Thancred can't be brought along as a Trust for the first dungeon. However, regardless of what role/job the player is, you can still have a balanced party (1 tank, 1 healer, 2 DPS).

So this confirms that theres some flex in the Trust system list right now. Yshtola is a trust, but theres also apparently another tank trust during parts of the MSQ where hes gone. Wonder who it is?

More battle stuff, crafting, trust system.

Will I get enough of the moogle tomestones if I play casually by the end of the end of the event?

i'm like 90% sure as long as you order before early access starts you're fine

wasn't she 10

woah dude, that new facial cream's really working for you

I'm going to Trust Y'shtola!

Face 1 or face 2 for Viera?

What would you want with them? Riding maps can be got quicker with allied seals.

It recently got retconned to 13 for some reason.

Hmm. None of the other souljacked Scions appear to be a tank so either our boy Hoary gets to make the jump or some 1st schmuck is coming along.

based and slutpilled.

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Momodi is an angel and I miss her being in the story.

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In no hurry to lose relevancy as BLM.

He has no reason to be there but Arenvald would be cool. That or we just get some new NPC we meet temporarily in the MSQ.

Face 1 is cutest
Face 4 can look nice too but people insult it

First dungeon will be moving through secret areas in the Crystal Tower with Hoary, Coultenet, Ocher, and Riol. That's where the eScape+Syrcus Tower song is from. Please look forward to it.

I just want the earring and the pegasus mount.

tfw no Lalafell wife

I'm one of those Face4 haters but I'll admit they get the best tattoos.

Face 4 is fine but you have to actually work to make it look good

>Bunch of friends and I run Orbonne together
>Immediately we notice that the overall DPS is fucking horrendous
>Also none of the tanks want to tank so first boss attack everyone randomly
>Somehow we get to Cid
>Wipe constantly because one alliance can't heal their party through Cleansing Strike
>Mfw the healer of that party use their LB to heal it
>My fucking face when they have a WHM of all healers and still can't fucking heal through it
>After 1h30+ people decide to abandon
I still can't fucking believe it.
How can people be so fucking bad so late in the expansion?
Seriously, how the fuck?!

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>queue up with Orbonne with friends
>alliance A keeps eating shit to Mustadio
>one of their healers leaves along with C's tank
>B, our group, is the only alliance not having people die left and right
>even when everyone is alive the DPS is disgustingly low
>manage to take down Mustadio after way, way too long
>Agrias has the same issues but less so since healers can save most fuck-ups there
>the replacement A healer leaves along with two DPS
>replacements show up instantly
>but then we get to Cid
>wipe at like 20% because A somehow died during Duskblade
>get back up and go in
>get Cid down to around 20% again
>look over at A
>they all simultaneously died
>they fucking died to Doom with both healers alive
>one of their healers was a WHM
>they were trying to fucking healer LB Doom off at the last second instead of using Cure III or Plenary Indulgence
>mfw Duskblade wipes us again and we have to vote abandon

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As long as I still hit like a truck, I don't care. I liked having selfish DPS and party DPS.

oh but it all makes sense

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Are they really going to stick an entire level worth of quest in the old zones before we're able to make the jump?

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wowfugees buying boost

>2 foul casts
If you think they won't nerf foul damage to cover casting it twice, back to back, you're i'n for a surprise.

Problem is that even once you put that work in, there's something very botoxy about it. It feels very stiff.

too late bro......

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Does anyone know a nice shade of milk chocolate or a tanned shade for Rava

No, it will be a level 70 dungeon. It's the reason there's one more dungeon at launch than SB and HW had.


i cant wait for shadowbringers cause im sick of trying to do good tank DPS and having my party refuse to use aggro reducing abilities and pulling aggro off me

im sick of people telling me to turn on grit/shield oath, reducing my fucking damage by a shit ton, because they cant be assed pressing diversion

im sick of it all

Dud you fuckers just come out of the same instance?

i would appreciate being enlightened on the provenience of this image please

They will never be able to top this. I like Nier, but I loves me some FFT.

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Nerf or not, all I care about is sitting on the top of the chart of my shitty little static so our RDM doesn't get insufferably smug. So long as I'm outdoing him on the meters by a large margin, he's tolerable, and BLM lets me do just that.

This actually makes a lot of sense. It would explain how we get to choose one of the Scions left behind. At the very least, I expect now that the first dungeon won't actually be on the First itself.

This nigga here
Dude, I was in Alliance C, that shit was painful.

Seems so

>Crystal data center
You sluts are a diamond dozen, move over to a more relevant data center.

Not him but my main is on primal.

I feel the opposite. I love FFT to death, but I feel like mechanically and musically they must have some absolute crazy shit planned for the Nier raids.

>we will never fully explore this scenery
what a tragedy

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What a magical moment.

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The biggest reason I hate instances.

what the fuck is wrong with you Americans and your pointless drama?

On JP server, Alliance B tank is MT, that's it. Case closed.

we'll go to vieraville in 6.0, probably

>not slutting around on your main.

>2 Yea Forums tards end up in the same raid
>something goes horribly wrong
you can’t write this shit

>the absolute state of xiv

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>discounted mediocre pizza is a strike against the game
you fucking what?

they've done this before though?

Sorry honey but crystal is my home and there's plenty of dick for me to enjoy so no need to move. :3 you're always welcome to come

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Yeah but people who queue as tank on NA and EU some-fucking-how don't want to tank at all.

For real though, if healer LB 1 and 2 were like they are in PvP with almost no animation lock, then using LB to heal in a pinch could be legit.

>give plebbit a shot because I can't post on Yea Forums from work
>click on a "what's your favorite job quest?" thread
>naturally there are a dozen or so replies of 'DRK is amazing!'
>think, "huh, these guys aren't that bad"
>click on hidden downvoted posts
>it's a literal tranny seething about how it's regressive and transphobic because Fray shows up in the 70 quest
Holy fuck, these people are real? I thought Yea Forums just made them up. Never going there again.

>tfw we don't have an EQ2 /pizza command
Bros... is it over?

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>diamond dozen
i know this is bait but fuck you

There is a reason it was downvoted and hidden, user

>tfw Excalibur
We are the official Goon server: Your progenitors.
Shitpost about us all you like. We will make the history you tell your stories in.

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crystal containing trannies is a blessing in the skies

do I snipe A ranks like a retard or do I wait until next thursday for my carnivale rewards

Was Nidhogg a bad guy?

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>you're always welcome to come
Already have

>give plebbit a shot because I can't post on Yea Forums from work
Just put a VPN on your phone, if you're allowed to use your phone during work.

It caught me off guard, I thought they just had shit taste and said they thought something else was better.
I wasn't expecting trannyrage

>Less than 10sec apart
>Different ip

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he really loved his imouto and went crazy when she was killed

>was the dragon who intentionally prolonged a war just so he could have an endless supply of innocents to torture a bad guy?

>Retarded pedo

That penal code only means that's when it's legal for minors to fuck each other, it is still illegal for someone over 18 to fuck a minor.

It's the opposite on Balmung, thirsty sluts from other realms running laps around the quicksand looking for cocks

sauce me>?

I want to hold hands and interlock fingers with ----lyse----

Those people aren't welcome there either, it's easy to ignore it

Why aren't there any doujins of Quetzalcoatl fucking Shota with a scaley futa cock?

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nevermind reverse image worked for once

Do you have to get the collectors edition to get the mount?

It's ok guys, the healer changes in Shadowbringers is going to change everything!

All of these shitters will suddenly be able to play their job now that there's only three DPS spells!

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Always disliked humans but Ratatoskr being killed is what set him off. Tiamat dying made it only worse. Doesn't excuse the shit he's done though.

Now I'm curious what their twisted logic was

Yes but you can upgrade to digital collectors edition at any time on the mog station

Does anyone have that fan art of Alph and Alisae as grownups? I didn't save it last time I saw it.

at least they finally adjusted healers' gameplay to the playerbase average intelligence

Is there a cutoff for that? I wanna get it when my next paycheck comes in

I bet they weren't even dpsing, those are the types that just sit there with their thumbs up their arse and watch it happen trying to think of what they should be doing to fix this.
Or they tab out at the worst possible moment.

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I think you mean, "to get the Fran".

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No, you can still upgrade to CE for ARR and HW right now.


>something something pronouns
>there's no reason for a character that's literally me to be a different race and gender!
That's about what I managed to decipher from their insane ranting.

Not yet, they still need to remove all of the oGCDs too.

Healers should only HEAL and also only have GCD heals because everything else is just far too complicated.

Please look forward to the 6.0 healer changes when the Cumslut (CUM) job is added!

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>have so many mounts it starts to feel pointless since you can only use 1 at a time

I can't even get excited over new mounts.

And the other

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Oh cool, thanks.



I bet it was that femroe from the OF that was screaming about the Living Shadow ability summoning Fray instead of the Esteem doppelganger. It's like they can't grasp that WoL imprinted the identity of Fray on that part of their psyche.

that's what the mount roulette is for

Confirming there is a deathflag on Alisaie



>not using a different mount per job to fit with the aesthetic
Let me guess, you use the same 'le casual clothes' glamour for every job, tranny.



Now that you mention it they had one of those idiot character name flairs that sounded pretty Roe.

Reminder than Yoshi P loves trannies.

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So if Thancred is MIA for the first dungeon, then who's the tank?

Still meh about it. Maybe I just collected too much.

What if Yasyle and Haurche got sent to the first when they died. They could be waiting for us.

Nice, bless you user.

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I just recently went through the MSQ, in its entirety. Alisaie I feel does have a death flag on her, as her speech to you with Ba Gu in Limsa had similarities to Hauchefaunt's dialogue about a greatest duty of a knight. But her soul getting yanked may be what it meant

>these are the kinds of healers we're going to be stuck with in ShB

Alright I'm sorry for joking on SCHs please don't leave us with these WHMs.

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Hoary Boulder, of course.

more like Tranny P

That's his playerbase after all

reading the mmo hmo thread
>retarded tranbos posting clownsuit glamours
>wowfugees asking what job is most like Hunter
>a bunch of scholars complaining about changes they obviously didn't read
wow! it's exactly the fucking same!

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I don't know if he "loves" trannies. He's always seemed to me like the kind of guy that just wants people to get along and enjoy stuff together.

>SCHfags thinking their DPS rotation is big brain
>when it's just slightly above the other healers' DPS rotations

if I wanted a complex DPS rotation then I'd play DPS

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You guys are fucked.

In all seriousness, I think leveling queues and healers will be fine. I still plan to get all the healers to 80. It's just endgame you need to be worried about, because I'm switching to something else once I get the healers maxed.

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I play WHM and I gotta say watching so many people fail to properly utilize what may be the easiest Job in the game is depressing as fuck

Too late now, you brought this upon yourselves.

Arbert. The very first thing you do when you land in the First is interrupt the ritual they used to leave their bodies so they could go to the Source. Time fuckery involved

>Tiamat dying

No one tell him

SCH DPS rotation wasn't big brain but it at least kept me occupied.

I was even ok with ASTs lackluster rotation because there was so much decision making going on with the cards that I didn't care.

Now both of those are gone.

hey au ra

ur ugleh

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It's funny because I probably wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between a Japanese boy in a girl uniform and a Japanese girl.

I wanna fuck a lalafell

>SCH DPS rotation wasn't big brain but it at least kept me occupied.
and it'll still keep you occupied as you put in broils when you can

What if it was just a particularly ugly Japanese girl and Yoshi P is assuming things?

I've never grinded a previously max level gatherer during the release of a new expansion; should I collect a bunch of collectables to boost my level right off the bat of the expansion, or will they be useless?

Tiamat isn't dead though?

this but impregnation

Most people are probably done with Obonne and are farming Syrcus Tower for irregular tomestones. That's all I've been doing all day, the queues are almost instant.

Why she so lewd?
Literally wearing a coat and spats.
how does this combo work so well?

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I wanna boop a Viera's nose.

I'll still play it but I'm definitely not going to have as much fun as I used to.

The only thing I'm particularly looking forward to is trying to solo heal EX and Savage fights because of how stupid SCHs healing skills are now. They might even be better than WHMs at this point.

because zettai ryouiki

Spats are a blessing on this world

Well that's why I wouldn't have been able to tell, I've seen really ugly Japanese girls and really pretty Japanese boys.

leveling will be secondary to gearing. there will undoubtedly be leves

>Been playing XIV since 2.0's release.
>Little brother, still in middle school at the time, also played on my account with his own character, but eventually put the game down after finish 2.0.
>Resumes playing midway through SB, makes it to the end of the MSQ and decides he wants to play more now that he's older.
>Both of our characters are stuck on one account.

Is there a way to transfer characters between service accounts or something? I might just give him the account if not and start over, but I'd like to keep my character.

here's some more reddit cringe for you

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You could maybe try to ask SE support to help you out, but you're probably hosed.

Yes, by virtue of standing opposed to the Elezen master race. Fuck dragons.

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Can't decide on a height and ear length for my bunny.

support wont do it and will cite that sharing an acc is against TOS

Bad idea, account sharing is against the ToS

The irony in this post- given 5.0 healer changes- is delicious

Whoever has the least progress between you two should get a new account.

how do i get myself a yotsuyu cosplay footstep gf?

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that's what it was in reference to

Prefectures can set their own age of consent, and most of them are higher than 13.

I wouldn't say that just yet. We need to see what they do with Nier.

Though Orbonne was pretty top tier. I remember my group freaked out during the Ultima transition phase.

I've capped out my scrips and have the full 350 gear from yellow scrips, so I've got nothing to do to prep otherwise.
Would I even get yellow scrips for SB collectables, or would they only give red when the expansion drops?

>primals are just tulpas but physical

>if you horde enough crystals you can summon your waifu literally out of your imagination

thank you ascians

Shit if you get good enough at math you can just do it with arcanima like the Nymians did.

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He was corrupted by his hate. He had sympathetic reasons for his hate, but his blind refusal to give it up even when the perpetrators were all long since dead and their descendants wanted to broker peace meant he had to be put down.

>tfw no eos onahole

Tiamat isn't dead though.

Do you mean Bahamut?
It'll be a waifu with an unquenchable addiction to aether crystals though.

I've submitted a ticket for it. Don't know where it'll go, but I'm leaning towards no, possibly because it would seem like I'm selling leveled characters, but also because SE is pretty incompetent with handling things like that.

I have more playtime and junk on my character, but as far as progression, he's got just as much MSQ as me. Technically, I should've stopped him once I saw how fast he was going through Heavensward and told him to make a new account, but I didn't think he'd keep playing, nor would he want to raid with people. I don't want to make him start over, but if worst comes to worse, I might just ask him to and buy him a jump potion.

Or I might just level a new character myself, since I was planning on replaying the story anyway.

I just want some solid lore on what a fairy actually is and why it can heal so good

>tfw bought a fairy shaped onahole to cope with the pain

I guess I get the dragon perspective, when you are a literal ageless being, hundreds of years means pretty much nothing to you

I don't remember her name but the boss at the end of Sohm Al was Nidhogg's slut

You guys have to fuck now.

I just realized how many skills you lose going from Arcanist to Scholar. Why the fuck would you LOSE so many skills when you get a job stone?

Isn't it just a healing summon, like carbuncle is an offensive summon?

we fall

They're basically just prettier carbuncles that are then bound to soul crystals. Because they're never fully unsummoned, they can learn and grow a sense of self.

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Because SE is incompetent and doesn't care about how the game plays at lower levels even though it's cost them a ton of potential playerbase

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Because most of them are DPS skills, and SCH isn't a dps.

>tfw mrshitty gets to live the dream just because his raid carries him through ultimates for clout
how do i become an (((influencer))), user

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The coat-skirt hybrid is overpowered. God's blessings on whoever designed it.

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>because his raid carries him through ultimates for clout
Not anymore.

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Given that a fairy is specifically tied to a soul stone, that's the main bit to it. the Mogstation carbuncle mounts description says that the larger carbuncles are bound to the crystals on their heads and can be summoned even by those who don't know Arcanistry, so it's probably something similar with Fairies to the Soul Stones.

Would also explain why Alphinaud despite being classified as a scholar, still uses a carbuncle, as he could learn Nymian magics the hard way (study) but as he lacks a soul stone, he wouldn't be able to summon a fairy.

>thoroughly enjoy a chosen-one story that actually puts some goddamned effort into it through the job-quests
>characters are fucking baffled you're rocketing to the top skill-levels in your guild, job, discipline, etc. in such a short timespan, ie ARC npcs that say they've been there for months or years and can be assumed to not have even hit level 30
>get to be the chosen one TWICE if you pick DRG due to being the Azure Dragoon and tearing Nidhogg's eye kicking and screaming from Estinien, manifest Haldrath's cuirass which was apparently tucked away in the DRG soul-crystal
>learn iaijutsu and the katana from one of the greatest samurai to ever live
>learn magic alongside a brain-copy of the greatest black mage to ever live
>surpass the greatest summoner to ever live; successfully summon Bahamut, something that was previously stated would burn through all your aether and kill you if you tried to directly summon something that powerful
>were never actually taught anything Monk-related by Widargelt, it's all Pugilist skills and stuff absorbed from your job stone; you're his teacher from 50 on
>recording everything to the new soul crystals manufactured for Machinist and Blue Mage because they're totally new jobs
>you're Curious Gorge's teacher almost immediately because he has trouble keeping his inner beast under control, and then later keeping his rock-hard, throbbing, romance-fueled inner beast under control for au ra puss
>A Master of Hand/Land, with a bevy of students
>actually fucking despise being ungratefully treated like an object to the point your dark knight soul crystal starts freaking out and firing off aether left and right to feed off your suffering, and feed into your private thoughts about leaving Eorzea behind
>pioneer new skills and abilities across a great many jobs
>probably pounding Alisaie, Yugiri, Tataru, Y'shtola, Lyse, and F'hilaminn's respective vags RAW on the side for an interspecies smorgasboard, along with any other female NPCs you meet

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Will the flames ever not be a joke?

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Something something Nymian magics are better but don't include your old, rapidly showing-their-wear Arcanist spells

10/10 read it until the end

>Summoner and Scholar are now completely independent of each other
>still share Summon I & II icons
for what purpose

>be a famously powerful celebrity
>people still try to make you their enemy instead of sucking up to you
>women aren't constantly throwing themselves onto you
bad immersion

Soul Stones help a lot honestly. They're literally like, experience USBs for your brain, though I do recall they're not exactly as easy as 1-2-3 gimme flare

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>>Summoner and Scholar are now completely independent of each other
Since when? They still share arcanist levels as far as I know.

Guy from last thread. Glamour Plates seems flawed to me. The only real use for them seems to be for storing items you don't mind going to an inn room to pick up.

SCH got new summon icons

the Warrior of Light is a larger than life legend, even before the current WoL shows up. Accounts would be unreliable at best.

"Independent" in the sense that SCH and SMN are sharing fewer and fewer base abilities

>though I do recall they're not exactly as easy as 1-2-3 gimme flare
You need to be on a similar aetherial wavelength to the crystal. Usually that means learning skills similar to those in the crystal. As you attune more and more, you unlock deeper memories.

They're still forever married to Arcanist. And why make new buttons when you have old buttons that work. Also it's probably some kind of nightmare codewise for them to actually fully split SMN and SCH.

Okay bros, what job are you taking into ShB?

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>Put items into glamour dresser
>Create glamour sets with the plates
>Can swap to them at any time without the items being in your inventory, for free

Scholar replaces their summon spells with "Summon Eos" and "Summon Selene" even though selene is only cosmetic at the point. The stupider thing is that SMN just doesn't replace their summon spells with Summon Garuda/Titan/Ifrit and proper icons like Summon 3 is for Ifrit.

Also Summon spells are different between the two classes, while Summoner's is functionally new being instant spells on a 10s cooldown to swap on the fly, Scholar's are how they currently are with the 2.5s cast

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Most people readily believe rumors though, not to mention they're all correct to do so. Scenes where people piss you off when you could murder them and nobody could stop you also ruin the immersion.

I've played DRK since HW, I'll keep playing DRK. I'm stubborn.

>One set with makai caster pants.
>One set with makai striking pants
>One set with spring shorts for non-caster/striking.
That's already a third of my plates used up on one set with extremely minor differences.

Apparently nobody knows what you look like. They just think you're an adventurer. I do remember someone calling the character WoL before just calling them an adventurer again though.

distant midare setsugekkas

>Need to be in a city or whatever to put them on.

So not actually independent.

based NIN and MCH

I'll be going through MSQ on SAM. Was debating going DRK for THEMES, but I'm hesitating enough after seeing the changes that I'll follow my gut.

It's something you come to expect, it's starting to piss you off too.

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>Scenes where people piss you off when you could murder them and nobody could stop you also ruin the immersion.
blame lalafell

Independent where it counts, they're making SMN and SCH more and more distinct from one another. You stay picky and I'm gonna bop you one

Paladin now and forever.

Imagine Fray while you're doing the 'Lord of the fetch' quest.

Wanted to go MCH but I realized I'd have to fight dancers tooth and nail for gear

Probably Paladin, I like the changes, dungeons look like they will actually be fun to do with the aoe rotation. No more flash.

MNK and DRK.

I'll be taking DRK for MSQ goodies but I've got a mind to take everything to 80 again. MCH is gonna be a trip after an expac of it being a complete mess.

The WoL’s Legend is so big, there is probably a movement to be scared of WoL just being in front of you.

Tons of people should know what you look like by now. You've stood in front of all the GCs, crowds in Ishgard, Doman peasants and Mhigger armies.

>keep dissipation
>also keep SCH's summon spells on the GCD and with cast times

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is it just me or are dialogue options getting cheekier for the WoL?

>oh WoL could you help me please
>lol you stupid idiot I hope you die, I mean ok

The WoL is also pretty damn smart considering he himself is making all the new gadgets for MCH, including the fucking robot.

SCH even though I'm pretty unhappy with the changes.

The stories in this thread show why I still can't trust anyone else to play a healer well.

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>tfw want to catch up for shadowbringers but don't want to deal with 4.x
What do


>Fray manifests from sheer anger when dealing with wine bullshit again

Return to ivallice opened up old wounds and poured a metric ton of salt on it.

4.x is extremely short compared to the rest, just get it done

Fray radiated from that "Do not use the 'F' word" response

The spoon sinking into the bowl gets me everytime. FUCK!

SCH summons are now purely aesthetic, they don't have different abilities

Don't fucking remind me

>just started the game last month
>been skipping cutscenees and story just rushing through MSQ to catch up to endgame
>every town is a ghost town despite the servers being at max capacity which means everyone is at the end
>friend company all talking about SB
>Hey user you should catch up! The questskips are pretty cheap right now join us!
>I want to get odin armor because it's badass but have to focus on MSQ
want to pvp and do other side quests/raids but again need to beat MSQ
>I'm burning out
>halfway through HW


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Dissipation was changed in ShB to return Eos to the field as soon as it ends, so it's a SLIGHT improvement, I guess? Still smelly.

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>he himself is making all the new gadgets for MCH, including the fucking robot
Nah, the robot is gonna be Nero.

i want to play GUB but my friends want me to heal. i'd prefer to play with them but i really don't want to heal any more.

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I guess NIN since MNK no longer has 60 second PB.

Has the retard-strength of Warrior, the intellect of Scholar/Black Mage/Summoner, the agility of Dragoon/Ninja/Monk, and the street-smarts of Dark Knight. You can hear an egg drop from every female member of the Scions and what remains of the Crystal Braves every time you walk into the Rising Stones

Too bad this one happened later.

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>less job quests and role quest lines
does this mean they're getting rid of the 100 quest quota for MSQ? are they abolishing god awful fetch quest filler

>every town is a ghost town despite the servers being at max capacity which means everyone is at the end

should have joined a preferred world, newbs everywhere

dumb gubposter

>Deliver the dung to Lyse.

Sounds like SAO-tier wish fulfillment if you think about it too hard

If you could manually recast it to end the healing buff and resummon the fairy it would be perfect.

Dissipation is fine

DRK with side BL Mage

Was a healer but fuck that shit I'm a SAM main now.

That reminds me, how does the MCH soulstone work when it's 'fresh' and doesn't have memories of previous owners' experienced etched into it?

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Then it would just be a free second Aetherflow


To be fair that was in a completely different continent, with people who are cut off from the rest of the world anyway, and basically just doing them a favor since they were feeding you that night.

It plugs in to your aetherometer. Dont forget to put in the crystals

You receive that soul crystal so you can begin carving memories into it for future MCHs. Everything you do as a MCH is all purely from you.

The WoL is imprinting experience into it.

it's called buy a skip potion if you're too good for the thing FFXIV is good for

Then it would actually be a useful ability.

post the greyparses list pls

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>pay for thing
>don't want thing
get filtered prototranny

This game may not be for you.

Unless you are in the ARR patches, then my condolences

got a gold whisker today treasure hunting, and like a million gold from just opening the chests. good day!

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Buy a boost goyim :^)

its mean to record skills for future generations. it doesn't help in any way

It doesn't actually do anything for the WoL because it's totally new, you're the one carving memories into it.

three minimum wageslave hours will defeat 100 hours of fetch quests

People that don't like hitting hard are weird.
People that don't like doing fine on their own are weird.
People that don't like explosions are weird.
People that don't like like quick-draw techniques are weird.

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you are upset

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as Hrothgar

Gonna be rocking a Hrothgar GNB because fuck if I don't want to be a big hulking fierce lion.

It's a shame shit like that is ruined and everyone just assumes I'm a bara furfag. I just like the primal aesthetic it has

>gold whisker drops
>high low it successfully into 6
lmaoing at your life

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Have sex

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How many fluffers and bulls do I need to bring before I can do sex the "meta" way?

we did that with hedgehogs! congratulations on your gold whiskers, too. It's a fun pet.


I will never not be mad about heavensward. FUCK dragons FUCK shiva and FUCK IDLE SHIRE. I just wanted it to focus on coerthas and knight and elves and not this dumb le ebil church bullshit

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Starting with SCH and then go WAR.
Will probably get a DPS for the third but not sure which one yet.

Bros its not fair

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Good for you. I've given up on treasure maps. I just have zero luck with getting anything of value while the people I run with constantly reach the end or get cool shit.

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My two main classes are BLM and NIN; one is all about damage, while the other is all about t̶r̶i̶c̶k̶ ̶a̶t̶t̶a̶c̶k̶ utility.
Both are important, the game is about balance, not just shitting damage out as fast as possible. Especially during progression, survivability is more important than damage when doing challenging content.

Post a link to it user. I'm... curious


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fuck I'm still so unsure
I want to have at least one melee, tank and ranged dps ready for leveling in ShB, but I just dont know which ones i want to level or who i want to level first
love SAM and NIN, but DRG was my original ARR job and I still have fondness for it
always loved DRK but i'm not sure i like the direction they're taking it. WAR is always a safe bet, and GNB is looking pretty neat as well
for ranged I also can't decide between SMN and MCH, but I'm leaning pretty heavily towards SMN at this point
end blog

Not the lala that had no presence whatsoever unless you started in Gridania..

I don't think it was possible for me to give less of a fuck.

Wait, what RNG does MNK have?

shut up monkey

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Deep Meditation has been in the game for an entire expansion, retard-kun

RDM because I'm a filthy casual and spend most of my time playing solo, the rotation is satisfying, and I can do well with my brain turned off
Although I am working on leveling everything else just to see if there's something else I would enjoy

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I keep hearing MNK is in the cuck shed but I haven't looked at the changes either

I guess it's only allowed for jobs that they feel mechanically finished with while the rest they have to spend all their time "fixing" and "reworking".

shut the fuck up and pop brotherhood and lb, cuck

tranny money is still money and those whales spent shitton on fantasia and those terrible sets from the mogstation, cant blame him

Someone at SE gave MNK a rotation that was too high IQ for yoshi's tiny brain, and if it's too much for him, it's too much for the average player. So it had to be "streamlined"

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SAM, BLM, GNB/WAR, MCH, AST/WHM then I'll level the rest to cap eventually.

it's not, you're losing the damage-up traits that kept your dps as high as it is. it'll be roughly the same at best



Highly recommend, shit is cash

It's a lucritive business, goyim

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70% chance to gain chakra on crit. It's rng within rng.

I dunno if it'll be low tier damage wise, but it did lose a fair amount for very few improvements.

Tornado kick is almost completely useless, it's only usable like every third RoF due to losing RoW and PB having a long cooldown.

It gained a new attack that's literally only usable as a capper when the boss is about to become untargetable, just like TK's old use, and it gained a skill that's like meditation, but it freezes your GL stack timer

has yoshi ever said why they dont do 8 man dungeons anymore? Assuming we didnt get large swathes of cutscenes, i think it might be well received to bring them back.


GNB and probably MCH. Friend wants to be a DNC so we figured might as well each roll one of the new classes.

>Tfw back in HW people wanted me to LB as a MNK when back then it was an automatic GL stack loss

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How the fuck do you even reach this point?


TK rotation was the only thing keeping monk relevant, without that it does terrible DPS.

How did heavy thrust last so long without getting removed?

Pain to get into for people not doing it at launch I guess?

>his guardian isn't Althyk, the Keeper

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SB monk already has that RNG though. Currently its 50% chance to open chakra with crits, and 30% to open chakra with allied attacks with Brotherhood

>it's not Oschon
What kind of adventurer are you?

Is that a buttplug?

>his guardian isn't Halone

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prep the limit break, moncuck

It can be hard to get full parties for old 4 man dungeons. Guess it's even harder to do so for 8 mans, unless they decide to give them their own roulette.

I guess I wouldn't be against it.


>he doesn't celebrate his characters birthday

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Aside from it's obvious use during invuln stages for bosses, can you use Anatman pre-pull to get GL4? It doesn't say anything about it only being usable in combat.

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>Save lb3 in raids for dpsers that usually don't get to use theirs in savage or ex primal content.
>No one ever uses it.
>Have to use it (as SAM) to not waste it.
What's wrong with people? Fucking blind me you stupid RDM I'm giving this lb3 to you for free and you refuse to use it.

i pick byregot for future building stuff, didnt happend

I know. It's only getting moderately better with ShB. Maybe even less so since we're losing IR.

>It's not Nald'Thal
Are you even Ul'dahn?

No it's my magical focus
Also my buttplug

No it's a very important artifacts that all RDM use to keep themselves aetherically charged that happens to also be handing in expanding their asshole.

Why did you let me die?

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Just did Warring Triad, this guy was pretty based

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when he decided to play an mmo

>can you use Anatman pre-pull to get GL4?
No. It's like SAM's meditate, only shittier because it just freezes the timer.

I knew a fantasiawhore like this. It was girl.

I want to do GNB first, but I really want to do DRK through MSQ cause I feel there is additional text if you play it as a DRK through Shadowbringers as autistic as it sounds.

YoshiP killed you. Not us.

that is actually fucking pathetic

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No, it doesn't work out of combat and does nothing if you have no stacks

You need at least 1 GL for it to accumulate more, so no.

>Single target never use LB
>use smelly caster LB
>people get mad

Why do people only want to use LBs when the boss is at like 0.5% health

only people who i've known that play this game are asian kids that major in computer science and white people that survive on their parent's money

Good luck, user!

What? So you still have to use a couple of gcds to build one stack before you can even use it? So it's pointless for when you get ressed during a phase transition then?

I gave my character the same birthday as me so I wouldn't forget.

because people are faggots
because the game isn't hard enough for healer/tank LB to be needed

>asian kids that major in computer science
I feel personally attacked

it builds up Greased lightning too though

I only get mad at caster LB because it's always the fucking RDM and it's always during or right before the most intense mechanic

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I loved stealing it for Meteors when I mained BLM.

>tfw always use DRK lb3 whenever I can in alliance raids because it looks cool as fuck
rest of the raid can suck my ass

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Yeah pretty much. Ironically if they just slapped a "grants Greased Lightning" effect on it so it generate 1 stack immediately we'd still have the TK rotation.

>the average TKlet shitposter
r e a d

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>mfw i picked Rhalgr
I fucking hate miggers

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>people constantly fucking up and dying
>healer lb3 could save the group
>rdm uses it when 5 people are dead and a healer is up

every time

SMN then probably GNB. I'm currently leveling PLD and honestly I didnt know tank could be so fun.

Probably BLM as usual, I'll level RDM and SMN if I play enough.
But also going to try WAR or PLD as an actual other role to specialize in (I don't really do anything other than the casul story raids tho)

Include pseudo-normies that don't know any other better games than a jap-flavored warcraft and you've described 99% of the playerbase

Azeyma here, because my WoL shares their birthday with me.

speaking of tanks, was GNB's shown yet? Not that I expect it to be anything other than GNB shoots into the air and a big blue sphere appears

Can you guys read? It builds up stacks but it doesn't refresh the timer, so you can't even use it to save your stacks unless you use it immediately and never move

That's gonna be really useful when the boss fucks off and, after dodging aoe, I'm left with a timer frozen at 5 seconds. Lemme just form shift to get a stack on my next hit and oh, the timer expired.

Pretty much this and trannies

Thinking about finally jumping into the game, got any tips Yea Forums?
Is it even worth it?

Free up until 35. Just jump in and try it out.

I bet you cant name all these.

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>but it builds GL!
After you have at least one stack, you fucking brainlet. It's only use will be when you're at full stacks. At that point it only freezes the timer. Meanwhile SAM's meditation builds kenki.

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But user just use Six Sided Star, it's why they gave you this really funky attack with a silly condition attached to it.

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I thought I knew Merciful Eyes but that's a green guy with a Jappo hat.

Don't play on the Crystal datacenter.
Unless you're a huge faggot then by all means play on the Crystal datacenter

Take your damn time, don't feel like you have to get to current content ASAP.
Read your tooltips, they are there to help.
Use legacy movement, rebind your keys.

Expect the first 35 or so levels to be a bit boring depending on which job you play.

It actually does get better later in this case because you don't get most of your skills until later.

I was really hoping they'd address this in the new expansion.

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>have legitimately died from being blinded by RDM's LB
who the fuck thought that effect was a good idea

What does Yea Forums think of Miqo'te ninja girls?


C3 C1
Benis Vercure
Bene Ramzacure

Cure, Second Wind
Super Bolide, Divine Benison
Benediction, Holy?

>after dodging AOE

not even memeing, all my classmates in computer science that play mmo's are playing FF, it's almost uncanny

>here bro here's greased lightning but you can't attack for 5 seconds

so what exactly is this for? An immediate follow up to Tornado Kick when the boss is about to fuck off for awhile?

You'll burnout if you keep going at that ridiculous pace. Slow it down and soak it in, ShB will still be there.

I just got to the Ghimlyt Dark and I don't have any motivation to continue, even though there's barely anything left to do. I just want Shadowniggas to get here so I can experience the new abilities and shit.

I've leveled a Nin to 70 and I can't tell you the name of any of its melee rotation, what makes you think I can name 6 similar looking abilities that I haven't even unlocked yet in the jobs they come from?

I feel for Monks. There's always some inane catch to all of their stuff. Never allowed to have too much fun.

Cure 3
Divine Benis
some unused shit

game only gets fun starting from lv50 when you start the first expansion
take advantage of the free trial to get all arr classes to lv35 and learn other basics functions of the game before buying and starting your sub time though

Jay quit shitposting and read what I posted in discord

You have like 1 hour of MSQ left, you'll be fine

Meanwhile SAM is over here having all the fun.

WHM because it's my favored healer for pug carries of extreme trials at expac launch.

After that, the other two healers for raiding (which covers a dps spec) and then a tank. Probably GNB if it's any good, else DRK.


lmfao the one person to realize its ramza

It's for weird fucky emergencies where GL is about to fall off for some reason. You won't use it normally because it forces the GCD to be 5 seconds universally for your next action.

I feel like it'd be better if it was just a regular OGCD move with a cooldown

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Not surprising, no one wants to play retail WoW anymore.

Ghimlyt dark is literally the end of the expansion.

tsubame gaeshi shouldn't have a cooldown desu

Still have to constantly justify my job existing for stupid reasons but yeah.

Why is she so perfect?

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bear in mind they're all limp-dicked faggots that have never kissed a girl but have a superiority complex manifested from satisfying their helicopter parents all the way into college and you've nailed the fuckers on the head

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It's not worth it.

>woman from Parasite Eve

Just let him put it off until ShB comes out so it maybe doesn't feel as underwhelming.

That's oddly specific.

Second wind, Cure, Regen, Cure 3, Benediction, Divine Benison, Lustrate, Nature's Minne, Galaxy Brain.

Did they add str to Feint in Shad?

GNBros, report in

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>gets along with everyone
>tries her best at everything
>wants to help her friends no matter what
She is the perfect wife and I want to protect her smile.

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regarding the ff players or the kids not needing to work because their parents pay for school so they have more time to queue up and ruin my fucking runs while they're watching my hero acedemia on a second monitor?

Will it be worth using on Midare over the upgrade Higanbana? If so that'd be pretty lame.

how many children did Migardsomr have?

You might want to finish it and then at least gear yourself with the content you can muster that way you don't get gear locked behind early content during release.

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>pleases old men for information

That's both isn't it?

Two, Bahamut and Tiamat. The rest are incest babies. Nah it was seven, the incest thing probably still stands though.

Seven. Bahamut, Tiamat, Nidhogg, Hraesvelgr, Ratatoskr, Vrtra, and Azdaja.

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nah, one's a faggot and the other's a retard

The more I think about it the more it feels like they made the Hagakure thing all over again. Only instead of shinten spam being more potency than Midare. It's buffing your dot is generally better than doing your huge cool attack twice.

People still can't do this fight

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right here GUKbro

What the fuck was his problem?

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>yoshi doesn't want to nerf Hallowed Ground because "people would be upset"
>is perfectly fine nerfing jobs in to the ground and taking away half their skills
Is Yoshida schizophrenic?

Teledji did nothing wrong

He wanted to be rich and powerful but he was actually just a retard lucky enough to born into money.

Remember when Primals were evil?

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he's a lal*fell

Garuda wasn't evil, she was insane.

They are what their summoners will them to be. The problem with Primals is that they drain aether and damage the world regardless of if they are good or bad, which is why they all must be put down.

Yeah bro
they still are except susano and ramuh

Mental illness is a manifestation of moral weakness

they're only evil if the people summoning them perceive them as evil. The Ixal perceive Garuda as a batshit insane crazy lady because of what happened to her so she's batshit insane crazy. There's also Bismarck being a malevolent piece of shit eating everything.

my wife is not evil

>just a retard lucky enough to born into money.
This right here. He was dumb enough to mock a guy powerful enough to buy the Colosseum with fight money and had his assassination attempt backfire under his nose.

She only went crazy because she tried to save the world from the Lord of Snakes but nearly died in the process and had to eat his poisoned flesh to live. What actually happened was that the commander of the Garuda Airborne Brigade was tempered by Bahamut in Meracydia.

>The Ixal perceive Garuda as a batshit insane crazy lady because of what happened to her
w-what happened to her

This motherfucker better be in Eden.

Attached: FF8_Griever.png (946x895, 363K)

And ravana.
Bugbro just wanted to enjoy a good fight. He'd get along well with zenos

Don’t give up user, you can catch up in time if you don’t get bored by SB

Are Hrothgar a beast tribe?



>The april fools day joke about the mech manga starring Aliphinaud and Alisaie has in the villains section a picture of Teledji's upper body and a picture of his lower body

made me chuckle

In her mythology, she fought some evil snake but suffered mortal wounds and in order to survive she had to eat it, but the venom in it drove her insane.

The reality is that she was an Allagan woman who commanded a squadron of flying Ixal, but what happened to her specifically wasn't detailed.

She got summoned by Yea Forums

>She only went crazy because she tried to save the world from the Lord of Snakes but nearly died in the process and had to eat his poisoned flesh to live. What actually happened was that the commander of the Garuda Airborne Brigade was tempered by Bahamut in Meracydia.
where is this mentioned
is the lord of snakes seiyru? i haven't finished the four lords quests yet

>While meditating, each tick will renew a 30 second status timer that can stack up to 5
Oh so you literally can't build up to 5 stacks unless you're fighting horse dude in Rabanastre and get your full Meditate off.

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He almost certainly will. It's more likely than the Ultemicia i'd even wager.

We get double midare so who the hell cares.

It's 1.0 lore that I don't think has actually been brought up again. The Lord of Snakes is Bahamut filtered through 5000 years of Ixali retellings of the story.

Probably not, the line between beast tribes and civilized races is arbitrary anyway.

looks like they really "shoah'd' our lv 80 ability!

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It's basically just for bosses with transition phases to give them some big burst damage

WoW drone, is this a good alternative to it?

Zero indication Eden has anything to do with FF8 other than the name.

only if you like final fantasy as a franchise

It's only really big if you hit 5. Otherwise it's a free Seigan/Shinten

Depends on what you did/didn't like about WoW. It's mostly the same shit but with a better story.

If you like Final Fantasy and don't mind anime stuff then you will like it.

Don't get me wrong, it's a wildly underwhelming 80 skill, but there's plenty of fights where you'll get full stacks for it.

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>SAM's coolest new skill is ltierally useless

if you enjoy wotlk era wow, AOE zerg dungeons, buying gear with tokens, etc. then ffxiv is for you

It is literally designed to give you a little extra something during transitions. It is gravy my man.

Its free damage and free kenki when bosses jump away.

snowbunnies are for ____!

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I'm ok with it. It's a bonus to Meditate which I already use whenever possible but getting a free Shinten out of it isn't very awesome.

god i wish that were me


No because you can meditate mid-combo to fish for stacks

me on the right

The amount of DPS you would lose from that would far outweigh any potential gain.

a lot of jobs got hooey throwaway shit

>MNK and DRK get traits that let them stack two of their gap closers instead of just amending it to them from the start
>MNK gets a fist of fire buff when they get GL4 in FoW 2 levels later
>SAM gets Shoha
>RDM gets a 10s cooldown reduction on Manafication in addition to its damage buff which is stupid because now it won't line up with Embolden unless you waste 10s anyways
>WHM loss Largesse and got...Largesse with wings
>AST gets combust 3 hahahahahah

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