If liking lolis makes me a child predator then playing violent vidya makes all of you psychopathic murderers

If liking lolis makes me a child predator then playing violent vidya makes all of you psychopathic murderers

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this is correct

No it doesn't because video games and murderers are completely different things. Liking video games does not mean you like killing people.

Lolis and pre-pubescent little girls are the same thing, lolis are just drawings of pre-pubescent little girls. So if you like lolis (drawn pictures of pre-pubescent little girls) you like pre-pubescent little girls so you are a pedophile.

Porn addicts often masturbate regularly because of said porn, some even doing it at least twice daily.

People who play violent video games do not often kill or even fight people. Many of them are outright cowards and fear confrontation.

Violence is more socially acceptable than diddling literal toddlers. Its why you fucks are targeted in prison and not murderers.

>i'm attracted to children but I'm not a pedophile!

Do you see the cognitive dissonance here?

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If violent vidya actually sexually aroused you then you are probably going to become psychopathic murderer if you aren't already. That response to violence is not normal and indicates a potential risk to society just like wanting to fuck children is not normal and indicates a potential risk to society.

well the USA DOES have the highest number of gun violence in the world as well as violent crime in general so OP is on to something.

>jack thompson was the good guy

>trannies ITT need to argue that liking fake children and being able to seperate fantasy from reality isnt possible
trannies are more dangerous to children

>I like getting a ton of kills in violent video games
>totally has no possible way of becoming a killer ;)
>hey this character that was drawn to be cute is kinda cute

>People who play violent video games do not often kill
just because your k/d is shit doesn't mean you speak for everyone else

That's because it's full with niggers, not because of videogames

it's an aesthetic appeal. Redditors like yourself wouldn't understand

Yeah, you're totally right, you pedophile!
>T. Psychopathic pedophile

this desu

Violent videogame addicts often play violent videogames regularly because of said violence, some even doing it at least 2 hours daily.

People who masturbate to lolis do not often act on it. Many of them are outright cowards and fear confrontation.

>implying most of those niggers dont play videogames too

>i'm attracted to killing but I'm not a murderer!

And youre obsessed with them. Go back to /gif/.

dilate faggot

>liking fake children
Still a pedo, bro. You're attracted to a child's figure. It doesn't matter if it's drawn or not, you are still a pedophile.

The satisfaction from killing a person in a game doesn't come from a persons bloodlust, it comes from getting a point, showing their skills, or winning a game. Against, liking video games are different from liking to murder people. Your motivation and interest in killing someone in a video game exists for a completely different reason than a murderers for killing someone.

Now on the other hand lolis are drawn pictures of pre-pubescent little girls. They are made to look like pre-pubescent little girls. So if you are sexually attracted to a drawing of a pre-pubescent little girl than you are a pedophile. Your sexual interest in a drawing of a pre-pubescent little girl exists because you are attracted to pre-pubescent little girls.

>Lolis and pre-pubescent little girls are the same thing,

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castrate yourself pedo

More like
>hey this drawing of a small child is kinda cute
>better jack off to it!
>but I swear im not a pedophile promise ;)

the only people who need to say this are people hiding something already


And sometimes a pipe is cock you love to suck.

no need to be so angry. just go to reddit if you need to calm down before talking to real people.

You tried.

>implying you wouldnt diddle a toddler if given the chance
Fucking sicko

Yes lolis are drawn to look like and act like pre-pubescent little girls. If you are sexually attracted to lolis you are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent little girls and are a pedo.

>all these psychopaths in denial


Tell me why videos of people getting murdered can be found with a first page google search result but cp somehow manages to be the most forbidden thing in society

The whole point of lolis though is to depict children. Yeah, it's stylized but it's still a child. You are attracted to drawings of children, you are attracted to children and are by definition a pedophile

>t. Pedophile trying to rationalize

Cartoons objectively do not look like real people.
Even a hyper realistic 2D drawing does not look like a real person.

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>The satisfaction from killing a person in a game doesn't come from a persons bloodlust
completely false
even in real life, people join law enforcement and the army just to satisfy their bloodlust
your motivation from "getting a point, showing their skills, or winning a game" is equivalent to "enforcing the law" and "defending your nation"
all just justifications


If no actual kids are being hurt by lolicons, why should I care?

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What does loli pee taste like?

Because you're still a pedophile and an active threat to society?

because FUCK CUNNY literally

This thread isn't particularly cute or funny so far.

because it hurts all the redditors feelings, and that's more important than logic and facts.

"because you're not watching my disgusting real life porn"

I don't like lolis/shota though.
Learn English

Because its the vast majority of people inhabiting this planet agree that child pornography is worse than murder. Children are innocent. A grown man getting his head sawed off, while deplorable, is still not as bad as a basement dweller lile yourself fucking a child.

sorta like this 4

*vast majority of americans

Is it still murder if you kill a pedophile? They aren't people.

>muh outrage culture

One to many, like this one

>You were born what I deem as wrong so it's okay to kill you even if you've done nothing wrong

Because videos of people getting murdered are just byproducts caught on tape. A security camera that caught an accident, or a sick fuck filming his own exploits. Also someones interest in watching someone die exists due to a morbid curiosity and not a sexual interest. If someone has an interest in watching people die they will be perfectly fine without people able to fulfill that interest, if that interest could not be fulfilled they would not be motivated to kill someone else or pay someone else to kill someone for them because there is no sexual attraction. Snuff films are a meme.

Now CP could be legal, however if it was the demand for CP would increase. More people would seek it out, more people would want more of it. There is a sexual interest with CP, people love sex and porn they will always want more of it. By making CP legal the demand for CP would grow exponentially, even if the production of it remained illegal. There'd be no risk in owning it or seeking it out, the trade of CP would be much easier. You'd be able to make even more money off of CP.

I get what you're saying to an extent but allowing videos of people being killed to exist does not lead to more people being murdered, while allowing CP to be legal would lead to more children being raped because the black market for CP would grow exponentially.

"Wrong" is too light of a word.

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>all these copers coping with the fact that humans are naturally hebephiles through evolution

Only bakas are off by 1

t. pedophiles in denial

Ok, I'm sure you guys only like lolis and have no sexual attraction to little girls.

depends on how cute she is

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People who molest kids are a threat to society. People who jerk off to cartoons are not.