Everyone talks about the pros of pc gaming but what are the cons?

everyone talks about the pros of pc gaming but what are the cons?

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the cost and barrier to entry are probably the biggest cons, although if you have an iq above 80 you should be able to find a decent gaming computer for cheap.

unoptimization, space, time of setting up, and COST

like, i'd love to try beat saber, but that would mean i'd need to build a new computer that costs ~$1300 just to be able to support vr, have the space to use vr, and then buy the damn vr headset and game

it aint worth it when i can just buy a game console and plug it into my hdmi splitter and outlet and be good to go on my second monitor

turns you a pompous asshole and you'll lose all your friends

it's great tho

Shit ports.
Still no 16 bit Windows software emulator.
Having to forward ports in certain old games, for noobs at least.

Everything is a low effort console port and it shows, everything multiplayer that could be good is held back by the console dev team.

> Cost.
> Bugs happen somewhat more often than console because of the wide array of hardware configurations, especially with older games.
> Less portability. You can't throw your PC in your backpack and take it to a friend's house
That's all I can think of. PC beats console in 90% of categories.

> Many different configurations means that developers have to design their software for everything between toasters and super computers...
> ...Except when they don't and the put out an unoptimized mess of a program and hike the requirements way up. Something that is difficult to do with consoles since you have to design around its limitations.
> You're pretty much married to Microsoft, Intel, and Nvidia if you want to play the "latest and greatest". Or if you want to play Japanese Porn games.
> As stated before, the biggest barrier to entry is the price of equipment, as some components can quickly become inflated in price.

only reason other than you can't play console exclusives is that it's nowhere near as portable as consoles. consoles you just need a few cords, controller and the console itself and you can plug it into any tv/monitor. pc you need a lot of stuff (unless ur using a shitty laptop)

Crypto miners hiked the price of GPU's.

fucking this. I'm still pissed I didn't buy my GPU a couple years ago before the price really started to get inflated

no physical copies, but the way consoles are looking it seems to me that the xbox/playstation are just gonna be streaming boxes in the future

OP, you might wanna run this question over by /g/ if you want some more in-depth info on cons, or if you're interested in how to build a decent gaming pc for cheap

>If I buy something I want to be able to hold it

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Not him, but how is it wrong to want physical copies?

Oh snap son! He's pulling out the Wojaks!

>nowhere near as portable as consoles
You can cram a 2080ti on a small matx or itx case
>pc you need a lot of stuff
Bullshit, you need the same stuff as consoles which is a power cord, controller, hdmi cord and a TV.

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>> You're pretty much married to Microsoft, Intel, and Nvidia if you want to play the "latest and greatest". Or if you want to play Japanese Porn games.
I don't see how it's a con if we compare pc to consoles

>Have a R7 240 Low Profile
>Want to upgrade to a RX 560 Low Profile
>It costs $160 on average, even when used.

>repair tower, open it up
>leave it open because fuck it want to game rather than put it back
>start drankan and playan
>spill vodka drink all over tower
>$1000 down the drain
Sometimes PC gaming is a pain in the ass

You can't just be faithful and loyal to one and only sony, so that's a con.

Exotic case is expensive af. I'm thinking just to build one using plywood.

It's just bits, who cares where it's stored?

Having physical media is no different than having some shitty funko pops on your desk. It's pretty embarrassing if you have any shred of self respect.

You seem angry that I insulted your physical games. Sounds like someone needs to take a ride through the rollers again.

Attached: autism-steam-roller.png (2484x944, 681K)

you seem mad that i even mentioned physical copies

constant maintenance which is more money.
a lot of know how

Sometimes being a fucking moron is a pain in the ass, you mean. That's not the PC's fault, not even conceptually, you're the one who fucked up, and twice in a row, first for leaving it open, and second for drinking out of an opened container next to it.

>too expensive
Just buy an i5 office PC and shove a 1050 ti inside it. Small and cheap.

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Relax mate. I don't think he's saying everyone should have physical copies, just that he prefers it.

I'm not mad, it just blows me away that people like you still exist.

It's like running into someone that likes model trains or collects stamps. It's dumbfounding to me.

>a lot of know how
This is a good point. If you're a fucking retard, you're going to get a virus within a month unless you're the most puritan goody-two-shoes ever that never ever visits malicious sites.
That, and if something breaks (either hardware or within the game, it's usually up to you to fix it. Sure, you can get help from other people but you still have to know what you're doing.

>having hobbies I dont understand is bad!

Fuck off OP asked for cons and that was a fucking con. PC should prevent that shit like phones are starting to do with waterproof

yeah man libraries are mad fuckin gay, burn all books, nuke all cds, destroy all film reels, just really fuck everything, liking things means you have autism LOL

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>It's just bits, who cares where it's stored?
You should care whenever they can decide to take away your game for any reason they want. They cant do that shit if you got a disc

I hope some jew starts to sell you your own lungs as a service and he can shut it off whenever he wants.

You being a retard is not a con to PC gaming, try again, dipshit. It's like blaming your car because you filled it with diesel, you're the problem here.

If I knew somebody that collected CD's and wasn't a hand-me-down from the 90's, then yes, I would think they were weird with the plethora of streaming options available. Much in the same way I find 'vinyl' people weird.

It's not bad, but 'collecting stamps' is definitely weird and probably indicates some sort of mental illness.

Someone can steal your disk. What then?

If someone jacks my computer I can just get a new one and access all of my games. It's objectively superior.

This isn't /pol/ loser.

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Not small enough to be shoved into backpack dude. Trust me I've done my research. PSU dimension is also always a bitch.

I'll share half the blame but not full blame. Don't be retarded losing $1000 on an accident is a problem

Or you can join me blaming God for our misery.

You are 100% at fault.

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Up until recently running older PC software
Windows 10's ability to run stuff compatibility-wise much better than past revisions has helped a lot when it comes to casually exploring older/outdated software, allowing pc-lets and teenagers the ability to more easily learn about them
Top is and always will be hardware difference though, FPS will be shite for more people than you think
Consoleplayers have to deal with it now in revisions though, watching my buddy use his release xbone to play Fortnite:STW was awful. It's like 20fps.
He played the new Metro as well and I don't even want to look at it, can't imagine the pain

>Someone can steal your disk. What then?
Thats a little bit different than Xbox or Playstation taking away your whole library you retard

The internet goes down due to a disaster what happens then?

A home break in is far more likely than you getting your account terminated.

Play the games that are already on your computer?

I think a better question is why you're playing videogames during a disaster.

Well you seem to be underage, a good goy or a troll I'm not really sure

The con is.never being able to go back to modern Triple-gay shit. The full backwards compatibility allows you to freely sample the times when games were made with some effort, and it burns you on games forever.

t. quit every new release after 2 hours

>It's just bits, who cares where it's stored?
Having physical copies in most cases allows you to sell the game. You can't sell digital games. So, it does matter. I don't mind, but I can see why people would.

There's some itx cases that can fit in full sized gpus. though they're not back pack sized.

This, let's keep the difference between the two sectors pretty simple: PC is for straights, console is for gays

I'm on the spectrum, but maybe I'm not autistic enough to get the appeal of holding your bits?

Oh so it's just people being cheap? That makes sense.

I do.
I have console and pc, and whenever a friend or person I know asks, I always say I prefer pc and list many of the benefits; but depending on who I'm talking to, and how much that person is into the vidya and technology, I'll recommend that despite my preference he might be better off with a console, since it is simpler and easier. I genuinely think pc is by far best, and outweighs the cons, but I can totally see how it can be pretty complicated for most people to be able to get the full advantages of it.

People like saying they have a physical library, but honestly digital library is so much more convenient it's crazy.

>Oh so it's just people being cheap?

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do you guys seriously have to choose between pc and console? Just buy both, what's the big deal?

PC gaming always has problems. Usually you can fix them.
Just putting the thing together, if you build a PC and have no problems from start to desktop, that's the exception, rather than the rule.

>Buy more or less new PC completely in parts.
>Can't install 3.5" hdds because power supply cables have to run through that space.
>RAM is unstable at 3200Mhz it's sold as, have to run it at 2933, passes memtest at 3200

Because then you're an idort, and idorts are fucking faggots.

I'll just install this copy of Red Alert 2 from disk...
and I lost the cd key a decade ago.

The only con is my dick is sore from all the sex I get

Cracked or DRM free games are virtually eternal due to easiness to duplicate. It would take a complete destruction of all digital copies which is distributed around the globe and can be duplicated with ease, to fully make sure there will no more copies. Complete human genocide is easier to achieve than that.
We have a dedicated data hoarding thread on /g/.
I would never understand dissing physical media however. Physical media also contains memory (all that sentimental stuffs), we (data hoarders) collect data.
Unlike some retards here, my stance is to each his own. Sometimes I collect physical, but the thought that the games will always be playable hundreds of years in the future make me warm and fuzzy.

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So far that's been the only real 'pro' that anyone has posted

>Can be resold to get some of your parent's allowance money back

>Can break
>Can be stolen
>Slower than Hard Drives/Solid State Drives
>Degrades over time
>Have to wait for a delivery or go out to a game store that smells like cum or pray it's at a big box store
>Has to be stored somewhere in your place, a complete eye sore.

It just seems pretty cut and dry that the future is digital for a reason

>MGR Mac port.avi

idk feels nice to have access to any game i want at any time and not be a stupid fanboy or a dumdum console hater all because some whackos on a silly post generating website said so

DRM bad, I know.

Ok? I just said that I undertand why people would like physical for that reason alone. But it seems to be than that possibility triggers you hard. Are you OK?

cost, lack of physical media, reliance on Steam

I miss picking up a pc game at the store, going home, installing, entering a cd key and being done. Steam made everyone dumb and lazy, both devs and consumers.

Lose sleep from gaming so much, stressed because I want to get home and play computer games all the time.

Console exclusives feel like dogshit to play after being spoiled by PC gaming.

Get too skilled at videogames and come to expect complex controls and strategy that I become resentful of a games industry that gets progressively dumber every year.

I'm fine, I just think that if you prefer physical media you should probably seek help.

You seem to forget DRM that asked for online activation like SecuROM or draconian ones like SafeDisc, that had a literal rootkit.

>Get too skilled at videogames and come to expect complex controls and strategy that I become resentful of a games industry that gets progressively dumber every year.

This. PC gamers are literally better at videogames than console gamers, and it's a heavy cross to bear.

>you should seek medical help for not agreeing for me
That sounds like saltiness.

You sound like an incel.

No new physical copies

None as long as you aren't clinically retarded.

>paying for a download
Games being sold physical only has already proven itself to be the best environment for great games to be made.
Just having the option to pay for a game digitally has ruined gaming, it allows for what is plaguing the industry today such as rampant DLC and mtx, games being intentionally released unfinished or unplayable without a patch because they can easily patch it through whatever platform which further encourages them to be released that way, being charged for a download, having to go through some console wannabe platform to legally play games, easy access which means more casuals play games which means games are made for them which means lower quality games, etc. Digital distribution should not be paid for, don't care about physical copies? Fine, then you should be exclusively pirating. Even if you exclusively pirate you should want all games to be sold physical only because that has already proven itself to be the best environment for great games to be made and you'll still be able to pirate anyways.
Die of a heart attack Gabe.

>telling people what to do with their money
You're as retarded as him.

Go back.

>cd key
That is a form of DRM and doesn't need to be there.
I switched to piracy when PC went digital only. On PC it used to be $50 max for an actual physical copy that was better than today's collector's editions, now they want you to pay for a download
That the industry intentionally used to sabotage physical copies and trick people into paying for a download.
>we need to switch to paying for a download instead of getting rid of DRM on physical copies
That is exactly what they wanted you to think
My DRM free physical copies are more DRM free than (((GOG)))

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fuck off reddit, we are proud to be called gamers here

the cost and playing a 3rd person game like sekiro or dark souls or controlling a car with a keyboard is really horrible. the only time i use a controller is for these type of games or for emulator

>Steam, GOG and Denuvo are all the same thing
Kill yourself.
>we need to switch to paying for a download instead of getting rid of DRM on physical copies
Good luck changing shit.

You have to choose between a non-free operating system that spies on you, and a free operating system that will never get enough support because nobody uses it because it doesn't get enough support because nobody uses it.

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>using meme OS because muh open source
>to play proprietary games and pretty much breaking the principles and spirit of said meme OS

there has to be extra space for modularity, so that your hardware has room to literally grow and gain power

Shitty yearly upgrades that even auto manufacturers would be ashamed of.

Yeah, using Linux for gaming does sound silly when you pretend that the autistic crusade against all proprietary software is the only reason to use Linux. The thing is, I already gave another reason in the post to which you replied.

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what about people in countries where infrastructure doesnt support large downloads you fucking mongaloid.

The computer games keep putting viruses on the goddamn PC


speaking of that I keep getting a blue screen on an old dell that I've head for a few years now why is it suddenly dying at random intervals while browsing the web?