Why is this series so mind bogglingly alien and weird to comprehend when it comes to lore?

why is this series so mind bogglingly alien and weird to comprehend when it comes to lore?

what the fuck is mantling? why are there different godly entities that may or may not be gods? why are all the races shit and high elves the only cool looking ones?

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Mantling is acting like a different entity to the point where the universe forgets there's a difference between the two of you, and you gain aspects of them, and they gain aspects of you.
And hey, Khajit are alright.

>sandniggers but as jewcats

There's nothing really arabic or muslim about Khajit unless you're counting the fact they live in a sandy place. Hell, not even Redguards fit that.

Someone post an oblivion roll sheet. I wanna play a new game

I dont get it, so the person you are mantling gains aspect of you? What? Like they become part of you?

Khajiit are gypsies, not muslims.

And that's part of the reason why I like TES. It's lore is complicated and really involved but it's consistent and has very few contradictions or retcons.

>very few contradictions and retcons
>what is basically everything after Daggerfall

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Say you act like jesus so much that jesus acts like you. For all intents and purposes, the universe now sees you as jesus.

It's not something you can do intentionally, and it has some very fucky metaphysical implications.

Basically you are acting like them so the universe makes you an aspect of them. You may not be doing it on purpose but the universe doesn't care. Then the entity you resemble "rides" you, like possession, but by Aedra and not Daedra. It is being posessed by a God because the universe recognizes you as part of the same wavelength and yet a part of you still retains your own identity since you are just being your truest self anyway.

What is the deal with those Akaviri and why is it that those other races that supposedly still exist in some of the games are not only not playable but also not even seen at all? Why can't we visit their lands?

I think in extreme cases, that can happen, and you can fuse together into a single overall persona. For example, I haven't played it myself, but I think the plan of the villain of Dragonborn is to mantle the Godhead [the topmost creator deity of the entire setting] by acting like a creator deity itself, to the point where the universe goes "alright, this guy is acting a lot like the Godhead, that means he probably IS the Godhead, right?"

The akaviri are going to be a plot point soon, you can bet on it. They're going to re-invade Tamriel at some point, and they're going to look nothing like what they're supposed to.

Because Tamriel is literally the center of the universe and everything important only happens there

>high elves
>cool looking

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Fuck should I buy Todd’s game on the switch? I don’t even know why I want to. I could get an objectively better version on PS4. Even then I’ve already played probably 1000 hours already

What do?

How were they supposed to look again? Weren't they supposed to look like snake men?

The Snake-Men thing is not quite clear on whether it's literal or metaphorical.
But also there's a race of tiger people, led by a king that can turn into a dragon. And monkeys that are perpetually at war with snow demons.

Daggerfall was barely even a game, early/mid 90s garbage.

inb4 tamriel is the last bastion of non-daedra in nirn