What the fuck is up with the horse controls in this game?

it basically makes you tap A, several times a second, whensoever you ride the horse? what the fuck? i have never seen a game where simply riding a horse is so ridiculously tedious or demanding.

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>several times a second

It doesn't get any better, I'm 10 hours in, and have hated pretty much every moment of it...

>he doesn't know
lmao underage fag

>plays something he hates for 10 hours
Why don’t you go do some pushups or go out for a jog, user?


Cause there isn't a trophy bar with 7% listed on it telling me I haven't completed this shitty fucking game yet...

You are so right. I tolerated them while I played, but now playing AC Odyssey and love the horse controls
>Push more forward on the stick to go more forward
Amen. Rockstar's does feel a little better than the Witcher though- you have a little more control, but in the stupidest way. Odyssey has been my favorite game horse so far. What are other good game horses? How is MGS5, I never played


Yes. If you want to go top speed on the horse, you have to press A several times a second. Anything less, and your horse slows down immensely.

the movement controls are my least favorite aspect of this game

please, educate us

jesus christ horseautist-kun it's been like 8 months let it go

friendly reminder if you are going to a waypoint get horse to speed desired and switch to cinematic camera and you will auto ride there.

>riding the horse is so boring you have to make the game do it for you

Why do you want to finish it if you don't like it though? If I think a game is shit I turn it off and play something else.
Objectively no. It's like once every 1.3 seconds.
t. someone with way more time in the game than you

I had to stop playing Red Dead after the first few hours, its just so damn slow and clunky feeling.

increase your bond with the horse dumbass
your horse hates you

Cause I see those uncompleted trophies/achievements and it drives me up a fucking wall, its like something taunting me telling me I haven't gotten my money's worth, telling me I haven't really beaten the game.

You may be able to hide it from other players, but it is ALWAYS there for you to see, I have played dozens of games I have absolutely hated, and simply kept playing them cause it was too late to turn back, because I had already unlocked one trophy, and couldn't delete the shit from my account, I have a gamerscore of over 300,000, and if given the option would disable achievements in a heart beat at the first sign of an opportunity

it has the best sprinting in any tps ive played

I love this post

>Objectively no. It's like once every 1.3 seconds.
This is objectively false. Maintaining top speed on the horse requires you press it more than every 1.3 seconds. You are simply incorrect.

even the arabian at full bonding has you pressing A so much just to maintain horse speed.

these horse controls fucking suck ass.

This applies to every open world game out there. You just want to do the mission/quest, not walking to it

Riding the horse in RDR1 was more fun

Yep, I'm autistic as fuck, those stupid things have ruined games for me, it's gotten to the point that when I play a game I worry more about the achievements I have to unlock more than anything else, don't even get me started on the missable ones, Like most, I laughed my ass off at the whole WHO mental disease diagnosis, but when I stop and consider how bad I am when it comes to achievements it kinda puts the whole thing in perspective...

Nintendo has become the last bastion from that shit, I can just sit down and enjoy the damn game.

cause it ran like 300 mph and when you called for it it actually rode up next to you
idk why they changed it

Yeah, it's prerty much the same horse controls as RDR1, and nobody told Rockstar that those controls sucked dick, apparently.

That fucking sucks dude. I'm glad you got nintendo. I just hide my PS4 trophies and achievements and turned off the notifications and don't look at them. Playing AC: odyssey rn and really hate the world markers and grindy POIs bc I want to do them, but I'd prefer to play the game as if it were a walking sim I guess.

imagine being so fat tapping a button exhausts you

actually its quite different. the horses in RDR1 were way faster, and you didnt have to press A as much to maintain top speed. it was a much more likable rhythm. basically pressing A every other second or so. But RDR2 makes you tap A like several times a second, or your horse will totally slow down. Its a straight up downgrade.

I'd just like to know who that it was a good Idea to lock Arthurs speed to the half dunk cowboy setting? Gunshots coming at you from 5 different directions, but you're still moseying around like you're looking for a lost contact lense, might have implemented a bit of an urgency into his movement speed in situations like that...

You haven't played Uncharted?
or any other cover-based shooter?
It's better than Mass Effect in that regard, I suppose. Better RPG too at that.
The controls and overall performance of this shitshow is what killed it, though. Too much ambition for too shit technology and way too much focus on inconsequential garbage.
How the fuck are you going to devote so much time to realism and immersion in a game with bullet time?
Either make a video game or make a walking simulator, but for fuck's sake make sure it can run efficiently if you're going to develop it for an oversized, overpriced toaster oven that burns all yer bagels.
on a largely unrelated note: is the fucking OST out yet? It's been Goddamn months. The game's done, it's been spoiled, it's been 100%'d or platinum'd or whatever. Release the fucking OST so it can leak and I can listen to talented people whose craft was mastered centuries ago by people who knew not to try and play a full orchestral piece with nothing but the wind, like R* is trying to do with their quote unquote video games.

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/rdr* horse* control*/type/op/

You're not supposed to have your horse in a dead sprint the whole time. You move at a comfortable pace just by letting the thing gallop.

The game isn't a fucking race. Take your time and enjoy the thing.

The horse runs up to your face the more you call it. Call it once and it just shuffles nearby your vicinity.
Hold the whistle to have it follow you without having to fidget with the interaction input.
If only the game had A FUCKING BOOKLET to tell you this shit. I hate nu-vidya. I mean who thought it was even remotely OK to have the control screen constantly blinking between sets of controls based on context? Ten years of development for fucking what? Did these retarded niggers not playtest their own garbage?

i havent played uncharted in years, but i like how you can move side to side easily when sprinting
that argument works for the first playthrough but on your third game or multiplayer you wanna hustle

More like needless wearing down these shitty fucking 70 dollar controllers. This shit ain't built to last.

IIRC because riding the horse efficiently is a minigame in and of itself.
If you time your A presses with the gallops your horse reserves stamina.
Which meant fuck all to me because I turned the atrocious A.I. off and got a ten-speed horse almost immediately out of the gate, so what the fuck was the point?

>that argument works for the first playthrough but on your third game or multiplayer you wanna hustle

I only played slower in my second playthrough. You just have brain problems.

problem is the default horse speed (that is, when holding A) is way too slow. in RDR1 it was like a brisk gallop, but in RDR2 its like a very, very slow trot. if you are holding A the horse should feel like its briskly galloping, not just barely trotting

true but

>If you time your A presses with the gallops your horse reserves stamina.
This was the case in RDR1, where if you timed the presses correctly you didnt lose stamina

in RDR2, this is not the case, no matter how you time the presses you will lose stamina at top speed. yet another reason why the controls in 2 are worse.

Because that's how Arthur really walked IRL.

Days Gone is better than RDR2

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U.I., but you probably already figured that out

>I just hide my PS4 trophies and achievements and turned off the notifications and don't look at them.
Well that would be nice if it weren't for the fact that directly below every single game the very first thing listed is the damn trophies, and right above that in the function area is another trophy reminder showing your overall score.

This stuff is supposed to be "optional", so I don't understand why these companies haven't given the option to disable them completely, instead of just hide them from others, not like it's something diehard fans of them would riot over.

I never finished this game, there's so much left.. Haven't even made it to the major city in the eastern part of the map for the story yet. Is this worth finishing?

They delayed Days Gone out of 2018 because of RDR2

Fuck off

It actually only slows your drain. That, combined with praising your horse every so often makes any horse with a decent stamina pool get a nearly endless sprint.

This and RDR1 have the best horses it's not even close. Stop this madness

very true. shit is Lame!!! let me play the games the way i want! I am being Controlled by the Man! i'm not being sarcastic btw i'm relating to you

>is it worth finishing
if you were into Arthur, sure
the overarching story is nothing if not predictable
gameplay never gets better, you may or may not just grow accustomed to it

>] Critics felt that the gameplay and world design showed promise but ultimately felt underdeveloped. The story was also criticized as "dull" and "meandering", noting that it did little to characterize the protagonist, although Witwer's performance was praised.
What? I haven't played Days Gone, but it sounds bad...

Deacon: converts a good girl into his biker bitch, sells an underage girl to a slave camp, attracts a lesbian

Arthur Morgan: runs errands for "women's rights" group, runs errands for love-bird teenagers, takes care of someone else's son

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Very mediocre at best

Arthur shoots a nigger in front of his son and feeds feminist to alligators

When you're drunk/baked and you want to watch a fun flick, do you throw on P.T. Anderson's The Master? No, you might watch an action film. Similarly, RDR2 is to be appreciated for its quality even if technically more "entertaining" games exist.

>get on horse in town
>go at any speed faster than "overweight snail"
>everyone in town calls me a crazy asshole

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>first time crash horse into a tree - lol
>every time after that - god dammit fuck this game

You literally have to be a driver for feminists in a story mission

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that part annoyed me as well. it feels like a chore to do most things in this game. you can't even be an outlaw without getting a bounty on yourself most of the time. can't stand the glitches either

>tip of horse's front hoof brushes against anything in a race
>suddenly flipping through the air

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And Arthur doesn't give a fuck the whole ride, he's just helping a friend.

>The straights are at it again
I'm glad most of these lunatics only exist online

RDR1 has the most fun horses ever. RDR2 has some of the most boring


Attached: RDR 1v2 - Fence jumps.webm (640x360, 2.15M)

fuck off you faggot

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What do you prefer a game does, make you control the horse when on horseback or you control the guy controlling the horse?

>let me compare something that you virtually never do in either game

I'm convinced that people that have problems with this games controls are fucking retards.

every fucking time you guys ignore simply horse riding on the roads which is what you do 95% of the time, you always bring up these absurd examples of shit you fucking hardly ever do

its not diffuclt, just tedious, its not a problem, but an annoyance.

If you tap your button in sync with your horses gallop you don't have to tap it as often.

RDR1 horses are only better for tapping A less often if such a thing bothers you.
>moving around
>turn arounds
>changing directions
>precise movements
These are all improved in 2.

Realism = better.

Shitty falseflag attempt.

Or just hold the button to keep the tempo.

You need player interaction.

RDR2's is a lot more realistic obviously. Just hate how fence jumping only works half the time for me


Driving cars in GTA was fun because it was like a racing type game where you dodge cars and take tight turns. Walking to and from on elder scrolls was fun because you discovered new things. Riding horses through a giant empty map with some animals and npcs here and there isn’t fun. It’s time consuming and fucking boring. I mean, riding a horse is a huge majority of the game. Then another massive majority of it is dialogue and cutscenes. Fuck rdr2

I think he means it's more engaging to keep hitting A/X for speed control rather than rdr1's way of horse sprinting.

>enjoy the game
>riding a horse in a video game for 15 minutes straight

What kind of logic is this?

All you do is tap until you hit the speed you want and then hold to maintain that speed. It was like that in RDR 1 too. You only have to keep tapping for full speed and it's a fairly casual tap at that.

Git gud.

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2 - Sidestepping horse.webm (1024x576, 2.94M)

Just a heads up then, one of the achievements is something like 70 gold medals from missions, save yourself a whole heap of trouble and look up the requirements for each mission BEFORE undertaking the mission, you can replay a mission after you've completed it from the menu BUT your stats/horses/guns are reset to default and given a minimal amount of ammo. Makes getting gold on repeat and absolute pain in the ass and in some cases nigh impossible, especially ones that rely on a fast horse.

Oh I didn't know that. I always kept tapping every few seconds.
This mechanic is great lol

How do you get Gold on missions without playing them multiple times though? It's hard without knowing the layout of the mission etc

Save before doing a mission then, reload if you don't get gold.

>tap A
Fucking faggot bought an xbone.

Kys OP

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It's the best version of the game though.