Its over x-bros. I may as well get a ps4
Its over x-bros. I may as well get a ps4
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Xbros have ps4 desu. I just use my xbox more
they dropped the ball so fucking hard this gen. releasing all their games on pc, ON FUCKING STEAM WHEN THEY ALREADY HAVE A W10 STORE. is fucking batshit insane.
Who are you talking to. No one actually bought an Xbone
so everyone go gay to get pay?
>"that's it!!! i'm switching to playstation from now on!!! oh? er, uhhh..."
I'm tired of talking about gays.
fucking america, you fucking have everything yet you choose to degeneracy over everything good
As a black guy... who happens to be gay... what's wrong with shoving tranny dicks in my ass. Admit, white shemales look good with big cocks.
>"well, at least NINTENDO wouldn't do this! they are a conservative japanese company that respects FAMILY values! ah? err, wait a minute..."
PC is safe though, r-right?
what do you consider "good"?
Imagine flaunting fucking a man's butt or cutting your penis off on the same level as having an ethnicity lmao
>a pathetic little parade ran only by NoA
Cope harder my trannie
Im a bi person and i hate the pride movement
Its so fucking retarded
so do the defectives get a month or is it just a day, can't keep up with all this stupid shit that's been invented in the past few years.
basically this
imagine being homophobic in 2019
i don't mean being grossed out by guys kissing, that's understandable, i mean like being disgusted by finding out someone is a homosexual when you liked them before, that kind of thing. it must feel like the world is closing in around you
Nips will follow soon...
how can you trust someone like that
>yeah i'm gay all of a sudden
no you aren't
Not official
NOA made Super Mario Bros 2 and gave Nintendo soul
>Play it Proud
>Taking a shit on the "Play it Loud" legacy
i mean if you met someone and got along with them and incidentally found out they were gay and dropped them while washing your hands and muttering about fags, someone like that
As long as Gabe gets his 30% cut, then we're fine
>when other companies do it, it means the entire company is pozzed and loves trannies
>when Nintendo does it, it's okay because it's only a small amount of the company!
I don't have a phobia of homosexuals. hell, I don't ever see any at all. Only in the media and the internet.
Oh thank god. Capitalism saves the day.
that has literally never happened to anyone
you would reconsider everything person said if you find out that he is a liar.
same with faggots
how can you trust a guy who enjoy sucking cocks and taking in the ass? unless you want him to suck your cock but thats a slippery slope
>following the meme
>this console war faggot comes in
Kill yourself.
I hate pride month so fucking much. I'm so sick of looking a rainbows.
Why is such a big thing every time? It's just PR. Then again a lot of people here think Wendy's is "absolutely based" only because an intern took to twitter and made a couple jokes.
>nobody has ever had relationships affected from being gay
i'm not talking about lying, unless you think someone is lying for not wearing a rainbow cape
nice goalpost moving you demented freak
cope harder console war fag
Why do Liberals fall for this shit? Do they really think companies car about "LGBT" issues? If it was more profitable to be homophobic, companies would be homophobic.
You'll have to go with Nintendo and PC from now on.
there's no goalpost to begin with, you just have a pathological hatred of fags and seeth every june, which is the only fun part
PC is just another wing of Microsoft.
Should we let Islam run its course lads ?
>Kill gays
>Treat women like property
Only trade off is we have to pray and shit, idk
>every june
literally the first time i've heard of it since it's just some made up internet meme bullshit like 90% of LGBT shit.
>just a Twitter icon the smallest effort for support
>a handful of employees, not even official from headquarters
>full on pride parade degeneracy
Pc niggers hate xbox more than snoyfags. Nobody cares about pc virgins. It's irrelevant.
Nintendo is one of the sponsors for Tokyo Pride, the japfaggot parade, so cope more nintendy
Literally the only way to get away from this is to use some non-proprietary non-gay operating system on your computer and make your own games and play them.
Or you can just ignore the gay political shit and play games like a normal person.
You’re fucking retarded for being bi, you faggot
Nah. The thought of living among or under sand niggers irks me.
>past few years
Pride month is over a decade old
i actually agree, i still think it's funny when someone unironically seethes at rainbow shit
and nobody gave a fuck about it until twitter became loaded with deranged cunts
I'm gonna say this and leave thread.
Honestly would buy and Xbox one X if it had the kingdom hearts collection. Oh well, just have to deal with the PS4.
PC players are the most racist assholes in the world, they'll never stop being racist homophobes
Honestly, as a business it's smart to pander to faggots and onions boys.
>My company does this shit
>Even though there are almost certainly more religious fundamentalists working for us than homos.
Just leave fucking sexuality alone holy fuck. It's like politics and religion: there is no reason to address it because all it does is makes people uncomfortable and drives away customers.
>made up internet men
Pride month is from before the internet was used the way it is now retard. You never noticed because it never bothered you till your favorite talking heads on YouTube and Twitter told you to.
They make more money that way, how is that insane?
I understand racism sucks but hating gays is normal.
Idk, gays and women don't want to remove my head so there's that
i don't go on twitter and i don't use youtube for anything other than music
how is it normal? Hating a group of people is normal?
>"it's ok when nintendo does it!!!"
>drive away customers
Except it doesn't. You fags always say this yet Kuerig, Nike, etc. actually see a major bump when this shit happens. It even works when you pander to the opposite vocal minorities, like when Chick-fil-A did. Only one it didn't work out for was Pepsi.
Hating a group of militant people is normal. Isis and pedophiles for example.
everyone knows those types secretly admire many aspects of islam
same with the chinese government
On the plus side it means I don't ahve to have win10 to play the games. Now give me Rare Replay already M$
>i’m not a homophobe but every political party homosexuals support has been losing. Ever since 2016. So no, I don’t think anyone feels the walls closing in on them except homosexuals. Every homosexual position besides marriage is mocked mercilessly and shot down by the general public.
Then why do you act like such a little faggot?
What does a gay parade have to do with video games?
All of my gay friends are based and trans exclusionary
bit homophobic that word no?
It is quite normal to hate people who wish to change the status quo to cater to their degeneracy
You are conflating homosexuals with the mouthy fairies that go to pride
How is Sony releasing games on the EGS any different? Especially since they literally partnered with Microsoft to assist in porting games to PC.
>only have to pray and shit
>also have to cover up hot chicks
>child molesters, both secretly gay and straight, run free
>no more alcohol
>no more pot
>get beheaded for minor crimes
>not "have to pray" but "forced to pray"
>comedy, comedians, and comedic relief near nonexistant
>4.a.m. and have to wake up to ALLLAAHHUU AKBBAAARRRR
Also what sect of islam? either way its gonna lead to islamic civil war like everywhere else in the middle east
Nah. Im think im good with fags having a fuckfest on the street. i dont go out anyways.
>not a trannie or a drag in sight
based nintendo
Homosexual positions like what? Bug catching? Pedophilia? Fuck off.
good thing i eat chick fi-a the gays fear the chicken sandwich
All societies have been racist, buy only in the past century have they been homophobic. The greatest empires of the old world were pretty cool with gay shit, and you alt right incels jerk off over the Roman empire so you already know this. Rome only started pushing against gay shit before their society fell....wonder why
>trying to force your degeneracy on children
I hardly even care for you people anymore as humans. And i'm a pretty damn compassionate person.
Ah yes, can't forget the ruthless Gaystapo who breaks down your door and forces you to take a dick up the ass.
Okay incel.
unironically this. People that get mad about this are the MINORITY when it comes to this shit. Pride drives sales, diversity drives sales, and pandering drives sales. Indisputable facts
Islam sounds pretty based
>alt right incels
One buzzword at a time.
I don't affiliate myself with any political side you bafoon. Not liking gays is something most of humanity does, regardless of which side of politics it's on.
gays are incredibly fucking stupid lmao
what does being an incel have to do about it tranny?
Except nothing actually changes for anyone because of pride. Nothing changes except for gay people.
I looked up a list online of companies that pander to fags, and it was actually really hard to find because I kept getting a list of companies that are anti-gay and the writers of these blogs were telling me to boycott these companies (places like chick fil a)
Anyways, when I finally found a list of companies that pander to fags, it had like hundreds of company names and just went on forever. I think if you're going to boycott a company for being gay, you basically need to just stop buying anything and start making all your own stuff. So I don't think it's really worth it to get angry at one company for being gay and stop buying from them, and then you have to do it to virtually every company in the world because they're all doing that, and then you just find yourself living in a hut in the mountains hunting for goats and drinking out of a stream.
It probably will run its course whether you "let" it or not.
why is always america?
They don't need a police force to do it, they're already doing it through legislation.
False, nerd. Have sex and stop looking at your fake pie charts.
Go fuck a goat Abdul
Videogames are haram af
(( ))
>tfw remember steam has never done pride shit and is the last bastion of non degenerate gaming society
PCMR always wins, baby
america is the end result of multiculturalism
Dude I'm pretty straight and I don't see any problem with people learning to accept these things are not a bad thing early in life. It'll lead to people getting less shit durring school and college, which is where the current assholes who tell gay people to kill themselves exist at the moment.
Imagine giving a shit about two people you don't know stuffing their assholes
bros, alls i want to do is shout NIGGER FAGGOT at other people online, like we used to do in the nineties. why are trannies taking this away from me?
You know you can always just ignore shit you dont like right?
>just have to install Gabe's spyware
Nah steams been banning your incel games too.
you do realize lower islam peasants are treated like shit, and that you would be forced to bend the knee for wealthy arab chads
I hate steam, Gabe the fatfuck and anything associated with it BUT I respect the fuck out of that.
and this effects you... how?
It's no surprise this is the kind of post you will find in garbage threads like this
you are the same type of dumb cunt who says things like "how does it affect you?"
>Sony releasing games on the EGS
Sony hasn't released any games on Epic.
even your jew lord donnie had to hold up the fag flag when he won.
the jig is up
Bro....... normies are just too pozzed to see that they're literal zombies for the Zionist elite Hollywood pedophile conspiracy to ruin games.
allowing gay marriage affects your life how?
Imagine militating for gay acceptance on the Yea Forums- Video Games (formerly The Vidya) board on 4-fucking-chan out of all places on the internet.
That's how retarded you're looking right now.
Thats because Pepsi is trash anyway
I mean, prove to me how it effects daily life for you and I maybe can get some perspective on this as a whole, but so far nothing seems to have changed for me :)
How does it affect you though?
They're just getting in the E3 spirit, when Based Phil fucks them again.
You're one hell of a dumb fucker if you think that assholes will magically disappear if you indoctrinate them into supporting gays or whatever. They will just target someone else if targeting gays isn't acceptable anymore.
switzerland did all of this until the eternal frog and allies had to ruin everything. WW1 was the biggest mistake
>soon gabe will do a sale on pride month full of gay shit shovelware from steam
this is the future
Look into it.
Anyone still crying about gays getting married deserves to have hairy bears run train on them
You're not wrong in the slightest, but at least it might go back to nerds or virgins or other people who put themselves in that situation, rather than people just trying to be themselves.
I'm always going to be disgusted by homosexuality, but I knew a guy who was pretty cool, didn't find out til later that he was gay, and that he was trying to come to terms with it and basically beating himself up for it. It's really humanizing when you realize that could have been you, you just happened to dodge the genetic bullet so to speak.
Fucking this! WE NEED TO BAN ALL MARIJUANA AND ALCOHOL! I support you on this Jamal Ab-Daheem Pernedjin.
I did disown a long time friend for being gay. My defense to that was he started telling me about his feelings towards me knowing that i'm straight. Homosexuality ruined my long time friendship with someone I cared a lot for.
i don't care what they think, just ruminating on what it must be like to seeth about it and hate those people on principle
>pic related
my sides
No, I just wasn't molested by a fruit as a child.
>just let them in
>how does it affect you?
lol so fucking funny seeing you people have to rationalize your beliefs.