What went wrong and what went right?
What went wrong and what went right?
Almost everything
What went wrong?
>An obviously rushed production with a skeleton crew
>A dub with almost no direction
>The VAs were given no context and just told to read and do your best
>Even with patches it still has slow down in one major area
>Happens to be the first major city you visit
What went right?
>Characters are enjoyable even if the dub isnt the best
>Said dub makes it feel like a 90s anime dub which kind of fits because the whole point of the game was a love letter to the anime of the directors youth
>Gameplay is solid
>Exploration is fun even if the field skills are not
Literally this. The gacha part of the game is the only major thing with horribly negative impact on the overall game.
Lack of QOL
The gacha shit was awful, and those generic looking blades feel useless and like filler. The English VO is horrendous on top of characters ranging from cringy to good, with way more down at cringy. Graphically it looks pretty good for the hardware it is on and doesn't dip in fps like the first game could on 3ds. The soundtrack is good if you like generic anime theme #357, but it's nothing amazing. The combat starts off absolutely awful, but about mid way once you have every mechanic unlocked it becomes very very good, and the best part of the game. As a huge fan of 1 I was pretty disappointed because the characters and story are alot worse, but it is still the best jrpg on the system
story, especially the later half of the story with the praetor getting involved. music direction was great too
as for the field skills, holy shit were those aids to get, especially zenobias last quest. i still haven't done her last quest because FUCK those pillars
Not being able to autoattack while moving
Is this worth it if I don't really like jRPGs, just exploration? I can get through the jRPG elements even if I'm not having that much fun with it if I like the world (I finished Ni no Kuni 2 recently for instance and thought it as pretty cool, even if I did not enjoy the more RPG-y parts of it).
Forgot Merc missions, utterly annoying addition that just wastes time
Play X if you only care about exploration. Out of the 3 this one has the weakest exploration, but the best combat
you'll probably like xenoblade chronicles x more, since it's world/side quest driven in comparison to xenoblade 2. although this game has some pretty sights and interesting scenes.
X is only on Wii U right? I already sold mine. I hope it gets a port
switch is a port machine, im personally hoping for a XC1 XCX double pack
The plot meanders at times, the weird guest art kind of makes it feel like certain things don't quite gel (Torna look like Nomura's standard FF stand ins, which clash with the more cartoony main cast; the various rare blades sometimes fit perfectly, and others look ripped from other games entirely).
My biggest problems are with combat and quests. Enemy HP is bloated due to reliance on utilizing all the battle mechanics, but the game slowly introduces them over half the game. You don't want to overload players with too much info, but it means the first few chapters are slogfests as you slowly chew through HP pools (and get fucked if you pull a high level enemy by accident). Quests are typically tedious busy work necessitating lots of loading as you fast travel, or just waste your time (Ursula'a being borderline criminal in its execution).
Yep, only on Wii U, it's a shame and Monolith already said they won't do a port because money.
You can try that emulator but I don't know if it runs good now.
Everything about Jin
I am about to fight Chad and Nipponese Chad after finding Pyra. This is gonna be a pain so how do I optimize my team?
> Zeke - Berserker
> Morag - Tank
> Rex - Healer
How do I buff them for an easy play?
i think X is still the only worthwhile wii u game left that cemu shits the bed on
wrong, keeping the girls seperated
right, pissing off prudes and SJWs
other than that, it's a forgettable game for those in the west and god's gift in the east
Start by being playing Rex because the AI can't be assed to control heals
Attack Malos whenever you can because Jin will evade most of your attacks and you can't really fill up your skills like this
The battle ends when one of them is at 50% HP
>schizophrenic art direction
>shitty voice directing and line writing for the English dub
>awful launch - plagued with bugs, performance problems, and missing features that really should have been present before tons of patches
>gacha mechanics
>field skills
>tutorials being shown way too early without any chance for in-game review
>story takes too long to get good
>great soundtrack
>amazing world design and aesthetics
>late game battle system is very dynamic and engaging
>tons of party customization once you get used to the clunkiness of it all
>great tie-in to the first game in the final chapter
Rex' character and his design, most of the story, the fucking Gacha. I also thought it was weird how Blades would just stand there and do nothing outside of Specials, but this was fixed in Torna
Mikhail, Malos, the World, the OST, the presentation
Focus on one of them, and try to have launch resist gear on your star characters because Jin loves that shit and it will cost you a lot of opportunities to attack (or heal if Rex is nailed, god forbid).
When does the story stop being on the ridiculous side? I'm on chapter 6 and honestly 4 was a bad chapter but 5 and 6 have some stupid moments. I know fan la norne shows up in the prequel but in the main game she feels so shoehorned in that I felt nothing when she died. It was typical shonen story telling where they had her do one thing and then immediately killed off. And don't even get me started on the beginning of chapter 6 with bana and the mech again and the emperor dying but not dying also feeling so forced and cheap. I'm still loving the game alot but I can't understand how there are some claiming 2's story is better than 1 based on those 5 and the beginning of 6 chapters worth of story.
Do you prefer Rex or Shulk Yea Forums?
>britbong dub
Stupid anime tropes
>gatcha shit
>boring battle system until you're at least 20 hours into the game
Characters are fairly likable for the most part minus one or two
Torna dlc
It gets worse, ESPECIALLY the final few scenes.
>When does the story stop being on the ridiculous side?
It never stops being ridiculous.
The end of the chapter you're in might be the peak, though.
monolith is at the forefront of world design, so yes
2's exploration is better than 1's, X is king
SJWs love Xenoblade 2, though.
there is a very good reason for her inclusion
>2's story is better than 1 based on those 5 and the beginning of 6 chapters worth of story.
because you havn't gotten to the best part yet
>aweful cliche plot
>no grey areas, heros are just heros
>terrible harem level bullshit anime tropes
>no really it's like watching some fan service moeblob shit
>comic relief is comic overload
>the ending, that would have been the only redeemable thing if you had a theme of sacrifice, but no, for no reason you get a harem, because your goofy relatable beta MC need to make the player feel like they earned retarded anime girls.
>every side quest was like being forced to watch the filler episode that was literally worthless.
>torna expansion actually. Ade combat faster and made more sense
>could use different weapon types.
>t. played until chapter 4 then watched the ending on youtube
Going to have to put this in two posts because my 'wrong' list is too long. This game is in my top 5, but man does it have issues.
- The combat is really fun once you actually figure out how it works.
- The world's beautiful, and even though I prefer the other two Xenoblades in this aspect, the exploration is still some of the best in JRPGs.
- Though the first half of the story isn't amazing, it still has its value - I wouldn't say the quality is consistently poor, it's more that it's just constantly seesawing between good and bad. The second half of the story is great all around.
- Fanservice shit was a lot tamer than I expected and didn't interfere with the story outside of one or two parts early on
- Characters are pretty good for the most part, and help make some of the shittier parts of the story tolerable.
- Villains are great, definitely my favorites of the Xenoblade series so far.
- A fantastic OST - Gormott Day had me worried that they'd rely on mediocre XB1 callbacks to carry the soundtrack, but thankfully that wasn't the case at all, and the rest was god-tier.
- Gacha.
- Field Skills.
- Looks TERRIBLE in handheld mode, the sharpening filter is the worst.
- Takes too long to give you the full combat, and explains things poorly. Some of the things locked behind skills (arts starting charged+the ability to chain arts) should've been available from the start.
>Wrong, continued
- Poor sense of scale, the concept for the world and all the different titans was fantastic, but it's underutilized - BOTW taking some of Monolith's world designers probably didn't help XB2 at all. The first Xenoblade made you feel like you were actually scaling a gigantic creature, but most of the time Xenoblade 2 just feels like you're visiting some islands that have a cool backdrop.
- Most of the secret areas are lame (some are even places that you're forced to visit during the main story - how is that secret?).
- Like Xenoblade 1, the areas late in the game are a lot less open than the early areas, and often devolve into an irritating corridor - cutscene - corridor loop.
- The dub needed much, MUCH better quality control. The direction is shit, and it feels like they just went with the first take for every single scene, no matter how bad it was. Very disappointing after NoE gave so much care to the first game's dub.
- The first half of the story can be pretty weak, and while I get that they wanted to give the game a light-hearted goofy tone, the attempts at comedy are terrible. The way they alternated writers between the even and odd chapters is noticeable, and it didn't help things.
-The second half of the story feels noticeably rushed. Chapter 9 is the worst for this.
- Rex is kind of bland, and so are Pyra and Mythra.
- It often feels like the game can't decide whether it wants Pyra and Mythra to be two parts of one person, or two people, and the way the ending 'resolves' this just feels...odd.
- Saitom's character designs vary wildly in quality, and the ingame art for them that's used in the menus looks fucking awful. The guy can clearly draw, and the style he used for things like the cover of the special edition of the game looks great, so I don't understand why the stuff ingame looks so much worse.
- Can't get Malos as a blade.
Main characters clothing designs and gatcha
Everything else
>gacha blades
>art style
>every character design not done by Tetsuya Nomura
>shitty sidequests
>field skill checks
>performance issues
>cool mechs
>world building
>stupid fucking dbz powerlevels near the end
>connection to 1 is kino
>combat was pretty engaging