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Fallout 3 vs New Vegas
Other urls found in this thread:
>better story
New Vegas
>better characters
New Vegas
>better quests
New Vegas
>better weapons
New Vegas
>better unique weapons
New Vegas
>better combat
New Vegas
>better DLC
New Vegas
>better RP mechanics
New Vegas
>better atmosphere
New Vegas
>better companions
New Vegas
>more content
New Vegas
>better world
Fallout 3
Cringe and yikes. Not watching that
I'd rather play 4 than either.
We know, Todd.
>Turns his child into a tranny while unironically watching his gf getting fucked by a nigger
Yeah no
>Better DLC, atmosphere and content
Cringe, otherwise totally agree
lmao why?
Fallout 4
New Vegas is way better but 3 is still a good time. Fallout 4 is one of the worst triple A titles of all time
I've never played New Vegas. Do you recommend it? Have you played it recently yourself? Don't recommend me something you used to enjoy eight years ago if it doesn't hold up today.
Decide what? 9 times out of 10 I'll choose New Vegas over 3 because it's overall better in most categories, but that doesn't mean 3 is bad or that I don't like 3.
>fallout 3
>better at being an open world exploration game
>better at pretty much everything else
too bad they're both meant to be open world exploration games
Fallout 3 had a better map and world in general
Fallout nv obviously has a better story
Both have 2 good docs and 2 meet dlcs
Both have underwhelming endings
The faction system is about as broken and exploitable as 3s karma system
More memorable and varied side quests in 3, most side quests in nv are glorified fetch quests
I'd say they are about equal
It's still worth playing if you've never played it
My most recent playthrough was last year, although I quit early because the main quest is pretty boring after doing it more then once before
>playing new vegas
>most fun in years
>decide to mod it
>its now a huge crashing clusterfuck
h-haha, should i just play vanilla at this point? Are there very essential mods i should get?
Well, it's a good game. If you've played Fallout 3 you more or less know what to expect when it comes to gameplay (although NV has actual iron sights and a few general improvements like ammo crafting and such). The story is better, and most people will agree with that, because you have actual choices that matter to the game at large. The DLC is cool and engaging too, although that is a little more subjective.
TL;DR Angry Mailman Simulator holds up.
>Zeta - a 30 minute quest where you need to get off an alien ship and get 3 unique weapons and ePiC rAnDoM cAhRacTeRs woahhhhhh like a samaraui! Now this is epic!
Meme's aside the only FO3 dlc worth anything is the DLC that forces the game to continue after the ending.
Script Extender and Stutter Remover pretty much fixed the game for me although I still get some rare crashes.
Vanilla-Plus style game is the way to go. Just install quality of life mods.
Point Lookout is fucking fantastic though.
I find new vegas hard but has better lore
New Vegas
I see your good DLC and raise you one "the PITT" shit DLC
Fair enough. The Pitt was at least interesting, even if was short and playing through parts was shit.
Dead money=the Pitt>owb=point lookout>lonesome road>broken steel>honest hearts=mothership zeta>>>>>operation Anchorage
>30 minutes
Pfft nigger r u for real? You can't even clear the first section in 30 minutes, one of the worst parts of the dlc is how many hours you are stuck up there.
Did you even play it?
With the exception of Point Lookout and the Ending DLC, After starting every single DLC, I immedietly wished I had not started the quest since they:
a) lock you out of the rest of the fucking game until you finish it
b) turn it into a corridor shooter (somehow??)
c) give you some absurdly overpowered weapon that overrides anything youll ever get for the rest of the game
I felt NV handled DLC better but I dont like bethsda so im biased.
Last time I tried to play new vegas I literally installed 70 mods and lost interest in playing
This time I'd rather install maybe 20. What are some of the top 20 mods?
>good DLC
no such thing
>The Pitt
Absolute pleb taste. Has the best atmosphere and plot of any dlc other then dm
Owb does actually what you just described though...
And so does dead money technically
the winter one was the shit expansion. it was a rail shooter in a game with shitty gunplay
The stupid "PRE WAR SIMULATOR" was more fun than the pit and had a way better atmosphere.
I didnt like dead money either and never played OWB
>When you do grey factions better than obsidian
The end justifies the means
Holy shit your taste sucks.
But that's ok
Does FO4 do anything right?
Shooting and no worthless junk, gore, power armor, and radiation.
It's got better gunplay, and I suppose graphics...Uhm, I guess the character creator (their physical look) is better? That's about it.
Oh yeah and the power armour's "feel"
I remember buying it and being physically upset it was literally a A2B shooter that I could not get out of without beating.
>liking raider culture
gameplaywise it is better than all the other games imo, the settlement shit is even way more fun than I thought it would be. its main downfalls are limited rpg options, fucking voiced protagonist, and the fact that it's potentially the shittiest main quest in the series ever.
it is actually impressive how bad the main quest is, idk why the fuck they are so obsessed with this "find muh lost relative" story but it sucked in 3 and it sucks in 4, fuck sean, fuck niggers, fuck jannies, and fuck legendary mirelurks
With the exception of the Workshop DLCs, the DLC is pretty solid. Nuka World and Automatron both add in cool new mechanics that are brought into the regular game in ways that are pretty well balanced. There's a big tradeoff for both making a settlement a Raider base as well as using a Robot companion. Far Harbour is straight up great too.
Power armor was fun, gunplay was decent, the actual base building was good even though the raids/trade routes/actual uses of the areas were shite.
I also enjoyed the story between reaching diamond city and shaun's reveal in the institute, but fuck was every single ending absolutely fucking retarded
Far harbor was pretty good
Also the glowing sea was cool
New Vegas is clearly superior is nearly every respect, with the possible exception of the map.
I feel like Bethesda used to be a company of video game nerds who liked making RPG's so they could play characters like it was a virtual DnD. Some would be evil monsters, some would be good guys, some in between.
Now Bethesda just wants to make movies or "NOW THIS IS EPIC" gaming moments with perfect scripted timing and voiced player characters.
Why im trying to say is, "No."
new vegas
Better gunplay, weapon/armor modding, modular power armor, crafting/scavenging incentivizes exploration, survival mode gameplay.
It does everything right except writing, player choices, and optimization (like usual) .
why do these videos always have retarded sounding accents. they sound so retarded
same. sim settlements and insane Ivy are fun mods.
played it yesterday and i’m gonna play it some more tonight user. here’s your (you) i guess
>fuck sean, fuck niggers, fuck jannies, and fuck legendary mirelurks
kino list of complaints desu
I like the atmosphere of Fallout 3 better. Feels more like a depressing desolate post-apocalyptic wasteland
This guy honestly got it perfect, gj dude.
>preston talking in the background the entire time
New Vegas. It’s got its flaws and some of its fans are annoying but it’s still a solid game.
Look in a mirror sometime faggot.
New Vegas and it’s not even close.
Good shit user, I even liked your video, downloading Fallout 4 right now. Can't wait...
I literally downloaded it again last week. Its still good esspecially with the "Alternate Start" mod. Finally I can start the game as a powder ganger.
new vegas no contest is a better game. i will admit however that one if it’s biggest flaws compared to 3 is the drive to keep playing when you’ve done most of the quests. there just isn’t enough high-level enemies to fight compared to 3 (enclave soldiers and raiders that can stand more than 1 shot) fiends are lacking in DT and are super weak but there’s a huge quantity in west vegas so that’s usually find myself traveling to a lot in the endgame
NV was a janky fuckheap that looked several years out of date even on release. I assure you that no one is recommending through rose tinted goggles. It's simply a great game that makes up for its poor presentation in just about every other aspect.
Make sure to add me on facebook and linkedin too
Is that you in the pic?
>bro ,fnv is roleplay extreme. you can chose your factions, disregard that your eforced into the ncr with far more quests and morally non literally hitler shit xD
can I add you on tinder as well, wanna give you good ol rim
im only on black people meet, sorry
fck u them
>morally non literally hitler shit
>implying Legion wouldn't be better for a wasteland.
That’s why you do TTW, play NV until you run out of stuff to do, then take your overpowered character to go stomp around in the capital wasteland (while NOT doing any of the awful main story)
based but i’m too lazy to reinstall all my mods
So like was fallout 76 our sequel to Fallout 4???
Are we getting another real fallout and why cant it be from obsidian??
Far Harbor was good and it did shooting better.
Fails at being a RPG.
i would like you to elaborate
they are better but still, they're unfinished and nothing but muh hitler evil faction. the whole game panders to women in general "leaders of famous companies being female like van graff etc."
F76 was an attempted soft reboot prequel. It failed utterly beacuase the writing was half-baked, and made even less sense then Fo4's. The game was trash too.
thanks pete for fucking up my favorite title
No i don't sorry if playing both pisses you off enjoy your autism
>take a wild and broad RPG where you can play it any way you want, good or evil
>strip away most choices, RPG elements like stats and attributes
>Strip away most choices for a bona fide Good and Evil choice (maybe a neutral choice)
>strip away most dialog options for 4 generic Yes, No, Question, and Sarcastic options.
>strip away gameplay options like maining explosives or non-violent options (charisma)
>a selling point was literally that you can play as a female, something thats been an option since the very first game from the original publisher
But gun felt good so good game hurr
I want the FPS crowd to get out of my Genre.
The way Autumn goes out, both combat and speech-check, are just so bad compared to Lanius. President Eden was almost interesting but didn't feel fleshed out enough or rather felt more like the final encounter rather than Autumn who is just such a joke.
You can talk Lanius down using Speech or Barter, if you fuck up you can still try to get him to fight you by himself.
You can even bring up Graham after beating Lonesome Raods and pass a different speech check to scare him away with a bluff, would've been neat if this had a much lower speech-check though. 90 feels like a lot considering the effort you go through, should've been 50 instead.
I absolutely fucking hate FO4 and Skyrim but something about those 2 games can just sink their fangs into me and keep me playing, draining me of all my time. Absolute fucking garbage games but they still manage to be so damn fun to play. How do they do it?
By being casual shit, and I really mean it in every sense of the word.
FO3 is good.
NV is good.
NV is slightly better but that does not invalidate one of Bethesda's best outings in the RPG genre.
FO4 and Skyrim are the villains here. That Bethesda couldn't keep the two channels separate, TES being an action oriented dungeon crawler and FO an RPG with nerd shit like words n stuff is the sin. FO3 was an honest effort and doesn't deserve hate.
>FO3 was an honest effort and doesn't deserve hate.
Little lamplight
>the whole game panders to women in general "leaders of famous companies being female like van graff etc."
That cunt is also a bitch and there's at least three different quests that involve killing her, since they manage to piss off every faction except for House. Meanwhile, outside everything is run by a male (the King) or Mr. House. Same for the CC's McCafferty, since the Powder Gangers obviously hate her for not paying their ransoms. It's also a man (Kimball) running the NCR and a man (Oliver) running Hoover Dam.
At any rate, you can just kill them all as a Legion character.
the entire main quest
>FO3 was an honest effort and doesn't deserve hate.
That doesn't mean it was good. It's full of stupid shit. Off the top of my head probably the worst offender is the ending when you have both a ghoul, a super mutant, and a robot as companions and all 3 of them will tell you to eat shit when asked to start the purifier. If you make Lyons do it the ending cutscene paints you as a coward and an asshole.
Also Little Lamplight.
The tenpenny tower quest "peaceful" outcome (and subsequent karma losses)
what exactly is wrong with lamplight? is it the super mutants so close to the children or the children themselves? or is it something i just never paid attention to
Is this real or meme?
>nv sucks because there’s 2 groups with women as leaders
incelibate detected
there’s also the crimson caravan but that’s it. based post tho user
The Mojave is still great, It grows on you, Fallout 3 was my first game in the series too.
And interaction with 3dog. Also your dad knows if you blow up megaton and just sweeps it under the rug.
>Little lamplight
i forget if Fo3 had invincible kids or not. aside from a few choice examples, the most annoying characters are always invincible.
Where do they come from, how do they survive (eat), and how do they stop super mutants when bigtown is made of the same kids from LL and get their shit rocked.
Even if there was a good reason for all of that it's such a shitty section for the purpose of role playing since you can't intimidate fucking children/attack them to get past.
It feels like 3 and 4 are in their own separate universe since 4 only references 3 and both seem to pretend to not be fallout games.
honestly i’ll defend the Tenpenny tower “peaceful” outcome as i find it interesting and shocking. you don’t expect roy phillips to fucking kill everybody and you have to kind of go out of your way to find out about it.
you totally missed my point, my point is that it's stupid to complain about women in FNV because you can kill all of them. Can't do that in Fo3 unless you have BS installed and even then it's the last objective of the main quest (assuming the "bad" ending). Can't do it in Fo4 either because the MM and Piper can't be killed.
with Broken Steel installed you can make your robot/mutant companions activate it and they actually tell you "oh that's a good idea because it won't affect me", but I think you still get painted as an asshole in the cutscene before you wake up at the citadel to start the DLC, even though both you and lyons got hit with the rads regardless.
It's not even a competition.
NV > 3
Voice Acting:
NV > 3
Atmosphere and map design:
NV > 3
Choices and quest design:
NV >>>>>> 3
NV > 3
Environments, guns, gameplay:
NV > 3
Characters and companions:
NV > 3
Respect for lore:
NV > 3
NV > 3
Burke and Tenpenny’s motivation for destroying an entire town being “lol that town is gay and I don’t want to look at it, let’s DETONATE A NUCLEAR BOMB (like 100m away) to get rid of it.” Like great “karma” system when your choices are laughably cartoonishly evil moustache-twirling villain, or a goodie two shoes boyscout moralfag.
NV > 3 > 4
I'm aware. But that's a bandaid fix that you have to pay for and like you said still calls you a fag for making someone else do it.
Fo3 nails Fo1's aesthetic well, but the writing is mediocre. Fo4's goal was to be Fo3 but better graphics, which failed because they used the same engine so it still looks like piss.
its like eight 12 year olds and only 2 of them have guns.
If im a raider i know where im going.
OWB >>>all
yeah seriously why would they do that? i’m literally protecting my life with no negative consequences to anybody. if anything i really still am activating the purifier myself as companions are just an extension of my own reach
Side note. Fallout 4 feels spiteful towards NV. I don't think there's a single improvement that NV made that they incorporated into Fo4 besides Iron sights.
>companion wheel
>ammo types
>skill checks
>skills in general what the fuck
>hardcore mode
>unique looking versions of weapons (stuff like Maria and 9mm pistols)
Honestly it’s better than Zeta with that insufferable little girl
NV had mediocre gunplay and looked terrible even when it came out. Despite that, it was a fun game then and a is still a fun game now. This goes without saying but it is much better with mods.
With no evidence given, I believe you.
for the sole reason that its like marginally funner to kill people outside than a grey metal hall
Story wise, it felt more like a Fallout than FO3.
>fallout 4's "survival mode" makes it so you cannot save whenever you want, making you vulnerable to data lost due to bullshit like stepping on a skeleton, and having to drink like 3 waters for every stimpak used.
its like they try their hardest to be retarded
i can only think of 2 unique looking items in 4 and that’s the deliverer 10mm which looks like a bond pistol (which just makes it feel like an entirely different gun) or atoms judgement, a unique super sledge that just puts some green semen on the end
Story wise it is Fall out 3 except youre the dad this time. Its literally another FIND YOUR FAMILY all over again - literally.
it was a confident Yes
Except they didn't went full retarded on making BoS retarded or ruining the Enclave.
massive hubris for bethesda "king of bugs and instability" to make saves rely on bullshit like that. almost as much as them thinking they could make a game without mod support like fo76. absolutely zero introspection.
Oh yeah. I almost forgot that their take on hardcore mode is to limit your saving. Imagine your game being buggy as fuck, knowing it's buggy as fuck, and crashes all the time then putting that in.
I hate the sledge in 4. Why do 90% of the weapons in f4 have to look like they were thrown together in 5 minutes. WHY ARE WE STILL DOING THIS SHIT 200+ YEARS AFTER THE BOMBS.
Hard Opinion:
New Vegas was better because you werent a vaultie. You were just some rando. You were not the savior of the wastelands - you were a courier. Being from the vault makes you some kind of fucking mary sue with bethesda, its like they either dont know how to elaborate on the story or thing theyre being "faithful" to the originals by making the PC be a vaultie. Being a vaultie makes it a completely different experience esspecially in Fallout 4's case.
Youre not even from the time peroid. You're like 200 years old now from the pre-war time. You should either be a messiah to these people or some kind of absolute anomaly. Its also pretty stupid since the PC is voiced is will always be a fish-out-of-water. Even if you played every fallout, all of this shit will always be new to your character or at least should be. Bethesda sucks at making believable characters so he ends up being a wasteland badass for no reason even though, in his mind not hours ago he was just some pencil-pushing ex-military dude, or a lawyer if its a female. Its a bad role playing game. New Vegas was better because you were an absolute blank-slate literally coming back from the dead as a new.
>I hate the sledge in 4. Why do 90% of the weapons in f4 have to look like they were thrown together in 5 minutes. WHY ARE WE STILL DOING THIS SHIT 200+ YEARS AFTER THE BOMBS.
theres no weapon i use thats not from a mod. they really do look like shit in fo4.
agree. the courier was so much easier to roleplay and i like that you didnt know much about them.
>Hard Opinion:
You have never kissed a girl
Soft Opinion:
Video games are way more fun than women. Sex is cool but have you ever played 3 Kingdoms?
How could one actually prefer 3? I still enjoy that game but I just can't see how anybody could like it more than New Vegas
>hard opinion
you smell like feces and i gave your mom 36 orgasms in 4 seconds
>not giving her thirty six trillion in seven point six nano-seconds
To be but a child again....
>New Vegas was better because you werent a vaultie. You were just some rando. You were not the savior of the wastelands - you were a courier.
Did you play the game? All three major factions try to recruit you because you are so amazing. You can even nuke people and they'll still say "You are so fucking brilliant we'll forgive that whole nuking us thing if you just join us." There's an entire DLC around how you aren't just a random nobody.
I don't see how anyone could enjoy "fallout" 3. Bethesda hasn't made a good game since morrowind.
Nostalgia bait. That it. It the same reason why the influx of Oblivion jerking when it one of the worst TES game out there base on release date.
The Legion literally should have been Enclave tier, as in you can't join them
its set in boston so thats pretty cool. too bad its a shitty game though
BOS literally puts a bomb collar on you.
The NCR tells you to fuck off mulitple times before they accept your help.
The Khan are actively hostile before they accept your help.
The legion are also actively hostile before they accept your help.
Im replaying the game now and it seems like youre remembering some things wrong. The only place that is even sort of like that is I guess good springs because they dug you up.
Fallout on the east coast makes no sense because it would be utterly destroying during a global nuclear war. DC would be a flat plain of dust and debris.
The absolute fucking state of Chris "the cuck" Avellone.
what the fuck.
Its like hes incapable grasping there are different people in the world who dont share his values.
The legion and khans are not immediately hostile. started a new game the other day
3 for atmosphere/location
new vegas for story/gameplay
Legion threatens you mutliple times at nipton. You are absolutely not a messiah to the legion. Not going to lie on the khan though, I remember their patrols being red and not wanting to work with you until you do shit for them. Im still at helios now
>implying the Legion wouldn't threaten the messiah
It's a part of their culture man.
They don't "accept" your help, they ASK for it. NCR, Legion and House, the three major factions of the game, all attempt to recruit you to their side regardless of what you have done to them because you are apparently just that fucking good. Don't tell me the game portrays the player character as a nobody and definitely don't tell me portrays them as irrelevant to the wasteland because it does the exact fucking opposite of that.
>Im replaying the game now and it seems like youre remembering some things wrong.
No, you are just being disingenuous.
do you genuinely support the legions ideals? no western medicine, pushing away technology, and misogyny? That shit is the most backwards and degenerate shit. not to mention if he takes the NCR like he said he plans to he’s FUCKED because everyone will figure out he stole all this shit from rome and he isn’t the son of mars. to be fair tho crucifying raiders and shit is pretty based tho not gonna lie.
and this is a based level headed poster
Depending on what you do with the powder gangers hayes will either tell you to fuck off or accept your help in clearing out the rest of prim. I think youre thinking of getting to new vegas and the actual NCR HQ where youre welcomed because you probably helped Hayes.
As for House its implies its the robot that saved and dug you up so sure. Mr. House thinks youre a messiah. As for the legion, no.
I just think its stupid to assume everyones going to have a homogeneous set of morals in the apocalypse.
Equally mediocre.
I think that you have to judge New Vegas by the fact that they ltierally already had a ready made game and that is all they did with it. Fallout 3 had to create the assets and everything adn the end results was just as good.
Therefore, fuck Obsidian and all the trannies they employ.. And especially fuck the people who think Fallout New Vegas is a masterpiece and keep posting about it it umpteen years after it release. The game felt dates as fuck when it released, and going back and trying to play it now would be abysmal.
The least Obsidian could have done was make it so controlling your character didn't feel like shit. But no, they focused on designing a bunch of characters that look like potatoes, shit factions, and a boring stories with 4 different uninteresting choices.
(New Vegas tards will actually take this post as a defense of Fallout 3)
>Bethesda gets credit for creating assets
Well thats a low bar.
>because you probably helped Hayes
How are you not getting this? It doesn't matter what you do to any faction, when you progress in the main quest everything is wiped clean and they try to recruit you. Your actions are irrelevant. They all want the "messiah of the wasteland" no matter what he has done.
>As for the legion, no.
I'm seriously beginning to suspect you have not even played this game.
pic related is my current mods, just started a new game since it's been 3 years since i almost finished my first play though.
If youre hostile with a faction they attack you. Im not sure how youre playing the game being hostile to everyone and not getting attacked on sight is all.
Are you actually retarded or just pretending to be?
it took 17 months to make new vegas and 3 took a total of around 6 years. Fallout 3 cells can be loaded in oblivion so that shows how little was special about the fallout 3 version of the gamebryo engine. Actual development started in around 2004 for fallout 3 and it was released in 2008. they had 4 years to make that game. and even though new vegas had less than 2 years to make a story, a game world, and everything else, and EVEN THOUGH the game wasn’t nearly fully complete, people are autistic about how good it is compared to a game that took around 4 times as long to make
>(New Vegas tards will actually take this post as a defense of Fallout 3)
I already addressed retarded people like you. The point was Obsidian had far less that they needed to do, and they did so little with it. They could have improved on the shitty combat. Or the potato graphics. But instead, they just perpetuated the shit cycle.
Are you using a mod or what? There are barely any Khan patrols in this game in the first place
It's a frog post. Don't pay them any mind.
>Youre god to all the factions!
no youre not
>Yes you are, it doesnt matter what you do to any faction!
but they will not talk to you and will attack you if you lose standing
>are you retarded
>do you genuinely support the legions ideals?
Fuck no, it's an incoherent mess of a faction because obsidian ran out of time, and Chris "the cuck" Avellone doesn't understand either Rome or fascism.
>no western medicine, pushing away technology
Ceasars Autodoc, higher rank legionaries with rifles etc. Ceasars plan is to have a self-sufficient army that can supply itself by scavenging off the land, unlike the NCR that has it's supplies constantly raided by Legion patrols. Too bad Avellone ruined that aspect too by making him go full retard with the NO STIMPAKS
There it is again. Do i even need to explain why applying post-modern WESTERN moral standards to a post-nuclear apocalypse wasteland full of mutated megafauna and raiders around every corner is fucking retarded, i suggest a 12 gauge mouthwash.
I was just saying its a low bar to give credit to bethesda for creating assets. Thats probably the easiest part compared to animations, coding and models. Shit i've made assets before for free
>>are you retarded
>are you retarded
In my 700 hours, I find less is more
damn bro. that’s some pent up anger. i was just genuinely wondering yiu opinion. pardon me for misunderstanding. sure people in a post apocalyptic world would have fucked up morals, but that doesn’t mean every person will carry those morals. the legion is like that because they’re made up of degenerate tribals.
also to be fair to Chris he simply stated his own opinion.. “imo”. he never said other people couldn’t have theirs
Im just glad I could help you, you should try playing New Vegas sometime, it has a cool faction system which tracks your standings with the legion, house and NCR.
I guess you actually are retarded so I'll put it as simply as I can. Every major faction in the game who is battling for control over New Vegas directly approaches the player and attempt to have them join their faction. The player does not have to approach those factions. They approach him. In trying to get the player to join them anything the player has done to those factions, including nuking them, is forgiven. All the epilogues portray the player has having singlehandedly shaped the future of the Mojave. There's an entire DLC about how the player has previously had enormous impact on the wasteland. To claim this player character is portrayed as a nobody that everyone thinks is inconsequential in the game is an amazingly fucking retarded thing to say because the game literally does the opposite.
imagine not having the light up and smoke mod with the dead money vending machine patch
would you?
I'm unironically going to buy fallout 4 when it goes on sale in the next steam sale.
What should I expect? I just spent about 100 hours playing New Vegas and all its DLC again too.
Power Armor and gunplay
Fun for about 12 hours, The honey moon phase will wear off quick
To be fair the only reason they all scramble to recruit you is because they heard you were invited to/have gone into the Lucky 38, and they all want House dead ASAP
how the fuck did you put 700 hours into it? Honestly, how? I did everything there was possibly to do in the game in around 80 hours, made a save before I got Benny's chip and did each storyline that I wanted to do to get each ending. Even fully exploring the map, every single location, what else is there to do in the game after that?
if you buy it on sale for the goty for 30 bucks it’s genuinely worth it. don’t expect a great fallout experience, it’s one of those ”muh turn your brain off user” games
No, because my yandere cazador gf would kill me
i love fo4 but only when im drunk. about to play now desu.
Obsidian are unironically worse then bethesda at this point
Have you seen outer worlds?
>depressing desolate post-apocalyptic wasteland
Fallout hasn't been one of those since 1 you fucking idiot
Have you killed a Legendary Deathclaw in a single hit using a straight razor at level 1?
Its genuinely a good deal of fun
If nothing else for the building and hilarious voice acting
yes i sure have and oh boy am i ready to transition to female
>Fallout New Vegas 2 or remaster teaser trailer
>Shadow of the Valley begins to play
>NCR troops riding in the back of a buggy in the middle of nowhere
>shining new vegas in the distance, updated and larger
700 hours is pleb shit though, I have well over 1500 hours in NV, and at that point not only is there very little left to do, but you see the flaws in the game ALOT more to the point where I no longer consider it to be a masterpiece or even above average rpg
I don't think I could say OW is a bigger fuckup than FO76 even if I hated obsidian
right with you sister
It sucks when someone who has no idea talks down to you like they got it. Apparently you going up to all these places offering help of your own will means they are actively seeking you out like a pan-handler to a BMW.
They arent. Again, one more time for you incase you still think everyone loves you and just wants you on their side.
The BOS wants nothing to do with you. Your first mission involves wearing a bomb collar. (How does this support your retarded idea of whatever bullshit you typed?)
The Legion first encounter is literally just "Go tell the world what we did to nipton" if you say yes youll get more work once you reach new vegas from vulpes. If you say no he becomes hostile. He must really want you no matter what, youre so smart.
The NCR wont side with you if you side with the powder gangers and you literally be attacked by them on the strip unless you make nice.
You have a negative IQ thats actually lowering mine.
I have been playing it at least once a year since it came out, There's something about the world and lore comforts me, An ancap society. And while the combat is clunky it's still satisfying when you get a kill, 3&NV do gore better than most games.
in the shadow of the valley
i would like to settle down
i appreciate this perspective
I think you'll be surprised
At least fo76 was a spinoff cashgrab and marketed as such from day one. OW is going to be a truly soul crushing amount of disappointment, fetch quests, and faggotry
Fallout 2
>OW is going to be a truly soul crushing amount of disappointment, fetch quests, and faggotry
Even if that turns out to be true, that still sounds like it'll be better than FO76.
>There's an entire DLC about how the player has previously had enormous impact on the wasteland.
Not on the Mojave, these people wouldn't know you at fucking all
>anything the player has done to those factions, including nuking them, is forgiven
Laziest thing in the entire game right here
Especially as the NCR would probably not be able to sustain their control over the dam or mojave in general without regular resupplies and reinforcements.
Also you killing the powder gangers means you arent just some nobody. The NCR lost patrols to them, they tried and failed. You would totally be accepted with open arms for killing an entire rogue gang and retaking the only prison in the region for them. Youre far from just some rando to them but only if you side with them and good springs.
>The NCR wont side with you if you side with the powder gangers
Thats not true though
You can side with the powder gangers and just leave like the boss tells you too and it doesn't negatively effect your relationship with the NCR
the only thing in that quest that will effect your NCR cred is actually killing the troops during the raid, which is completely pointless as obsidian are hacks and there are no quests with the powder gangers past that point in the game making them a non-faction past the 25 minute mark of the game
wish my powder boys got more game time, the entire area of good springs seems like some tutorial zone or something - you have zero (0) reason to go back
You can not do goodsprings or primm quest, walk straight to lonesome road, nuke the ncr, walk to the strip, walk inside the 38 for 10 seconds, and be asked to go see the main NCR ambassador on the strip immediately after to start working with the NCR
After 1 quest, ONE quest, you will be given a radio to call in reinforcements
>better world
>Fallout 3
kill yourself, retard.
holy shit. thanks user i learned something new today
>go to clear out the Goodsprings schoolhouse
>see this
What do?
Not a huge fan of Fallout as a setting but I still really enjoyed both of those games even though I needed some time to get into them at first.
I like them in different ways for different reasons though. Not a huge lorenerd so I can just go with the stories of both without noticing much difference and the game design of both games is appealing to me.
Thankfully TTW exists for people like me.
keep scrolling down user there’s plenty of far more incelibate retards to scream at in this thread
Well shit, RETARD, at the start of Fallout 3 the BOS doesn't give a fuck about the player either. The whole point of this argument is somebody claimed, I'm guessing you, that in contrast to Fallout 3 New Vegas never potrays the player character as anything but a nobody and they are not thrust into a "savior of the wasteland" role. This is just objectively bullshit. I've explained why multiple times now. I'm done with your retard ass.
You can tell NV had love poured into it, Like they knew it would be the last fallout game, No wonder its a cult classic, Someone will capitalize on it in the future.
Is this your first day out of resetera or something? I'm not mad at all.
>sure people in a post apocalyptic world would have fucked up morals
I'm not sure you understand my point. There is nothing wrong with the Legions "morals" when it comes to women. "Misogyny", "patriarchy" and female combatants are horseshit brought about by the luxuries and decadence of the modern world. There is no historical evidence of real female combatants before the modern age, and even now they have to lower the physical standards for women to be able to qualify. (Inb4 muh soviet female snipers, they were a propaganda and "entertainment" division aka prostitutes)
I am a soldier, and i've met ONE female soldier who actually made it to a real combat unit & did it on her own merits. Let me say that again, out of three million Finnish women currently living, ONE made it on her own merits. Barely. Women are not physically fit for combat, and i'm not even going to go into the psychological issues of having women in combat.
Nah it was that the PC in Vegas is just a courier of the world and not a valutie fish-out-of-water but your mommy didnt feed you enough pills so you snapped and typed stuff that didnt really make sense all while being pretty huge faggot. Thats all.
>You can tell NV had love poured into it
It was actually a highly contentious development. Half of the devs thought "Fallout is serious business, guys!" and the other half thought "This is just stupid. You can't treat this crap seriously."
I'm less impressed than I thought I would be, because it requires a lot of cheesing and breaking the game's mechanics. If it didn't I would have been actually impressed.
>every faction approaches the player
1,2,4, alternatives.
>it was that the PC in Vegas is just a courier of the world and not a valutie fish-out-of-water
>You were just some rando. You were not the savior of the wastelands
>requires a lot of cheesing and breaking the game's mechanics
it's a feature
he is just some rando at the start of the game.
how is he not?
>Someone will capitalize on it in the future.
Good thing todd won't, He can't stand it as it is, He would only ruin it
I'm surprised how many people seem to have not played New Vegas here. I thought you guys loved the game? Yes, NCR, House and Legion all approach the player at some point and ask him to join them in their quest to take control of the region.
>you start new vegas as a member of the NCR, legion, BOS, house and khan
im so stupid ur so right, epic af famalama
thats how most of the game is though to be honest
Its one of the main reasons why the new vegas map is terrible at the end of the day, if you progress through it in the "correct" or I guess better term would be "natural" order you never have a reason to go back anywhere
literally no reason to ever go back
no reason to ever go back
>ncr correctional facitilty
no reason/no ones alive
no reason to go back (other then literal fetch quests for the tops talent quest and fagcade gannons quest which amount to "fast travel here and talk to X")
>mojave outpost
once cass is gone you never go back
>black mountain
no reason to ever go back once you get raul
>bitter springs
no reason
no reason
>red rock
no reason (unless you are doing a druggie rp)
>hidden valley
No reason/wont be able to return more likely
>west vegas
no reason
no reason
Hell, even a beloved faction, the Kings. How many of you fuckers actually ever went back to visit the King after you were done with his quest? thats what I thought.
The sad reality is the only places you will actually consistently return to in the game past the second act are camp mccarren, the dam, the strip, the gun runners, the medical center, and ceasars camp depending on your playthrough.
Thats wrong. They ask for your help as you do missions for them gradually growing into more important shit.
it unironically does have a better world map.
Maybe that balance made it into what it is. Regardless, More thought and effort went into it compared to the latter fallouts
What factions do you start Fallout 3 as a member of? Remember, the whole point of this argument is that in NV you start as a nobody while apparently in FO3 you start as the savior of the wasteland already.
That's the Obsidian way. It clashes with Bethesda's sandbox mentality.
Do you not use shops, Nigga?
He's right.
>trannoid enthusiast
>BBC-loving faggot
>nothing but fucking nitpicking
>reposting the same lazy, retard video every fucking debate
here's your (((YOU))) you stupid nigger.
New vegas economy is fucked. Theres no reason to use shops
>>better weapons
>New Vegas
>>better unique weapons
>New Vegas
>>better combat
>New Vegas
>>more content
>New Vegas
These should be expected seeing how they already had a whole engine and game mechanics from FO3.
>b-b-b-but they only had one year of development!
So? It's still basically an expansion pack with the same assets and engine.
>>better DLC
>New Vegas
This can be argued.
The rest is right.
Kimball and Oliver are both incompetent men. Women like Tandi and based Col. Moore actually got shit done
>They ask for your help as you do missions for them gradually growing into more important shit.
That's just plain not true. They basically ask you to win the war for them right off the bat. Seriously, have you people actually played this game or are you just assuming it's what you imagine it to be?
thats correct though.
New Vegas world map sucks ass, too linear and centralized.
3s map is kino and one of the few things it did better then NV
How else do you get gun parts? Good for ammo too.
>You need to decide
I consider New vegas and 3 to have about equal DLC
>the pitt, dead money, point lookout, and lonesome road are all kino
>owb, broken steel, mothership zeta, honest hearts, and operation anchorage are all tedious, cringey, or both
>New Vegas was better because you werent a vaultie. You were just some rando. You were not the savior of the wastelands - you were a courier. Being from the vault makes you some kind of fucking mary sue with bethesda, its like they either dont know how to elaborate on the story or thing theyre being "faithful" to the originals by making the PC be a vaultie. Being a vaultie makes it a completely different experience esspecially in Fallout 4's case.
its not my fault you focused on 1 sentence of the paragraph, I can see why youre on Yea Forums because i wouldnt want to put up with you irl either.
>He says on Yea Forums
Yeah, same here.
>How else do you get gun parts? Good for ammo too.
Gun runners is the only one actually worth going to in this regard.
No use going to primm, or mojave outpost, or any of those dumb places.
But also through gambling on the strip and caravan you should be pretty much set up for the half the duration of the game in about 1 hour, or the entire game depending on your build
>Being from the vault makes you some kind of fucking mary sue with bethesda
Explain this. What does Bethesda do that makes the player a "mary sue" that Obsidian doesn't also do?
we should all just fuck already
Not talking about female soldiers doofus. i have my own opinion on that. I’m talking about treating women like cattle. NCR’s done fine and are a force to be reckoned with and women are treated as equals because they can afford it and they’re starting to modernize again. but just because Caesars legion can’t support female fighters and are not modernized, that doesn’t mean i’m going to say they’re completely ethical OR the correct choice for the mojave. they’re still a barbaric warband that will fall as soon as they dissolve educated people. To put it simply you’re fucking retarded
>You were not the savior of the wastelands - you were a courier
too bad they fucked this up with lonesome road and made you le all important faggot
did todd guest write that dlc?
It makes you a mary sue because youre from a vault. A lap of luxory where all of your needs and worries are satisified by a ridiged hierarchy or at least your basic needs are not an issue. You have no context of combat outside of (possibly) security issues involving fights at the absolute maximum. Your world is a small vault no bigger than maybe a football field. You have no idea how to survive in an outside world where any kind of order is completely gone outside of the 2 or maybe 3 "towns" which are just shanties and shacks with no real law outside of kill or be killed.
Do you know what I mean or are you still on your bullshit?
energy weapons tho. Gatling laser with all mods is one of the best weapons in nv
>Gun runners is the only one actually worth going to in this regard.
Not really, Their stock is randomized. Sure you could wait 3 days for their inventory to reset, Or you could fast travel to any other shop and try your luck there. It's what they are there for.
The Enclave deserves better.
hellfire best, i loved the beady eyes
>you start an RPG at level 1
What a shock! Explain how that's a "mary sue" but NV's getting shot in the head and buried alive but surviving despite no modern medicine as a pretense for starting at level 1 there isn't a "mary sue". And don't tell me that "Ackshully, you can survive being shot in the head..." crap.
Gun runners sell both the mods for the gatling laser
And the sprezelwood9700 is in nv if you want that
Further reinforcing my point that you never visit anywhere but this small handful of locations once you have finished their quests
New Vegas DLC is godlike you filthy pleb
>no modern medicine
>And don't tell me that "Ackshully, you can survive being shot in the head..." crap.
God youre a fucking moron, do you know that?
user, they're cannonically all destroyed
its literally faster to just wait 3 days
>RNG is a compelling reason to visit towns that are for all intensive purposes as lively post-quest as the vendortron stuck in the box
yeah, thats gonna be a yikes from me dog
Gross, that's like save scumming and using the console to get what you want
Few survived after 3 and the veterans from New Vegas might contact each other and find a new base.
I think Fallout NV did pretty much everything better besides gimping the Legion and having an absolute shitty ending to the main story. That being said I rather be roaming around in Fallout 4's open world than any of the others, but that is just my opinion. I like city envoirments than barren sees of sand and red rocks.
on every playthrough i find myself going to mojave outpost all the time, even on legion runs. afaik the only 100% repairman that you can actually pickpocket the money back, free beds and water. comfy area desu.
New Vegas isn't canon
Phineas Gage wasn't buried alive and suffered permanent brain damage for the rest of his life as a result of his injury.
>Gunshot wounds to the head, the most lethal of all firearm injuries, rank among the leading causes of head injury in many United States cities. They carry a fatality rate greater than 90 percent, and at least two-thirds of the victims die before reaching a hospital.
>Despite intensive treatment, long-term disability occurs in a large portion of the survivors of severe head injury.
You have to be a moron to want to die on that hill.
Do you actually think youre right or are you just doing this because you want to have the last word? What medical aid did he get in 1848??? Leeches were still used and amputation was the most common solution to severely bleeding limbs.
Can I even explain stimpacks to a retardo?
I don't see what it being built on FO3's engine and game mechanics have to do with objectively comparing each game to each other.
>it's okay when my shitty game does something stupid but it's a "mary sue" when the game I don't like does something nowhere near as bad
Okay then. You can go fuck yourself now.
>There's no point in doing anything or going anywhere!
Sounds like you prefer the radiant quests of fallout 4, If the game told you to retrieve X at Y, Would it make you feel better? Pleb.
It literally isn't, New Vegas was a spinoff of Van Buren, which also isn't canon
>surviving being shot makes you a mary sue
>being a demi-god and literally saving the wastlands water because your dad gave you a b.b gun isnt a mary sue.
Id be mad if i was a stupid as you too, shit id fucking be furious.
Now this is some spicy fucking bait.
>Id be mad if i was a stupid as you too, shit id fucking be furious.
user, you ARE stupid. Read your post. It's more reasonable to survive being shot in the head and buried alive than it is for a "vaultie" to learn to survive the wasteland? If that takes a "demi-god" then the logical conclusion from that is you are claiming the protagonist of NV is a demi-god as well. You are so fucking retarded and you don't even realize it. Have you played Fallout 1, by the way? Was that player a "mary sue" to you too?
>get shot in head
>head crippled
>shoot enemy in head
>their head is crippled
>somehow a mary sue for survivng a headshot
Lonesome Road reveals the Courier as a super special snowflake Mary Sue.
It is implied they come from Big Town. Our you know, teen pregnancies since you only have to leave at 16.
They eat the cave fungus. The cave fungus grows exclusively in Little Lamplight. It also needs human meat to grow. It started after the first batch of kids dumped bodies of the dead into the caves.
The super mutants don't attack because they need strong humans. If you sneak during the Vault 87 section, you can overhear two super mutants talking. They don't specifically mention Little Lamplight but they mention that they need strong humans otherwise the FEV fails and results in the mutated failed FEV test subject bodies you see. They say that they will wait so that they will find strong humans.
Everything is explained.
Even that shitty video song "What do they eat?" misses the fact that every settlement's food source is explained. Rivet City is the prime source of fresh food. Dr. Li's work is progressed enough that they can produce enough food to sell they excess. Beyond that, there are merchant caravans that travel to every settlement and some characters mention they get food from these caravans. Arefu also mentions having Brahmins until recently when the Family attacked. Big Town trades with the caravans but they've getting their shit kicked in. Megaton also trades and there are mole rats outside Megaton everywhere. The town with quarreling super heroes is the trade centre of the caravans. Republic of Dave is self sustaining due to its tiny population but even Dave's first wife mentions traders. Gray Ditch only had two/three families living there permanently and they're close to Megaton. Tenpenny Tower had the caps to get anything they want really and they pay to stay there while the citizens set up various businesses.
Am I missing any settlement? Anyway, the point is that most of the complaints about the 'unrealistic' and 'theme park' world were first spread by the ignorant or the malicious.
Literally no different then fast traveling between shops
>believing Ulysses’ autistic ramblings
Im saying from an RP pesective your role is set as a vaultie and your backstory is literally played out for you. While as a courier you literally a rando, anything you want to be. Want to have been a badass shooter before your a courier? congrats thats now your backstory. Want to be a brawler pugilist? Sure go for it.
As a vaultie, youre always a valutie. Youre always going to have taken the goat, youre always going to just be a kid from the vault.
See what i mean about this whole retarded thing?
>there are mole rats
Not enough to sustain a population. Most successful communities in Fallout live off farming.
You don't expect me to do laps around the Mojave do you?
At least you have to work to get to that point to find it out and dont just start out as a special snow flake vaultie.
Except lonesome road gives you a backstory and a relative moral standing before the story
It's really no different
>Decide to play female for once
>Coming up with a name for her
>Think about it
>What would be appropriate
>And it hits me
>The only thing she remembers
>Just before she was shot
>That's the name she gives to the Doc
>Now I can't play any other character because that shit fits my headcanon too well
So nothing like Fallout?
thats why lonesome road is complete garbage
>At least you have to work to get to that point
No faggot that Morrowind excuse doesn't work here since Lonesome Road describes your past, not something you achieve yourself. You don't have to "work" for that status. Your character is already a fleshed out special snowflake from the very beginning.
New vegas for sure.
Fuck that condescending self righteous arrogant faggot. Can't stand that fucker even if i agree with him.
sucks that you bought and played lonesome road?
anchorage was pretty fucking shit too.
It's just that narration didn't change. It uses the narration for Sarah's sacrifice but cuts out alone that mention her gender since none of the immune companions are female. Ron Perlman was probably too busy to record a single line's worth of dialogue.
Wholesome autism
>Am retarded, let Benny escape
>Need to go to the fort to get the chip
>Already vilified by the legion so I can't set foot near it even with a disguise
>Give up and start downing all of the drugs I have
>10 Luck Embrace of the Mantis King and chainsw my way through every single person in the fort
>Boone dies
>Immediately turn around and whack House's brains out when I leave
this is honestly the most fun i've had in a playthrough yet
They only 'successful' settlement in the Capital Wasteland is Rivet City. They say as much. Every other settlement barely gets by or doesn't have enough people top even call it settlement. Megaton is the only other settlement even worth being called a settlement. And they have trade caravans.
New Vegas, because the weapons system in FO3 is ass.
He raises fantastic points but its hard to raise any good points in an hour and a half. Old Olney is retardedly hard right next to like 3 medium to low level places.
Fallout 1 is an actual RPG where your character sucks at pretty much everything until level 5 and you focused the stats you want. so no, hes not a mary sue at all....
You can beat fallout 3 at level 1 though....
He’s not considering they don’t say what type of person you are. All it does is state what is already stated. You are a Courier and You delivered a package.
>You can beat fallout 3 at level 1 though....
No, you can't. Not without cheating and you can say the same thing about Fallout 1.
Only because the game is fucking easy thanks to Bethesda’s level scaling.
yes you can, you can also beat new vegas at level 1 if it makes you feel better.
No, you can't. Completing the intro alone will force you to at least level 2. Have you forgotten in Fallout completing quests gives you XP and you automatically level up when you get enough XP. It is not possible to complete Fallout 3 at level 1 unless you use cheats and glitches.
Here's your new voice acting, wastelander
It's okay
>tfw the R91 still hasn’t appeared in any other Fallout game since 3
has anyone on Yea Forums even played Fallout 1 and 2? how can you have this many discussions about a series you started playing at the third installment?
>poster replied to was talking about Fo3
>posts NV
1 and 2 were the first games in the series I played. 4 is my favorite, though.
sprezelwood9700 is actually inferior to a gatling laser with all mods. Fire rate type beat shit
>not using wmx
neat ambient soundtrack
Yeah that bums me out too. 4 more than 3. 4's guns had just awful design.
3 doesn't have Freeside so it's automatically better.
Agreed, The guns in 4 were absolute dog shit
oh god man the first time I played 3 it was with TTW
start my adventure in capital
fuck around
do the story
grow my character as I play
come to a meaningful conclusion and take the train to the mojave
headcannon that after I got to the mojave I became a courier and started working for the Mojave Express leading me into the events of new vegas with the very character I took with me from 3 without it feeling like a janky jump from capital to mojave
god damn I have never had so much fun roleplaying
would def reccomend
I played them in order for the first time 3 years ago
2 > 1 > 4 > NV > 3
1 > 2 > NV > 3 > 4 for me
I played them in the opposite order. Three are the only ones I've played our care to play. I know 2 is better than 1 so I'm gonna avoid 1 like the plague since 2 was so shit. And I've haven't heard too many good things about 4 aside from gunplay but there are better games to get that experience. And lol@76.