There is going to be three factions once again however the Human, Protoss, and Zerg aren't going to be it.
Set a generation after the previous saga,
Suffering major losses due to the war/retaking of Aiur, and the subsequent shattering of the Kala, Protoss civilization seemed to be headed for extinction. The humans themselves seemed almost damaged beyond repair after the collapse of their governments and the significant losses of Kerrigans attack form an alliance with the Protoss in the hope the two great civilizations might recover from their significant wounds. Under the guidance of this new collective, both Terrans and Protoss form a sort of symbiosis, the high tech and spirituality of the Protoss, combined with human ingenuity and tenacity, the Collective reaches a new age of technology and evolution. Little do they know they would be a bright star in the encroaching darkness
The Zerg following kerrigans last command to survive (and mostly leave everyone else alone) retreat to a distant part of the galaxy, seeking to perfect their evolution and perhaps find a sense of identity now free of the corrupted overmind. But all is not well with this journey of discovery as upon discovering a system steeped in a darkness unlike anything even the infinite hive mind of the zerg could imagine. This darkness, infecting the endless potentioal of the zerg have twisted their evolutionary perfection into the Corrupted; horrific biological entities interested on inflicting fear as much as they are consuming the galaxy in darkness.