I can barely get passed the genichiro phase and honestly I am about to give up, I literally die in seconds and parrying is fucking useless because I still lose posture like crazy.
Do they really expect me to defeat this boss?
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Take a break.
Lmao looks like someone never learned how to play the game properly. You shouldn't even get hit by genichiro by this point
>cant get past the genichiro phase
how did you make it to the end of the game?
Just keep practicing?
If you beat Owl 2, Saint Isshi should be pretty easily doable.
You'll get to the point where you trash Genichi in like 10 seconds flat every time, because the moment he does his mega-10-hit-combo, he gets ass-ravaged by perfect parries in sequence and obliterated.
>I can barely get passed the genichiro phase
You will not survive the winter.
The only difficulty I have is the isshin 2nd phase, I can't tell which move he'll do with all the sheath attacks
I died to the Shinobi Hunter mini boss than any of the bosses.
You need to keep at it until you can almost reliably end Genichijobber and Isshin's first phase almost without damage. By my 10th try I could do those phases with my eyes closed, it's all about keeping at it until you git gud
>I can barely get passed the genichiro phase
>start fight, bait the mortal blade slashes, side step and punish
>easily parry his massive combo
>deathblow him
He's super easy, it's super easy to read and bait all of his attacks, and he gets himself killed in a little over one combo.
First phase glock saint is hardest, because you don't have the lightning counter opportunities to ahit damage and posture decay on him. Once he starts sending bolts your way, just jump and toss it back for a quick victory.
>If you beat Owl 2, Saint Isshi should be pretty easily doable.
Owl 2 is optional on that route
I couldn't even find Owl 2 on my playthrough.
>bait mortal blade slashes
I'm pretty sure he just opens with that every single time no matter what, it was always the same in all of my tries
How did you even make it to end game if you have trouble with genichiro? You should have gotten skilled in defeating earlier bosses. Did you cheese the entire game?
lol scrub
>obviously bait stupid ppl bite
Honestly I found isshin's second phase to be the hardest. In the first one it's all about staying on his ass the whole time while parrying his attacks, mikiri and jumping that one sweep, his attacks that phase are extremely telegraphed. Phase 3 is just phase 2 but easier because lol lightning counter, but phase 2 kicked my ass for like 3 or 4 cumulative hours. I can never read his combos apart from the thrust one and the backstep sweep, but that one big slam he does when you heal is extremely useful for punishing and getting a few hits in.
He is way harder in this phase
I tried to do the same to genichiro and I still got hit by his mortal blade
Pretty roughly
He is just too fast, I can't party most of his attacks
Soon, you will be annihilating Genichiro in under 30 seconds
Acquire the good
You could use the crow feathers to get out of pressure situations when you're low on posture. Also in case you missed it, holding block without getting hit recovers posture faster.
Also the final health bar is the easiest if you stay close
Soulborne baby shitter BTFO by SeKINO, classic
Pop a red lozenge and just walk behind him and hit him while he charges Mortal Draw.
I have trouble with this fight too, dude. Don't feel bad. But then again, I'm not upgrading my health or dmg.
What's the point of deflecting attacks if you still get posture damage? I swear there is almost no difference between blocking and deflecting.
>What's the point of deflecting attacks if you still get posture damage?
you can't get broken when you prefect deflect
Finish this sentence Yea Forums
Hesitation is _______
just do what i do user
if you know how to mikiri counter and do a head jump on sweeps then you will get through the second phase pretty easily.
the point is that you are building up posture damage for Isshin, and you actually get rewarded for deflecting with a red stabbing attack you can easily mikiri counter.
I got killed by Juzou and the purple ninja by the mist raven more than anyone else on my first playthrough
If you can perfect deflect they’ll take a lot of posture damage whereas blocking will barely do anything to them. It’s the opposite for you. Perfect parries will minimize the posture damage you take while blocking will rack it up like crazy
How do I farm skill points for Attack upgrade?
Just keep doing it, it'll all work out
Geezer ishin is harder
>have to skip a cutscene
>have to fight the dude that's so much of a fucking jobber that it's just a formality and a waste of time
>have to skip another cutscene
>NOW you get to fight the boss
>Can't see shit because of all the fucking grass
>Only one clearing and it's basically backing yourself into a corner for free
>AI is completely batshit insane. Your options are to get in close and be subjected to a flurry of bullshit that will instantly break your posture unless you're a machine with immaculate response time, or you can run away and keep circling around to bait out one move that can easily be punished
>fight completely changes on the next phase, has no moves that can reliably be punished except for basically cheesing him with the umbrella
>last phase is the exact same, except it's just a victory lap because you can break him with lightning counters (when they decide to work and don't come up short by a fucking pixel)
I didn't feel pride when I beat him. I didn't feel like I conquered a challenge. I felt relief that I didn't have to play this fucking game anymore.
Maybe I'm just too old for this shit.
Youre not old. You're just a weak bitch
Everything you just said is either a non-issue or flat out wrong, you must be pretty shit at video games.
1. You take far less posture damage.
2. You cannot be posture broken on a perfect deflect, even if your posture gauge is full.
3. Enemies take posture damage from perfect deflects.
4. Enemies provide some certain, unique stagger animations or effects when certain attacks are perfectly parried.
holy shit you suck
OP just learn when you should focus on running away if you can't deflect all his attacks, that's how I fight isshin, knowing what I can deflect and what I need to run from.
That doesn't work at all, even if I deflect I still lose posture like crazy
I think you just farm those Ministry guys at Ashina Outskirts at the end of the game
you should be able to recover your posture at about the same rate that they damage it if you have full health( lower health means lower rate of recovery)
It took me 3 hours which I think is average time to beat him
lol @ ppl having trouble with this super easy game for gay babies i beat every1 on my first try lmao
git gud faggtos
Is the third phase a gimmicky one? I almost got him to his last health bar.
Between Immortal Severance, Purification, and Return Ending, which is the canon one?
It's a matter of practice. Pretty soon you'll know Genichiro's moveset and how to counter it by heart. Isshin's first phase isn't that bad either. The second one will take you a few attempts to get down but the third one is basically just the second one with an easy to counter lightning attack added.
It's a challenging fight but absolutely doable. I believe in you, user.
>parrying is fucking useless because I still lose posture like crazy.
Did you get all the prayer bead upgrades? Also you are probably parrying imperfectly
Nah, he just adds two different lightning attacks to his 2nd phase moveset. Both of which are highly telegraphed and give you free hits once you counter correctly. 3rd phase is easier than 2nd phase. 2nd phase is the hardest, if you can clear that than you're close to finishing the fight.
Third phase is easier cause it's just the second phase with really telegraphed lightning attacks added in, so free damage.
If he attacks immediately after sheathing, it's a slash then a sweep. If he waits a bit, it's a double slash.
>Nioh not even worth paying attention to
So true. Nioh is filled with so many bad decisions. Sekiro is really just a, "Here's how to do it properly" game.
Nioh's equipment system is literally a pointless addition to push what most people call artificial difficulty; enemies that can 1 whombo combo you to death while you do no damage just because your item level is too low. Ridiculous enemy tracking, with most enemies actually tracking the player through their combos aside from the last few frames. The easily abusable living weapons system. The godawful mission system instead of making a huge interconnected world.
Hope Nioh 2 does better.
As someone who just beat him today, fuck phase 2 and 3 being super defensive, boring, and having lightning counter work 5% of the time.
Phase one is wonderful.
sever is a hollow victory
return has potential for wolf sequel
purify has potential for a kuro sequel(maybe)
Lightning reversal works everytime. You just jumped too soon
as someone on ng+6... you don't have to be defensive or use any lightning counters
actually, it can miss depending on distance and height differences. his has greater range than yours does.
sounds like you cheesed your way to the final boss instead of actually learning how to play the game.
>that will instantly break your posture unless you're a machine with immaculate response time
I literally just mashed right click and did fine.
I'm stuck on this guy too, and I admit, ive cheesed my way thriugh several portions of the game. The only way I've gotten myself this far was tapping L1 repeatedly in hopes that the enemy landings deflect. Often time it's worked.
The only bosses that I've taken time to memorize and deflect meaningfully are owl and the purple dudes.
that's how it started for me
like 10 tries later genichirou meant absolutely fucking nothing to me
This but it took a lot more than 10 tries to get to that point
I don't even mean this to sound boastful but I found him disappointingly easy. The fight was great but he was basically Longarm Giraffe. He just attacks you like crazy and jumps to the next phase. If he's doing a special attack 90% can be countered by jumping on him then midair firework for some free damage.
I say this as someone who was fucking terrible at the game. I died to a few of the mini bosses over 10 times. Anything with "general" in its name killed me dozens of times. This guy was simple though. Parry him, mikiri, jump for lightning. I almost beat him first try. Second try I got cocky and died. Got him the third try without needing my second life.
>uses fireworks
>why was it so easy?
You're not too old, you just have a weak personality and an unrefined character. If you get this salty over having to get good at a video game, and blame the game for your hardships, you are a bad, immature person. Grow up, seriously.
>tfw you die at 1st phase isshin like three times in a row and then suddenly go near flawless up to final phase
gives you that mini adrenaline rush
>Your options are to get in close and be subjected to a flurry of bullshit that will instantly break your posture unless you're a machine with immaculate response time, or you can run away and keep circling around to bait out one move that can easily be punished
Your only option is to get in close and parry. That's how the game is meant to be played. It's all about rhythm, and prediction, not reflexes or response time. If you do anything else, you're just cheesing and aren't playing the game right because you're literally too stupid for video games. Unironically kill yourself.
Man this game is hard but part of the reason is that controls are typical of souls game, aka slightly laggy
No they aren’t
just beat this bastard a half hour ago
first playthrough
I personally thought Owl and Guardian Ape were harder
not to say that Isshin didn't kick my ass a fair amount too, but I think the simple fact of having access to gomba stomp and mikiri counters make Isshin easier
now granted, I never got the firecracker prosthetic so that probably makes Ape a ton easier
How do people get to Isshin without learning how to play the game?
He's 10x harder if you play like a pussy. You're just supposed to man up and fight him for real.
How did you even reach him if you can't defeat Geni without breaking a sweat?
It’s easy to cheese bosses like Owl and Monk by sprinting
Based consoletard.
I played sekiro on console and it was fine
>sever is a hollow victory
just beat my first playthrough
is the implication that you're in some sort of cycle at the end of server true?
some phase 2 parts can be hard to read at first because he stays low and is in a field, and he has one attack where he runs like 3x as fast as any other human in the game, which might throw people off as well... and he has a gun....
just cheese him with poke and run for 10min like a fucking faggot like i did
how did kuro become the divine heir in the first place?
I mean, good on you for beating him, but winning that way would suck the fun out of it for me
>Play the game with the intended mechanics in the intended way
>Haha casual
Remember when using your tools well was considered being good at the game?
ah I kind of thought that's what that was about
same way as the divine child of rejuvenation
well, the guy said he was disappointed with how easy it was but used the easiest method. it's just silly to shoot yourself in the foot like that.
My friend literally just stopped playing Sekiro because he couldn't beat Demon of Hatred or Isshin.
I stopped playing because I cannot beat Old man isshin on NG+
Well, you see, user, when a boy with dragon blood and a girl with dragon blood really love each other...
i was getting bored of the game, so i wanted to finish it rather than leave it
NG+ Old Man took me two days to get through. Don't give up user.
Hesitation is defeat.
>Phrase 2 kicked my ass for like 3 or 4 cumulative hours
I had the same issue because he all of the sudden gets way more aggressive, and it takes a lot of practice to get used to the timing of his spear attacks since they're so wonky. The general jankiness of the game doesn't help, either.
Could someone please explain to me what the fuck Ishin's end game was?
Like, I thought he was against Genchiro and then suddenly he's helping Genchiro. Then the whole black blade shit, like seriously what the fuck.
Press the attack button and see how long it takes for the swing to actually start. Shit's insane; pretty close to half a second, which is unacceptable in a fast-paced action game.
I fought old man Isshin for the first time on ng+4
>pitiful grandchild.... this was your last wish. To see Ashina returned from the great beyond. Which means, Sekiro... I must destroy you
Are you a brainlet?
Just win your fucking battles.
I have to say, Sekiro REALLY showed some of the serious flaws in in the Souls Games. I just recently did another Dark Souls 3 run, and the combat feels like garbage after playing Sekiro. Strangely though, BB still holds up very well.
My hope is to see gameplay shift more towards BB and Sekiro style combat for future games, though I have no idea if Sekiro's parrying system could actually be implemented for multiplayer in anyway.
he uses something like shock and awe tactics. the wonky timing is really him abusing your hesitation after he intimidates you
The way I interpret it:
The black mortal blade doesn't just bring someone back from the dead, it binds them to the user's will.
Isshin basically says that he's only doing it because it was Genichiro's dying wish.
Have got all the gourd seeds? (9 uses)
if you have, you deserve no excuses.
just git gud and remember to stick close to him, you're honestly safer near him than out of swords reach
wow I'm on ng+6 but never tried to slash before you gave me the hint.......... it's not true at all though..........
Uh dude...Quit playing on a TV and get a proper monitor. The controls are tight as fuck.
>that feeling where you have timing so perfect, you mikiri counter at the exact moment they begin the thrust so you charge eachother
Why yes it is English. Good observation user
i like to slash genichiro and emma after they start their lunge but still mikiri them afterwards. i would be mad if i was them because it's super bullshit
Hey man, have you ever heard of this thing called suicide?
Kill all the Headless and use Ako's Spiritfall in the first and second phases and Ungo's in the last two.
Also helps if you have Devotion skill and 20 uses available.
Isshin is a fun fight except for the one attack he does that in no way looks like a sweep but is one so you can't block/deflect it. It took me a little bit to force myself to jump everytime he did it. Fuck that move.
What’s wrong with it?
Which phase?
or farm the sugars by instagibbing monks with golden vortex... not that you should avoid the headless, but you can save yourself a few spirit emblems for the fight
But you can deflect it
Ok enough shit this is how you fuck Isshin in seconds.
Farm up the mask.
Farm up attack 25.
Fuck him in 7 hits.
I know exactly how you feel right now, but I got to a point where the only time I took damage was during his first spear form, which is arguably the hardest form in the fight. after that, you can lightning reversal him to death
keep at it, you're just tilted. take a break and try again. don't just hit buttons, think about what you have to do to win.
>grind 50+ levels just to get more attack power
My sides
ichimonji and fire crackers
*slow clap*
Not OP, but DoH is an optional boss so this proves nothing
This OP, you fucking dingus. You should literally be beating Genichiro in 20-30 seconds without getting hit.
jesus that spoiler tag mishap:
I know exactly how you feel right now, but I got to a point where the only time I took damage was during his first spear form, which is arguably the hardest form in the fight. after that, you can lightning reversal him to death
Keep at it, you're just tilted. take a break and try again. don't just hit buttons, think about what you have to do to win.
I can get through the Genichiro phase just fine but the moment the real fight begins, I'm instantly cut to ribbons. Weird because most of the other bosses didn't give me too much trouble.
lol you got fucking scorched user
>I can barely get passed
first phase is pretty much sticking to him so he spams the Ashina Cross
don't attack while he's sheathed; just look for the flash of the blade as he's about to draw and get two easy deflects
>tryhards that can't even into
this is only proving how fast I beat Isshin
>not being so retarded = tryhard
thanks for the compliment I guess
>always struggle with the second phase
>at one point decide fuck it, I'm just gonna get up in his shit
>this ends up being optimal
>mfw wrecking his shit after discovering this
Honestly, thats how I assumed it's supposed to be used. Mikiri is practically guaranteed if you collide with them mid-dash. Trying to use it while standing still is just too finicky.
Second phase ishin is probably more bullshit than it should be. His attack animations become way less readable than phase one.
There are 9 seeds so 10 uses in total.
>"I'm proud myself for being good at shitty fromsoft game and I think this fact really tells people how strong my willpower is."
Unironically have sex.
>can barely get passed the genichiro phase
Did you just stumble your way to the end or something? First time I got to the final boss and I blew through Genichiro without barely trying. Isshin, on the other hand took a lot of fucking time to get passed. If you can't even beat Genichiro, then you just suck too much.
You need a mask so start getting those carp scales
Phase 2 seems the hardest because it completely changes the boss after the First Phase with a whole bunch of new attacks. The 3rd Phase is just Phase 2 but with like 2 new attacks, one of which you can knock back at him. By the time you get to Phase 3, you should know Phase 2 pretty well and seeing as those phases aren't all that different, that makes it easier.
I meant 9 extra uses, but w/e
haven't even played this game, don't know who this is, but i already know you suck. just learn the actual game.
>actually using a revive against Genichiro
Oh dear, how embarrassing.
You should be able to beat Genichiro without being hit. Aside from his mortal draw he has no new moves from when you've fought him in the past. His posture bar also goes up a hell of a lot faster than in previous fights.
As for Isshin, you want to stay on the offensive all the time. The moment you start running and trying to bait his attacks, is the moment you lose. Hesitation is defeat. Keep on the offense, block his attacks, and then attack him again. When he does an attack that leaves him open such as the jump slam, use an Ichimonji Double on his head.
For the final phase with the lightning, swap out Ichimonji Double for mortal draw. Three mortal draws will end the fight.
I already did, that's why I asked a good locations for skill points farming
Compared to late game castle with Ninjas?
I didn't use mikiri until I fought him. I tried and it realized how easy and efficient it is, actually they should probably nerf it. I regret not using it throughout the game
being able to beat sekiro doesn't prove that you're strong. being unable to beat sekiro DOES prove that you are weak, and that your personality is shitty.
>has no moves that can reliably be punished except for basically cheesing him with the umbrella
Literally all of his phases are highly vulnerable to mikiri counters. There are plenty of moments to punish him. You just suck.
DSP beat him.
ITT newfags who are somehow not embarrassed making a thread like this. literally git gud
I'm glad I'll never be as shitty of a person as you. Imagine how much of a loser you have to be to make posts like this, just to bitterly cope with the fact that you lost at a video game whereas other people succeeded and overcame their trials through personal effort.
You can get a string of like 5 or 6 backstabs right beside the Sculptor's Idol in under a minute. I was able to pop a Mibu balloon, kill 6, run back and rest and do it all again before it ran out.
try to beat a demon of hated
litttlerrrrry op af
>He is way harder in this phase
actually wrong
>Forcing you to fight Genichiro again every fucking time you die
Why? I can beat him every time without taking a hit but why this lazy fucking padding
Even Bloodborne let you skip the first form of the final boss after beating it
you're dumb and gay. skipping genichiro would change the narrative so you have canonically lost to isshin and so he sits in the field for all eternity waiting for you to revive and get lucky enough to kill him.
How do people enjoy these games enough to finish them? Theyre repetitive as fuck. So you kill a boss finally and is the satisfaction alone really enough to make you continue playing knowing you've got to do it all over again with another boss whos gonna be even tougher. I kill a boss in these games and then I feel like not touching it for a month cause it's so mentally taxing & the thought of knowing that all I'm progressing towards is another boss but harder bores the fuck out of me. ThEre's not really a story either. I don't find these games fulfilling cause at the end of the day they arent. They have no emotional core, just fighting shit. It's a bit like monster Hunter actually. Just really one dimensional video game.
>mentally taxing
Sounds you have a classic of monkey brain, try league of legends.
>beats multi-phase Genichiro in the earlygame
>claims he can barely beat one-phase Genichiro lategame despite his moveset not changing
You could have just said "sekiro thread" and achieved thr same thing user
Absolutely and unapologetically based.
These games are designed like a puzzle. People who enjoy these games see each area's enemies, and each boss fight as a new challenge to be overcome because THAT'S THE POINT.
Nah, I love games like Broken Sword 1&2, Discworld Noir, Witcher 3, Baldur's Gate, Vampire Masquerade, Resident Evil 1, etc but I just can't enjoy Souls like games in the same way, I always just end up putting them down. Theyre just all about difficult challenge & managing to beat a boss... Don't find that interesting enough to continue playing. Great atmosphere tho but still not enough
Yeah I guess that's why I lose interest. They are just one thing
>Ashina Elite on NG
>sheath has small flare effect just before Ashina Cross attack happens, makes parrying easier
>flare effect is much smaller and hard to pick out, doesn't last as long
was a nice touch desu
Honestly Genichiro's final boss fight is even easier than his regular fight with his attack of doing a dive attack at you that you can dodge by just simply moving to the right
That's the exact opposite of what I said, RetardAnon.
If each boss is different, then they're not "just one thing."
If you don't want a challenge and are too much of a ritalin-kiddy to use your brain or bother to learn, then yeah, you should stick to Mario-party mini-games.
For the rest of us, there are real video games.
The Genichiro Phase is piss easy, don't know how you're messing this up, you should be absolutely on top of this fight by now if you know his attack pattern. The first Isshin Phase is intimidating but once you get his delayed attack pattern down that phase becomes a joke. The 2nd Phase is the hardest phase in the whole fight but there's plenty of mikiri opportunities. The Final phase is very easy, just block and lightning reversal him
>sword saint
>pulls out a halberd and a gun
This is false advertising.
I'm absolutely fucking terrible at this game. I probably died a hundred times to Isshin my first go around. But if I was able to beat isshin on ng+ charmless + demon bell + toolless + no sakura droplet then anybody should be able to beat this boss.
The only real thing you need to remember is that the first phase is all about pressure because his posture bar drops fast. A good trick is to not let him do the slow Ashina cross--run up to him instead and parry the quick reaction, then punish the sweep that always comes afterwards. Second phase you can back off and be defensive to bait mikiri counters, you don't need to deflect every single thing. In addition, when he does a charge-up attack you can either run away like a pussy or deflect it (there is a small motion/shine tell just when you need to press the button).
He's a sword saint in the streets,
but a pike and shot sinner in the sheets.
Phase 2 and 3 are trivial when you find out that his jump attack will miss if you run towards him