What was his name again?

What was his name again?

Attached: Loweffort Postman.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

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Bye-bye Man


wait... die-hardman is black?


Bruce Willis

>watching trailer
>super hyped
>body all tense
>drawing every thing
>”homo demons”
>laugh so hard I can’t breathe
Can’t take this game seriously anymore.

He looks like one of the low budget villains from the arrowverse. What I would expect if they wanted to do Black Mask

MASK de Smith

Idris Elba

Goodwill huntingman

that one guy from Slipknot

air duct man


Big Guyman

hard cockman

Poopoo Peepee Man

Yippie Kye Yay Man

did nobody else realize that the choices to have actors and directors as characters seems to be purposeful? both of the bridges representatives are film directors, all of the other people they order around are actors.

Attached: firefox_5VFRTQE8La.png (1276x676, 559K)

the man who sold the world man

James Avery

Hot Coldman

Don't Think It Don't Say It Man

is that a slipknot?

Die antword



David Carradine

Suck Fuckman

I grinded on rainbow six vegas to unlock that mask

Black Skull

Louis Harmstrong!

Attached: Screenshot_20190529-114402.png (2560x1440, 1.06M)


BRIDGES = mega corporations like KONAMI
executives = directors
laymen = actors
so the BRIDGES company is hooking up humanity to their system. the bridges executives work for the corporation to provide the infrastructure and orchestrate the ordeal, ordering around the laymen to make it work. many of the people involved think what they're creating is a good thing that brings people together, but all it does is isolate humanity for the sole benefit of BRIDGES. BRIDGES is a soulless autonomous entity born of the need to endlessly consume and is incapable of morality or anything but endless consumption. at the top of it all are the CEO's who are not evil people per se, but can do nothing but orchestrate the destructive wishes of the BRIDGES corporation.

Attached: 031318[1].jpg (880x495, 50K)

John McLane

Easy Kill Man

Retard JapWriterMan

It's homo demens.

>man as the only being with irrational delusions
What a fucking crock. My dog's fear of lightning is irrational.


Black Ludens

Cancer Man

Attached: Trends-Walter-White.png (423x393, 295K)



Why would you take a kojima game serious in the first place?

Saul Good Man
Pink Man

Formerly Chuck

Why does he wear the mask?

The Mercenary
The Masketta Man