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Other urls found in this thread:


'I'll show you the real thing soon, I promise.“

The ruse is back on


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What ever happened to caramel?

is this supposed to be something?


I don’t get it


top is from Death Stranding and bottom is from PT

Well, fuck. This is the first blatantly acceptable rumor on "Death Stranding involves Silent Hills" I've seen so far.

Caramel's gonna have a field day.

Death Stranding is Silent Hills hence Kojima speaking through mads and breaking the 4th wall when he said “I'll show you the real thing soon, I promise.“ at the end of the last trailer. If you never heard of any of this I recommend you watch this video


Guys...Caramel’s been dead for 3 years....

This is extremely blatant why the fuck is Norman reedus controlling silent hill nurses

He was Kojima

>post a silent hill gif over a still image of something unrelated

Not sure if you’re being sarcastic but that’s Norman reedus Instagram

Well shit user, I’ll admit I didn’t realize

It’s alright man

>Norman Reedus is the man who shot his pregnant wife and child in P.T. and now feels an obligation to save babies

damn kojima

rusechads have been saying this for years but nobody listened. In PT you also hear that he hung himself in his garage with an umbilical cord...what’s the very first thing you see in the first death stranding trailer? Sam attached to a baby via umbilical.


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Allow me to further blow your mind m8...left are photographs from PT on the walls...right are shots from death stranding trailers

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What if PT is just one of those "Other dimensions" you visit in DS when you die?
We've already seen a surreal WWII dimension with ghosts and shit.
And the ghost in PT had a lot of the black ooze that the enemies in DS have.

You telling me DS is just a recycle idea from P.T. bravo kojima

Calling it now: Sam's bridge baby is his and that pregnant woman he's with in that photo's child. Bridge babies will also become ludens. Which is why in the first trailer Sam's baby disappears and then the ludens show up.

>it's actually reedus' acount

>I'll show you the real thing soon, i promise

Attached: Mads.png (1080x600, 233K)

That's probably exactly it. PT has clearly shown to have multiple dimensions. Doesn't mean kojima didn't take the idea and took it into a different direction. These ruse people never learn, it's fucking sad to see people continually like to themselves

>PT is actually a part of DS.
>Having its save data on your PS4 is the only way to beat the game

>phonefaggot thinks his opinion matters
Fuck off homo demon

>kojima reuses the same ideas like he's always done, for over 30 years now
>it's a ruse guise! game X is ackshyually game Y!
no. kojima just decided to salvage the remains of his previous abortions, because that's easier than coming up with something new

t. Homo demon

>Thinking some deluded retard is gonna tell me what to do

Sorry caramel, nobody buys your bullshit. First metal gear survive was chapter 3 now this. Reality is the game was fucking scrapped and he's probably making a neat little tie in.

>he thinks true rusechads associates with fib and caramel

>We're delusional retards that are different from those other delusional retards.

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Why aren't more people talking about this?

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Because Yea Forums is filled with mouth breathers that reeeee everytime it’s brought up. Lots of people are talking about it if you search a little

Because it could be literally anything fucking anything at this point. May e Koji!a had assest laying around from DS and threw them into PT just to save time. Or perhaps DS was more PT like at some point.

because it's nice and all but so far it's easily just seen a compilation of ideas that kojima didn't get to properly put in MGSV and Silent Hills, and to a lesser degree kojima trying to create a loose link between his incomplete works.

I hope Death Stranding is only 1 game

Except, it’s not Konami?
It’s not surprising they’ve re used ideas and probably assets, because they already spent so much time and money on it

Me too. Its going to be epic on the pc after all the beta testing.

They put that scene at the end of the trailer because out-of-context it seems like breaking the fourth wall by telling the audience that the game will be released soon, that's literally the only reason. It's not hinting to the audience that Silent Hill, a game owned by a different company, shares the same universe as Death Stranding.

Because if you look hard enough you'll see messages being conveyed to you in your weekly newspaper.

that's ominous and i like it

God, what a handsome killer.

>Kojima is giving blatant hints about the correlation between Death Stranding and P.T. but you guys are still passing it off as coincidences
Once I finish the game you'll all see the truth, Kojima is playing you guys like a fiddle.

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For the first time ever I'm buying into the idea that Death Stranding could be related to Silent Hills

if this is real this could possibly be the best arg to ever happen to video games

silent hills is a psychological horror and death stranding is an action sci fi how people think those will intertwine neatly is criminal

Imagine being so mentally ill as caramel and his tranny lover that you larp post as other anons in your own shitty thread.

>26 posters

up until the last trailer DS really looked like a psychological horror game too

Based and redpilled


Maybe because MGSV broke his track record and proved him to either be a liar or someone who just isn't that clever.

caramel honestly fuck off.

Zoomer here, never played a Silent Hill game. Which one should I start with?

1,2,3 in that order. Ignore everything else since the rest are shit

It's hilariously obvious too. He can't even disguise his posting style well enough to not reveal his autism.

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hehe. are you sure the only you is you?

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death stranding is a cinematic adventure game, it's not an action game

is that 204863 shopped in?

1, PCSX-R with PGXP hack, 2 on PC with patches, and then 3 on PC with widescreen, and then 4 on PC.

Ignore all after 4.

1 is the hardest and most threatening

2 is pretty much one of the only games you could consider a masterpiece in this young medium but its the easiest

3 is an easier 1 but a harder 2 and its pretty much "1 but better graphics and hot ass" and its a direct sequel to 1, SH2 is ENTIRELY its own thing.

4 was experimental and falls flat in a lot of regards but is really unique and nothing else like it. Its the most dreamlike but its not really spooky or scary as it is unsettling as fuck.

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no lie the game takes place in a virtual reality that's logged into via reedus' keys.

There literally isnt you fucking sperging tranny loving autist.

Thanks. Getting lit by myself tonight so scaring myself to shit with 1 sounds like a great plan.


>almost 300k views


Because it's meaningless when your video game has shit-for-brains gameplay and thus far no characterization.
This is your brain on Dark Souls. Ambiguously interconnected lore threads, but no actual story or characters to be explored. It's the Shinto mythology approach to writing wherein you don't have to actually know how to write. You just make shit up however you want and then draw symbols and use words to reference other shit.
Thank Christ FromSoft can do some decent gameplay. I don't know what Kojimbo's excuse'll be.

Don't bother. Watch Joseph Anderson's stream of Silent Hill 2 instead and you'll see that it's overrated shit.

Death Stranding is whatever Kojima wants us to think it is. Up until now he's just given us random clips of cutscenes from I assume random parts of the late game. At first we thought it was some movie game, then some stealth-walking simulator bullshit now it looks like a shitty MGS clone. It's clear that he's trying to ruse us.

Don’t listen to this faggot.

Caramel fuck off tranny lover

anyone i dont like is caramel

0 argument slugger. Now go away before i give you a noogie

caramel hates trannies though


Has anyone listed what all of the formulas are about?

You are the most pathetic poster on Yea Forums even barneyfag is less autistic and we know he has autism.

who the hell is caramel and why are you screaming about trannies

To be fair you don't do anything but insult or passive aggressively post around people that argue against you, very similarly to how caramel used to. I'm sure it's just a coincidence though

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i don't care to take an image so there's my proof

you're more of a schizo than caramel himself, get help

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Literally caramel.


based caramel making the actual trannies have a psychotic episode

>death stranding is metal gear
>death stranding is silent hills

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based retard

cucked based poster

ok retard


Equation 1

Equation 2

Equation 3

Equation 4

Equation 5

Equation 6

Many of these are frequently mentioned in time-travel sci-fi, although in this case its probably for interdimensional travel.

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Because hills, steams, and wastlands aren't new setpieces

>silent hill totally would be amazing with a futuristic setting, TPS action gameplay, and homo-demons

You would literally have to be retarded to think DS is SH, in fact, even if Caramel the tranny twitter lover was 100% right, it would be a fucking AWFUL Silent Hill game so why the fuck would anyone want that?

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based ACTUAL literal retard zoomer cuck tranny

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cucked ok retard poster

nice projection

>reuse shit from old project to save time on new one
>retards think it means they are connected

>Caramel thinks sci-fi is fitting for silent hill

Hes the type of faggot that has the shittiest tastes that led to SH death.

>implying they're not just made up
nice try kojima hasn't figured out time travel

Get a 4K tv retard

The monsters are nanomachines user

>sh monsters past 1 being physical beings

Would be so fucking bad.

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>Norman beating the shit out of people in bio-hazard suits, weilding sci-fi lightning sticks
>shooting skeletons with a sci-fi gun

How FUCKING retarded would you have to be?

refer to this, based retard

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She was probably about to play Phantasy Star 4 you fucking shitlord

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Doesnt change the fact that if it was Silent Hill it would be fucking horrible. So what is your tranny loving point?

>i have no argument so im gonna post my original funny wojak :)
that's what i thought

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He obviously going to use stuff that he planed to be in Silent Hills and MGSV.

>people still believing theres a giant ruse after the shit show of MGSV
Guys come on, it's time to accept reality.

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He posts all sort of collages like that all the time.


Its literally 1 autist who tripfagged as Caramel. He has been at this for almost 5 years now and was wrong every SINGLE step of the way.

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The coffee never lies, Zach

>implying MGSV being a shitshow isn't part of the ruse
how it must feel to be a brainlet

>cancels game
>puts easter eggs in his new game that's in production

>whoa guys the games are connected

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>the lake has a camp on it

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I've never heard of that person before you spammed them in this thread

then you are a huge newfag who was never in any mgsv thread or DS thread until like this week.

Where’s the screencap saying he’ll kill himself if it isn’t revealed on E3? The fact that ZERO news came up during that E3 made it kino
Then he went, “w-wait for g-gamesco, no wait, Paris Games Week!” until he lost all credibility and shut the fuck up.

Death Stranding is pre-ZOE

The correct awnser its because it has been constantly about for about 5 years now and all of the "evidence" its bullshit, no one reeeee people just makes fun of the tripfag that has been calling it every E4/TGS/etc for the last few years.
There are plenty of people that does not want to believe that the ruse wasnt real but the truth is that kojima is just using the ideas he was going to implement on SH its pretty fucking clear.

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Same camp at the bottom of this body of water ;^)

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I think he goes by the name Cinnamonboy

How do I use these equations for real life things instead of just theory?


>silent hills is a psychological horror and death stranding is an action sci fi
Silent Hills Alien endings

that's pretty spooky

y-yeah thats j-just a coincidence like everything else! s-stop being so stupid...

>gives tripfags what they want, attention, without the tripfag even being here
>calls others newfags

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>tfw you want kojima to surpass his mgs2 ruse in the modern day internet but it is probably fucking nothing
kojimas a hack

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is the top from fucking death stranding?
are you serious??

Yes watch the new trailer

>204863 is shopped

That video is shit.
>Holy shit, a river.
>Holy shit, a bridge.
>The letter J, oh my god.
>These two tones look exactly like this one place in Death Stranding.
>Two triangles looks EXACTLY like this other spot.

>japanese only footage
>game about people connecting
what did he mean by this?

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well then its just a ruse, unless konami faked this all or somehow came back to beg kojima son for forgiveness. I really doubt they can get away with it.

would be one fucking hell of a ruse though.

its official
kojimbo works for abe and wants to increase the jap population

anyone know what the song is

taking IPs laws into consideration
kojimbo will try to pull something like it was all a dream/simulation with sams guilts as the base not blatantly like silent hills but similar

Apocalyptica - Path II

Ok, the games clearly reference each other. But what the does it MEAN? What the fuck is the "ruse"?

am I the only one who think the game looks down grated compared the previous trailers and feel disappointed about the graphics performance considering they use DECIMA engine. I know the talents is more important for making pretty graphics rather than engine itself though

The Japanese aren't America, so they don't give a shit about that part of the game. They're also already connected as a society unlike America which is why Kojima is trying to show them that this is the way with the Death Stranding.

the song played in the trailer did a great job of getting stuck in my damn head

>They're also already connected as a society
japaneses are actually very isolated socially, because of this virtual era and their low birth rate is a symptom

the very first trailer was complete CGI, they hadn't even found an engine to use yet

>Based Konami saved us from a shitty Kojima interpretation of Silent Hill
I am actually glad this was cancelled. Looked like a generic "muh ghosts" movie. Bring back team silent or gtfo.

yeah, but why did he use the Silent Hill nurse?

>Kojima interpretation of Silent Hill
you know he wasn't the only one working on that game, right?

also i'm pretty sure a couple of ex team silent joined kojipro

He and Del Toro were the main guys, but most of the people were hyped about the game because of them and Norman Reedus. The franchise was saved from an influx of normalfags thinking this was Silent Hill´s essence.

don't forget junji ito