Say something nice about her.
Here's your Doomslayer brah
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to rape her.
Doomguy is a man.
How can someone so small contain so much anger?
You tell her to smile.
I wanna see her mating pressed by a hell knight
looks like she fucks women
why start a series where every character is confirmed dead before a series begins?
I wanna find where the jannies live and blow their fucking brains out with a rifle. Fuck jannies, fuck mods, and fuck niggers!
Doomguy can be any gender but if they're not an eight foot tall muscled-as-hell armorclad nigh-faceless killing machine fueled by divine rage that is nevertheless on the side of good, they are not doomguy.
That's hot
Showed this to my gf. She doesnt five a fuck about Doom, or even know what Doom is.
So who does this shit appeal to?
White males, who the fuck else
Her inclusion into what has been a predominantly male centric series is a great way to upset the patriarchal establishment that is western society. A woman Doomslayer is a good chance to empower girls and women which will hopefully lead to more women in media.
>A woman Doomslayer is a good chance to empower girls and women
by not making her actually powerful?
EVERYONE would benifit if they made femslayer a massive wheyfu
Your girlfriends interests don't encapsulate the interests of all women.
I look forward to this flopping hard and being out on discount DVD a month after release.
A board of investors who are told this would be "totally lit" by the marketing team.
>Not even a buff woman
You expect me to believe she can rip and tear?
Also isn't the entire point of DOOM the gameplay? Why would you remove the one and only element of the franchise anyone cares about?
This movie literally only exists to retain film rights. Even ID and Bethesda were surprised when it got announced. Watch the trailer, they literally filmed this the same way a shitty CW superhero chow is filmed with the same budget. They literally made a movie they don't expect anyone to actually watch.
It's already a straight to video release
Doomguy is tall but he never seems really freakishly super-tall. Even in Quake Champions Doomguy looks slightly shorter than the 6'4" BJ Blazkowicz, and that's with one dude in armor and the other guy just being a redneck in boots.
I mean BJ is Doomguy's ancestor.
Right so that should give you an idea as to how tall a theorized incarnation of him should be, assuming height genetics carries over a century.