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portuguese is a beautiful language but brazilian portuguese is an abomination.
t. Alberto Barbosa
t. Alberto Barbosa
only filthy subhuman play f2p games also
>playing online multiplayer
What kind of "brazilian portuguese" are you talking about?
Still not as bad as Chinks.
Allow me to introduce myself
portuguese from portugal sounds very retarded though.
I have Portuguese relatives (from Portugal) and it sounds awful
It sounds like you have something stuck in your throat
i dunno, i love hearing br girls speak it
why do the hue's love GTA so much?
it seems every single brazilian streamer only plays those GTA V roleplaying gamemodes
Are Brazilians playing anything besides DotA 2 and Fortnite? I sure don't hear normies talking much about other games.
>t. Alberto Barbosa
any good examples?
>says that portuguese is beautiful and brazilian people are shit
>loves brazilian portuguese
I'm 100% sure you're talking about brazilian portuguese.
because niggers
WTF?? Nobody in Brazil play this game anymore.
BRs and Latin Americans like SA a lot since it's easy to pirate and can run on anything. Most BRs have shitty computers because cost of living is higher and median income is lower, and import tariffs on shit like electronics is crazy high.
Mod support
If they could just turn the music down, and tell their 7 family members to shut up, it wouldn't be so bad.
t. Alberto Barbosa
brazilian is a distantly related dialect of spanish or something, right?
>in a pretty comfortable position in Gran Turismo Sport
>the guy behind me is Brazilian
everyone love GTA, stop projecting.
Most gamer channels play anything. From Nintendo to shitindies.
What's that mod? I have gta v installed but never really played it because its boring as fuck.