Persona 5 WILL be announced at E3 for Switch. It's the best selling console this gen. Like Monster Hunter...

Persona 5 WILL be announced at E3 for Switch. It's the best selling console this gen. Like Monster Hunter, there is zero reason not to expect a Switch version when it is free money. Plus look at Joker in Smash, don't be dumb. I will hammer my switch and buy a PS4 with 500 dollars of $ony dollars if it doesn't.

Attached: persona5.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

>INB4 the copypasta

Attached: Mara.jpg (1280x977, 593K)

posts like this always give me hope
everyone on this board is so negative sometimes
thanks op

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well get ready user cuz it's not happening

i wish i were as hopeful as you

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oh just give it a rest already, buy a used ps3 and you can play the game before they they take a dump on its story with royal like every other time atlus has released new content for there established persona games. Hell there are a lot of other games on the ps3 that I ended up enjoying besides p5. Move on with your life already and enjoy the game

Just fucking emulate it

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Switch has been getting most new games that PS4/Xbone get, so I can see that. I'm glad Nintendo isnt so far behind the big two this gen. It's about time.

Akechi betrays you
Igor isn’t the real igor
Morgana dies

>Switch has been getting most new games that PS4/Xbone get
Fucking lmao

Persona 5 isn't even a 'game.' It's a stupid interactive anime.

Literally can't prove me wrong.

Great rebuttal. You have proved me wrong and have changed my mind.


We can't prove you wrong because it's an opinion, and those can't be proven wrong.

With that said, your opinion is shit. Not wrong, but still shit.

If persona isn’t a game then Pokemon isn’t a game.

>sega recently been in financial trouble
>said they would double down on mutliplatform releases to try and get themselves out of this situation
>sega owns atlus
there's a chance, a slim one, but there is a chance

>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
>It's a Musou spinoff
>"W-Wait for E3!"
This is just getting sad

i already have a ps4 so ill be getting it reguardless but if it comes on switch ill get it for switch instead because muh portability

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>tfw you know this is a copypasta
>tfw you know that someone is doing this one purpose to hype Nintendo fans for disappointment
>tfw you know they are doing it for a collab
>tfw you know people will take the bait

Pokemon isn't 90% cutscenes.

Why do you even want it? We're getting SMTV in a couple years

Opinions based on improper justification can be shown to be incorrect. Too bad persona is mostly a movie than a game.

>Not a game.

Then you clearly haven’t played sun and moon

remake 2

But Persona 5 already got announced for the Switch OP

Attached: Persona-5-Scramble.jpg (1275x717, 230K)

Not even once. Sounds like a bad game.

>it's a falseflagging thread
snoygoys sure are getting desperate. Hopefully snoy gives you guys an Absolute State of Gay so you won't feel left out during e3.

>Like Monster Hunter, there is zero reason not to expect a Switch version when it is free money.
a p4g port to the ps4 would have been free money for atlus and they never did that. enjoy your musou!

Spyro Reignited

I know this is shitposting bait but
>Best selling console
>PS4 outsold it both in 2017 and 2018.

You grabbed a Nintendo console, so you're going to get SMT. After all these years, what kind of stupid ape expects a mainline Persona on Nintendo?

inb4 nincel post "regional sales" number

Dear diary, Makoto-chan here!

It's already been announced, just not officially.

Who unironically gives a shit? Persona is a faggot series. Let me know when we get info on SMTV.