So what's Yea Forums's verdict on Outer Worlds by Obsidian?
So what's Yea Forums's verdict on Outer Worlds by Obsidian?
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Finna gonna pirate this day one
looks woke as fuck
The plasma gun effects are really disorienting. I hope they tone that down.
Ten years ago I might've cared, but today I find this completely uninteresting.
Has there been any info on how deep the character customization will be?
Looked really stupid at first but that actually looks pretty decent.
>"Quirky" humor
No thanks. Deadfire was bad enough.
>EGS "exclusive"
Makenna Blue
This. Any Marvel s o y "humor" is an instant no bueno for me. Also, I think starfield is going to overshadow this game.
Sounds like a rip off of Outer Wilds
Starfield isn't coming out until 2021
Obsidian is dead, its carcass worn as a skin suit for easy marketing
The setting is soulless and generic in a bad way
It's too low on budget for this type of a game
First person only
No mod support
The dialogue is awful and the interview with the writers where they said they're making the main character intentionally retarded to make it "zany" and "funny" made me sick to my stomach
It looks really, really fucking ugly. Not in a graphicswhore kinda way but in an artstyle and model aesthetics
If Fallout 2 were released today it would be called reddit.
Will there be porn of her?
She's not very attractive but I still want it.
I assume that the rabid dislikes were after the Epic store announcement?
>Epic Games Store exclusive
>Combat looks like a complete clusterfuck of special effects
>'zany' humour
Yeah, nah. I'm good.
By normies, yeah. They've turned on Obsidian pretty hard. But Yea Forums has disliked Obsidian ever since the Chris Avellone drama happened last year.
Looks dumb. I bet it doesn't even have cunny.
>implying this shit is worth even a pirate
They purposely showed a zany side mission. They called one of the colonies Byzantium, so clearly they have good taste.
I haven't been keeping up with this game at all. Is it basically cyberpunk Fallout 3? Because that's what it looks like judging by the video.
Looks like a new vegas mod without any of what made it good (writing)
Stop buying Feargus games.
>Obsidian is dead
You say that like it was ever good to begin with.
They were great.
new vegas remains the greatest 3D rpg of all time, zoomer
That's nice. I still don't care for it.
>entire history is releasing unfinished buggy messes with marginally better writing then the average vidya and fans blaming the publisher every time for devs inability to plan ahead
>remains the greatest 3D rpg of all time
Lel. Even Gothic 2 is better. That's a big claim.
>NVfag calling anyone else a zoomer
Go back.
oh ok, well now that demo makes sense if those are the people behind it
yeah, gonna be a hard pass for me
This. Just off of the top of my head, I remember Deux Ex and VTM: Bloodlines being far better than New Vegas. I could probably come up with an entire list if I put forth the effort. New Vegas isn't even the best Obsidian game much less the best 3d RPG of all time.
Mediocre like every other game Obsidian has made. I might still get it because I like the genre. Waiting to find out how many trannies they have on staff before deciding.
cuckshit fucks they'll never be forgiven for ydwin
>VTMB which actually did get cucked by activison unlike Obshitian games
Dragon Age Origins is a better fucking rpg then NV.
Judging from the picture, they have a lot.
>Trusting Bethesda after Fallout 76
I won't. I'll buy dying light 2 but not for your shitty writing.
This is what I'm really worried about. If starfield is a mess then I have absolutely NO hopes for Skyrim 2
New Vegas was mediocre.
Shit gameplay
Shit story
shit characters
shit factions
shit graphics
shit "Art"style
Only good things were RPG mechanics and exploring
>hasn't been any truly compelling 3d rpg since 2015
witcher 3 and even fallout 4 was good compared to today's offerings, I'm really wondering if it's the end bros. I don't want to play any of the bullshit coming out these days, I hope starfield or fallout 5 turn out to be great but my smile and optimism are gone
Normalfags are going to forget all about outer worlds when bugthesda show off Starfield and will forget all about 76 because its like fallout in space.
Did you even put any time into Fallout 76? You're literally a reddit tier hiveminder. Sorry bro, no one here is going to upvote you for reddit approved posts.
Fallout 76 is exactly like every other 3D fallout game. In fact, it objectively plays better than 3 and NV. The story is non existent which is perfect because fallout never had a good story. So I'm confused why anyone would think it is worse than 3 or NV. It's approximately as good as those games. That is to say, it is a perfectly mediocre game.
>but but but all the bad design choices and bugs
That describes literally every Bethesda game.
No Starfield at E3. Todd confirmed. I have no idea why he would confirm that, what a dumbass. Let the people have false hope.
Not him, but without character interaction or any semblance of a story, Fallout 76 is just a bad MMO loot-farm with garbage shooting mechanics compared to other FPS games. And that's completely disregarding the bugs.
Would've bought it day 1 if not for the epic deal
>those fucking roasties with plushies acting like its their baby
look at their biological need to be mothers but no one wants to marry those old used up roasties fucking lmao
my man
I'd disagree with you if I hadn't read that tumblr post Sawyer posted where he talked about what the legion cut areas would have been like. Would have really helped with presenting the Legion as having positives to it since everyone has
>enough food
>enough water
>protection via the legionaries
>no gangs to worry about since the legion either butchered them or forced them into the legion
>No faggot politician cucking you all too become a wealthy faggot since Caesar shuts that shit down instantly and crucifixes the cunt
>Only downside is making sure you don't get in a legionaries way and get your head hacked off
Pretty fucking good overall and as Raul says Arizona was really fucking bad before the legion showed up so overall it's a big improvement for the people there.
Would've bought it day 1 even with the epic deal if waifus in the game were as cute as that pic desu senpai
If you even considered buying this shit after that godawful reveal trailer then you are part of the problem and need to fuck off back where you came from.
I want to be hype but it looks kind of bad
>nu-Yea Forumsermin are so fucked in the head they'll defend Fallout 76 just to "spite the redditors"
Man, fuck this place.
>that godawful reveal trailer
I thought it was nice
Fallout 76 is kinda like the last season of Game of Thrones. So bad even the normies are waking up to it. But GoT has sucked ever since S5.
Likewise Bethesda has been shit for quite a while now. People actually believed they redeemed themselves after Horse armor DLC for a while. But then they shat out paid mods on Steam. Then they shat out Fallout 4. Then they shat out Special Edition. Then they shat out Creation Club.
All of these were a signs of the times and the normalfags who expected anything good out of FO76 were the retarded ones to begin with.
Character interaction and story were some of the worst parts of fallout games. Don't kid yourself. Getting rid of that was a benefit.
I have no respect for post-New Vegas Obsidian and it's an EGS exclusive so that's already two strikes against it immediately. But I'll wait until it's finished to see if it deserves a third.
Normies didn't hate the last season of GoT because it was bad, they hated it because Khaleesi became a villain after they had already named their daughters after her.
>So bad even the normies are waking up to it.
We both know they'll forget all about that and go suck off Godd Howard when he shows off Starfield. People still buy EA games after all the shit they pull, or trash ubishit games.
KYS retard.
Good God I didn't see that. Pass
It doesn't matter, it's first person only.
They've been shitting on it ever since Siege of Winterfell. And the dragon killing scene in the next episode was also laughed at.
Never heard of it. Didn't watch your video.
It's shit.
you can tell its going to be shit just by looking at that gameplay video lmao
that art style is awful, no longer hyped
It looks mechanically nigh-on identical to New Vegas, so FPBP.
That second tweet really says it all.
I was really excited bc a guy I know that used to work at Obsidian said they were making "Firefly crossed with New Vegas." Then the actual game was revealed. Dull, ugly, woke, and feels like it should have come out 5-10 years ago. It'll suck but pull an okay Metacritic. Yea Forums will hate it but it might be shitty enough to be meme-able.
Did you even watch the announcement trailer? Artstyle's been obvious from the start.
well im glad they had the courtesy to disappoint me before I put money down.
Is this shit gonna be at E3 or what
After looking at the video..
...Your teammates really look fucking hideous and I can't tell if it's on purpose or not. It seems like it's aping Bioshock's art deco style with a "woke" coating and FO3/NV gameplay, complete with NPCs that stand still and stare directly at your face while you talk to them.
I don't like this. If this was made by the people fifteen or even twenty years ago I could be excited, but having seen how bad PoE2 was, I don't like this at all.
"The Board wants to let you know to pay attention to broadcasts from Los Angeles, California, Earth, in the coming weeks for [REDACTED]."
from the game's official Tw@r
Looks good, not great, just good, might be worth a playthrough but no way I'm getting it on Epic so I'll just pirate it.
>Weird scientist with unkept hair is now a Rick and Morty reference
I fucking hate this planet. I mean, Obsdian didn't do themselves any favors by coloring his hair blue, but he behaves way more like a classic crazy scientist than the asshole Rick is.
>Character interaction and story were some of the worst parts of fallout games. Don't kid yourself. Getting rid of that was a benefit.
What are the best parts then? The shoddy shooting mechanics? The mindless loot hording? There is literally nothing else when you strip away somewhat interesting factions, quests, NPCs, etc. Give me a fucking break. Fallout 76 is objectively the worst Fallout game ever created. It's even worse than Fallout: BOS.
every fucking time
E3 has always been at Los Angeles asshole where the fuck else did you expect it to be?
I'll pirate it and buy it on sale on steam/gog.
seething calicuck
Pillars of Eternity 2 was one of the worst written games in years, so I'm going to skip on Outer Worlds. On top of the bad writing and unlikeable new companions, you had a ton of virtue signalling right down to weird cuckold fetishes.
how much did epic pay for this garbage lmao
Do those fucking retards think fans forgot about Ydwin? Disgusting Obsidian cuckold fetishists.
Damn, is it really that bad? I'm glad I skipped it. PoE had weird lore dumps and walls of boring text that made the game feel agonizing at times, but by the end I thought it was an "alright" game.
No steam no buy
lmao if you were straight male your romance options refuse to travel with you after the game and they lesbo fuck each other but if you're gay you get a loyal elf twink that stays
user, playing PoE2 will MAKE YOU WANT the lore dumps back. I'd rather have Tekehu give me a lore dump, instead he takes breaks in between lore to talk about the latest man or woman he fucked and in what position.
>Los Angeles, California
Can we please nuke that shitty state already? Nothing good has come out of it since like 1995.
Hey, why don't you go on down to piratebay and pick yourself out a game kid, it's on me.
>lmao if you were straight male your romance options refuse to travel with you after the game and they lesbo fuck each other
Top lel. This is what happens when you let: write your game's story.
Fans are not going to let Ydwin go, aren't they?
Which is a bizarre approach from Obsidian. Ydwin is slowly approaching the organic fan favourite status - something they wanted to force with Pallegina. If Ydwin is not back as a full companion in eventual PoE3, it means Obsidian is dumber than I thought.
She, together with Eder can be Garrus or Varric of PoE.
It looks ugly as shit
like Bioshock made by a colorblind person
I love how this one guy is singlehandedly resurrecting piracy on PC after it almost died because buying games had become so cheap and easy that it could compete with "free".
it was bizarre after 1 expansion after 3 expansions it's agenda
They shouldn't have let Ydwin have such a fun recruitment scene, they made her too cute and likeable compared to the meme characters that join you as full companions.
>you get a loyal elf twink
>after it almost died
The rate of piracy on PC had not declined in any way. Steam ending PC piracy is just a giant load of bullshit.
Unlike the others who pump and dump you 5 minutes after meeting them, Elf Twink is the only one interested in a serious relationship.
her competition is redneck priest slut with shit forced yosemite sam accent or disgusting meme shark slut that's fucked everyone in the region lmao. i'm fucking serious, in the shark slut's quest you meet her spy contacts, she's fucked every single one.
I hate the art direction. It looks like Bioshock Infinite’s Columbia covered in a Futurama facade. The combat looks out dated. None of the weapons shown look like they have any weight or impact. The characters shown so far have been meh overall. The “humor” comes off as more irritating than quirky. The more I see of it the less I like what I see. I was hyped after the first trailer, now I might pirate it if there’s nothing in my backlog to play.
I know, I'm one of the idiots that backed the game.
poor man
Yeah, it's actually the game that killed crowdfunding for me. I know for most people it's something like Mighty no. 9, but for me it was Pillars 2.
>>Stop liking what I don't like
>>Don't tell me what to do
>>Do as I say
Fucking baby.
Which is funny, because she's actually kind of a bitch. But this somehow works, because she flip flops between a cold bitch and an complete dork. She's actually very charming - you want to talk animancy with her forever. And her backstory is really fascinating.
Ydwin is essentially a sociopath, she's absolutely insane but also a somewhat good person. She'll gladly experiment with souls and all sorts of bullshit like that, but she doesn't mean any harm with her crazy experiments and won't actually harm a living person, she experimented on herself rather than a subject.
it was one of the few games i was willing to buy at launch in 2019/2020 but because of the Epic deal i'm just gonna wait it out, unless the game is a flop at which point i'll just be glad i waited
This is the verdict
>finna gonna
If you're gonna pretend to be a nigger at least use it properly you fucking retard.
And there is a method to her madness.
And it says something about the other companions that compared to them, the sad elf from Bumfuck Nowhere that decided to turn herself into a soul vampire for science is the most reliable and level-headed one.
imagine being so fucking mad you make a shitty collage, holy shit dude, seek help
As long as it's a non shitty Fallout I don't care
This is a fake, right? I mean, I know incels are kind of losers but nobody is THAT much of a loser.
why would a game developed by BattleCry Studios make me distrust Bethesda?
As much as I'd like to make fun of the poster that's how I felt playing Pillars of Eternity 2.
>serious scene
>someone makes a stupid out of place joke
>main character encounters racism between two factions
>WOW YOU CAN'T SAY THAT, THAT'S RACIST to a faction leader while surrounded by armed guards
how long did that take
>The rate of piracy on PC had not declined in any way.
Inevitable 8/10 that has clunky combat and mediocre progression
The fact that you retards constantly get baited by Rickposting in every single Outer Worlds thread is hilarious.
You are not smart or clever. No fucking shit the crazy scientist trope was not invented by Rick and fucking morty.
There's plenty if you look. Here's a couple. CDPR said The Witcher 2 had a piracy rate of around 80%. They just compared the number of people they found downloading a torrent vs. the number of copies they sold. Not hard to do and they probably missed a lot of people. That EU study that "proved" piracy doesn't hurt sales gave a figure of around 70%. This is all after steam and these are conservative figures based on reliable data. When you start included unreliable data it's even higher. Denuvo in it's short period of effectiveness did more to curb piracy than Steam did in it's entire existence. Piracy remains rampant on PC and everyone but the valve fanboys know that. When was the last time you heard Gabe mention piracy? He doesn't talk about it anymore because everyone knows Steam has done fuck all about it.
It's a bethesda game clone but without porn mods right? It's gonna be disappointing at best.
>It's a bethesda game clone but without porn mods right?
I don't think Obsidian has ever made a game that wasn't a clone of something more successful.
jesus christ.......
Every single fucking medium..
A lot of the old devs are gone. Just look at Chris Avellone, he's freelancing now. Jason Sawyer is probably on his way out too citing from him saying he's going to be taking a break from directing and involving himself in games. Only way they could keep him is if they greenlight that historic rpg he keeps sperging about.
Holy shit lmao
>Finna gonna
That's good bait user, here's to (You)
I was somewhat excited for it but man seeing the trailer really punched all the wind out of me.
Well you know at least Baldur's Gate 3 might be good.
today I will remind them
>Literally any reference to Doc Brown will now be interpreted as a Rick reference
Kill me
I had a sliver of hope with Deadfire. They're too far gone. Fucking Pathfinder who is owned by the sjw cucks called Paizo has cuter girls than Deadfire does. The only objectively cute girl in Deadfire is Xoti and that's after her portrait got revised. What kills her is she's 28 yet acts 16 with Eder and the Watcher. Oh and there's more gay romance than straight in Deadfire
>Well you know at least Baldur's Gate 3 might be good.
Haven't been impressed by the videos or any of Obsidians recent offers so I don't expect much.
haha wat a faget
epic game store exclusive so they can go suck a bag of cocks
He has blue hair just like Rick.
Hush, incel.
Source on that interview?
>Doc Brown reference
he doesn't look like him, he doesn't sound like him, he doesn't act like him, and BTTF hasn't been on the public's radar for 30 years
he's undeniably pickle rick
fuck off tranny
lolsrandumb humor, short as fuck.
i could live with more gay romance than straight, if the straight romances didn't end in them refusing to travel with you. i mean what the fuck is that, the gay elf sticks around but not the women? and it's just the women that have a mutual romance ending with each other that practically cucks male players, where the 2 female options fuck each other all day.
Kys yourself pathetic incel pedophile
Also I just scrolled down and saw the profile pic for Gameinformer Youtube channel.
Minus the good parts
Now Kiss
I just wanted Ydwin as LI. Even a bisexual one. That was it. Instead I got Maia who cucks her lovers for spirt and Xoti who is... weird.
That fag has some solid writing cred.
Thanks, fag. Good job.
>Piracy remains rampant on PC and everyone but the valve fanboys know that. When was the last time you heard Gabe mention piracy? He doesn't talk about it anymore because everyone knows Steam has done fuck all about it.
Weird how sales are up a fair bit in 'piracy havens' like Russia and China. No shit Steam didn't eliminate piracy, but that was never being argued
verdict: it's not out yet, won't be for the rest of the year.
Everything else is 8gaggers losing their fucking minds about a haircut or a launcher or something, or Obsidiots trying to advertise the game.
he's not writing outer worlds
Nothing is ever going to eliminate piracy, and consolenerds are 10 times worse once their consoles get chipped or exploited.