>open world RPG based on celtic mythology
Are you excited?
>open world RPG based on celtic mythology
Are you excited?
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If the discount Tolkien Fatfuck is involved then no.
fpbp, fuck that fat faggot
>another god damn Demon's Souls game with a different coat of paint
How original
I'll literally buy anything FromSoftware makes day one
No, I'm Patrick.
post more
>open world
>celtic mythology
yep, that's a double yikes from me, bucko
Don't care for this rumor shit till its actually shown. I remember the whole mayan game leak before it turned out to be Sekiro
Still expecting Bloodborne 2
For the Celtic mythology part? No. I prefer Germanic myth. For the "new game made by fromsoft" part? Oh fuck yes.
Miyazaki could shit in a ps4 case and I'd buy it then buy it again on steam because fuck consoles.
So yes, I'm excited.
>another Demon's Souls game
Specifically Demon's Souls? With more emphasis on traditional mythology instead of the stupid anime-tier crap that infested the Dark Souls series?
Don't get my hopes up.
Confirmation from a reputable gaming site insider on ResetEra.
It's real.
>Still expecting Bloodborne 2
sony isn't even at E3 this year
is the combat going to be like souls, bloodborne, or sekiro?
or are they going to try and come up with a new twist?
I want a game based on American folklore. Y'know, Paul Bunyan and other such characters. It could be like Sekiro, but with an axe. You level up by eating flapjacks. And you actually level UP. Like, the more you eat, the bigger you and your ox get.
I just wanted Armored Core 4 Answeru 2: Now With More Speed
Hope it's true, there's some fucked up creatures in celtic mythology
If it's From, I'm excited. I love video games.
>Open world
>Written by Game of Thrones man
>Miyazaki said that he wanted to make a Red Dead Redemption - like game
It's the opposite for me; I'm avoiding the shit out of From's new project.
>Still expecting Bloodborne 2
Stop, for your own health.
I would have preferred something with zombies desu
>Written by Game of Thrones man
lol he only consulted on it, he didn't write it
Holly shit v will never wake up.
Ignorance is no excuse.
Paul Bunyun isn’t violent enough for a From game, but a Blood Meridan style esoteric western would be amazing
I'm expecting news on something when the comic ends
So someone got poisoned and is literally shitting themselves to death?
this shit can't be real..please..
>not Armored Core 6
So? Same shit. It means that it will be a WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS fest instead of an actual videogame.
Now I understand Armore Core fans' suffering: From abandoned their core phylosophy to pursuit a shallow wide appeal trend
>horse riding through empty fields of nothing
> Kill 5 bears for me sidequests
pls no
Western is literally the lowest tier genre for brokeback mountain tier sodomites.
That's what it will be. They hired George R. R Martin to guide them on how to write medieval fantasy conspiracies so you can complement your riding through empty fields with dialog trees.
It will be a Witcher clone and I hate it because I fucking loathe The Witcher.
No From Software are overhyped and overrated shite.
> Open World
What does this mean though? Because DaS1 kept going on and on about how it was an open world in marketing and even manual. It’s possible that they’re using “open world” in a way that’s technically correct, but not what we’d usually think of it as.
Aren't they doing their own show or something?
I'm honestly fine with just doing new souls games using different culture's mythologies and settings.
Theyre doing their own little mini direct shits that have been fucking awful. No idea if there is one around E3 but they are not at E3 at all.
>Traditional mythology
>not anime-tier
There's a reason anime and manga draw plenty from world mythos, user.
I just want a Tenchu Z sequel that is playable. Is that so much to ask?
It doesn't have to be the hardest game in the history of games.
>finally beat Paul the Voluminous
>not too bad, just keep circling around his feet and dodging one of his two axe swings
>he falls, revealing a clearing in the previously unending forest
>head into it, notice a winding railroad and start following it
>bands of chinamen with sledgehammers every now and then, pretty slow attacks, nothing too serious as long as you don’t let them gang up on you
>the Comanches are more trouble, they’re faster than you on their horses and have ranged attacks, but occasionally you can time it right and draw the chinamen into bearing the brunt of their charges
>massive tunnel ahead
>pull out railway lantern I found
>it just stretches on into the black, can’t see fucking anything
>suddenly the railway and the tunnel end
>just bare rock wall, it’s unfinished
>turn around to head back
>can’t see any light from the entrance, just...
>what is that sound
>a faint ringing of metal on metal, growing louder
>see sparks flying intermittently in the distance
>coming closer, louder
>suddenly earsplitting southern gospel music
>the words materialize on the screen
>“John Henry, the Languishing Steel Driver”
>can’t even read them before a meter long steel spike is hammered through my chest
>get stunlocked, can’t get up before the fucker slams three more into me
>“You Died”
Fucking bullshit.
Someone post some good Celtic themed music already.
So, is this what the entire internet (Yea Forums included) calls "mankind's definitive cultural achievement"? To me looks like shit intended to shock the readers.
Dany has cholera.
>open world
no I'm not.
And how did this affect her tax policies?
Have you read blood meridian?
>What if Souls game, but in MY favorite historical setting!
"She was sopping wet when he entered her. “Damn you,” she said. “Damn you damn you damn you.” He sucked her nipples till she cried out half in pain and half in pleasure. Her cunt became the world."
Picked up.
Fuuuuuck yeah boy
Yeah that game was fucking awesome. Kinda got shitty with updates though.
i kind of hope for something new. i like the games they put out, and they play well, but i feel like they're talented enough that they dont have to stick to the same basic model of gameplay. of course, i could be wrong, most other devs implement garbage combat, so maybe sticking to what works would be favorable
God damnit I'm so fucking sick of From doing nothing but games in the past.
Give us another Armored Core or fuck a Souls like game in present day or future.
Just give the medievil fantasy shit a rest.
>Like, the more you eat, the bigger you and your ox get.
that could be a really interesting game. start off fighting small enemies that eventually are too small to take notice of, and have gargantuan(like shadow of the colossus) enemies that dont take notice of you until you hit a certain size. level design would probably be a nightmare though
sounds boring senpai.
It's far more interesting. Who the fuck wants Tokyo Souls? Fuck off.
Needs Johnny Appleseed and Bigfoot
the witcher 3 would actually be worth playing if it had souls combat
Anyone have a summary of that leak from tranny-era?
what about cyberpunk souls?
>who the fuck wants tokyo souls?
why the fuck wouldn't you want this? neon hell laser swords and beam weapons? absolutely yes. instead of int or arcane it could be tech. actual armor classes from small ballistic armor to big suits. it has massive potential. unfortunately they have a staple archetype with a dedicated and growing fanbase.
Sounds gay
what is the point of using melee shit when guns exist?
Roman Souls
Egyptian souls when?
stop turning souls into ubishit
Because it sounds fucking stupid.
If I can play as a girl, yes.
Vietnam Souls
>"open world"
Dropped. A more blatant red flag for a shit game does not exist.
what are your favorite games from the last 5 years?
Sounds great
oh, i love
>open world
I'm out
Americans can do some fun stuff with folklore when they are not actively trying to forget it.
I liked this show