How come nintendo DS had better internet infrastructure than Switch ever could?

how come nintendo DS had better internet infrastructure than Switch ever could?

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Yeah I remember a MarioKart DS server starting pretty damn easy.

Probably greediness. Maybe incompetence.

It was developed by Nintendo Software Technology. That's an American division. Of course they would have competent online back then. Liam seemingly likes to gloss over key facts in order to blow things out of proportion, although I still agree it is ridiculous the level of regression thats occurred. Nintendo was still sucking at it back then, there were friend codes and also GC lacked proper online.

>hack 3ds
>finally get to play monster hunter tri
>the servers shut down 6 years ago
Fuckin shit

fuck yeah finally a thread for me to remind everyone that you can play DS games online again (and it;s as easy as changing the DNS in the nintendo ds wi-fi settings), and now there are even emulators that allow for even better connection than ever before. now go find a community for your favorite old DS multiplayer game and have fun (because you won't find anyone by just randomly going online nowadays obviously)

Liam's whole thing is that he takes old news that most people forgot about or never really looked into and compiles it as uncovering something. The whole video he did on The Grinder was just a retread. But yeah, the online is fucked up.

More info please, I am intrigued.

Nips suck when it comes to online.

MH3U, and it never had online to begin with.

Couldn't you piggyback off of a Wii U connection to play with other people online? I remember you could play together but I don't remember how the online lobby system worked.

i was always looking forward to new nintendo handhelds, but now that paid online spread even here, i guess i only have pc left. well that and old DS games
you just find a discord or something for a game you want to play (if such even exists) and there you agree on which dns to use. you will need WEP encryption still which may be absent in newer routers so that's a problem.
as for the emulator it's called melonDS and it uses the ethernet cable instead of wifi so the connection with someone in the same region is like playing wirelessly next to each other there's no lag at all.
this video shows how to change the dns

>How did we go backwards??
Microsoft proved that people will willingly pay money to use their own internet to play online, and then defend it.

I will never not be upset about friend codes. They went out of their way to suck the fun out of online engagements intentionally

>better internet on average than the best American cities
>technologically progressive society, many of the youth are very web savvy and are highly attached to the internet and social media
>massive cultural issues with social isolation which leads to people looking to the internet to fulfill their social needs
>somehow Japanese companies consistently shit the bed when it comes to online services
It's truly baffling

Hunters was a western game.

You can play local multiplayer with those, only the WiiU had online in 3U.

The Nvidia tax. Nintendo had to cut cost. Hopefully Nvidia dies in the handheld/console market next gen

Nah, you could definitely use a Wii U to play the 3DS version online. There was even a specific application to let you do it.

Totally ridiculous solution, and it even required a wired internet connection for the Wii U.

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Yeah I looked it up, you could only use a single 3ds to go online though and the Wii U was busy running that app so you couldn't even use that to also play. Might as well just use the Wii U version.

>and now there are even emulators that allow for even better connection than ever before.
I really want to play Metroid prime hunters or Jump Ultimate stars online.

You are a god among men, user. Thank you very much.

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welcome. the more people know that DS wi-fi with all its great games is alive again the better

It was run by Gamespy on the backend, who had extensive experience in game networking. That's also why DS and Wii online is dead, because Gamespy went bankrupt, got bought out, and Nintendo didn't want to pay extortionate fees to the new owner to keep it up.

True. I'll be sure to download Jump Ultimate Stars, Mario Kart DS and melonDS tomorrow that's for sure.

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Bump to let people know about melonDS and the Wi-Fi dns


Probably because Gamespy handled it, oh someone already posted this.

The people running the servers doesn't have anything to do with the online functions coded into the game.

SURPRISE Nintendo is still run by skinflints who think online play is a novelty even though it's twoooo thousand fucking nineteen

It kind of is.

>Voice chat on a DS - no accessories required.
Yeah, no shit, it had a built-in microphone.

>defending nintendos retardation
aight then false flagging nintendo-baby

Yeah and every DS game was full of cheaters and hackers online.

Simmer down, incel.

Hunter's online was great. Too bad every Nintendo game that had online got flooded with cheaters

Holy shit, I just made another discovery about the DS. Did you know it had TWO screens while modern systems only have ONE? What went wrong, bros?

>Liam had a total meltdown because people told him to chill out over PlayAsia


>Liam "Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe aren't real" Robertson

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Well he's not wrong, they are very vocal about it on Twitter. I would hardly call that a meltdown.

I'm no fan of them but they're the only trustworthy place to import games at a cheap price so it's not going to stop me from using them.

The way Japanese companies handle online games works fine in Japan where most people have high speed internet and live close to each other. They just don't understand or don't care that the internet in the rest of the word does not work like that.

I avoid them not because of twitter drama BS I could give less of a shit about but because I've just had really shit experiences with them, like stuff taking over a month to arrive to getting charged $14 in import fees from Fedex for buying a fucking amiibo. I only really use them if I need jap PSN or eShop cards.

Amiami is probably the best site to get import games from since they're usually discounted.

>bringing up gamergate in 2019
How many years has it been since that shit died? It feels like years. Play Asia is pretty cool though.

Why are weebs on Yea Forums so wrong and retarded?
Japanese still use a lot of antiquated tech that most of the West, aka America, has abandoned for a while. Being glued to a fucking smart phone doesn't make you "tech savvy"
They haven't adopted central heating for a lot of their houses, they still file documents with fucking stamps, they still have a strong physical music CD following, there's less access for online store alternative (An American buying a bus pass online vs Japanese still having to physically buy one at a kiosk), most of them don't use PCs, they're glued to mobile and a lot of documentation is still done by paper, the shitty flimsy piece of dead tree that should have been replaced by digitized cloud storage for decades now.

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I suppose you'd say the same thing about the Holocaust. "It was years ago, get over it!" When people support a shameful thing, it's important to never let the world forget their shame.

>comparing some meme twitter movement to the holocaust
How fucking retarded do you have to be to unironically make a post like this.

gamergate was the holocaust of the internet being good

Right on, I'll check them out.

here's your (you)

Also, every office in the country still uses fax machines. I'd never even seen a fax machine until I went over there for work.

Smash online is dogshit, and it's the reason I stopped playing the game. You either play quickplay, and put up with wifi warriors and just shitty players in general, or you go to arenas where you have to wait in line to fight one at a time, and if you want to change ANYTHING, stage, character, fucking lobby music, you get booted to the back of the line and cant even spectate any more. Fuck Nintendo, I'm never buying another one of your goddamn games in my life

It's too bad Nintendo got scared of letting people use custom designs. I used some weird converter thing to make a pretty kickass picture of Batou from Ghost in the Shell as my Mario Kart DS picture.

imagine paying $20/year for the garbage nintendo offers now by comparison. imagine defending it. i'm glad i'm not a corporate bootlicker like nu-Yea Forums.

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Jesus Christ

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$20 a year is nothing. What are you, poor?

>mocks current year man for bringing up the current year
>someone mentions Gamergate


setting aside how anti-consumer paid online is on principle, nintendo doesn't deserve any money for offering a worse online service in 2019 than the one they offered for free on the ds in 2006.

How awful did the voice chat sound?

People still that asshurt over the DoAX3 tweet huh

Being OBSESSED with gamergate after 5 YEARS since it happened is not healthy in the slightest it wasn't some sort of life changing event and yet these people act like it is, its disturbing and absurd how much they treat this as some sort of landmark event that "mustn't be forgotten"


Nintendo introducing paid DLC was the last straw, for me. I was fooled by their image before

Its effects are still being felt to this day because the same people who participated heavily in Gamergate moved on to American politics.


Enjoy your russian hackers.

So when will Yea Forums be willing to play Metroid Prime Hunters online?

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Page 1, sentence 1, paragraph 2.

There's nothing funnier to me than bloggers treating gg like some 9/11-tier disaster that haunts them to this day.

The game is fun with friends when none of you knows what they're doing, but now that everyone knows how broken it is it wouldn't be that fun. Imperialist instant kills from the other side of the map thanks to mouse aim (while being semi-invisible too) are too OP.

Whoa... Didn't know those 60 years old magapedes were gamergators. Fuck those old men.

Steve Bannon literally recruited magapedes from former gamergators, your move.

Surely this is ironic shitposting. It's not about whether it's feasible but if they're asking price is worthy. Minor theft is still theft.

The one they offered for free was filled with hackers, Switch online is not. You're in denial if you don't think Switch online is better.

We went backwards because no one bot Hunters. Remember that when a company gets no sales for something, they try something different.

The same cancer who plague gaming are also SJWs/leftists in american politics themselves. Your point?

Let's conveniently forget that it was the Christian right like Jack Thompson and Fox News that was trying to get games like Mass Effect and GTA banned, but just because the "left" is bad you have joined your worst enemies. Honestly you people deserve all the suffering that comes to you. You are the architects of your own pain.

>Christian right like Jack Thompson and Fox News
That was like, what? 10 to 15 years ago? Meanwhile the current cancer in 2013+ comes from THE left. Everyone knows about it. Not only american.

all of those things also make it easier to rape kids

Just a bunch of thin skin faggots demanding everyone be nice

They're right on using CDs still. Streaming music fucking sucks.

As opposed to entitled gamers demanding journalists must give their game the correct review or suffer the wrath of the gamer gators.

>PlayAsia says "hey, who wants to buy DOA?"
>this counts as harassment
He also forgot to bring up drumf.

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>no one remembers that mario kart's partnership with mcdonalds were the first free wifi hotspots in the us

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it was fine, especially if you had a headset. Probably like an old cell phone but not as robotic

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Jason Schieir's self-victimization is fucking hilarious too.

Jason Schrier is an asshole

But Jason Schrier, in this case, did nothing wrong.

He heard a rumor.
He reported what he heard *as a rumor*, as all good reporters would do
Bethesda threw a shitfit.

Wiimmfi also works for Wii games as well

He's not a reporter, he's a publicist.
And it's not a good idea for publicists to piss off the people whose products they're advertising.

You could even transfer all your progress to the Wii U version, so really what was the point?

Every online service is filled with hackers, whether paid or not.

why does it even matter if he's blacklisted? Obviously he can get information whether they want him to or not.

He's a reporter

Publicists actually directly work for the company they're advertising for. Or have direct contracts. Neither Kotaku nor Schrier do.

Also, wasn't that the whole fucking point of GobaGaba? "Ethics in Game Journalism"? Now we have a guy who actually does the journalistically ethical thing, and we're giving him shit for it now?

It's literally due to poor English skills. The Japanese development community is completely isolated from the rest of the world. Most developers have a working knowledge of English so they can easily integrate new APIs, peruse original documentation, and engage with the wider community. The Japanese, on the other hand, are notoriously stubborn about something that literally every other nationality does without trouble. As a result, code written by Japanese devs tends to be filled with ugly hacks of questionable functionality (a good example are the leaked header files from Nintendo's official DS toolchain).

faxes are used all the time in America in health care.

Yes, we must never forget that Zoë Quinn made Trump the president by abusing her boyfried and cheating on him.

Times were better. Also jews didn't took over japan

Played the shit out of Hunters, can confirm, the online was fucking immaculate, and even blows some current games out of the water. Only thing gay is that Sylux was OP bullshit so you'd often just have two players dance around each other draining each other's health in a tug o' war for like 10 minutes straight

Never because everyone will be either be fucking people with Trace across the map all day via Imperialist or just running around spraying the unkillable god beam as Sylux and his shock coil

Alternatively, Oubliette ends up being played on, and that's where shit REALLY gets fucked, since one team can just dupe the Omega Cannon all day amd cycle out literal fucking team clears


Because Nintendo lost its touch and became greedy. Wii being so much of a success is what killed Nintendo forever.

It WAS years ago! Get over it.
When is the last time anyone but you thought about the holocaust? Just imagine: What is the most likely sentence you’ll hear on a day to day basis?

>I really wish I had a Fanta right now

>I really wish I had 6 million Jews right now

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>I really wish I had 6 million Fantas right now