Games that are comfy
Games that are comfy
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it may not have the best mechanics in the series, but for some reason this has always been my favorite
tomba 2
Both Megaman Legends, which I was reminded of because of the OP. There may be no comfier Megaman game in existence
why is hat girl in Megaman Legends?
why'd they make it such a pain in the ass to sell vegetables the only way to sell was on that outside shop right?
When nothing to play or everything is a drag - this game saves me every time.
Alien Isolation.
Wandering around in that retro futuristic environment.
Reminds me of Splinter Cell with all those glowing lights and humming computer monitors.
give this one a shot too op if you haven't already
only a couple hours and it took me out of a my miserable experience. The sequel is pretty good too! The plot isn't quite at the level of the first game and it gets kind of weird at the end but i feel its still a strong game in its own rights.
Oh and before getting to the sequel check out the free holiday themed mini episodes (their free!) they are about half an hour each and help fill in the lore
Why are low-poly games so comfy?
i honestly forgot. Haven't played it in years. Still remember most of the characters and plot points though.
I remember the farming got kind of tedious. But i really didn't play the game for the farming.
Yep, nothing comfier than a fucking Xenomorph chasing you around to kill you.
I know the game isn't that great, but something about it brings me back to it every so often. It's pretty broken and grindy but the music and how cool I felt using the powers was actually really nice.
The original was better. Moving to 3D looked way too ugly.
Now that I think about it, the Legends games might just be the prettiest 3D games of their generation.
for some reason i can't post images
its too the moon by the way
I cant play that game without my gf in the room, its the most stressful game ive ever played
I'm playing it for the first time and I'm early in the game.
Is it really that comfy? Every single time I hear about the game in Suda threads, I hear it has a great plot but some dreadful gameplay even compared to TSC games (even though SC doesn't seem that bad)
Top this.
>raining outside
>wrapped in a blanket
>warm coffee on beside table
>lights set to 50%
>playing stick of truth on the switch
Fuck this is amazing.
Personally my favorite one of Suda's early games but it's a love it or hate it experience. Lot's of rather pointless walking but I feel like everything it does is central to what it's going for.
I really want to but my moon speak sucks.
It's a walking simulator where you solve puzzles and the solutions to the puzzles are all in a brochure for the island you're staying at. You'll constantly jump back and forth between this is stupidly easy and this is frustratingly hard.
Did someone so comfy?
You didnt even have to farm, just plant bananas and turn those bananas into seeds and voila , best moneymaker in the game
they updated that on the PS4 version though , so bummer
low poly is supreme comfy, it brings a childlike playfulness with itself by default
Holy FUCK this is comfy
Tactics ogre
Final fantasy tactics advance
Hotel dusk
Thomas was alone
What dis?
This. Except Jagds. Fuck Jagds. But that's basically their purpose and they do it just right so they're okay too.
I love this game so much. Such great music and aesthetics. Just thinking of what it could have been had it actually been finished.
Every year or so I try modding and playing minecraft and always end up dropping it after a few hours but for some reason this time it finally clicked and I'm enjoying the autism.
This would be top comfy if it wasn't so stupid hard.
If this game had actually been completed and not undercooked entirely, I have no doubt it would've been fucking fantastic
I'm just pulling this answer outta my ass, but(teehee) low poly designs forces dev to actually punch some color and goddamn atmosphere into their games. With there being only an impresssion of real world objects in the game (stores, grass, clouds,etc) the devs have to try that much harder to make shit aesthetically pleasing to look at. They don't have the benefit of high graphical fidelity to carry them.
FF8 has some extremely comfy zones.
God I fucking love Dr Slump. I know what you posted was from the new anime though. I always go back and re-read the manga every couple years, and even though it's a gag manga it's still one of my favorites. The art and the jokes still hold up, and I feel like the country bumpkin theme the manga has occasionally transcends international barriers, I live in a small small town in the Midwest and there were some bits that were so relatable. I'm just rambling at this point but while I fucking love Dr Slump I really liked the Dragon Ball portion of Dragon Ball, and while I enjoyed it I never went crazy for the Z portion.
Thanks for reading my barely related to Vidya blog
Now that you mention it yeah Kirby 64 is really relaxing.
Perfect OST.
Enjoyable maps.
Simple but not too simple.
it's gorgeous, but that fucking loop is going to make me vomit
Nice Megaman Legends style there.
Also did they seriously make a Arale game?
Its because the lower resolution gives you enough information to know what your looking at but your imagination fills in the rest making it come to life to you.
Same idea behind why the Game boy Pokemon seem to look better than the newer games. Because the newer games present you with what the developers wanted you to see exactly it leaves nothing to the imagination you see exactly what it is which is unimpressive polygonal graphics with lackluster effects while a pixelated building thats suppose to be a laboratory allows you to imagine what the laboratory would look like to you and all the smaller details that matter to you.
love the OST, love the concept behind the battle system and the magic
this is one of those games i rented a lot and played through the first few hours a half dozen times
and the one time i loaded a save someone had really got far on, holy shit
why did the n64 have no rpgs on it? that layout controller was ass for action games
holy shit is this the OG version of ni no kuni
i always forget that exists and i need to play the ps3 game
Because it requires a brain to make properly and indie devs haven't ruined it like they did with their usual pixel "art".
What is it about PS1 low poly that's comfier than N64 low poly? And honestly in some ways aged better. I think it might be the pixely look the N64 lacks.
Yep, it's the lack of texture smudging. N64 games can also look pretty comfy if you remove the filtering in an emulator.
westernized "play it loud" type shit taking over at the time
all the rpgs quietly released on gameboy
I guess carts. The n64 was great for action games though. Well i guess, i dunno
Any examples? I can't imagine Mario 64 looking any good.
ps1 games looked better at the time but n64 games look better emulated
Didn't the NES/SNES have carts?
They had RPGs
why the fuck would i post an example when there is absolutely nothing stopping you from saying "yeah that looks like shit" no matter WHAT i post
Because you brought it up and it piqued my interest you fucking autist. Where is this aggression coming from.
PS1 popularized the cinematic meme
Because that public all went to playstation in Japan, and honestly they could do a way better job to continue with the SNES there than on N64.
The only rpgs I can think of in 64 are Tactics Ogre, Paper Mario and Quest 64.
Final Fantasy XII
that wasn't me
Check this out though
Nearest filter = insta-soul
Did they ever finish that translation?
Yes but people expected 3D games in the N64.
Must be some metal as fuck music shes listening to
Just listen to this soundtrack and tell me this is not the comfiest thing you have heard.
mml1 is my all time favorite game. pure comfy. another thing that's comfy about this look is that it has bright colors.
just destroying a fox cpu for a while is calming to me
>low poly
>pixel art
Final Fantasy VII
The overworld map music.
Wall Market
Golden Saucer
Chocobo breeding and racing.
Just don't go into the water.
is the game named low poly? or nah
Fucking pussy faggot fuck kys
Please don't needlessly filter games
You can say whatever you want about the story, I'ts shit, but the Kngdom of Radiata is still one of the most comfy places in video games.
s4 league
Its the n64 version dumny
eh, pixel art is fine, if pixel art is ruined to you it's primarily because of the volume of pixel art being produced nowadays.
Please don't post the n64 version. It needlessly filters the game.
I hate how tourney fags have tainted this game. For me it's peak comfy/ gameplay in terms of ssb
Physical copies are comfy
God, every time I see this game posted I want to play it so badly. I feel like playing it single player wouldn't be the best, but I have no friends that would want to play multiplayer, not that I have a GBA link cable anyways.
I'm thinking of just getting the Switch remake and playing online with friends, but the GC version still looks way comfier.
naming the obvious ones now:
Animal Crossing
Ace Attorney
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
Super Mario RPG
Banjo Kazooie
I love 3d pixel art like this
>3d pixel art
They need to out this on Steam like the Silver Case
both the n64 and ps1 version look comfy. the filtering doesn't matter, just the textures and models.
I looked up some pictures of Mario and Zelda but both Mario and Link stand out too much from the scenery.
I was pointing out the extremely high volume of pixel vomit like Celeste
Did you lose your space bar?
I cant see her without thinking of vinny now...
Same, but no gf
max difficulty, dark room and headphones
immersion makes my heart race
I wonder why Capcom doesn't make more sim games with the servbots. These little fuckers are a goldmine of good times.
Yea seriously, rayman rabid rabbits are bassicly them.
yeah accepting the pixels and treating textures as pixel art really went a long way. most games in this era tried doing "realistic" graphics and avoided flat textures like a plague. the result was really blurry/muddy textures that aged and looked like rotten milk.
this game still looks amazing due to the flat textures, you could inject the models into any modern game and i'm positive that the models would hold up just fine