
Attached: objective_ranking.jpg (2866x4390, 1.51M)

kill niggers and trannies


>nail biting subhuman
>opinion on anything


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nioh is good though

>Dark Souls 2
post invalidated

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>Gold watch

>fat nigga with ice on his wrist

No it isn't

What a fat fingered faggot.

I really don't get why people like Dark Souls 2.
It's just
It's a bad game.
And I can't even really say why, because literally everyone has been saying why for the last decade, repeating the same points over and over and over so I'll just sound like I'm a bandwagoner if I try.

And if you like it, then that's fine, that's your perogative, nothing really wrong with that.
But to prefer it over Dark Souls 1 and/or 3, I just don't get it man.

>being fat
lmao absolutely american

Literally the opposite opinion to me.

>those nails
>those sausage "fingers"
actual fucking yikes

>those disgusting nails

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what about sekiro

Nice opinion fellow friend, but you should know by now that only sony exclusives are true thumbs-up worthy entertainment products.

I can see that you were almost there though! Upon closer inspection I noticed a small miscalculation with the game entitled "DARK SOULS 2", which, for your information when creating future threads, is available on several platforms that aren't exclusively part of the playstation ecosystem as so defined by Sony. These platforms include the personal computer, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

I'm glad your keen eye sussed out the game that goes by "Nioh", too. Whilst at first glance, one might suspect it to be as well, an exclusive, for the Playstation, it becomes apparent soon that this is in fact a deception. The game was released at a later date on the personal computer, and without the necessary research, one could go their entire life without knowing this, thus mistaking it to be a game worth praising.

I'm glad you're almost there though. Keep up the good work.

Imagine having this level of shit taste.

Nioh is the best out of all of these.

>ugly spic that flaunts his capped paycheck in superficial, materialistic ways is a dark souls 2 and bloodborne fag with shit taste in both games and accessories
Makes a lot of sense

nice bait post, gonna copy it for future anti-snoy posting.

>Those nails
fucking gross

>fat creatura hates DaS1 and loves DaS2


>souls garbage

>shitskin opinions
o i am laffin

I don't prefer it over either of them but dark souls 2 is the only one I finished. It's a consistent mediocre, versus the high highs of 1 and 3, and the incredibly low lows that are so bad they made me not want to play them anymore.

Why are you guys calling him shitskin? That hand looks italian as fuck.

That's actually accurate. Now add Sekiro and flick it off

>fat midget mutt hand
nope he isn't

>not biting your nails
>using some pussy shit like nail clippers
low test

That's honestly why I think DS3 is the best one.

Because, like DS1, it has some extreme highs and extreme lows
But while the lows in DS1 are game ruiningly bad, the lows in DS3 are just mediocre.
While Farron Keep sucks, it's no Demon Ruins.

Nioh > other soulsborne games

>fat fingers
>shitty gold watch
>likes ds2

Good taste.

What is Nioh even doing here

>not liking Nioh
Absolute shit-tier taste you pleb. Nioh is fucking amazing.

Beautiful physical copies, I wish PC still got those.

>showing off your jewelry like a woman
What a mega faggot.

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women know nailbiters don't fuck for obvious reasons you fool

is OP persian or something? he seems off-white and is wearing a tacky watch and probably a blue button up

OP here
its not me

>dark souls 2

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your just as bad as that nigger

Because they don't want to taste the stale pussy juice under their nails?

>Letting your nails scratch the inside of your gf's vagina instead of cutting, then meticulously filing them down to bring her the most pleasure so she never wants to leave you
Very low test

>Not just having your mate jamall bang her with his big dick


>thumbs up for Dark Souls 2
Proving once again that niggers are subhuman

I don't think he black
His hand is whiter than me, and i'm brown

>half the replies in this thread is just insults at a fucking hand

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Does that trigger you, nigger?

I am asking him why is he not white

your middle finger is as fucked up as your tastes

It's obviously Joey Diaz.

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Nice meme