Can they get rid of this fucking rifle?

this is probably the most annoying fucking weapon in BF5.

Attached: RifleBoysAntiTankRifle.png (1024x313, 92K)


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You could just not play BF5.

How did you even know it was BF5?

Can they just get rid of the entire recon class? It has been nothing but pure cancer since BC2.

Its fine, it should just be moved from recon main to assault gadget because that was a stupid fucking decision.

you seriously can't be this much of a neanderthal

The best weapon currently is the M28 con Trombocino from the Medic
>Two-shot kill at almost any distance
>One-shot kill if you hit the head at closer range (not even the SLR of the recon class can do this)
>Grenade launcher to put pressure on the vehicles
>All the above while running around with infite health at your disposal
It's like the RCS from BF1 but even more powerful. I full expect Dice to nerf it very soon

>Playing BFV in the Current Year

Attached: 1558317574163.jpg (400x249, 18K)

>playing BFV in past year

Attached: 1515778278792.jpg (346x346, 36K)

>playing any BF post 2142

Attached: 1362858296477.gif (250x250, 993K)

glad I didnt buy bf5

I would unironically buy blops 4 before bf5

I would be playing 2142, if EA didn't C&D the revive servers

>adding the boys piece of shit and not one of the solothurn variants
the eternal anglo strikes again

Attached: Screen-Shot-2017-09-25-at-12.05.45-PM.png (1200x674, 616K)

See now there's your problem

Attached: 385188648.jpg (300x300, 24K)

It has atrocious bullet velocity though.

Mg42 awsome

Fuck you BF4 was awesome.


Attached: LanceWilson-GTASA.png (476x732, 328K)

>love BF5 since last month
>AT nigger weapon gets implemented
>every nigger with AT&T dial-up sits in a corner with this shit
>insta gibs you as soon as you turn the corner

kys DICE

Here's to hoping we get more exotic experimental weapons.

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Can they get rid of this BF5 thread?

zoooom zoom
>getting killed by stationary enemies