It's pretty fun. Way better than Prey.
It's pretty fun. Way better than Prey
I keep running out of ammo, and I'm not even trying to engage every civilian.
All of my runs end with me running away with an empty gun and dying because the only weapon I have are a bunch of bushwhackers.
I'm on depth 4 and it's pretty fucking hard. Lights out ships are fucking impossible.
I'm on the fence, looks cool but kinda repetitive. On the other hand i have 1,764 hours clocked in binding of isaac, but that's because every run feels fresh because of the synergies
Needs more enemy and ship variation, just beat the game and don't feel like doing an iron man run since I've seen everything at this point.
The enemy variety is fine you moron.
Steer towards ships that are all Tourist since they do all the work for you. If you have the HP to tank it, you can also go for ships with low level Janitors and Juves and just shrug the damage off, or ships that have 'Few' Screws. Sometimes the game defines that as literally just one. Don't underestimate the ammo loot upgrades either, I had the same problem with different weapons as I got more and more of those unlocked until I had a healthy supply from every ship.
Are there any mods? I want red blood
And they literally upgrade them to different colors at the harder depth, it's really boring.
You can conserve ammo on tourists just running past them fast and triggering their self destruct
looks pretty cool, the artstyle is appealing as well but
tough sell for a roguelite friendo
None yet. Chey and Farbs are open to the concept though so probably not the next patch (that's all going to be QoL, shit like disabling the white border for people worried about burn in and whatnot) but definitely down the line.
if you have SS2 on account they give a 25% discount coupon
This. If you liked Strafe for some reason then this is a must buy with the coupon. If you generally liked roguelikes and were okay with prey then you'll probably like this too. Otherwise wait for sale.
Why the comparison to prey? Haven't played that game yet.
Prey was inspired by SS2
when you guys compare this game to pray, is for the sp, or the dlc moonsomething?
probably the later
Best example of a modern immersive sim. Devs have gone on record and said it definitely influenced development (hell, Mick Gordon is literally Roth's idol in terms of sound design).
I meant prey*
so this is not an immersive sim, but a rouguelite trash, why the bait for ss2 users?
Similarities in core gameplay and level design
Jon Chey, creative lead of ss2 is at the helm. Standard fare of immersive sims: hackable turrets, patrolling mooks that are better to avoid than engage, security cameras, hell there's cargo sections that are pretty much designed to parallel the cargo section of ss2.
Chey is also, coincidentally, an embarrassed idiot who's too self conscious to plaster his name on the project.
will I enjoy this If I really enjoyed both prey and ss2?
it's pretty cool
looks and sounds very good, but the gameplay ain't enough for my taste
also suffers from shit like
>can't rebind mouse buttons
>menus dont operate with keyboard, gotta click everything
>weapons look like ass
>gets repetitive very fast
i like it but a few patches are needed
If you just want more of both (purely gameplay and not plot) then yes I'd say it's worth it. Full disclosure, I've been involved with the project a few times so I'm completely biased here, but even I can admit that 30usd makes this not an advisable purchase for everyone.
>Full disclosure, I've been involved with the project a few times so I'm completely biased here,
for real? what did you do?
its 7.5 in shitlanistan without the discount, I guess like 6 with it
I just realized all levels are flat and there's no verticality aside from a few mild slopes
Friend of one of the devs, run their discord (he does it for free!) as a favor in return for getting the occasional dev build and a steam key on release.
it was done by the same "team"
it just needs bigger ships
I think the level sizes are alright, it needs verticality. Remember the tense moments with elevators and gravshafts in SS2. It also ads another level of freedom (avoiding enemies above/below them)