Get to a really emotional scene in a game

>get to a really emotional scene in a game
>spic neighbors are blasting music in one of their weekly parties again

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Go out and have sex. Creepy incel racist bastard.

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>Someone interrupts you during an emotional scene
>Get so mad that even afterwards you can get invested again because you're still thinking about how pissed you are that they fucked you up in the first place

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>not joining the party for a fun time and possibly a chance of Maria's pussy
Shame on you, user

>emotional scene
>in a game
I feel sorry for you, since you play terrible "games"

>play video games
>have a hard time focusing because you can hear children playing outside

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stop being a sissy faggot and join the party
maybe you get to fuck a cholita

>get to a really emotional scene in a game
>parents are blasting Big Bang Theory reruns upstairs

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>living near spics

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Mine did too, including fucking despacito

>average white male

Do mexicans have a name for their disruptive fellow mexicans? Like chupacabra or something?


>feeling emotions are bad

Call the cops on em, someone will get inevitably get gunned down in the scuffle.

>Live in California or Arizona
>Live in California or Arizona


aren't these children?

They're cups.


>pinches monos ruidosos hijos de la verga

Depending on their social status and skin color
>brayans and kevins
>mirreyes (not that disruptive but annoying)
I can't remember of any other right now but I'm sure there are more

>live in comfy rural area
>neighbours are all old white coupled
>everything is peaceful and serene
>can't remember the last time i didn't have a good nights sleep
Get fucked city fags. This is the future you chose.

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Woah dude, you're so cool for not feeling emotions. Are you 14?

Improve yourself.


Why are kids so fucking loud? Small girls with their high pitch screaming is annoying as fuck. I'm trying to sleep here.

you'd be hard pressed not to. they pollute most of the united states nowadays. either that or really ethnic muzzies. usually both though

Half of the USA was Mexico.

They're drawings.

God, I hate this.

haha, yeah annoying, that's what I meant

i wish an illya poster would be my mom

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>get to a really emotional scene in a game
>mom barges in saying its time for dinner
i said 5 more minute damn it
this happened when watching kanon 2006 right at the makoto scene

Did the music stop like twenty minutes? If so then that's my party and I'm turning it back on.

Depends on how black or native they look.

epic sick kaguya twitter meme dude


Sorry, I can't relate, I live in a neighborhood with well adjusted people. In fact, my neighbor is an attorney.

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are u sperging out or something

>have neighbors that do this
>don't really mind since they aren't that loud
>man of their house also shot an urban youth that was going to rob my place so they're pretty based
Could have filed charges against them for that but I'm not a bitch.
Having neighbors that stay up til 3 am has it's perks.

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>feeling emotional for his toys for children
not a robot, also not pathetic

Fuck off you racist bigot and embrace diversity.

Not him but I knew what you meant.

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Here's your BGM for that kino cutscene.

Then you're the annoying whitetrash your neighbors have to deal with


shut off the game or deal with it gringo

Leave racist messages on their porch like burning bags that say spic on it. Do something to yourself to avoid suspicion. If they have a dog buy a dog whistle and then call in a noise complaint

>Cunny fights against child abuse
This is some Hellboy tier fight-against-destiny shit

>tfw neighbour starts drumming again

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>He wasn't cool enough to be invited to the spic party

Lmao'ing @ ur life kid.

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>live in a fraternity house
>neighbours call the cops on our parties
As someone in the other side I'll just say this: get some headphones. Cops will not help.

>Be spic
>Chad cousin invites me to parties all the time because he feels bad for me
>Get to suck some older girls tits there
I miss those times

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