The absolute state
The absolute state
that's literally every company in the last 10 years, where the fuck have you been, user?
its just pandering who cares. if anyone unironically thinks these big corporations even give a fuck about pride month are deluding themselves
why do they need to pander to these fucking faggots
why can't they stay in their gay corner
we should just pretend they don't fucking exist so they go away
Xbots are so fucking pathetic lmao
Beautiful! Happy (and proud!) to be a member of the amazing LGBT community. :)
Grow up.
t. ranny
Isn't it time to dilate your wound?
What does this mean for E3?
Hi ResetEra
Newfag here, has Yea Forums always been a cesspool of /pol/ rejects or is this a result of "current events?"
Keep crying little one
There will be more gays in video games and you can’t stop that
top comments if anyone is interested
Lol I thought it was common knowledge that Phil Spencer was a flaming faggot.
REMINDER you're still a virgin if you've only been with the same sex
Post 2016/gamergate.
shut the fuck up
don't @ me faggot or i'll fuck you in the ass so hard you'll vomit my cum
Cringe Nintendo. Sony is #4theGaymers
Yea Forums is full of /pol rejects unless you go to small boards like /p/ or /gd/.
how does the gay mafia do it
>tfw suck 1000 cocks but still a virgin
Yea Forums was always against this sjw bullshit, but you are a newfag, so little you know.
Probably just relates to Gears 5, I hope that's not a feminist agenda, I really hope but I believe it will be, the rest of their games should be fine.
>over 6 thousand likes
based as fuck
>the normalfags aren't completely falling for it
there's still a little bit of hope
ohnoohnoohno the absolute state of /pol/tards lmao
post more of the cat bug girl
pretty based if you ask me
They're already on the list
Meanwhile last of us 2 has a dyke and big nosed jew and nobody complains. Also a tranny parade and rainbow console.
Pretty fucking based if you ask me
Lol imagine being upset with gay people in 2019.
Why is every American company dominated by faggots now? Is there something in the water?
This just proves it, I'll be happy when Matt Booty takes his job again and the sand nigger CEO gets replaced by a white guy again.
beautiful. the heart of xbox live is still beating
It's pure virtue signaling for $$$
There's always people complaining about that shit on here don't even lie user
>hating faggots means you're /pol/
>boohoo we're so oppressed
>excuse me you're being a bit annoying
yes and ????????
They gotta hate someone, need to feel superior somehow, it's not like they have any accomplishments to feel good about.
You're more than a bit annoying
I'm sick of mentally ill trannies on social media and discord
you're just mad cause you fap to little boys and traps
Ignore the doge, just focus on the text.
but fags don't even buy games because they're too busy spreading aids at their local bar
does it really work?
kino in the truest from
You're the irrelevant minority now user
Why do /pol/tards get triggered so easily?
Because this place is full of Snoy Eurofags and they will defend them no matter what.
seething get fucked its pride month faggot you better get used to it
its pandering to help their bottom line. Microsoft doesn't give a shit about gay people beyond the fact that they have money and MS wants it. Exploiting retards is just good business.
Yeah, being exposed as tyrants while you masquerade as the underdog is probably pretty annoying.
It'd make a nice small size pin, i guess.
Not for gay pride though, just a normal pin.
Yet Yea Forums manages to be one of the gayest boards
I don't know, you watch like Super Bowl ads or whatever, they're all like this now.
I can only assume there's some market research somewhere that says the 18-34 or whatever crowd really wants to know the corporations from which they purchase products like gay people.
Why don't you take your /pol/ shit back to /pol/ where it belongs, retard?
Based nintendo
Yes cause if they showed any less support then (((gaming journalists))) would trash them incessantly
Yeah it does
Ironically, people like you are why we have gay pride month
Yes Discord Tranny, fuck off and Dilate somewhere
>and nobody complains
How new?
yeah well no one cares about Nintendo apart from beta men
sounds about right
Assuming only pol hates faggot.
>Lol imagine being upset with gay people in 2019.
>Unironically using the "it is [current year]" argument
>>excuse me you're being a bit annoying
Yes, this is what's happening, not constant calls for them to be gassed or hung or killed.
Xbox 360 kids still toxic as ever