neet gamer only thread, no wagies allowed
Neet gamer only thread, no wagies allowed
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Lol he cant treat himself and buy anything he wants.
real Americans need to go to work
the drugs i sling dont count as employment
Sorry, I just bought my way into this thread with my wages.
what games did you play today my fellow neets
for me, it was rabi-ribi and outer wilds
pirated darkest dungeon earlier this week, I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
Playing Baba is you
Just applied for NEETbux so i can use all the wagies hard earned tax dollars to buy whatever i want. Stay mad wage slaves
Slinging your cum crusted laundry for your elderly mother to wash isn't slinging dope.
Imagine living in your parents house sitting on your computer all day coping with depression.
Imagine never getting a gf, friends and having your entire family be ashamed of you.
Fucking NEETs you guys have it terrible. Although to be fair 5 day a week wage cucks have it even worse than you.
I'm a 12 hour shift 3 day a week masterrace here. I work M, W, F, wake up at 6:15am and get home by 7:50pm, stay up until 2am because I have the no work the next day and wake up the next day at 9. It feels nice have 4 days off a week and actually being able to live independently and have a qt azn gf.
OP btfo
reporting in
MG Survive is neet aproved
what job do you have
that's not something to be proud desu...
wagie here, 46~ hrs a week on average
how do I become neet
Based and fuck neets
Move back in with your mommy and daddy and accept permanent virginity and depression
21 y/o lonely neet reporting in
OR room nurse and I love it. I pretty much spend 10-15 minutes a day at most dealing with patients and spend 40-50+% of my shift sitting on my phone behind the computer reading manga, playing games, and browsing 4channel while the doctors operate. The pay is pretty good too, 23 and I've only been working for a year and I'm already making 40 an hour.
>tfw 3 month neet before uni starts up again
My dad is dead and my mom lives out in middle of nowhere, Arizona with no internet and generator electricity.
I assume you had to get a degree for it though right?
>finally got my driving license after years of putting it off
>no more excuses left, neet life about to come to a close
how the fuck do i get neetbucks. i tried to talk to my therapist about it but she said i need "years of qualification and proof of mental illness" bitch is gatekeeping. i dont wanna be a wagecuck what do i do
28 y/o pseudo-neet reporting in. I'll won't fall for the vaginal jew.
Yes a bachelors. Although you can get your associates and do it do, but you'd make less pay and when you get hired you'd have to go back to college to complete your bachelors. But if you go the associates route and go back to school after your hired you only have to take 1 class a semester and the hospital will probably pay for all of it.
Hello neet bros. Getting back on neetbux next week. Feels good man
>join military
>get abused for 4 years
>get out
>cry a lot
>cry to therapists
>cry endlessly
>get 4,000$/month for the rest of your life for crying
Fire emblem conquest
The NEETbucks thing on Yea Forums is literally a meme, I hope you understand that if you aren't memeing as well.
I really dont want to be a neet how to I get a decent job so I can move out already I'm willing to go to college if I have to
nah, i have a friend, albeit in aussie land where im an american, who lives on his own, doesnt work at all, plays video games endlessly for a living and doesnt have to worry about paying for anything. the government provides, and i am jealous
>be neet
>have neet friend
>play ultimate chicken horse for hours while other people are busy working
feels good to be free
Weekend only bartender myself, having 4 days off in a row every week is the life
I think you've just converted a neet to your ways
thanks user
>tfw unironically autistic
Can I get neetbucks?
americasharts only qualify for welfare if they're black or women. depressed white men are expected to kill themselves or shoot up schools and shit.
>depressed white men are expected to kill themselves or shoot up schools and shit
or both in some cases
I'm in the military right now. Does this actually work
Then go to college or community college, get your bachelors or associates, and become an OR nurse. Being a 5 day a week 40 hour wagecuck is honestly worse than being a NEET. I had to do that when I was training and I hated my life, but now that I'm on 12 hour shifts 3 days a week I'm much happier and I'd rather do this than be a NEET by far.
Maybe it's different in Australia, I can't speak for them but it's not possible here in America. And if you do somehow get NEETbucks enjoy living in a shitty old apartment building full of spics and niggers in a dangerous crime ridden city because that's the only place you'd be able to afford with NEETbucks.
You're welcome, but to be honest with you nursing school is hard so be prepared to study a lot. And if you decide to work in the OR it's also a lot to learn. It's not easy but it's worth it. 3 12 hour shifts (and the good pay and benefits) was the only reason I chose this and it's worth it, I could never go back to working 5 days a week I'd literally rather be a NEET even if it meant moving back into my parents house and losing my qt azn gf.
Yes it does; i'm a USMC vet and i don't do it but my brother does and i know lots of vets who do
example real case of a guy i know;
>served 4 years in usmc
>never deployed
>got out, went to VA, filed disability with huge list of problems ,mental issues, physical problems
>they disqualified like 90% of his claims
>he cried and whined and complained until he won some stuff
>got 90% disability for 'depression' and joint pain
>never proven any actual injury
>gets nearly 2000$ a month for the rest of his life
>has no reason to actually be getting paid
>he laughs about it constantly
>they have never checked on him since his approval
well, might as well get to that then
Are these the same people who complain about welfare leeches?
Shiiiit what about the usaf? It's piss easy and i've never been deployed. Also, why haven't you filed for disability? Just curious.
take the sweat pledge pill, you disgusting subhumans. mommy won't pay for you to spend every day waking up at 2pm, eating, shitting, fapping and sleeping forever
I only know how American NEETbux works but having said that, it's the SSA's decision on the basis of your ability to earn substantial gainful activity, not her principles. There's literally nothing stopping you from applying for SSI online right here, right now. If her or another therapist have ever given a diagnosis for autism spectrum disorder or severe anxiety, it's in your medical record and admissible evidence. They'll mail you release forms to sign and send back that give them permission to look into that kind of stuff. Try not to mention it to your therapist again, because she sounds spiteful and might make a note of you trying to game the system. It's none of her business whether you get SSI or not. The SSA's job is to allocate means-tested programs to those who need it, and it's her job to give you therapy.
Anyway, I hear a lot of people having a hard time getting SSI, but on the basis of mental illness I was accepted in 3 months flat which is the absolute bare minimum per policy. The kinda things the SSA will be looking to is trouble attending school, receiving therapy/diagnoses/medication, a lack of higher education/work history, missing life milestones like learning to drive, etc. Mind you, SSI ain't exactly high living. You can expect $550–750 of cash a month (depending on your living situation), an inability to have more than $2,000 around the time you receive your next payment lest they penalize you, Medicaid (might come with dental depending on the state), a cheap smartphone and free mobile plan with something like Safelink, and a SNAP card with up to $192 a month for groceries (again, depending on your living situation and household income).
Ideally, you'll want to upgrade to DAC SSDI like Chris-chan which is life on easy mode, but that's where things get tough. Not only do you need a rock solid case for disability, but strong evidence from the 18–22 period, and a parent with a good work record who's disabled/retired/deceased.
I want be a neet again
Being a wagecuck, more specifically a retailcuck is soul crushing and awful
stormworks is fucking hard,how do you build ships that don't capsize if you go too fast?also fuck wagies and jannies.
Does that really work? Because I really dont want to be in college for 4 years
What went wrong in your life that you're stuck working retail?
>I'm in the military right now. Does this actually work
Not a Militaryfag but this girl I used to work with would drool about this guy who used to be a police officer. Apparently he was in a high-speed chase that turned into an on-foot chase. Dude somehow hurt his back or something and is getting like roughly 2K - 4K dollars a month and now he's living the life of starting his shitty rap career.
Well, I actually have a well paid job and I own a flat. I still feel sad and lonely.
...Can I come in?
bitch i work for a living and still live in a nigger complex in a ghetto area. you mean i could have thaat same living situation and not work? fuck yeah
Can only speak to the folks i know and vets i know personally and their stories, but no. Generally the vets i know receiving disability don't give a shit about welfare, or politics in general. They love their 2A though.
Won't lie, I love me some guns too. It's kind of a marine cultural thing.
Pretty sure VA policy is the same for all branches/DoD-wide.
The basic policy is 'supposed to be' the following;
>You can file disability for literally anything
>only things proven 'service connected' get 'approved'
>you file your claim
>va reviews it
>they approve or disapprove things like a checklist
>they send back your approval as a %, like 10-20-30%
>you agree or appeal; if you agree, you get that % of disability forever monthly
>its exponential, its not evenly scaled. 10% is like 100$/month, and 100% is like 4,000. 90% is like 2000. so on. it scales harshly. 100% is mostly guys with missing limbs and shit
but reality is, its all kinda dogshit because the VA advocacy groups try to convince you to file as much as you possibly can justify because the VA is the other way; the VA will deny as much as they can, nobody is trying to be 'fair' about it. The VA/Gov't will try to save as much as possible and deny as much as they can, so you are encouraged to play the other way and fight for as much as you can.
>Why haven't you filed for disability
Because i don't believe in misusing the taxpayers like that. I signed up post 9/11 to serve, and I feel like receiving freebies from the tax pool is a betrayal of that service. I don't believe in leeching, i'd rather earn what i have.
>contract job ends in a week and I’ll have to face NEETDOM again
I honestly don’t want to go back to the NEET life, I already had to suffer through it for almost 2 years and it was boring as fuck.
I'm young. It's just temporary until I go back to university
Still sucks though
>how the fuck do i get neetbucks. i tried to talk to my therapist about it but she said i need "years of qualification and proof of mental illness" bitch is gatekeeping. i dont wanna be a wagecuck what do i do
Don't talk to your therapist about it or ANYONE about it. Literally anyone will talk you down out of it just like 90% of the time. Just apply online and they do the rest and they look up your work and medical history. They'll see if you have a history of it.
What about PT failures? I've had a few. Could I say I got depression from it? It's all I got going for me.
Enjoy taking it up the as when you get thrown in prison
I've been a neet for so very long, I've been hikki and mentally ill and retarded and worthless. But my first day of school is in august where I will force myself to get good grades. I think if I fuck this up my dad would actually kick me out and I'll grow more hopeless and suicidal than ever before.
Yes you can get your associates in nursing but you'll be paid less and have a harder time finding a job, and when you do you'll have to re-enroll to get your bachelors, but like I said the hospital will probably pay for it and you can take a class a semester so it won't be as bad.
Also if you already have a bachelors, most schools with a nursing program offer an accelerated program where you can get your nursing degree in a year of basically non-stop schooling. Although that one year will be hell on earth because all you will have time for is school and studying.
Ya you could if you could actually get NEETbux, easier said than done. Just curious what do you do for a living that all you can afford to live in is a nigger complex?
Is there any way I can realistically make a living with art?
How do I get 'tism diagnosed? Does it cost anything? My parents never took care of it, because they were afraid I wouldn't get to own a gun some day.
>Because i don't believe in misusing the taxpayers like that. I signed up post 9/11 to serve, and I feel like receiving freebies from the tax pool is a betrayal of that service. I don't believe in leeching, i'd rather earn what i have.
You're nothing special literally you and your mother has this mindset. AKA Normies.
No unless you're extremely lucky. 1% of artists make a living with their art, the other 99% work at starbucks and cry about their student loan debt.
MY ex girlfriend drew the shittiest art. The reason why she made under the table bucks was because she drew porn. If you can draw and do porn you can make money
You could say whatever you want, i know guys with no injuries, no issues, no ptsd, who claim all of the above and just cry and argue and whine at psychiatrists the DoD/VA pays for and eventually get disability ratings. If you're willing to cry enough, youll get money.
I didn't say I was special and I don't need or want your approval or high fives. I explained my motives, zoomer. The world doesn't revolve around a social collectivist approval axis no matter how much you think it does. Go suck down some starbucks you fucking faggot.
try to get an internship or something related to your major bro
based parents
Maybe if youre good at making digital art. A site like redbubble could be good for you
vote yang if you want your neetbux
Technically not a neet because I'm finishing off a course, but I haven't had a job since 2016 and the lifestyle has worn pretty thin. Over the past year it's been okay because I've actually been doing shit, but 16 months of doing nothing really fucked my self esteem.
>Putting a non white in power
Ew no
Get a job kid.
Even a shit wage one like mine can give you a roof over your head after your family throws you out.
>I didn't say I was special and I don't need or want your approval or high fives.
You have so much pride faggot. "I DUN WANNA TAX MUH DOLLARS BECAUSE IMMA SERVE MUH COUNTRY" fuck off retard.
Thanks, bro. As soon as I get discharged I then officially have high functioning autism and depression.
Is undergraduate count as NEET?
You dont know my mommy she will do exactly that hehehe
I was a retailcuck for a few months and it was awful. Thankfully I've redirected and I'm putting myself in a position where I should be able to have office jobs. I just don't have it in me to deal with people.
back in the cage