3x3/4x4/etc. Thread

Guess something about the poster.

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Are these monthly? No way someone plays all 16 or even 9 different games a week right?

I guess you like to take your time and sink into a long game.

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They aren't.

All time. Though nothing stopping you from making it genre or gen themed.

the sanctity of this place has been fouled

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These are my favorite games that I've played over the past year or two.

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I'll just post my top 10 because why the fuck not.

1. Postal 2
2. Half-Life
3. Half-Life 2
4. Blood
5. Duke Nukem 3D
6. Redneck Rampage Rides Again
7. Redneck Rampage
8. Shadow Warrior (1997)
9. Deus Ex
10. The Last Eichhof

I'm just gonna post this version for the heck of it since I made it.
Decently social with a few old friends.
Bit of an odd ball.
I always like Smash, but I've never really considered it a favourite. Played a bunch of D3 years ago and had fun, but I think I'm done with the game.
Good lord you like FPS games user.

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OP here
9/9 you like weird stories
9/9 you don't play a skate game since a lot of time
6/9 don't like sunset overdrive, hate diablo3 with a passion, not a smash guy.
you look like a positive person.
9/9 we are polar opposites in tastes, but its ok.


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Is the recently released remake of Pathologic an acceptable substitute for the original?
Sunset Overdrive really surprised me. I wasn't expecting much going in, but it was a lot of fun.

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>you don't play a skate game since a lot of time
I literally played it this morning. It's not that it's a skateboarding game, that's all gnarly and well tho. Tony Hawk is a game of speed and balance.

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>Is the recently released remake of Pathologic an acceptable substitute for the original?
I haven't had the chance to play 2 yet. I've heard good things and intend to though, probably next month. It doesn't have the Bachelor or Changeling character paths yet so if you want to play all three paths you'll need classic. Or just wait until 2 releases all three.

I like video game characters more than actual video games.

twitch front page/10, bonus for grim fandango

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Be honest with me, Yea Forums, would you be able to make your own top 100 favorite games list?

I'd lose interest after the first 20.

Probably not, maybe if I were to have multiple entries from the same franchise.

Probably. Half would likely end up just being semi decent games I happened to remember at the time but yeah.

>remember at the time
why is everyone living in the past with these grids.

If I can have multiple games in the same franchise, yes. If not, no.

Why and how would you put games you can't remember on a list of 100 great games?

Big Huge Labs only lets you have a maximum of 36 pictures.

Honestly, user, sometimes I think I haven't even played 100 games

Just talking generally. I can see it on most everyone's grids. Not wanting to display games they actively play and instead fill the grids up with games they played ages ago. Not that i'm saying there's anything wrong with older games of course, a lot of these games are just one and dones with little to no replay value.

All time favorite games.

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My bad. I assumed your reply had anything at all to do with my post and what you quoted from me.

The thread is there.

>Dragon's Dogma

user, that's an incomplete game.



>a lot of these games are just one and dones with little to no replay value.

Not every game needs to have replay value though, I think it's fine that some games are "one and done".

9/10, couldn't get into half-life 2.

I don't think I've even played 40 games to completion, let alone 100, I own and play a lot of games but rarely finish them.


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>Not wanting to display games they actively play
This is a list of favourites, not games you actively play, they are not the same thing.
>a lot of these games are just one and dones with little to no replay value.
If you enjoyed the damn game it's replayable, it doesn't need to be different. It's cool if games have things you can do differently, but to suggest anything else is never worth replaying is total bollocks.

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They are the same thing, you'd just rather display yourself living in the past and lampshade everything as recommendations.

+Super Metorid, Mega Man X, Final Fantasy X, Gears of War, Burnout, Metroid Prime, Fear, Halo, Star Fox 64, Mario Kart 64, Final Fantasy 7, DKC, Dark Cloud, Modern Warfare, Tetris, Super Mario World
-OoT, Vice City, Max Payne, Chrono Trigger

+Super Mario 64, Snake Eater, Jet Set Radio
-Crash 2, Silent Hill 2, Sonic Adventure 2, Resident Evil 7

Whats the easiest way to play Skies of Arcadia nowadays? I really want to play it.

+Pokemon, Dark Souls, Dragon's Dogma, Halo 3
-WoW, LoL, Runescape

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>not Half-Life 2

Did you seriously play The Last Eichhof? You might be the only other person on Yea Forums that knows that game.

Nigga, everyone's played The Last Eichhof.

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Dolphin my friend

Too tired to make more than 3x3.

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They're a meme anyway. Good shit here lad.

Can I have titles for this pls? Besides of RoR, Sonic and hotline.

this guy has good taste

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I can't tell if this is supposed to be mocking or not.

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Masy Skelter Nightmares, Bayonetta 2, Azure Striker Gunvolt, Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment, Blaster Master Zero, and IA/VT Colourful are the others in order, left to right, top to bottom.

whats that supposed to mean?

Thanks IGN!

I should redo mine, but this will do for the moment.








13/13 best in the thread

I could, but it'd be a waste of time.




7/7 nice taste

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Am i Yea Forumseebs enough?

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>Arx Fatalis
My nigga.

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"Anything made after I became an adult sucks"

This but unironically.