>It's not about 3 second TA times! It's about having fun with your weapon! It's still viable!
Can FagAxe mains be any more pathetic?
It's not about 3 second TA times! It's about having fun with your weapon! It's still viable!
TAutists are delusional, you'll never come close to Jap God players who regularly hit WRs on hunts.
So why bother trying? You're never going to spend the time and effort to get as good, you're just going to grind out a set, powersaves/cheat some perfect charms, do one hunt, die, quit and the come into online forums and shitpost about how you're a god at video games.
Post your Azure Thunderbolt Astalos proofs or fuck off shitter
Honestly, monhun is for fags mostly. Everyone I know that plays it doesn't lift weights or do anything cool
hello LSweeb
Lifting is for delusional dudes that think it will change their lives. It doesn't. I've seen it in real life no less than 20 times. Enjoy your beer belly in a few years.
I've been swole my whole life breh, been lifting for 10 years.
Huh? What was that? Sorry TAutist I can't you spreging out about complete a hunt 3.35 of seconds faster over the sound of me blowing the monster to fucking pieces with my sword, that's also an axe
Guy who literally can't never and will never make it.
Made it. Living in my dream state, married, and I own land. You can't beat it.
I’m swole and just started playing MH world. Not sure what to think of it yet
I own land, a proper business, I'm swole, and fuck bitches on the reg. You came close user, but like Icarus, to close to my Sun.
SA is one of the least used weapons. You're either a self hating SAfag or someone who got ass blasted by a SA user.
imagine playing japanese cod competitively
I know exactly what the type of people that post shit like this, on Yea Forums, are actually like. Go be a faggot on /fit/, spending hours a day "mirin'" that male physique. Nice gyno, btw.
SA is a mid tier weapon at worst and has average Behemoth solo times. Its also not very popular. It's one schizophrenic tyranny making these threads once a week.
Congrats for existing and being a weak regular human I guess lol?
Alchemy SA master race
>you can't beat being out of shape
You can, easily
How? You've never met any. Also, I've never posted on /fit/ because I was into fitness before I was into Yea Forums.
>Larping this hard
come on fellas no one's impressed with telling lies on the internet
Of course you'd have this saved, just like that other guy, you're trying to inflate your existence with trivial things like "being swole" and using hyperbole about your actual lives on Yea Forums of all fucking places. No one here is the heroic god of self improvement they tout themselves as. Head back to /sig/ and posts charts of books you've never read.
Why do they keep bringing back shit monsters when we already have superior versions out there? Hell the entire piscine catagory should be replaced with leviathan monsters as they are miles better to fight.
Deviljho needs to go and stay go. Glavenus is superior. Hes a good boy but fuck me is his fight awful.
Said the little faggot who has no ambitions save for owning a piece of land and getting married to some hog. Sad really
TA's are separated by weapon you fag you non-TAfag
>Hates pickle
>Loves t-rex
Fuck you and everything you stand for
I play with Flinch Free and Health Boost 3. I've given up on actually min/maxing. Survival and convenience is more important.
Dude i love pickle and all he stands for but his fight needs to go.
Hes way too fucking autistic and just dances around making it annoying to hit. Combine that with the inflated healthpool its just painful to fight.
Hell id even take duramborous. At least you can consistently hit him.
Small crown deviljho are slightly better to fight but fuck king crowns.
Official new move teir list coming through
>stylish as fuck tier
>even tootier teir
>boring but probably strong tier
>absolutely cucked tier
People will bash you for Flinch Free but Vitality+3 is a very standard and good thing to keep on.
Anyone who tells you running vitality3 is 'bad' are lying dipshits who think they're JP speedrunners.
Not getting OHKO'd is better effective DPS than getting carted with a potential 10 second faster optimized perfect run.